HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Review Affidavit Florida Building Code Online !9 Pago 1 of 2 A.�3.■ ,.�.X� " #+' $c� . '�-. '' ��♦�1.�. m'}�.�'' UP I M actS name tory to User Registrattan 1161 TopKS Submit Surcharge Stats h Fact: Pubbwpans ( RC Staff 1{CIS Site loop Linos ..car.,h '11Business/. 'Y Product Approval Professional US� USER:Public User .1 i�� tstu+ ,r,..-.v-,t tde•,:u>[1it1+::S.Gi..Fiupttr lltpil.5ca;sb r di:hLXja*A-4 a APPtiwtion Oatalf FL b FL 10674:R]0^y Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 i Application Status Approved Comments i Archived Product Manufacturer Owens Corning I Address/Phone/Emall One Owens Corning Parkway i Toledo,OH 43659 (740)404-7629 greg.keefer@owenscorning.com • I Authorized Signature Greg Keeler greg.keeter@owenscorning.com Technical Representative Mel Sancrant i! Address/Phone/Email 1 Owens Corning PKWY Toledo,OH 43659 (419)376-8360 mel.5a ncrant 0owenscornig.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing '] Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Re9l;tered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert I.M.Nierninen ` Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 I Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date j� 08/20/2017 Validated By `-30Vi ezevich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received I l Certiticate of Independence FL106 4 RIO Cf) gni,�n1 C4I Nfr minen.o�It , Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard I Year ASTM D3161 25109 ASTM 03462 2009 ASTM D7158 2008 w I Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By , Sections from the Code , litlps:i/fforidattuilding.orgiprlpr_app_dti.aspx?parani=wGEVXCWDgtBNbEY5V%2bv0T°o2b6w7ahRegiCQ8ucKoixEAoifvluKNJKxMw%3d°lad July 1.201`5 ,I Florida Building Code Online jPage 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 0412212015 Date Validated 04123/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/25/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 10674.1 Owens Corning Asphalt Roofing 13-tab,4-tab,Stab,,lamin ated,Starterandhip K ridge shingles Shingles and Starters i. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ*.No ELI_Q62A_Rj9_U_".LjAj I ELUAI Z A fi-L- T Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes �- Lvjjf Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By.Robert J.M.Nierrinen PE-59166 Design Pressure,N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:Refer to ER,Section S. Evaluation Reports FIA0674 -RIQ AE_,,7X225!� L , -E1N&L-ER—QALA$Ed&j Created by Independent urd Party:Yes 1= F G. ront—t it, 1440 H,,th M,Llue'I--I joUW-1--El 371-19 Phone-R.I. 11.1 FINS I , the state of Florida N an AAJEE0 employer.Llialiright MQ7-70 I I%far,-or I ','Tjt0fl)j= AUUaajd.y)er�.r.nr under fiottoa low,email addresses ate publit records.It you do not Want your 0-MA11.311111PI.S reltosed in response tr a putik-lueurds request,do or-1 st.0 cle-1,unic mad it thm entity.instead,contact the office by phone u,by traditinnil mad.if you have any questions,ptea%;contact RSOAV.1395.'P-Wollt to 45S.275(1),Florida statutesi effective October 1,2012,licensees incensed under Chapter 4V.,F.S.most Provide the Department.!tit an rrnad udd'ON if wev io'v one.The emails provided may tic used for official onurounicaliDir with the licerisce,itowevo email adamsses are pubr(ret:gid.,if you do not»rsll to supply a ptls0;1,11 address,please provide the Department with an email address which can tic made available to the public.To delv(N'te it you Otc a littltjtuc uncut Charter 4SS,f please click UWr_, Product Approval Accepts: Wpm https;llfioridat>uilding.oVpripr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgIBNbEY5V%2boQTIo2b6w7ahRegIC08ucR6ixEAuiMeKNJKxNlw•/3d°/n3d July 1.2015 ;I ' r �I .. ,EXTERI'CIR�RESEARCFi$i'DESIGiV;ILC: l Cerrifrcate af..,4(horf of on`q9 ' 3S3 CHRISTIAN STREET,UNIT 013 TRINI� '�/' ESC? i i �.. i aXFORD,CT'G(5479 ! PHONt:tza3}z�2 92a5. FAX:;{.203}.262=92A3 EVALUATION,REPORT OwensCorning i Evalurt ation.Repo :037940 0212 RS. One Owens,,,Corning Parkway- FL10674 R10 Toledo,OH 43659 "Crate of issuance,02/06/2012. r!5-,,-0.4 22 2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report,is jssued under,Rule`61G20'3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the;,use .of, cbhstructionmaterials in th'e State of Florlda.1he documentation submitted has been reviewe by:Robert Nieminen,:P E:,for. ;use of the`product under the Fiotida'Buiiding"code and.Florida Building Code,Residential "'blume The products.described herein have been evaluated forconipliance'.with the'S`"Edition{2014}Florida liuilding.Code.seictions.noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roaf"Shingles lABE1iNG:,Labefir g shaii'be'i'Ii actor iance:wifh"the requirements the.Accteditea .t4aiity, Ss,arise°Agency hilted hereEn:; CONTINUED CoMPiIANCE: Tins Evaluation Report i§ valid'uiitil:such tlme.:as the-named:product(s) changes the referenced quality Assurance documentati,b,6 changes,or provisions of the Code that relate.to the-product cange Acceptance of this Evaivation.Report b the named'client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen,P..E if-'t-i' he product changes or Elie referenced qual ty'.Assurance documentatidh tlianges"• Tdbity(ERD requires a,complete review, thwEVaivation Report relative ta:updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT."The Evaluation Report number preceded.by the words "TcinityEERb Evaluated'` may,be displayed in advertising literature, if any portion of the.Evaluation'Report is-displayed,then`it shall.be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon.request;a copy of this-entire Evaluation Repo rt shall bO-,provided,:to the user by.'the manufacturer orAts distributors and shall be available for inspectiEin at the job.site'at thd'request of the Buildirig Officiaf, This Evaluation Report consists of pages i thraugt'6,. ! i", Prepared by: - , � - ri,'� :qty� .� iha tawmtia ieai ap{tasstiig war autbottiad try P44an Hkmmare Robertj.M.Nieminen,P.E. '?.,sem^r��atwtt° P8 on tH f2711U15 ihitdoatrnt serve;ht an eleCUa�rc ttiv,ttgRcd . ttnnrarttP document.-si'Sn . ftaridti Reg152rat1vri Na:5926G,Ftartdcr'DCA ANP2983 ed taaicd twrd<opias have tKcn uammuted to�iu ProductApvre_wa!Uiid okwatw anti io ihe'named rgem CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1, Trinity IERV does riot have, nor doe's it intend to,acquire or will it acquire, a Apancial interest III ariy"company irianufaeturing or, distributing products t.6valuates;; 2;, Trinityl ERD is not owned,operated or controllef!`by any"companymanufacturing b`,distribu'ting products it evaluates:, 3: Robert Nieminen,,P.E.does nothave nor vliii`acguire;,a financial interest in'any comp any manufadt1uring`or dlslributing'"products for which the evaluation reports ore.being issued. I 4; .Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in anyother entity.involved,m the approgal Iprocess of,the product S; This.is.'a building code evaluation. .Neit,her trinity l ERD nor Acibert Nieminen,P E."ate,in any way,the:Desigoer;of Reccrd:for any'. project on`wl icWthis Evaluation Report,or:previoiis versions thereof;isiwas used.for permitting or"design guider'ce,unle'ss retained; 'specifically_for that purpose. � I ! I ' i I TRiN - ERo ROOFING SYSTEMS'EVALUATiON: 1. SCOPE:, Product Category: Roofing Sub=Category:. Asphalt Shingles I Compliance'Statement: :Owens Corning Asphalt Roof°Shingles,as produced by Ow,ens Corning,tiave,:demonstrated compliance with tke follo{wig sections of the.Florida Building Code and Florida,Building Cade,°Resfdetthrough'testing in accordance with the following Standards.=Compllance is subject,to tfie insta(laiion aeguirements and Limitations./,Conditions of Use set forth herein. li 2. SYANDARDs: Section -Property- 'Standard I Year 1507.27.5, 587,2 5,R905.2.4 Physical Properties ASTM-D3462 20.09: 1587;2 7.},:R905.2,6;L Wind Resistance 'ASTM P3161 2009' 1507.2,7:1,R905:2.6:1 wind ltesi5tance ASTM 1)7158 200s 3. REFERENCES: LnILW Euaminatlan: g g per, UL LLC(CER9626) Physicals&Wind Resistance -02/1512007 82453 Yel 3 -02/1512007 : UL L 'WfndResistance 2012051843C 1 05(16/ 01,2 UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties -06CA20263' odji8/2006 UL LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance 11CA34308.: t G12 11&%2812: UL LLC(TST9628} Physicals&Wind Resistance 4786093131 02/0112014 U(.LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance -4786126532 02j281201'¢, UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 02J13/2_i}iti Miami-Dade(CERIS92) F8C HVHZ Compliance, Various hfOAs Various UL LLC (QPA9625) Quality Control Service Confiimailon,Ri453 Exp.0 812812 81 7 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTI M 4.1 Asphalt Shingles: i 4:1.1 Classic*and Supreme are fiberglass reinforced;'34a6asphaltroof shingles. 4.i.2 Berkshire are fiberglass reinforced,4-tab asphalt.roof shingles.. 4.1.3. Devonshire-are fiberglass relnforced,5-tab_asphalt roof shingles 4.1,4 Duration, TruDefinition DUfatio"h-i ,Duration Premium Cool,;TruDefinitiun,Duratlitn,Designer:66 .Collection,. Trudefinition-Oakridge',Oakridge and WeatherGuard�HP•are'fiberglass reinforced+(,aminated,asphait>roof shingles. 4.2 Berkshire' Hip & Ridge.Shingles, Nigh Rldge, Hip &,Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuard, HP Hl' & Ridge.`Shingles Prolidge Hip&;Ridge Shingles;ahcI turaRidgel"Hip&Ridge Shingles;are fiberglass reinforced hi';and ridge,asphah rciof,shingles: E 4.3 Starter Strlp Plus arid Starler'Sfiingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles: S. UMtTATioNsi 5.1 This is a_ building code evaluation:. Neither TtinitplERD nor Robert=Nieminen, P.E are,;in any way The Designer'of, Record for any project on%which this Evaluatiori Report,or previous versions thereof;fs/was uscd.for,,permitting or design guidance unless retalned.specificaiiy>•or that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use.in,the HVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report;refer to current Approved A hng.Materials pfrect'gry for fire. ratings of,this product. 5.4 Wind Classification:' 5.4.1 All Owens dorning.shingles noted herein are.Classified waceordance urith FE3C TaNiles 1'507 2 J 1 and'8905 2 6;1•to: ASTM D31,61 Class F and/or'AS*M D7158,Class,H,indicating the shingles are acceptable far us inall.wind,zonesup to V„a=150 mph(V„„=194 mph).-Refer to Section 6 for Installation requirements to meet this wind'eating. 5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip&ridge shingles and Starter Strip Plus"noted herein are Classi6d,in accordance with FBC.Tabies 1507 2 7.l and 1190S.M.1 to,ASTM WWI,Class F, n,dicatirig the shingles are acceptaf le160 6s in all wind.zones up.to Vs,a=158 mph(1%w,=194 mph). Refer to Section'6 for installation requlremerits to meet this wind ratlrig. i Exterior Rcsearch and Design,LLC, � Evatetat,an Report 037S+tg:02.12-R5' trrttJTettte,oJAythartrotfon p9503 FL10674-R10 Revision S 04/22/2015 Pagc 2 of,6 ri I 'i 3 a TR1�'rllTY ' ERD: 5.4.3 -Classification by ASTM D7158 applies to exposure category B or tand'a building height 10"of 60 feet,,or less.`C.alcuiationi by a qualified' design pr6fesilonal�:are` 'required for.conditions.outside:"these'limitations :Contact:the shingie manufacturer for data specific tovach shingle. 5.4.4 'Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance'and installation limitations; 5.5 All products in the'roof assembij shall have quality,assurance audlt,in accordance with`the Florida:fiuilding Code and FA.C.Rule 511320-i i fi. INSTALLATION: 6.1, Unde'rlavment 6.1.1 Underiayment;shai!be acceptable to Owens Coming and shall hold current Florida,Statewide Product Approyal,or,be 'locally Approved per Rule 61G20-3,per FBC Secti6ris.1507.2.3.15012:4 or, :2.3"A9051 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: 6.2.1 installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published,instructions,,using miinirriurn four(4)nails per shingle in accordance with FBC Sections 1507.2 or;R905.2 with the foilowing'exceptions Berkshire!shingles require minimum five(5j nails per shingle. r WeatherGuard'HP shingles.require minim.um six(6)nails per shingle. i Devonshire'"shingles requir minimum six.(6)palis-pet shingle. 5tarter`Strip Pius're'quires minimum five(5)"nails per strip. Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. 6.2.2 Fasteners shall be.in accordance with the manufacturer's publisFied requirements,,out not less than FBC-1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. 5taole,s ate not'permitted,_ { 6.2.4 Where the roof siope"exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units hgrii6h al, special'rnethods;of fasi'cning.are requrred_ Contact the`shingle manufacturer'for details. 11 6.2.5, Minimum Nailing: Classic°&Supreme Mr Nonnsl Mans rd or •Ares rs. W NaM"I Mittffsrd.or" An", pare wind Argas Niph�.Wied, dasvxnos y Wind Amse Hl9fi iMind dwsysnoa`_jr Arra psirs'vJrntos normslomf Arses, viontoa,tus/Ni Aro p�r ontoo-nomml0s Areas vtarttas fufSrsea. t t -r try 'r file. t z t . o.1A}ti t ♦ t• f' ...Z i, z `t',; S'Exposure 5aja"Expospre , �xposleJdn °ExposloJ6n 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing–Berkshire°:. ,i soaaaarrp Saakt05rrit! lr t4a do uarxla ti tka ifr YlRxbr s—=►s.�---r s t---r• •�'---►• -.tom=-�+sr—=►s-�++:.=--►*�- _.-• R1Y' AVr 9,V 9V t R.VI AVf RSY 8Vf r lr , r AsphaM rnefMan+mont / comcrtto do tetha da idol, j Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report,037940.OZ.12-85 ceralleateofALit rlratlan0903. FL10674-it10 ' I Revision 5 OdJ2ZJ2015 Page,3 of 6 ' 4 t TRINITY ERa. 6.2.7 Minimum Nailing–Devonshire t -s�. – - -, I Nails• '�',., .. _. :. - - 3 NailsTen t"5 Spo'ii"olf.Asphail Root cement 612.8. Minimum Nailing–.Duration",Tr6befinition®Duration,DuratfonP Premium Cool&T-Defftntion`Duration'Designer z. Color Collectlon: 1{i r S!f•531.•a�Li. .4 Nap PJttatn ;Eaquonxado4ciavoy Pattatn Suieldai'txitening5rta.iYitth dbdataa ��� iiraMrt .Areadedags5urrttSlm • • • in4uXhlnrn;atc LE TTJJ tXY}- s--- - 5Y."Exposuro qty 6X"Exposlaia U _ S`4 Pr/g.d#SIPOSIdda Cher 61ip tiq.de erpork'an' 555";Exmeerure Nt9ti`, X,'�"Enpust+m, SXripldda.de tapasWx Quin» 5i pub de'raj ii�ft iia 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing—TruDeffnition+Oakridge°,.Oakridge!I: 4 WIPattwo 6 Nail P'dtam EwiNw 4w 6 davos Esquema ear 6 taws E 'i r � r 5519",Erposut� ,tiaGs 551tt"Erlposum tiaNs £ipoSirionde66t8prdg Clams 4poslchincl►564pldg., SWrzksupe Claves 56 re,ErPowirc Erpaslt36it'de6,6C&ptilg f"Strbn do5sl$pdq. 6.2.10. Minimum:Nalling–WeatherGuardll HP: I . I . 1■- `�—"—" � tirnatsrir311!1f111w • •. S�{. Fr1�erArThrw�t fYstl Lb• • :••: C��rsatrr'f��•iir>iFdis , III I • Exterior Research'and Design,LIC: Evatuailon R_e6ort61 7946.02.0-RS eerHpcate'vf 4Iithoilrodon 09503 FL10674-Rt0 Revision'S:04/22/2015 Page 4 of 6 I „! Ir RINITY:ERt ' 6.4- Hip&Rli ge`Sli ngles: 6.3;;1; Installation of Berkshire ,"Hip ariil.Ridge Wngies,•High Ridge,Hip,',&Ridge with;Seaian;;=WeatherGuard HP.Hip anti Ridge Shingles and'.ProEdge Hip:&,Ridge Shingles shall'comply with the rhanufac'tu'V,4 current published ins_(ruetions, using four{Aj nails:per shingle. InstailaUon;b,DuraRidge1m Hip&Ridge Shingles ShaH,comgly wtth the math facturer's: current;pWfshed instructions,using two(2)naris pet shingle,,itefcr to Owens t arising publrshed'information o"ri wind resisEance and installation'lin itations,including the Mise of hand-sealing for wind Warranties: 6:3:2 fasteners:shaii.Eae>in accordance with themanufacYurer's pubIts,,, requirements but not less than, BC': 547.2.6:car A9651.5:Staples`are not permitted.. „ 6.3.3 Minimum'iiil ng:=Berkshire"Hip&Ridge and High Ridge: !, Fig.I...,.. Nk- OiaCflon +`'.�»--^•�: a�3. Ita�xQ., ! s�tt4Yt`,st - 1 1Mt0 j t [ si � Ar i. ter, �...—.-....m;.... tea.. ` i � , •6.3.4 Minimum Npiiine—Hip&Ridge.witti Sealant: 8111 Fig - Wind nd Fasten h attell#i R,Nails) rirn ShIngi� ntl.Discaind 2 Ecce 'lot Sealant'.'=* Ulf 'FasWninEkpo sum i 6.3;5 Minimum Nal1'rng==`WeatlieiG6ard NO No and Ridge;' I Fig:C Hip 4 Ridge Shingle Fastening Fig.A c+ov�ttgwind � q4 � rap+ncw 4 ,I Exterior Research and'Das1kn,lLC i EuaittatiogAepott 037990.0212 R5 tertfJ7crrtroJA'utJrorrtatlonlr9503`. FLiO¢7; Rlt)' C !�� Revision S 04%22/20t5 �i i i { T1 "r ERD j 6.3:6 Minimum Nailing-ProEdge Hipl,Ridge shingles: PrnvasTinD Stinclari j fit" tfVlntl Diroctlon Fastaning'. Saiibnt Strip Patiatn„ <� r 1 ' SoeleIn _ CaysiEiRwssil �( €attimn tilith s�3.._ Rtat Csrnalt t2 6:3.7 Minimum"Nailing:-,DuraRidgeTM"Hip 8t Ridge"SHingies: ,Note: The drawirigs below pertain to minimum; as-tested ,atta6trien't requlr rnenCs, ;Refer tri 4ivens;Corning published nstallatidn instruction;for,their minimum.requirements. ot tyt - +—Ditiad ` i v» Dit�dbtdil.iwt»pradmauata �� ;vntswpi.ku I, �� It 5 �,{�-y� `A 2yi� ♦ {)iYlQl l:Wt�flQ«�Nl3En6� i C>tYt: I 7. LABEuN,G 7.1 CabelinR shall be zn accordance with the requirements the AccreditetlCtualit�t:Assurance Agency noted;herenr 7:2 Asphalt shingle wrappers stiaQ indicate compliance with one of the requiigd classifli:at ons,dk Jed in`FBC Table!, 1507.2.7.1 I R905 2;6:1. � � 9. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS a,{ As required'iy the Build;sig Official ar'Authority Having Jtirlsdietion lriorder,to property evaluate the;nstallatlbtt of tlyts product: 9, iif*0UFACfURIHG PIANTS. 'Contact'_the.named.cikentity,for-information on whlch',piants product:'prod sets covered.by Flonda;Rule 90 QA requirements.. 1i3 qy .AuTy AssuREA cE,ENT'Tv 1 LII.'CIC=QUA9625;{414);248.6409;ka bmhrnann(0uI,com. i {' 'END OF EVALUATION REPORT- I 1' 4 I Exterior Research and Design,CLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R5' [eritJfcate oJAytboiLtatt�n 119363 FL10674-016 Revision 51,'0"' "2415; s Page,601'6: :T' "i