HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JAN-12-2016 TUE 03: 10 PM -7-t1TRAL SCHEDULING FAX No. 386 13 8 P. 002/003 r706E,EH E. SMITH, CLERK'OF.THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILF 4149537 OR HOOK 3826 PAGE 1425, Reworded 01/12/2016 at 02:31 PM i P1 '(]dlBH6. � 'ln&3pxra lr ruxenwlthr rhVnllap;nfo NOTICE OF COYAMNCEMEIY� The udderelgned 1+e y Itkai nodco that huprovemant wall W mrdo to certain real ymputy,and in vsgn9adee with Chapter 713, Florida staluW to following information is Provided In the Nodoe of oommeacomom 2.DP9 oN OF PROPERTY Ppdon and strut addrws)TAX POLIO NUMB89a LEWA0 U-qW.U B119DYVISION—..- BLO °9 TRACT�i OT�._,_�_$LAO UNIT 2.GEN0.ALDE9CRtMON OF=A0 3.OWNERO 0 a.N b;Addresp tnterarttn propertyQ�� d.Name roti eddreca of foe slnoyle ti oeld�evrq(if other tlmap owav a.tocro�Yt7C'�. ADDIMS S.BURETY'S NAMA ADDP MS AND PRONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: &LRNDRR'8 HAMti,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Peraoas widk tho State of Florida dapirated by Owner upon whom ootieer or other documents may be aeryod as Provided by Section 713.13(1)(e,)7.,Floddn Statutes NAME,AMR=AND PHOTIE NUMBER: S.Ia addition to ltimseltorheraeld Owner desigdatat the fallowing to reealve.a eopy ortho 1Jenar's Notice as provided In Sactran 713.13(1)(b).FlorldaStatutw, NANE.ADDRESS AND P1 0n N[)mjm 9.EVhadon date of notice,of commencament(the expiration data is 1 year from the data of recordinz ualgc o 0altdt date Is ARE CONS j44$N11'(i2,T0 OWNER:An,y PAYMHNTS McDH HYTtiH OP/NHR Awa 7riQ I�IIt_nTTON APTEDi NO'71QB OF C.OMA7BNCIDl4TNT IN YOUTt PAYING TWIC9 ibR�� '�'y�j(p phflPitt{1X,A Ntmca OP COAQ03NCAya[rn1T MUSTHS f4�':ORnI?D/1<em FOST.SO.ON THE FOB srm RB7ORfl 74rS PM&T INSRCTION.To YO[f D7i't;llD TO OBTAIN RNANCINO.1'dlNattLY WYffl YO[TR ),1itfRl7iS DA AN ATTORNBY HHPDRII COMMHNCINO WORK OA RTiCOROaVO YOUR NOTICE OF cOMb'1Httf,` , sig"o owner or PAutNgmeamdProvide SJzwA q'aTitle/oflioe Owner's Authotized Qmrer/Dlredar/putncr/HInnugcr Stat*of)rl County of TheAummsinatmmen aaeaclmowledgedbofammathis grofs11SS1� Hy ret (Nemo o ) ('type of authorl(y...o g,owner,orticu,tRateo,ynoraay#u fAW For_ (Nampo uryo behalf of thomlaat:umentwasoxtxvted) PamuttallyKmawgy—erprodue°draorollowlagtypeuf)D:� • ;. RB ohim wHawof taryPublic) (Sipnettta Yublir) t5 artrrARGtsC Under pnuaiti°s of perjury,l declare that 1 bua read the foregoing and that the facts In,it ate hue to the boat of my lmowledge and boBof(section 92,525 Inerida gtabitee). Signatm(p)of Owder(s)or Owner(e)'Authorized OfAsaWjrcetorlpartnar/,branayar who dgn°d above: ar- Sr rw. ta+ar ) STATE OF FLORIDA ET,LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO C4NRR'rTC'T7C"%0",",l IS IS A TRUE AND COF TH ORIC�IIVAL 0