HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering ii WIND LOAD DESIGN OF HAPCO ROUND TAPERED ALUMINUM LIGHTING POLES HAPCO CAT. RTA12B5AE, 19' OAH, 12';MH PROJECT: SAVANNA CLUB GATE ENTRY, ST. LUCIE COUNTY,FL DESIGN CRITERIA: 2014 FLORIDA BLDG. CODE WIND VELOCITY: 160 MPH February 16, 2016 Prepared By: Dennis M. Patrick, PE 3 828 Bowfin Trail \`��`''!! !! ! �i,� Kissimmee, FL 34746 \\\S.M.P T FL PE#40465 0 407-350-5373 No. 40465 � J _ Submitted By: Y illi ' /f to ll�o fY= Precision Outdoor Lighting, Inc � p STATE or [ /vZ 3832 Shipping Ave.! ."zoRIDP.• ' ` Miami, FL 33146 as� '••...... iW\ I'. I �i ' II DESIGN CALCULATION INDEX SHEET Design Calculations of HAPCO RTA12B5AE, 19' OAH, 12' MH Savanna Club Gate Entry, St. Lucie County Description Sheet Hapco Pole Wind Load Calculations 1 Embedment Design Calculations 2 I i Date: 2/16/2016 I. I' Prepared by: /// /���, Dennis M. Patrick, PE 3828 Boffin Trail Kissimmee, FL 34746 FL PE 40465 Phone: 484-252-1167 No. 40465 "I K LO ° STATE OF I I Design Calculations of HAPCO RTA12135AE, 19' OAH, 12' MH Savanna Club Gate Entry,St. Lucie County General Data CHECK DESIGN OF POLE AT BASE 2/16/2016 Fixture C.G.Height (ft) 11.5 Sheets 1 Of 2 Length of Arm (ft) 0.5 Arm Height cg= 11.5 ft Number of Fixtures 1 Area of Fixture (f?)=EPA 1.20 Double Side drilled mounted @ 180-degrees Weight of Fixture (lb)=DL 35.0 Wind Speed Vult(mph) 160 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE Figure 1609A Shape Factor of Pole=Cd 0.70 Round h/D= 18.0 <25 Cd= 0.70 Height Factor,Kz arm&fixtures 0.85 0.85 Pole ASCE 7-10 for 0'to 15' Arm EPA 0.0 Included in fixture EPA Effect Factor,G, 0.85 Support Member Data Size 5.0"x 3.0"x 0.125"X 12.0'AG,19'OAH 6063-T6 Base Diameter(in)/Top Diameter(in) 5.0 3.0 4.0 s 1-FIXTURES Length(ft) 12.0 At H-hole EPA=1.2 SF/EA Thickness(in) 0.125 WT= 35.0 LBS/EA Unit Weight(Ib/ft) 2.42 Area(in2) 1.91 Section Modulus(in) 2.33 1.58 . Moment of Interia(in 4) 5.68 R=Rad.At midpoint,in 2.4375 Torsional Constant,J (in 4) 4.66 12'-0" 5"OD x 3.0"x Embedment depth(ft) 7.0 x.125"WALL �s:. Check Bending Moment x 12'-0" Wind Loading DataL Wind Pressure (psf)=P 0.00256'(G)'M2= 55.71 MATERIAL: 6063-T6 ALUM. Wind Loads Fixtures P'EPA'Kz 56.82 lb pole P'Area'Cd'Kz 132.58 Ib arm P'EPA arm'Kz 0.00 Ib Wind shear on pole:V„p 189 401p, Check Moment @ Base due to Wind Load Check Moment @ Hand Hole @ 18"due to Wild Load Fixtures 653.43 ft-Ib pole 795.48 ft-Ib Fixtures 568.20 ft-Ib arm 0.00 ft-Ib pole 696.04 ft-Ib Wind Morrient on Pole:SMv;P 1440 ft-lb . arm 0.00 ft-Ib Transverse Moment' 0.2'Mwp 289.78 ft-Ib Wind Moment on Pole:SMwp '111264.24 ft-lb Transverse Moment=0.2'Mwp 252.85 ft4b Dead Load Data Pole weight 29.04 Ib fb=(fx'2+fy^2)"0.5 9798.54 psi Arm 0.0 Ib Allowable bending Moment 60631T6 Fixtures 35.0 Ib Pole Dead Load(Axial)= 64.0 Ib Fb=18000'1.33 Check Moment @ base due to Dead Loads Fb=Fb'1.33 23940.00 psi Fixtures 4.4 ft-Ib Bending:Stress-Ratio 0.41 Arm 0.0 ft-Ib Dead Load.Moment on Poie SIVId„= _ 4A"ft-Ib fb=(fx12+fy^2).0.5 7607.85 psi Allowable bending Moment 6063-T6 Fb=18000'1.33 Fb=Fb'1.33 23940.00 psi eendmg Stress Ratio 0'32' Check Shear and Torsional Shear Stress Torsional Moment Data I' Arm 0.00 Fixtures 14.20 Moment torsion,_,Mt-, 14:20`ft-lbs fp V/A+M=/J 70.02 psi Fp (20000/1.65)' Shear Stress Ratio 'A.001 CSR fb/FB=(fs/Fs)12 <1.00 Combined Stress Ratio 0.32Design is Good i i i iI e I i Ir CHECK EMBEDMENT DEPTH OF POLE Sheet 2/2 I I REF.: 1.) Florida Building CodeSection 1819.7 2.)Soil report from assumptions. Soil is a loose brown to medium grain sand lateral pressure = 150 psf Table 1819.6 Per Section 1819.6.1, Lateral pressure may be increased by two times the value = 300 psf Section 1819.7.2.1, Unconstrained 1+ 1+ 4.36h/A ^0 d = 0.5A .5 [ [ ( )] ] Where: A = 2.34P/(S1 b) i d = DEPTH 7.0 FT b = Diameter of hole = 12" 1.00 F1! S1 = SOIL PRESSURE = 2* SP*d/3 700.0 PSF P =ACTUAL LATERAL LOAD 189.40 LBS h = DISTANCE FROM LOAD TO GROUND LINE = MN 17.7 FT SOLVE FOR "A" A = 2.34P/(S1b) 0.63 d = 0.5A[1+[1+(4.36h/A)]"0.5] = 2.64 FT < 7.0 Embedment depth of 7'-0" meets code. Auger a 12"diameter hole and set pole 7' embedment depth then back fill with natural soil and tamp in 6" lifts to achieve compaction. Pole are flattened at the bottom for torsion resistance i i i I i i I. II i I i i i I. o Submitted by Power&Lighfing LightingSystems,Inc. CatalogNumber: Type: 1 Job Name: RTA12B5AE-BMX A Savanna Club Gate Entry Notes:19'QA/12'MH RTA'ALUM DIREiT BURIED ALUM POLE �! Embedded RTA12B5AE- BH Cast Alum.Pole,Cap "ber t"' With Stainless Steel Screws Top Diameter Luminaire/Arm Drilling Per Customer Specifications Optional Tenon Mounting,(specify) I I; Internal Damper ftnPoleswb 6"-10"butt'diatneters only) ' (Installed) Reference pages,105-106: for bull�horn arms and 1W CrossarMs °B°`WalLAlloy 6063-T6 � Satin Ground.or Powder Coated Finish per-Customer Specification WARNING:Do not install light pale without luminaire Grounding Provision i -Reinforced Handhoie with Cover and.Stain ess Steel Hex.Hd Screws for Poles(3"x S"For 6".Poles 4'x 6'For;17"and larger Po1.es) -Handhole(2"x 51 with Cover and Stainless Steel Hex Hd Screws for Poles with 5"butt diameter "C"Butt Diameter 1' ��� Ground Line 0.. 13/4"Dia:Wire Hole INih 11/2"I.D.Rubber Grommet "�i \ .�� 1�t.1SE T. / Z'tD 1'-.6" �' 5 Flattened — �,o• (i4 specified) F- d t c, Ljj— 34 Ito U- F MauritingfieigFit: 12 ft ` �O� ' Wail Thickness; .125 in Maximum EPA Your Name: `, ( F_i a w�✓�` Butt Diameter. 5 I ?0: 4.8 Representative Name: Top Diameter: 3 in gp; 3:4 Architect Name; ` S 1 �f, Base Diameter: in 90: 2.0 Project Name: Bolt Circle: 3 in 100: 1.2 Customer P.'O.#; Bolt Projection, In 110: 0.7 Finish: Solt Size: Net-Welght- Accessories. Notese 19'OAH,1!2'_nnH Luminary Weight; 75 Arm Length: Quantity: i