HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement Planning&Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division fog 2300 Virginia Ave Fait Pierce,Fl.34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-W3 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT 0 t 3-J013 ADDRESS: 6 L4 ) 9 -Pr' BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: �ers PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: 021vici--A - PEST CONTR& LICENSE #: "-7`7 We,the undersigned,hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest control Association. .5 I L1,56 t P Square feet if area treated: Chemicals used: 'tea sine/ Percentage.of solu * n; 06 f Total gallons used: Date of Treatment: Time of Treatment: Footing 1`Treatment —I-"Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat Driveway, ----200ls Treatment V'T reatment Re'-Treat —Re-Treat Other—1 . —Perimeter for Final Inspection Treatment —P-4-Treat Signature of ederminater Note: More must be a completed form for each required treatrn mtarre-treatmentar?d thIs form mustbe on the job I site to be pfaedup by the Inspector at tfrne of each tispertbn or the scheduled inspection will fall and a-re-InspecUolt fee charged. FEC104.2.6 CeMficate offttective TfwWxylt forprelfentfon of termites. A weather-resistant jobsfte posting board 1 shdl be provided h7 receive duplicate Treatment ayVfkafag as esdi rvqv1radpro&wffve treabnent is completed, providing a copy for the pawn the permit&&Ued to and anoffier copy for the bullding permit ffles. The Treatment Cerbffraba shall provide the product used,identity of the applicator,bbre and date of the ftatrnwt,site lccatkn,area treated, chemical used,percent concenftdon and number of gallons used,to establish a veffai7le record of protective&-alment ifthe mil chemical barrier method for femftepr8vRntfoi7 S use,gnat exterior treatment shall be completed pilor to final bulla7ng approval. St Lucie Courity requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Stidoer to be Placed on the electric4panal box cover,IlAing all the treatments and dates of application&