HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrawing FIELD WORK DATE:3/8/2016 REVISION DATE(S):(Riiv.&'J -ig) Z POKTOFINO SHORE5 1603.08960 P.B. 43 ftAT Fri UVIT5 6 5,59*490,59 If 51.92'(M) 3WARC BOUNDARYSURVEY L0426CfiRC -9,59-45-07-E 52.00'(P) LBazaS ac ST.LUCIE COUNTY - _I O.['ON �2e T RECE�If, E 7' ON LINE APR 19 2016 14.0' PERNUTTING St. Lucie County, 1*- b T�R to C? Rt5#6 106 LOT 377 uj C? LOT 397 VV LOT &I rD < a CC 5 Q =3 kn Ln ZE 0 oZ b A, 1.4' Applicant has been advised NO struct Is LU 2 r..Cr car,be erected within any easement 0 U LLj o0 00 0� 4' 1 4' ht of way unless Prov Q<Z rig 0 0=)2 - Cr- cant Initials 00i III Applicant 3V fo cc -1 11,§ - 591441181 E 156.031(M) ILL! >- 5/8'Fl I Or 57. EUB 3/4'FIRC FIDH R 5 89*451070 E 15G.W M OID 0 LB426G P.C. LU 0 Mel LW2 Z W rn Lj a6 b ax LLI� .. z CO z 0 1181 Lu z z < LL.0 ro P11 0941:1 GIG, N 89145'1074 W 552.95'(M) B.R. (PEP,PLAT) herebhereby cert/ Boundary Survey of the NOTE: by ce y des(r' jo op, as been made under FENCEOWNCR5111F NOT DETEPv,04ED E my direct; n and 64d1 the t of my knowledge D.—m DF?j\lNAGE EA,5wMENT and belie 't r pn accurate representation 'f of a sury Standards of Practice 30 0 15 .30 0 -V I I se forth the d of Professional op an Y:gA in Surveyors ffiWin opter 5J-17 of the Florida Adm' GRAPHIC SCALE (In Feet) SURVEY1 inch = 30' ft. RONALD W. WALLING State of Flor;do Profess;onol Surveyor and Mapper License No. 6473 Use of This Survey for Purposes other than Intended,Without Written Verification,will beat the User's Sole Risk and Without Liability to the Surveyor. Nothing hereon shall be Construed to Give ANY Rights or Benefits to Anyone Other than those Certified. FLOOD INFORMATION: POINTS OF INTEREST BY PERFORMING A SEARCH WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNING 1.BRICK DRIVEWAY OVER 10'UTILITY EASEMENT 2.6'VINYL FENCE MUNICIPALITY OR WWW.FEMA.GOV,THE PROPERTY APPEARS TO BE OVER 6'DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED IN ZONE X.THIS PROPERTY WAS FOUND IN ST.LUCIE COUNTY,COMMUNITY NUMBER 120285,DATED 02/16/12. : CLIENT NUMBER:80104 DATE: 3/10/2016 SURVEY COORDINATED BY ,Z 9 MONISM Z T Ir Q FIN �1'1 fAS;7-_—`;j P86 -772-88113 BUYER:RANDY A.SIMPATICO,VINCENT SIMPATICO R 6L'_ VAVWAr1JClineIPCh.00M L SELLER:RICHARD GANLEY AND LILLY GANLEY r,N" TITLE AGENCY;TITLE RESOURCES GUARANTY CERTIFIED TO:RANDY A.SIMPATICO,VINCENT SIMPATICO;SUNBELT COMPANY,BANK OF AMERICA,N.A. www -ex3cula, ,Ld ncxm Land Surveyors, I nc. P.866-735-1916,F.86&744-2882 This is page 1 of 2 and is not valid without all pages. LB#7337 11940 Fairway Lakes Drive,Suite I.Ft.MyeM FL 33913 REPORT OF SURVEY 1603.0896 This is page 2 of 2 and is not valid without all pages. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 378,PORTOFINO SHORES PHASE THREE,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43,PAGE(S)40,40A THROUGH 40C,INCLUSIVE,OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST.LUCIE COUNTY,FLORIDA. E C E� E D APR 19 2016 PE R fI(FFTI IVIG oe. L;IU i.. nty, JOB SPECIFIC SURVEYOR NOTES: THE BEARING REFERENCE OF NORTH 89 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 07 SECONDS WEST IS BASED ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SPRING LAKE TERRACE,LOCATED WITHIN PORTOFINO SHORES PHASE THREE,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF,AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGE 40,40A THROUGH 40C,INCLUSIVE,OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST.LUCIE COUNTY,FLORIDA. GENERAL SURVEYOR NOTES: 1. The Legal Description used to perform this survey was supplied by others.This survey does not determine or imply ownership. 2. This survey only shows improvements found above ground.Underground footings,utilities and encroachments are not located on this survey map. - 3. If there Is a septic tank,or drain field shown on this survey,the location is approximate as the location was either shown to Exacta by a third party or it was estimated by metal detection, probing rods,and visual above ground inspection only.No excavation was performed in order to determine the exact and accurate location. 4. This survey Is exclusively for the use of the parties to whom it is certified. 5. Additions or deletions to this survey map and report by other than the signing party or parties Is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 6. Dimensions are in feet and decimals thereof. 7. Due to varying construction standards,house dimensions are approximate. 8. Any FEMA Flood zone data contained on this survey Is for informational purposes only.Research to obtain such data was performed at www.fema.gov. 9. All corners marked as set are at a minimum a th"diameter,l8"Iron rebar with a cap stamped LBN7337. 10.Ifyou are reading this survey in an electronic format,the information contained on this document Is only valid Ifthis document Is electronically signed as specified in Chapter 51-17.062(3)of the Florida Administrative Code and Florida Statute 472.025.The Electronic Signature File related to this document is prominently displayed on the invoice for this survey which is sent under separate cover.Manually signed and sealed logs of all survey signature files are kept in the office of the performing surveyor.lfthis document Is In paper format, it is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor. 11.Unless otherwise noted,an examination of the abstract oftitle was NOT performed by the signing surveyor to determine which Instruments,if any,are affecting this property. 12.The symbols reflected in the legend and on this survey may have been enlarged or reduced for clarity.The symbols have been plotted at the center of the field location,and may not represent the actual shape or size ofthe feature. 13.Points of Interest(POI'S)are selected above-ground Improvements which may be in conflict with boundary,building setback or easement lines, as defined by the parameters ofthis survey.There may be additional P01's which are not shown,not called-out as PON,or which are otherwise unknown to the surveyor.These P01's may not represent all items of interest to the viewer. 14.Utilities shown on the subject property may or may not Indicate the existence of recorded or unrecorded utility easements. 15.The Information contained on this survey has been performed exclusively,and is the sole responsibility,of Exacta Surveyors.Additional logo or references to third partyfirms are for informational purposes only. 16.Pursuant to F.S.558.0035,an individual employee or agent may not be held individually liable for negligence. 17.House measurements should not be used for new construction or planning.Measurements should be verified prior to such activity. LEGEND: SURVEYOR'S LEGEND NErYFF5:IIIxnaomcnxxorml Arc AIR CONDITIONING ID. IDENTIFICATION SEC. SECTION BOUNDARYUNE B.R. BEARING REFERENCE ILL. ILLEGIBLE SEP. SEPTIC TANK B.L. BLOCK CORNER INST. INSTRUMENT SEW. SEWER STRUCNRE B.P.P. BACKFLOW PREVENrOR INT. INTERSECTION 5/GD SET GLUE DI5C CENTERLINE BLK. BLOCK L LENGTH 51RC SET IRON ROD 4 CAP BLDG. BUILDING LBB UCENSE B-BUSINESS 51,141) SET NAIL♦DISC CHAIN-LINK or WIRE rENC[ BM BENCHMARK 150 UCEN5E B-SURVEYOR SQ rT SQUARE FEET B.R.L. BUILDING RESTRICTION UNE (M) MEASURED STY. STORY rA_DLN7_______- 55MT. BASEMENT M.B. MAPBOOK 5.T.L. SURVEY TIE UNE (n EDGE OF WATER BNA BAY/BOX WINDOW M.E.S. MITERED END SECTION SV SEWER VALVE Q (C) CALCULATED M.P. METALfENCE SAV 51DEWALK 0 IRON rENCE C CURVE N.R. NON RADIAL S.W. SEAWALL CO(n = CATV CABLE TV.RIS ER N.T.5. NOT TO SCALL Tam TEMPORARY BENCHMARK O OVERHEAD UNES C.B. CONCRETE BLOCK O.C.S. ON CONCRETE 5LPB TEL- TELE NONE FACILITIES Z SURVEY TIE UNE CIIM. CHIMNEY O.G. ON GROUND W Z C.L.F. CHAIN LINK FENCE OFF OUTSIDE OF SUBJECT PARCEL -TWO, TOOWNSHI K ------------------------- 2 6:O WALL OR PARTY WALLC.O. CLEW OUT OH. OVERHANG TX TKANSrOKMEK CONIC. CONCRETE OHL OVERHEAD LINES TYP. TYPICAL a=W W WOOD FENCE COR. CORNER ON INSIDE OF 5UBLECT PARCEL U.R- unUTYRISER W V Z CSW CONCRETE SIDEWALK O.R.B. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK W/C WME55 CORNER V Q Z Q NYL PENCE CSW CONCRETE VAUEY GUTTER O.RV. OFFICIAL RECORD VOLUME Wir WATER FILTER U C) CIL CENTER LINE CIA OVERALL W.P. WOODEN FENCE Q W W GP LOVERIA PORGtI C45 OFFSET Whir WATER METFJWALVL BOX TWFS:tonna anoonxxo� G Z W m ASPHALT BRICK ® -._CONCRETE BLAB (P) RAT WV'. -WATER VALVE LYYJ TILE (D) DEED P.B. FLAT BOOK V.F. VINYL FENCE W W L_ COVERED•• D,P. DRAIN FIELD P,C. FO NT OF CURVATURE it . CONCRETE AREA D/W DRIVEWAY P.C,C. POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE ELPV. ELEVATION P,C.P. PERMANENT CONTROL POINT A.E. ACCESS EASEMENT W'`�_ U WATER ® WOOD® ENCL ENCLOSURE PIE, POOL EQUIPMENT AN.E. ANCHOR EASEMENT Q V"Z= ' DOLS:IInaCltmrtanaexaml ENT. ENTRANCE PG. PAGE C.M.E. CANAL MAINTENANCE E5MT. =W-O O ® BENCH MARK EM ELECTRIC METER P.I. POINT OF INTERSECTION L.U.E. COUNTY UTILITY FSMT. Z co� Q. E.O.P. EDGE OF PAVEMENT PL5 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR D.E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT i` ¢ CENTERIJNE E.O.W. EDGE OF WATER PLT PLANTER D.U.[. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY E5M7. LLco` CENTRAL ANGLE or DELTA EUB ELECTRIC ueox P.O.B. POINT OP BEGINNING E5MT, EASEMENT U Q V fS 1,4 COMMON OWNERSHIP IF unlet BOX P.O.L. POINT OP COMMENCEMENT I.E./C.E. INGRF55)[GR[55 e5MT. W W ` ♦ CONTROL POINT rom FIND.CONCRETE MONUMENT P.P. PINCHED PIPE IRR.E. IMGATION EASEMENT cr Z } ■ CONCRETE MONUMENT P/DH FOUND DRILL HOLE PA C. POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE L.A.E. UMITED ACCESS ESMT. W P.P. FINISHED FLOOR P.R.M. PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT I�pr�p�l�l ECATCHLEVATION BASIN L.B.E. LANDSCAPE BUFFERESMi. B� 4q FlP. FOUND IRON RPE PSM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR Z _Z O Q✓0 �(O7 EILVATON FIPL FOUND IRON RPE t CAP AND MAPPER L.E. LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE J Q J W W- t7 FIFE HYDRANT FIR POUND IRON.ROD P.T. POINT OF TANGENCY L.M.E. LAKE ENLANDSCAPE -� W • FND oR SET MONUMENT FIRC FOUND IRON ROD B CAP R RADIUS or RADIAL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT Z Z M.E. MAINTENANCE EASEMENT 3:n(�'�Z Q Q �- GUIWIRI:OR ANCHOR FNID FOUND NAILt DISC �E• RANGE P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT O MANHOLE R.O.E. ROOF OVERHUNG[5Mr. F-�=F-LL o N(/) - TREE PND. FOUND RES. RESIDENCE KER S.W.E. SID[WAJ EASEMENT FPKN POUND PAR -KALON NAIL RAV RIGHT OF WAY tf UTILITY OR LIGHTPOLE FPKNBD POUND PK NAIL B DI5K (5) SURVEY S.W.M.E.STORM WATER Q WELL RAS PK FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE S.B.L. SETBACKUNE MANAGEMENT E5MT. GAR GARAGE S.C.L. SURVEY CLOSURE LINE T.U.E.' TECHNOLOGICAL UTIUtt.E5MT..- - GM GAS METER 5CR. SCREEN - U.E`-'UTNtt EASEtAENi ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE: PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS: OFFER VALID ONLY FOR: RANDY A.SIMPATICO,VINCENT SIMPATICO In complete accordance with Florida Statute 472.025 and Pursuant to 1.While viewing the survey in Adobe Reader,select the the Electronic Signature Act of 1996 or Florida Statute TITLE XXXIX, Chapter 668,If this document was received electronically via PDF, "Print"button Underthe"File"tab. then it has been lawfully Electronically Signed.Therefore,this survey 2.Select a printer with legal sized paper. - PDF ifauthentic is completely official and insurable.In order to validate I �. the'ElearonicSignature'ofPDFsurveys sent via www.surveystars.com, 3.Under"Print Range",click select the"AIL"toggle. you must use a hash calculator.A free hash calculator is available for _ downloadac - _- - - ---- 4. Under the"Page Handling"section,select the number w RIs n eeiatam/et/5 stem/File-Nana emenVHash-Calculator-KirllLshtml of copies that you would like to print. order Electronic Signature o/anysurvey PDfsenrvia wi O I wwsurveysrars.com: 5. Under the"Page Scaling"selection drop down menu, 1.Download the Hash Calculator available CTCselect"None." /o off 2S www.sah uedia.cam/net/Syzcem/File-ManenememMash-Cnlculmos-Kiiill.shtml 2.Save the Survey PDF onto your computer from www.surveystars.com 6. Uncheck the"Auto Rotate and Center checkbox. 1 1HIP Tn t rmn i