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r) WayeS [,()T_.
JOB ADDRESS: iryly 4,__t_ 1—Y I
The undersigned'kereb
. hereby y certi ies that.insulation has been installed'at the,above described property as:
1. Exterior CSS walls have been insulated with............................Check one Spray on cellulose
to a thickness of NA inches,which thickness adc
odink to the Fiberglass blankets
manufacturer, ]uminum Foil;
Density WA, will
yie value of. L4 ( ):.Fiberglass
Exterior Frame walls have been insulated with........it6......i...'....6...Check,one Spray on cellulose
to a thickness of inches,which thickness;:according to the O Fiberglass blankets
Aluminum Foil
Density NIA_ will yield W"R`_value of ---(-)-Other Spray Foam-
2. Main:Ceilings have been insulated with ....... ......Check onefiberglass
iberglass blankets
to a thickness o1j)1� -inphps,whi'tbLthickndss,.accDrd_' to the loose fill.
Aluminum Foil
Density NIA
I Y1,
I an 'R.vZe Of )Other IcellUlose
Ceflinp Cathddrel tfave been insulated'With ......,.'Check one Fiberglass blankets
10.Athickness 4 inches-,which thickness,according to theJib "las§loose fill
manufacturer, )Aluminum Foil
. Density N/A will yield an"T'value of ):Other Ceflulose
I Interior knee walls.have been insulated with.................................Check one Fiberglass blankets
to:a thickness of inches,which thlckhi0§,s,,ac.cording.to the O Polyurethane
manufacturer, Spray on cellulose
Density N/A Hill yield,an:"R"value of
Other Spray Foam
4. Garage partition walls of conditioned living areas have been
insulated with..,....! ..... .....Check one Fiberglass blankets
inches, A ingt9i
I .*S�ac Spray. on cellulose
to a thickness c TE K,
mainufacturet, (Tjno an
, ( Polyurethane;
Density N/A 9i Nlyie-flanSIWI value of Other Aluminum Foil
MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common, (party) 'walls separating
different tenants shall be insulatedfollows'-Frame/Wtalstud walk'R-1 1(I\ CBS
as I . I 4in-.);C S or,Coftcrete walk
R-3(Min.),-by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code,Rev.1/$7,paragraph 903.2(b),on page 0-17,-
latest edition. The "minimums IeVek ofinsulation"a,re not'included in the Energy Calculations,but shall
be installed in the field. I
NOTE: Mnsides of sprayed on, loose fill, or any other.composedwon.site insulatiorit shall be the PiC.F.
(lb/ffl);average of three(3)"DkY-$AMPLES"of actual installatt n.
Michelle Richards"'
Insulation Contractor. Insulation
ontr6ctor Sittature
Insulation Contractees CC# Date of Certification
Buildoes'Name-Builder's CC# Notaryj? b-lfc
-co0a P�ilf, "U
Notary Public-State of Florida
My Comm,Expires Jul 1,2018
Commission#FF 138101