HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Evaluation Report EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,.LLC. 'ife!T&ate-of.Authorizathqn-09563 1111NITRIM-rYIERD 353 CHRISTIAN STREET.,UN.IT#13 OXFORD,-C.r.0.64.79 RHONE:(203).,262-9245 FAX:(203)262-9243 EVALuATIoN,REPoRT Tarso Roofing EVO tuatio.h.Riaport 10880:07.08-R7' One Information Way,Suite 225. FL-10450-117 Little Rack,AR 72202 Date of Issuariceol:071.11/2009. Revigiob 7-4211-7/2015 SCOPE:. This Evaluation luatibin Report is issued under Rule 61620-3 and the applicable. rules. and regulations.governing the use Of construction mot grials-iln'the State of Florida.The-documentation stubrhitted has-been reviewed by. Robert Nieftijn6n,P.E.for use of the:product under the.'Flor*ld'a Building Code'.and FloTid'a Building Code, Residential Volume, The products.described: berdin hiave,be.on,Lsvaluated.'for cd'mp.li.pn'cewith the.5th Editiort(2014)Florida Building.Code secti6ris-hoted heir DESCRIPTION: Tarco,Roof Und&layrnents LABELINOr Labeling shall be in.accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein,. CONTINUED COMPLIANqThis Evaluation. Report is valid 'until such:tirne as the 'named ptoduct(t).changes, the referenced Quality.Assurance d6purnentaticin changes,.or provisions isions of'the.Code that.relate tothe product change. Accep.t4fice.-ofthis Evaluation Report by the named.client.canstitotes:agreement.-to notify Robert Nieminen,R.E. if the product changes or the referenced ptuollity Assurance documentation changes. Trinity I ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relotive:tq upd.dt6d Code re q.uIrementswith each Code Cycle. .ADVERTISEMENT:- The :Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trin,ItylERD Evaluated" may be displayed :in adv' ertisjngjiteratbre, If anyportioo'of the E-valuation Report Js displayed,then itshall be done in its entirety. en INSPECTION:.Upon request,..a copy of this entire Evaluation:Report shall. be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be:avallable-for inspection,at the job.sfte at the request ofthe Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1-through 10. Prepared-by. .. ....... . .... W. The facsirnild sealappeaking ww-authbrized byRobert Niminen, Robert'J.M.Niernlnen..P.E. P.E.on 12/1712035.This does not serve.asan electronicaltV signed Florida ffegistraeton Afo:59166,Florida DC4 AIVE1989 iiy,+� 10, document:Signedsealed bardcopfes have been transmitted-.to the ProductApptovahAdministratora I odtathe-namedcirem CER.,nkcAnoN bF INbEPENDENCE: 1., Trrnity[ERD does not have, nor-does it Intend to acquire orwill it_pqqp;9re1 a.-financial interest in any company.manufacturing or -distributing products it evaluates... 2. Trinity I ERD is not owned,.o0erated or controlled by-any c6mpany manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. A.. Robert Nietrillnen, P.E.does'not have nor will acquire;a financial interest in.any company mahufacturingor*distr ibuting products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4, Robert NI rnineh,.P.E.does ncit:htye, nor will acqUitp 6 other entity 1hthe-approval process of the a.flhahc[al interest.In an qrEntt involved .product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity[ERD. nor Robert Nieminen, P.E.are;in any way;.the Designer of Record forany project on which this Evaluation Report,orprevious versions thereof;.is/was used for permitting or design-guidance unless retained tpedifictil.lyforthatourpote.' ^ ' , ° ( 10 QTPJNITYIERD 4. Pm0muj;r0EmO7PT7Qm: 4.1 Self-Adhering,Underlayments: 4.1�. ���Fjst90 Self-adheeing Tile Vnclerla�ment.ban asphalt-satu.tate4 8tganic felt 4oatedonboth sides with asphalt surfaced outhe top sideiwith,ndtriera| granules and.qn the underside with aself- adhering compmundandreleaseM/m�. 4.1.2 LeakBarrlero'MS300 Ice and WatepArrnor'is a self-:ad'hering)glass mat roffiforced, mineral surfaced,SBS modified roof under|aymont. 4,I'3 ��m��r~ — m���Q�' Lem Ice and:Water Armor isase[f�adhering/ glass mat reinforced, fa.brIc surfaced, SBS modified roofunder|ayment. 4.1.4 LeokBmnDer^ pSnonm» Ice and mater Armor is ose|f-a6hwring, glass nnatnaintomad, smooth poly film sudacevL'8BSmodified roof undedaym$nt 4.15' Lea kl3.ar°IiW'NR5007isamelf-adhecing,Plastic film surfaced,modified under|ayment. 4.1.6 [elak0mrrier'� 8�00 Ice and Water Armor is a self-adhering, �6erg�asreh� �� ed,. smooth surfaced mod��dunder|aYmont. 4.2. 4.2.1 TanmIS isonASTM D22GType:1,l5|baspholt'satunatedorganic felt 4.2.2. Tmrcm90,isanASTM DZZ6Type,||,30[6-cis pha|t~saturated.organic felt 4.�.3 3arco'NO 30 isanASTM D486$Type Dasphalt-saturated organic felt � 4.2.4 ab8ar6er5 BaoVloy°Jsanaspha|t-ozate6polyester fabric roof underlayment. 4.3 43,1. Fiberglass Mineral Surfaced Roll Roofing is an ASTM D3909, glass-fib. enreinfor.ced' asphalt-coated, 0mnu|esurfaced Un6edoymemtused msnv$Uey|iher. 4.3,2 ASTM Organic Mineral Surface Tile Undedoymiext.isan/57K4 D880,,-{1asa K0 as.phalt-saturated organic, roll rooKhgsheet. 4.3.3 WABa,rier=tasymop=SmSba:po|yester.mgnfooed,SBSmb6ift ed bitumen roofing uh6er|ayment 6` L|80nAT|omS; 5.1 This ba building code evaluation. Neither TrinhylERDnor Robert Nle�mlrieh, Pf. are 1nanyxvmy,, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous.versions thereof, |s/mmo used for permitting ordesign guidance unless reta|hedspecifically for that purpose, 5.2 This Evaluation-Report bnot for use inthe HVHZ. 5.3 Rre Classification is not part of this Eva]uotion Report;. refer to current 4pproxed Roofing Materials' Directory for fro'ratingsofthis produc� 5.4 Tarco Roof-Undedaymen1s maybe used with any prepared noofcover v here the prndust1sspecifima||y referenced within. F5.0approxo|documents. If not listed,a request maybe ma6etbtheAH}-for approVa| based unrhiseva|mationcombined with ouppo�hngdata for-the prepared roof covering. 5-S Allowable roof covers applied dtopTarcn'underbymants'are faUows- Asphalt -Wood Shakes Shingles St Shingles State Leak9arder Fast 1 90 Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes see 8�5,2 Le�*Barrief:MS300 Yes No No NO Yes Yes LeakBarrier PS20r Yes Yes Yes Ll ----k LeakBarrier-P5200m" Yes No NO Yes Yes Yes Exterior Research and neii:njLLC. aatuotmnnepurtYoonUo7,*K�7 ce*oa,m of AutharfzationW9503 _ ' pu64567117 Revision 7`12/17/2015 \�TMNITY'IRD 5.6.2 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base,S Sheet:. LeakBarrier.' self-adhered to: > ASTM D22.6,Type%I or 11 felt; > ASTM D4869 felt, .> LeakBarrier EasyLpy.. ASTM O.tg8.ni.c.,Min.t!rcil.8u.rf6c..e.-Ti(eun,'de.ri.aym-.aiito..rLeakBarrier E;ps OOSBSift..ho i yM t asphalt P > ASTM D226,Type I or Il fe t; >- AST-M D4801.,Type 11 base sheet. For installations under mechanically attached: prepared roof coverings-, base.layer shall be attached per, minimum codified requirements: For fnstallat'pns under-f6im-on the systems,base layershali be-attached per.minimum requirements:of FRSA/TRI.April 2012(04-12). 5.6.3 LeakBarrierSelf-Adhering Bond to Other Substrate-TVbes- > ASTM D41 primed metal(flashing metal,valleymetal, 5.15.4 Wind Resistance for Underlaym ent.Systems in roam-On'Tile AoPlicationsi FRSA/TRI.April.2012 (04-12) does not address wind uplift resistance bf All ubddrlayrnepT sy$tehris beneath foam-oh.tile systems,where theunderlayment forms part of the load-path,. The following winduplift limitations:apply to Ltri-derlayment systems that:are.not'addressed.in PRSA/1111 April*.2012*(04-12)and are used,in foam-son'tile applications. Maximum Design-Pressure is the result of testing for wind load'.resistance.based on.Allow bi Wind io.ad. . . . I .. . I . . 4 ' . and reflects.the ultimate passing pressure.dividedby 2 (the 2 to I margin-cif.safety-per FSC 150419 has already been applied).Refer to FBC 1609fordeternifnatton of design wind loads. Maximum:Design Pressure=-75.'0 psf: Deck: Min,15/327ircch Plywood to meet Projiect.reqtflroments to safisfactlon.of'A HJ Primer; (Optional)ASTM D41 PaseRly: (Optional)LeakBarrier PS2009U.I.self-adhered, UnderlayrnerA: LeakBarrier PUT,00Hse lf-:adheze.d. Maximum Design-Pressure=-120.0 psf: Deck: Min.15/32:-Inch plywood to..meet projectrecivirements to satisfaction of AHJ Primer: (Optional)A$TM,D41 Joint Treatment: Plywood joints are-covered with 4-indh WidkWiptoLeakBarrier akMM&PS200MU orLeakBarrier EasyBate, rolled.into place to.create continuous bond Base Ply-. (Optional)LeakBarrier P5200mu.;self-adhered UndeN aymefit:- LeakBarrier*PS20e,selfwadherdd 5.6.43. Maximum Detigry Pressure=-21.7�.5 09f: beck Structural4concrete to meet projectrequirements tosatisfaction of Aw. Primer. (Optional)ASTM D41: Base Ply: (Optional)LeokB4rrier.Ps�oomu,.self-adhpred Underlayment: LeakBarrier PS200 HT"self-adhered. All other dlrect-deck,. adhered Tarco. underlayment systems beneath: foam-on: tile: systems: carry a Maximum Design Pressure of-45 psf. 5.6.465 Maximum Design Pressure=-45.0 psf*., Deck: Min..15/32-inch plywood to,tnedtprcject'requlrernentsto sat isfactiohwofAHJ. Base Sheet., Leikgarrier Easytay,UDL Bagic.o.r.LeakBarri-er EasyLay UD.L 50(48"wide rolls);See F9Q FL1.15984. fasteryers,, 12 gp,x 1.25-inch long x..3/8An-ch head,diameter-annular ring sharyk roofing nails and 1-5/84hch diameter tin caps Spacing. 6"o.c.at the 44ncli wfde,s[de laps and 8"b.c.at'four(4)equally spaced,sta99 ereticenter row. s. Base Ply, (optional)LeakBarrier P5,200mu,self-adhered . Underlayment:- LeakBarrier.PSZOOHT,:self-adhered. Exterior Resear.ch and Design;LLC. Evaluatlon Report 10880,07.09-117 Certiftcow of.Authorizariono"sul FL10456.-.117 RevWon 7-1Z/i7/1015 .Page 5 of 10 -MNITY I ERD 6. IN.S.TA"ATIQN; 6.1 Ta.rco:.Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with-.Tarco;published installation requirements subject to the Limitations setforth in Section 5 hereWand the specifics:noted below. 6.2. Re-fasten any loose decking panels;:and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove an"y dust and debris priorto application,and pr(med the substrate(if applicab:le).. 6_3 Leaki3arrierO Fast90®Self-Adhering Tile:Underlavment: 6.3•.1 tasyLay:shall be installed' in compliance with the requirements.for 904 felt underlayment .(.except the product is self-adhered)in FBC Sections 150,7 for the type of'-prepared roof covering to be installed. 6,3.2 Pion=Tile ApDlications: Cut the Fast90 roll into-12'to 16'sections for workability and allow.to relax prlorto application. Chalk a plumb line 36"from:all outside Perim.eters;then chalk plumb lines 32"apart, upslope to the ridge line. Membrane Application: ➢ Place;a:full width piece of Fast90 on,the prepared.substrate,parallel.to the eave edge of the roof,with theselvedge edge positioned upslope and in-line with the 1 t chalk line. Fold back half: the sheet and remove the exposed release 'film, taking care, not: .to .displace the membrane Working.from the.centerline out, roll the membrane onto the substrate;.taking care to avoid wrinkles and ridges,and:repeat for the other half of the sheet: ➢ Remove selvage release`Eilim,'if present;and install capped or tin tagged nails 6"o.c.in theceriter:of the selvedge edge: ➢ Install th,e subsequent sheets in..th.e same manner,with.upslope selvedge edgesin=line w.ithcfial(;li:nes, With 4!`side laps:and 8"end,laps: . > Seal all 8"end. laps 1%1.6"thickapplication of`asphalt plastic.cementand.stagger all end laps minimum. 36.".. RolLtheentire.surface.with.:a weighted,roller,.paying parUcularattentiontoside laps;end laps,andeave rakearea5to:ensure.a.complefebo.nd, 6.3:4 Tile Applications: Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12): Installation Manual :and.Table 1 .herein, using the instructions noted:a hove.as:a guideline. Wait-'a minimum of 2:4 hours priorto loading roof tiles. All tilesahal I be staged fouI,tiles perpendicular to:slope;six tiles on top,,paratlelaos.lope; not to exceed:l0 tiles:total to a maximum roof pitch.of 5:,12 for flat tiles.and.6:12 for lugged tiles, 'If-tilesbre to be:left in:a staged condition for more than 30 days,tiles shall be.staged two tiles perpendicular to slope,four-tiles on top; parallel to.slope; not to exceed 6 tiles total to a maximum roofpitch:of 5:12 forflattiles and 6:12 for lugged tiles. At roof pitch in excess of those noted above; the tiles shall be staged behind;a nominal.1 x 2 horizontal' batten. Exterior Research and.Design;LLc. Evaluation Report 10880,07:08-R7 Certificate of Autharlra[tlan*9503 FL10450-R7 Revision 7'12/17/2015 .Rage 7'ai 10 ' ` - ~ « ��TRJNJTYJ.�RD 6Z Tarco 15 and 30: h�1. Tarco15and 30-shaUbe. installed'incompliance.with the requirements for ASTIVI D226� Type | and D underlayrneriU,respectively,'in F.BC Sections 1507 for the type(if prepared.roofcovering toinstalled. 6,5,2. Non-Tilt?Aptilicatioris:: Reference bmade tmthe current edition ofthe NR[A 8teep-skmpeRooting,Manual. 8.6.9 Tile Agiolitations-,base laver in 1�01V Vstorn(Tarto 30:only): Reference:ismade toFRSA/TFUApril.2012k044�)|osiaUatiunManual and Table-1henein. __ Tarco NO-------___, 6`61 ToroNO3U'shall bejngziUedino$nTpOancewith the requirements for ASTM D4Q69'Type]|undetlaymeut inFBC.Sections 15O7for the type ofppeponeJroof.covehngto'beinstalled; 15U7.4.5,'2.CU>15O76�.2(1)� 1507715O7'8^I2(1)or 1SU719.3'2(1). 6.7.1 EasyLay shall be installed in compligmcewith the requirements for ASTM 1)22�*Type I or 11 underlayment.in FBC Sections 1SO7for the typeofprepared roof covering tubeInsta||ed. e'7.2 Re-fastenohy,|po$adecking pane|s',and.qheck f6rprptrVd|ng.nail heads. 6weeptheaubstratethpnougdy toremove any dust nnddebrj�prior tnapplication. 6,7.3 . Place afuDwidth section ofEaayLay,par-al let to-the eavedeofthen,ptandunrol(2to3'rget�x�ththe�y Ufacing �8up,00dp� �ontothe edgeofthe eaveand rake, |nstaUvv �o�fefasteoersatthat near the rake, and roll out the sheet to a manageable len0tb Pull,straighten and align the-�heet so that any wrinkles are.eliminated andthe sheet,is-even vuu6'thgeovo-ea . Fasten.With 3/9"be4oedrm»flognaib-mr V capped.(plastic ormeta|)na}b,66vembyhondorpneumatica||&spomed 6".o.cat,aU.]opsin the center ofthe seam,a$oo�an��wmstaggOredtnwsfastehediZ!'o.o.|nthe fi Idvftbe«6eet. hmstN'Hai|ssuchth9 the head;-of thuoai1 is flush. with the surface^withoutcutting h#othe sorfa-ca Fastenfnwmthe-tupto ovcad wm|kin��� knedin� t o� unse�u,od�oho� �Con�nu�Tothe end otfh��ubstroteand fasten down' Align-the m�'averthe,preceding shaet-soastmform aminimum ' mmtgr-shedding,|ap^and install per instructions above, Apply subsequent sheets inthe same manner,with minimum.4"water-shedding laps and minimum Byend'aps,vvhfc6.onesfa8gecmjmhnimum3G^frotheprecedingcounse' For double layer applications, follow the.[nstnuctions noted above, but using a rnin\nnum '19" water' uhedding4u!de|ap' Allow for p66imumG"up the vertical transi.dons-and'i-nhnimum��over.hips-abdhdges. At valleys,.fhstinstaUovertical length mf*EaxyLaydown tKecenter ofthe valley,then stort,atthe low odint: and.work tpthe high point,.md||ngthe membrane from-the center outward i.heach dietbon`.enxurrignm wrinkles orteao.. Covered with voAey-imeta| orother valley lhningmotehe| iuaccordance-WithNHC-u recommendations. Apply 8 thin-coat of asphalt plastic cernont to waterproof areas where any-cuts or tears have occurred, 3eam»orjoints that require adhesive oryea|antcan betreated with high quality plastic cemont.(asbestus free). ' 6.7.4 .Reference isnadetoFR'SA/T0Apri|ZD12(U4'12)bistaUationManual'and Table 1.herein.. Exterior Research and.oesign uc svAlua*"nn=port uertificate ofAuthorizaflon,49503 FL16456,[17 Revision 7: a Certificate of Authorization No..29824. - CREEK 175.20 Edinburgh Dr Tampa,FL 33647 `T`ECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 5T"EDITION(2014) Manufacturer: TAMKO:BUILDING PRODUCTS Issued December 14, 2015 .220'West 0 Street Joplin, MO'64801. (4 17)624-6644 Manufacturing Plants: Joplin,MO Phillipsburg,.KS Frederick,MD ,Dallas;TX Tuscaloosa,.AL Quality Assurance: UL LLC(QUA9625.Y SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Asphalt.Shingles Code Sections: 1.507.2:5, 1'5,, 1523.6.5.1 ,Code Physical properties,Wind Resistance,Wind Driven Rain REFERENCES Enti Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-043-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TS.T5878) TAP-051-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-054-02-01 TAS 100 1'995 PRY Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP=114-02 01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-1:17-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI'Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-130'-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-131-02=01 TAS 1.00 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-165-02=01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-280=02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-303-U-01 TAS 100 1,095 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-307-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies{TST5878) TAP-314-02-01 Rev 2. TAS 100 1,995 .PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP-31:5-02-01 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) TAP:31.7-02-01 TAS 100 1995 UL LLC(TST9628) 02NK9507 ASTM D 3161 2009 UL LLC(TST9628) 04NK24366 ASTM D 3462 2009 UL LLC:(TST9628) 05NK28006 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)e1 UL 2390 ASTM D 7158 20084. UL LLG(TST9628) 06NK03898 ASTM D 3161 2009 ASTM D.3462 2009 UL LLC'(TST9628) 08CA59132 ASTM D 31.61 2009 UL LLC(TST9628.) 09.NK07896 ASTM D 316i 2009 ASTM D'3462 2009 UL LLC(TST9628) 10OA50498 ASTM D 3462 20Q9 UL LLC(TST9628) 10.CA64882 ASTM D 31.61 -2009 UL LLC:(TST9628) 11 NK1.4014 ASTM D 31.61 2009 ASTM D 3462 2009 UL LLC(TST9628) 12CA24551 ASTM D 3161 2009 UL LLC(TST9628) 478 6 1 10543 ASTM D 6381 2Q08(2013)e1 UL LLC(TST9628) 4787043752 ASTM D 3161 2009 UL LLC(TST9628) 4787148748 ASTM D 7158 20.08d ASTM D 3161 2009 ASTM D 3462 2009 TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page 1 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technica.I Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout theduration for which this report is valid. This.evaluation report does not express.nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed:herein. N` CREEK TAMKOBUILDING:PRODUCTS Asphait.shingies a 'TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Elite Glass-Seal@ 12-1/4"x 36", ASTM D.3161,. Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H. self-sealing, 3-tab (Frederick,Joplin.& asphalt shingle.with fiberglass mat coated..on both.sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) cerami6granules.complying with ASTM D.3462. Glass-Seal 12-1/47.x 36",- ASTM:D 3161:, Class F and:ASTM D 71.58, Class H_self:sealing, 3-tab. (Frederick& asphalt shingle with fiberglass mat coated'onboth sides with asphalt and surfaced with Tuscaloosa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Glass-Seal. 12-1X'x 36",ASTM D 7158, Class H self-sealing, 3-tab asphalt shingle with-fiberglass (Joplin) mat-coated on both.sides with asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules complying With ASTM D 3462,. .Shingles shall be used in the non-HVHZ oniv. .Heritage@ 13-114" x 39-318", .ASTM D '3161, :Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass :(PpItas,F:rederick, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with. mineral granules Joplin, Phillipsburg&: complying with.ASTM D 3462. Tuscaloosa) Heritage@ Premium 13474" z 39-3/8", .ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM. D 7158; Class Hfiberglass. '(Dallas;Frederick; reinforced; laminated architectural asphalt shingle `surfaced wlth. mineral. granules. Phillipsburg+& complyirfgwith ASTM D 3462_ Tuscaloosa:) Heritage@ Premium 12" x 367, ASTM D 3161,, Class F:and.ASTM D 7158, Class H fberglass reinforced, (Frederick) laminated architectural.asphalt shingle surfaced with Mineral .granules.coplying with ASTM D 3462.: .Heritage@ Vintage® 17-1/Z'x 40",ASTM D 3161, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass fei.nforced, (Phillipsburg) laminated .architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with. mineral granules complying with ASTM D'3462:. Heritage@ Woodgate 13-1/4" x 39-3Y&', ASTM D 31.61, Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass (Dailas&Frederick) reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with, mineral granules complying with.ASTM D 3462. HeritageOWoodgate 12 .x 36=3/8", ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural (Frederick) asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral,granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Shingles shall be used in.the non=HVHZonly. Hip and Ridge Shingles 1.2-1/4" x. 12", ASTM D 3161, Class F fibetglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt (Frederick Joplin) shingle surfaced with mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462. Vintage@ Hip and.Ridge 12" x 12",:.ASTM.D 3161.; Class F fiberglass reinforced,:.hip and ridge.asphalt shingle (Phillipsburg) surfaced with mineral granuie&complying with ASTM 0.3462. TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page 2 of 11 This evaluation report Is.provided for State of Florida product approval iin&,r Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical.Services,,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance charnges throughout the duration for which this report is valid.. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation,recommended.use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed.herein.. TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS CREEK Asohditsfiingles TecHNICALSeRvicEs,LLC INSTALLAtION Elite Glass-Seal® Basic Wind Speed(V,,It): Max. 194 mph (Frederick,.Joplin& Basic Wind Speed(Vasa): Max, 150.mph Tuscaloosa) t)erk;*,(HVHZ. In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed,min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood.plank for Glass-Seal. new construction; Miln.. 15132 in. plywood :existing (Frederick-,Joplin.(Non- construction. HVHZ),&Tuscaloosa) Deck.(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with,FBG requirements; -Solidly.sheathed ruin. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new-construction;Min.7/16 in.G.S13 existing construction.. Undedayment: In accordance With F8C requirements. Min.slope; 2:12-and in accordance with FBG requirements.. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at*slopes greater than 21:12: Installation(HVHZ)- Installed with 5-1/8 inch exposure.in accordance with-,RAS 1.15 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shlngfe,e; shall. 49 attached.'using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed ,below. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Installed with 5-1/84neb,exposure in accordance anbe-With FBC reqU.Ire menIs and manufacturer' published installation n ln§tructlbns. Shingles shall,be:atfacTed-using efther"4Nall 'Pattemo or"6 Wail Pattern"detailed below. NAILS Nailing AM _V81, BW ftp' Figure,1. Elite,Glass-Seal&Glass-Seal 4.Na-ilPattern.(Non-HVHZ only) NAILS ---- j"_ - ........ Nailing,, Area -i M Edge Figure 2. Elite Glass-Seal&Glass-Seal O.Naft Pattern TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page 3 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval*under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK' Technica[Services,.LLC.of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for-whicti'this report is-valid.. This evaluation report.does not express nor imply warranty, installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed CREEKTAMKO BUIDING PRODUCTS • Asphalt Shingles TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Heritage® Basic Wind.Speed(V„it): Max. 194 mph (Dallas, Frederick;Joplin, Basic'Wind Speed(Vasd): Max. 150 mph Phillipsburg&Tuscaloosa) Deck'(HVHZ) In accordance with FBC requirements; & Solidly sheathed.min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for Heritage@ Premium new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing (Dallas, Frederick construction. Phillipsburg.&.Tuscaloosa) Deck(Non-HVHZ): In.accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min: 15732 in. plywood or wood plank for. Heritage®Woodgate. new construction;.Min.7/16 in:OSB existing construction'. (Dallas&.Frederick) Underlayment: In accordance with FBC.requirements. Min,slope: 2:12 and in accordance with FBC:requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles at slopes greater than 21:12: Installation(HVHZ) Installed with:5-5/8 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115:and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles.shall be attached:using'0.6 Nail Pattern" detailed below.. Installation (Nen-HVHZ): Installed with.5=518.in, exposure in accordance with FEC .requirements :acrd. ,manufacturer's: published installation .instructions. Shingles.shall be attached using either"4.Nail Pattern"or"6 Nail Pattern"detailed below, FASTEN IERS NAIL ZON E COM MON BOND -� " EXPOSURE 6-5/8" 1(�. �111- 12-11-211 12-31811 12-112'" �111_1 11 Figure 3. Heritage®, Heritage®Premium,.and Heritage®Woodgate(Dallas) 4 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) FASTENERS NAIL ZONE /COMMON BOND EXPOSURE 5-518" 1'� r r-112"->i�-1-1I2"-�h- 7-3C$"-�-7-1�2"-I►�-7-iJ2"-►� �--1" Figure 4. Heritage0&-Heritage®Premium 6 Nail,Pattern TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page-4.of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida.product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK: Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance when-es throughout the duration.for which this report is valid: This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installer ,a.,. 6commended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed.herein. CREEK RE�"L�K TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphait swrigies TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC NAIL"ZONE? aPOS iIRE. f$" i==►� 'f�.2' `1#,�' -731€i'"=[a�t-74'17�� �='I���1►�. �If-,1"`, Figure 5. Heritage®Woodgate 6 Nail Pattern f r t. i S j y i MI Common Bund 1 i FASTENERS ;. co i v.. T ua c t�r 39-318" _. Figure 6 Heritage@), HeritageO Premium, &Heritage@)Woodgate —LEI Alternate 6 Nail"Pattern. PAI t 7. �ONIIsil�71�1.. BOf+ID. ERRE' AUS SCATIdN' DO NOT FASTEN: AL�7i�I EDGE.C>#= "GOIti'MON'60N : PRE t=ERRED FASTENER LC7C�fk7tN Figure 7.. .Heritage.0{Tuscaloosa). Expanded.Nail Zone :Nail patterns from Figures 3, 4,and 6 may be.placed.in..the nail zone as described above TBP15001..2 FL18355-R2 Page 5 of 1.1 This evaluation report is-provided.for State of.Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,.LLG of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid: This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO.BUILDING PRODUCTS " AspCtalt;Sbingles TECHNICAL'SERvjcE:s,LLC Heritage®Premium Basic Wind Speed(Vit): Max. 194 mph (Frederick) Basic.Wind.Speed(Vag): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In.accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 1.9/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min.. 15132 in. plywood existing construction, Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC.requirements;. Solidly,sheathed,enin. 15132 in. plywood or wood plank for new.construction; Min.7/16 in:OSB existing..construction.. Underlayment: in accordance with FBC requirements. Min..slope: 2:12•arid. in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application instructions when installing shingles'at slopes greater than 21:12:.. Installation(HVHZ); Installed with 5 in. exposure, in accordance with RAS 11.5 and: manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using"T. Nail Pattern" detailed below. Installation (Noir-HVHZ): installed with .5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and ;manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall:be:attached using.either`.4.Nail Pattem"or"6.N.al Pattern"detailed.below: NAIL ZONEf FASTENERS ,1 01V1MON BOND EifPOSURE 5° 1211 Figure S. Heritage@ Premium (Frederick) 4 Nail Pattern.(non-HVHZ'only) NAIL:ZONE/ FASTENERS COMMON BOND 511 " Epol SURE ° Figure.9. Herita:geO Premium'(Frederick) 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page 6 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida.product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK TechnicaFServices,LLG of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid: This evaluation report.does not express hot imply warranty, installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DDEEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphait:Shirtgles TF -SERVICES, LLC HeritagdO Woodgate BasiG Wind Speed.,(Vult): Max. 194 mph (Frederick) Basic Wind Speed(V.d): Max,-150 mph Deck_(Non-HVHZ): In awordance with FRC requirements, Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction;Min.7/16 in.OSB.existing.construction. Underlayment: In:accordance with FBC.requirements. Min:slope:. 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Refer:to the manufactunits application instructions.when. installing shingles at slopes greater than.2'1:12: Installation (Non-HVHZ),: Installed With .5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC .requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. .Stingles shall be attached using either"4'Nail Pattern"or"6:Nail Pattern"detailed below. NAIL ZONE( FASTENERS COMMON BOND IT EXPOSURE W JE ..-.12-3/8"->r - All, __ k-111 Figure`D. Heritag:eO Waodgate..(Frederick) 4 Nail Pattern.(non-HVHZ only) NAIL ZONF1 F�4STENEFiS COMMON BOND t L KT 5.112`` EXPOSURE 5' ,4 II Figure 11.1+Heritage®Woodtgate (Frederick). 6 Nail:Pattern TBP15001.2 FL1$355-R2 Page of 1.1 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida.product approval under Rule 61020-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,,LtG of any product changes or quality assurance chap. throughout the duration.forwhich this report is valid: This evaluation report•does,not express nor imply'war-a ity,.installation,recornrnended:use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. K` CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt.Shingies TECHNICAL.SER)nCES,.LLC Heritage®Vintage® Basic Wind Speed(Vit): Max..1.94 mph :(Phillipsburg) Basic Wind Speed(Vasd): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed,min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new. construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing construction. Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed 04: 15/32 in.. plywood of wood plank for new-construction;Min.7/16 in..0$B existing-construction.. Underlayment: In accordance with.FBC requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and iri accordance with FRG requirements. Refer:to the.manufacturer's application instructions when installing shin&s'at Stopes greater than 21:12. Installation(HVHZ); ;Installed with 5 in.:exposure in .accordance with RA$ 115 •and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles..shall be attached,using`6 Nail. Pattern" detailed below. Installation .(Non-HVHZ): Instailed with .5: in.. exposure in accordance with FBC ..requirements :and. manufacturer's published installation :instructions. Shingles shall be:attached using.either"5 Nail Pattern"or"6.14aiI Pattern`'detailed below: 41 4d' N 1ug,ma,t Exposure $ amc, 11 z fbxFt b., r—Omners -Alt, 17-1/2'' S' Fxpwure •11 Figure 12. Heritage®-Vintage® 5 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ onlj) Hotdt Faueters .Y ze 17-11x' BqMUro .71 T,TIi' T�?J6" 7-3li—sls--7�/D" ' .F7Ji'--►{-� �161�E-716' '' Figure 13. Heritage®Vintage 6 Nail Pattern TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page.B of 1.1 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall.notify CREEK Technical Services,.LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration.for:which.this report is valid: This evaluation report,does not.express nor imply warranty;installation, recommended use;or otherproduct attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRQDUCTS Asphalt.Shiingies TECHNICAL SERVICES,.LLC Hip&Ridge Basic.Wind Speed(Wit): Max..194 mph & :(Frederick Joplin) Basic Wind Speed(Va,d): Max. 150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In accordancewith FBCrequirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min: 15(32 in'. plywood existing _construction. Deck(Non-HVHZ): In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or.wood plank for new construction; Min.7/16:in:OSB existing construction,. Underiayment: In accordance with FBC.requirements. Min.slope: 2:12 and in accordance.with.FBC requirements: Installation: installed with 5-1/8 inch exposure in accordance with the -FBC and manufacturer's published,installation instructions. The:direction of the exposed end shall be.away from the .prevailing wind. Direction of prevailing Wind Start 5-1/8" exposure here 1 LI Start Figure 1 here .5-118"exposure 1 $,, 1,. - Fastener _ ' 'Fastener 77 18 Figure 2 � Figure 3 1/4" Figure 14. Hlp 8&Ridge (Frederick Joplin) TBP1.5001,2 FL18855-R2: Page.9 of 1.1 This:evaluation report is-provided.for State of Florida.product approval under.Rule 61G20-1 The manufacturer.shall notify CREEK Technical.Services,LLC of any product+changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation reportdoes not express nor imply warranty,installation, recommended use, or other product'attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS Asphalt,.Sh'ingles TECHNICALSERVICES,LLC Vintage®Hip&.Ridge Basic Wind.Speed(Vat): Max. 194 mph (Phillipsburg) Basic Wind Speed (Vwd): Max.'150 mph Deck(HVHZ): In,accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32 in, plywood existing constmetion. Deck(Non-HVHZ): in.accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly:sheathed hlh. 15132 in. plywood or wood;plank fpr new.construction; Min.7/16 in:OSB existing_construction_ Underlayment: -In accordance with.FBC.requirements. Min,slope: 2_:92 and in accordance with FRC requirements;. Installation:. Installed with b inch.exposurein.accordance with the FB.0 and manufacturer's published installation 10structii0ris.. The direction of the exposed. end shall be away from the prevailing wind'. Direction of prevailing wind Start 5" exposure here Start Figure 1 here 5" exposure ji Fastener stener ' �5-1/2" L5-1/2 Figure 2 1/4" Figure 3 Figure 15. Vintage®.Hip & Ridge (Phillipsburg) TBP15001.2 FL18355-R2 Page 10 of.11 This evaluation.report is-provided for State of Florida.product approval'under Rule 61 G20-3. The:manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC-of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid.. This:evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation, recommended use,or other product attributes that.are:not specifically addressed-herein. TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS • CREEK Asphalt-Shffiglos TECHNICAL SERvicEs,LLC LIMITATIONS 1) Fire.Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2) The roof deck And the roof deck attachment shall.be.designed by.others to meet the minimum design loads established for components andcladdingand in accordance with FBG.re.qqirements 3) The mean.roof height shall be restricted to a maximum 33 ft in th.e:HVHZ. 4) Classification to ASTM.D 7158 applies to exposure B&Q With-a building mean.roof height of 33�ft Or less. 5) Deck-substrates-shall be,-clean, drys and'free from,any irregularities and debris. All.-fasteners in the.deck shall be.checked for pr9truslonand corrected prior to*under[8,yrnent application. 6) Shingles shall b6jinstalled.starting at the,eaves in horizontal layers such that the laps.shed water from the deck. 7) Installation. of the. evaluated, products shalt comply with -this report, the FBC, and the manufacturer's " ' .0 restrictive published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more rest ict ve and code compliant.dei6il shall prevail. 8) All:products cts listed in this:report shall be manufactured Under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61,13204... COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated.herein by,Zachary R. Priest-, P.E. have. demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 5.tb Edition.(2-01.4)as evidenced in the referenced�docurnents:submltted by the named manufacturer. 2 115.12.14 R. 0 JG- 13-:44:19 No 7,4021 /4 -05'00 1�-53. STATE OF 4tj S. ;�- A* `0 Zachary R. Priest, P.E. ...... Florida Registration 110.74021 Organization No.ANE9641: CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Techniest.Services, LLC does•not have, nor Will itacquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services,LLC Is not owned,operated,or contrbIled,by any company manufacturing.or distributing produ c-ts under this evaluation. Zachary.R. Priest, P.E, does not have; nor will.acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products .und.erthts.evaluation: Zachary R,Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a fin a nclal.'interest,In any other entity involved In the approval process of the- product. END OF REPORT TgPI5001.2 FL18355-f: page 11:of,'11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under-Rule.61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK. Technical,Services,LLC of anyproduci.changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for-Which this report is valid. This evaluation report does.notaxpress-nor imply-Warranty, installation, recommended use,or other product-'attributes that are specifically-addressed.herein. v Martinez Fax:(772)872-8033 To: Fax: +1(772)462-1578 Page 2 of 2 04/28/2016 9:34 AM NOTICE OF .PRODUCT.CERTIFICATION.' a Y CERTIFICATION NO: N1006289B-R5 DATE: '.11/10/2005 t` ' 'CERTIFICATION.PROGRAM: :Structural f� :. : COMPANY: Sun J,k, -Tek :s s1 CODE: :225-1 l( f � 13 ���� REVISION.I?ATE: -11/03/2015 h To ver*that the."Notice of Product Certification"is valid,please visit wxwXAMICertification.com to assure thatthe product is active and currently listed.This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label must be applied to theproduct to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAME if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc. :Series 41CMGIP' Curb Mounted 10303 General.Dnve Aluminum.Fixed'Skyligbt....... Orlando,•F.L 32824 Configuration: O ............................................... .................................................................. Glazing.:Insulating Glass(Tempered),.. .................................................................... Overall: W-1295mm(4'3") H 1295mm(4'3") Daylight:W-1160mm(T10") H-1160mm(3'10") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S.7-2000 SKG C90 90 (51 x 51) AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S.2/NAFS-02 . ................................. Product Tested By;.. :National Certified Testing Laboratories ReportNo: NCTL-110-9857-4 Fxpiration.Aate; September 30,.20.1.8: AdtninistratWs Signature: . .. . . . ............................. ............................... 'NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND . . ................................... ................................................ MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. . ....................................4794 Geor Washington MemorialHighwaY ............... ........ .......................... e .............................................................. Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804)684-5124 Fax: (804) 684-5122 5 Build curb: a)Construct curb with 2x4s,.2 x ws,etc.(depending on height desired os �-. ai .o,, building code requirements).Curb should be minimum 3-112"high..0e sure •K't, . i inside measurement cf curb is the same as ropf Opening measurcmcr ,i b'Secure curb to roof: 6' Shlrtgleroufuptobottomofcurb• 7 Flash curb(sizes 2525,2549,3333,. '•:�, - 5bc(ac `� {; ]349,4949 can be used with Sutt Teks preformed,pre.c tStep fiaskII94,Mth GO one-piece held and sill).Use galvanized ro sheet meta6Piuminumrorcoppet•.Metal 4~ _ shbuldextend;tminim4mof4'over j�:''.` CD ;hingles(onbottom side),Shertulisjdes; ofcurb•FlashingshotildF�JlushwitK ij•. I ciubtop: N - . o $ shingle upsidesandacross the top,' I `ai49 N 9 Position the skylight over the curb with :M the'TASEDGE DdiVWIabelatthe lowest side ofthecurb.Center the sky(ight 51 ' a overtheca,lrmakingsurethe foam gasket Is In contact with the topofthewb. I. ;t)—••: As the Fasteners,(see fastenerschedule),are being attached rn the curb,push down on the frame Just above the fastener to insure the gasket is compressed GCiN6 . to form a good seal:Use the 11¢'spiral ring shanked nails,provided.Continue CD- attachingtherremainingFastenersinthe.samemanner..AllFastenerinstallation t' holes prov(ded must be used: ' ' ' r m " OU"IHDA.RD GtAS.5�. E?.'IPERED) EXTUDEJ C ALUH'I ;Pub FRAM=: HRGQN FILLED SPAC_ LL: iKDOARD ClA$S� :. {TEP.IFEREDJ uGOT; SHTM r (By OTHERS) I, DESIGN PRESSURE RATING .t i ±90'SF. .. ' F. NOK IMPACTRA.TFD-j CUR9 f (a?- JTHERS< . . . . . . THR.FAD SCRE'sJ m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J&U Wells COPAWIliug]( C.` . . . . . . '�4.:i P1 I:G' . Ci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1345 Unity Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on°. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . Caspelherry,N L 32707'- Engineer of Record: f i6-5489 496-54$4 J4tnes D.Wells,Jr.,P.E. Certi4cato of Apthorizatioti No.27162-, Florida Professional Engineer No.53616 x LL C Y N o, m E o. ri Sun-Tek Manufacluring,lne,,.' INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION$': C�, t�_��J� MODEL JaMes.D.Wel% Ju �a OrlandoeFL3284e' 'y�ODELC1X1V" Iatnes.D. Yells,Jr.,dr.,P.E. • 407/859-Z1 i7 b'loridaProfessloealEnemeer ':sur• tvwwsun-tek•corn Use on Any,type roof(cprh(equ?igd) P`o,5340 J V COStOimer5ervice0survteif•cont 'SIZE INFORMATION +""• - Flntshed Mod.ICMG '-�- W J&L Welts .•, ' ---.`� Opo Iny Only Fits.. Fastener 4onsulting�L.0 cru i 5Ge R9f (Dyuall C.hoautsidd center Perlbp& Fasts:ner R_ 1345 Uni Gourfr code Opaning Dimendon) Dltuensian spare eatrom PetSide \ _� ty d - _ ..W.*rSrd Cacyelber ry,FL 32707 1022 tit %"1955 1f1f4'.x Rh 74+i'x22A 16' ! 3 _. C ?Y ebtS3.- 6`S6 'k e'-'•".., co (4U7)4Q6-54891 6 Inh'X43h 1055'z424Y 1 1i%e 16 3 i IB—CURBO.a�i g Certificate of tsh .t '3 :•.'t« "• ..e �•�'+,: '•eax:;:..: 1733 1 5'x 13v,x 17n'z 333s' 16 • 3 3 N AutborljatigP No,27(6S' c. t r Yr, an-:e'e• .> s. .... .—.� .+r 7777 19%'X19VP 1855x181 27+1'x22N 74 3 3 O . . . . . . . . . . _ <,si 8s5E"rE1 .fit f J STSIVF47'h:J1r7 i"A'Tsi 75J 00*24" OI 7525 II45'x22%' 21S5+x21Sn 25 i`z25 24 3 3 tCIS CLEANING YOUR SRYUGHn STB logo Caulk•Use only between decking and urdesside of•slryliyhlMnye on 7549 P4'x4Gh 21w' 4 v 25SS'x 4955 X24 3 4 •hamme! •sealant/mastfG use d mild soap And•.rater or Wass cleaners Doty.leash pa;,u splashsl;91 oesfic$eriei: _ - z .. .. .keyhole SavJ •tape measure cameaurvl,elr_neylx:rq'mrvg Iry ruhlrjry ligl!dywnll a•aficlolh cv Soltgn,l,pll' • . soakedin nlneral tpldts:. 3030 27Vix2A, 26t5rx 7615'. .0"z3o'S` �`at 3 3 * •skill Saw.' •chalkllne or straightedge va ?T of .. •nade. •trowel or caul'cgun Go ACCESSORIES. StepTlash let-Pr f.r+ned,psecsn 8ashirgeliminatesneid farlLuhlnponseR-bunt 3069 2M'x66N 26V+'x %6 30WX69N 16 ru s7' A WA •drill: •uliEVy knife t• SM�;7ghf3hadas-avariery afslms are available and are,ess*r inglilled.Centactyour rueb•1h"Ails selected siss�s Model clan Nota:Step ths'n khdesiyned`o,use with . - w `3Y'" • s t0 bWlaing matcryls dCalerpr$uo•T.k 41;L(not 9rinR forde(apq •XX4's . CJ,GS constructed 9f 2Y 4'4 only. �114; 349 3044"X46IS 2959'%45V 33u`x49sY ��t rr 32 3 A N - . For L'IghtTunneh' RECOMMENDED SEALANT55LIGHTILMNE41NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 43 'x6655 4ztY h 4GVfz a9W 1W.,24 wN/A •8orlopennynails •Non•h-1rJeningraofcemenC,_ �, •fi& 4plyvioud.ordrywall •Butyl ruLUersealahVcaulk'--n For homes with aR attic IL is necessar to build a tunnel between skylights and'celling.The tunnel walls may bestraight,or flared for extrd,light and -STS 10W(Sun-Tekexdpsivey y. ?92V•"X73h 51 Y:27245 ss4i'x 73'S' - NIA WA C ercldlectlualappeal,IfSvery easy to irtae4sethetunnetsize along the length of tllecelting joists.AS long ds no nfnf-supNctIng rpernki5are cut,no specialhamingis needeo.Whllelt is p6ssible to Rareche tunnel Id allelirectldirs,if support mernbersero cue special framingvAllbe requitedfurstructwal FAI LURETO FOLLOW RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION PROCEDURESMAYVOIDWARRANTY + support.In th(s care you mt+st consult 0 qualified building professional to tnsure properand safe results: 1 .After roafand ceiling openings have been framed,measure distance(at each earner of roof Checklocal building codes for glas¢requlrgrnents..•Please read Instructions completelybefc ra beginning.•Deckand roofing LL gpernglbehraenrafter/ttgssandcelt(ngioisi: felt shouldal[eadybyiPstailed,+.Inletlar.y{aod.ligershould.b0stalndd orpa(ntedbefore installation, ii 2 Uditgthese�o�tmeasureiflepts,CS{C2k4.tomb'erfejrvertiealsuppbrtlpemlls'Js(two:percomerl• 3 In each corner,nailvertical support members Into'place atright angles tneach other; To properlypositioriskylightbetweentrusses/Fafters,lougte,theroofopening 4 Measure,cut and nail tunnel walls into place-Suggestions for lining tumeh from the underside of the decking.(If this area is net-accessible,locate the -use drywall,tape comet"rid•paint white using regular ortexmre paint.(Texture pAint alone ceiling joists hang inside the house,mark opening in Foiling(21-0,and cut v4llhide and fill untaped,194 ,Uut In Ume,cracksrnay appear Incomers.) ceilin o enin Then(ollow steps roofo ening�): \\•\ �\ g' P 9- P P. use the tunnel paneling,pine,or a%g o corned. a) measure distance between trusses/(afters and?lark center point. -line thetunnelwith cedatpine,urawoodtuc'oarerllatewithyoursiecof' b)to centerskylight,measure one-half of appropriate ropfci eningInoch 3 -for special affects,try painting thetunnol a sulking accentcolor.or use mirrors or 5vallpdper nn p ixjnnel walls side of center point and mark f,.r?':• c) using the side marks as agulde, mark.comcrsbydfillingholes 6rddving 5 Caugtthe slight gap tiehieIttle tunnel tva)Is.and skylightt7asC- nails throt,ghroa£ \\ 6 Finish off tunnel at ceiling with molding,.rblend edges into ceiling With texture paint \� 7 Be sure w wrap theexterior of the tunnel With insulation for energy savings. llglTove sh(Ogles.¢•ti"Out from roof opQniog. \\ t's•,.T.y7lnto,a«xn;rn!.+.aYour.nr.,&,v 41�l1FtvisnSKY,;,rF„snr•ar,�.ED,nr.r,rwwN,Tn,,re+n rmmr•'>s�v'..r+mfcnr<Fnawy'rn•^+r:egsns.u.pq;.;nw++.lv4•cl,'«+ 3 Cut roof opening(snap cornet Co Cornet.or dfaW line With yl ,nlbu..nw,v,}+wnnd.ttyrl vra^L55nl.,y,P.7raunlraunlbu:TMx:+r:lai F+Irl,rune:Mn:br+p,r6d dt^v:.HJnyu:++tnit.datm,tHb+y:Sxarttue,dx:Ndneap�,laltne•enMla W.en ,n,>W:x�an.,l+aaf»1r:=Dyn+a.M;.,;:gy+a�ul7wW:our;,Yea;LrrrrM;:l�vrnrvwryl[apertm,r•(atererlarWra:heerur!.!.'-Maltltunhhum:nwrmimaialWtaa•nMµYm-dnamri, straightedge.li rn,Lr9a Fy+•1+a,'yaY+•p4.pq,i4e.y,+."z-, ;11.11 -�' Ts�F,m"or.. . . 4 Frame roof opening: 14 a) cut two 2x4'stofit the actual rTistancebetYreentnlsseslmfterFat7dnail r-x l,,,."uwrt^;�++^:,Nes:.:,a;nv..,ve4>:.,a,ra•wyyv),..r,ra+rwirAr en'.•anraF,�n+:•r .ri m•+l.,.wS1:1me+:a•1:,.nw:<,uscka<: -irrtoA Iace.NOTE:51ze.2525,2549.,3333,3349,4949Skip,step".d•prose.ed esu,n+nblWotrgNl+�a•^.,'VWJ�+n'blo lcmi;ni>uN41.dnncf U.:4ylmy+s sk aie>ec„urlrwsry aeE-te Juigeu:nnl:ryaM-n:•r.s+,'+^/rywnnae>,m.mrreF«,i.au<N.rc:dw be,u]r h taasrttA.Fbralnma.Lr1'RRh(oi?:ngltq n+npyeod Sn:++Fr.4 M:';^{yrryydtru�arnN;Acrcr!:na�sJr bv,cnp:5w svreen sr p.>'nml+ab,WMvineanvW 4"+'+a:rai:kF ShyptlCex.d C0�^ s0 p„mimviYia'�Mmppyelf+P=4'6k.Yf+t'iKI,uR FV'+9M'ufN>"'6dnevM'a11e1�4M mRY+ta+4onP'?4t+rY'nr>Ah..P('•'Nr!nyn.'.:,R<+a^%.,faF'+d'+.nr^vupioe[M+P•a m u9sokes+mms,tar,rwo-�m+eu,..,:m..uta,trwrr•a.m+.Fla,4rsathemr.ere,.urra�+run.nlwr4wm.+rml.,nrs�+,xl,..:^axtiNxea,u4->:,mnuralsaaw;.ns.a.a r:a,m:..1: . b)cut two 2 x4's to the exact length of the roof opening and nail to the C2 ,admit:.le+ua:v¢el,smue,n:waml»:hapnanahtarane,+nutehtoe:.,fie([«a<SelennprMb/thraeev,T.r.ImFP+arlilI PUCkAbYM1+N:RS.r,C;wx:alVf:ifrSvAirATa PW Y. . ri^FPAN'a[Sa?N{R:IV+h'M+:Tr hN{1f1'!4f$rft:AanKIFMFJ)NYp SINUW,.nOlF;U11EY0Y1l61WMTRW af•1fIF,[oKtsYa,9UMe5FT.C51a6a H6t•,.Secnlrov tr+no,W%mbnLuunanlx.,4ir+^I*d.J trIl55C5/faftefS. N r•,.a V:i,'v:uu.we;n1,,:.,�y:cliFnrvsl+*41�ads+ll^+tm!+a+nn+tofm+¢a.+W+mSsuat,NP*s:usfkrct+t.'raorxnJ.aPcclGthlg:OucNµfr,;HPlsa[t'JtnCUlt'tagvluoruyrrpro - C) i(a Ilcable cutceiiin opening andhulldtunnelframin Ser�'l7 IrNSCGiptf exl1M1l91,rt:ar3t4t6 tF.lHl4tr,Qtan24FF41F5 Kn+Xvwea.nd;d:neFa rot.JsswNrbamdSxNail,rtt-nA”nY;A.nxyascd„bv:,f3YM+nare„Whnnri.'ar+ tara,l4r+Nna+ AP.- r 9 P 9 D( ght m Tunnel ln5ldl(an9n lnsqucllons'')' . N art Wepla,im fn,<em,aeo a, b NWel4 autxYt6oelneommreNenoe to lbm�Ne••,eueu of la•Muluoranr m,d ML Mf••m•tbe l,b•,lmpxed,,Irw Wx4aan+d,a..a..m .6dwtw,IG, 128].C2-SIQ9 '✓ . '18101 ILL 'L N (U C O g c m E ' 0 ti