HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions i OFFICE fJSE ONLY: y� J _ DATE FILED: I e.J` - PERMIT#�/ ((/ e3- (J / T3 . .REVISION FEE: . 0 Z7 RECEIPT# PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE ? FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 FAX(77 -&D % IL APPLICATION FOR BUILDI PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SI ADDRESS: BS �� oeDG, ct qn 2. DETLED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: o I .Y . IN a i, 3.. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT.#: C 2,S-13 ST.LUCIE COUNTY CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDiRESS: ET CITY: STA c. ZIP: 3 V2 PHiNE(DAYTIME): - S5-0 FAX: l7 _93 — �i ER 4 OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NA1V�E: Alme ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: 3 L / . PHONE: FAX: 5: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: Revised 07/22/2014 I r - 'i6: Tr asure '17 Harvey E.Koehnen 7205 Elyse Circle C oast v, s i Professional Engineer#32831 P S L Florida 34952-8212 B Wilding Architect#AR0009471 PHONE(772)466-5509 E ngineers, Certified General Contractor#CGCO24776 FAX(772)499-3035 Inc. E-MAIL:hkoehnen@tcbeweb.com Contractor Z'A2y2WAL_ Owner Date 0-A Job Addre5OE8' 'jq. Fr-A P -T. P/ C% 0 ST.LUCIVE couj\Tv '_UrL)DM SION B U I LT UP et!�<7,kj a-f &�ePl b3IT-_ EN11 REVI D FOR CO NEW ROOF RE-ROOFfWIENi'E By RECOVERING REPAIR AREA -DATE BUILT UP ROOF PLAN PLANs�N- PE TSS BE ,,5r_0f:P:r_ OR NO INSPECTION PT ON JOB �IA F.- I�b J ILIA- VIM _z 7- 4 Iz L -RAN;A 1)Al. F30 0GEOWORK _p12FS1]RjFrj TO& M REC11100 aim JA AWAUA' PJAP.. We : 000 E I 0 is lift 'T it �4 k �": h ,*' g :�O L ASCE 7-10&FBC 2014 5th Edition ENCLOSED BLDG SEMI ENCLt',�' V � � E PART 2 LOW RISE C&C SIMPLIFIED !In 12 PITCH/ME h 7 4 RISK CAT 2/V= EXPOSURE_ jX=J��_Jl(zt 1.0/h= .' I " u Ajh� 6"ll �t �4 ROOF SYSTEM N 0 A fk— �z ,�! "I ZONE 1 B @'h=30 = _ X_ = PS F x 0.6= ZONE 2 B @ h=30 = X = PS F x 0.6= a= Ak 12 ZONE 3_13 @ h=30 = X = PSF x 0.6=--` a= 44 4- MAX DESIGN PRESSURE PER NOA DECK TYPE THICKNESS I��z'1\41AI BASESHEET"1- 55 Jb/NSJ! NO.OF PLIES FASTENERS/69"G I L U l,5.SIA 45 .4 'E'l t\j FASTENER SPACING FPR ANCHOR/BASE SHEET ATTACHMENT: Field_ -"oc @Lap,#Rows 3 @ Jq "oc Perimeter: 02 "oc @Lap,#Rows @ "oc Corner: oc@Lap,#Rows_ @40 oc INSULATION BASE LAYER TYPE SIZE I TYPE OF FASTENERS/OR BONDING MATERIAL Field Perimeter Corner NUMBER OF FASTE�NERS PER INSULATION BOARD: INSULATION TOP LAYER TYPE SIZE TYPE OF FASTENERS/OR BONDING MATERIAL PLY SHEET144W,��,iA45 tool NO.OFPLIES TYPE OF FAff&4f*S/BONDING+-t6 TOP PLY d%±6 NO.OF PLIES TYPE OF fie_&VS/BONDING t,+j>—j N)Otp I T r'easure Harvey E. Koehnen C Oast Professional Engineer#32831 B uilding Architect#AR0009471 E "gineers, Certified General Contractor#CGCO24776 I Inc. These tables Are For Roof''Goverings Roof coverings Installed on Buildings with a Mean Roof Nelght of 30'or Less Located In Exposures B, C or D 'Table R301.2 (,�W i A5ciff 7-k:D COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WORST CA,5E DESIGN PRESSURE rPSF]. 180]E&-pB 160Exp O 160FxpC J60Exp D 160Exp D (One story (Two story*) (One story') (Two story4) Roof>6to 7 degrees Zone 1 -27.6 -33.4 -38.7 -40.6 -45,9 of>0 13 L7degreels=1112/12 pitch Zone 2 -46.4 -56.2 -66.0 -68.3 -77.1 _69.8 Zone-1 --8 -84.5 -97.7 -102.7 -115.9 Ro f>7 to 27 degrees 'Zone 1 -253 -30.7 -35.5 -42 27egr I ee,8=6/12 pitch Zone 2 -44,1 -63.4 -61.8 -84.9 -73.3. Zone 3 -66A -78.8 -91.2 -95.7 _108._'I Root>27 to 45*degrees Zone 1 -27.8 -33.7 -40.0 -40.1 -462 45 degrees= 12112 pitch Zone 2 -32.4 39.3 5.4 -47,7 ZDne 3 -32.4 -39.3 45.4 -47,7 -53,8 'R till k, 160 Exp B 150 Exp C 150E (one story*) (two st Roof>0 to 7 degrees Zone 1 -24.3 -29,5 -34.1 A 7degree8=19/2/12 pitch Zone 2 -40.8 -49A -572 Zone 3 -61.4 -74.3 -86.0 Roof>�7 to 27 degrees Zone 1 -22,2 -26.9 -31.1 .9 27 degrees=6/12 pitch Zone 2 38.7 .-46.0 -54.2 .3 Zone 3 -673 -69.4 -80-3 -84.3 -95.2 �2 Roof> - to 5 d6gree$ Zone 1 -24.3 ' 9.6 -34.1 -55.8 -40.4 45 degrees=12/12 pitch Zone 2 -28.4 34A -39.8 -41,8 -47.2 Zone 3 -28A -34.4 39.8 -41.8 -47.2 Ona story*=one story building with a maximum mean roof height of 15 feet Two sLry"=ttivo story building with a maximum mean roof height.of 30 feet if-allow'ed by the Miami Dade N.O.A or Florida Product Approval, any system.that does.-not meet the minimum components and cladding pressures for the area that the building is located per this form may require a Florida licensed engineer to revise the fastener spacing 4 N PHONE 7205 Elyse Circle (772)466-5509 T C B E,Inc. I F­ IL Port Saint Lucie FAx (772)469-3035 E-MAILFlorida 34952-8212 hkoehnen@tcbeweb.com WEB srrE http://www.tcbeweb.com aL„ +1hI1. "` MIAMI-RADE COUNTY l PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW_26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida:33195-2g79 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)31525-99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/econoMy 'CeriamTeed Corporation 18 Moores RoadA 16o3 0 0 3 Malvern,PA 19355 i SCOPE: This NOA is"being issued.under the applicable rules and regulations governing the.use of construetion"materials.The doeumet3tation"subn}fitted has been reviewed and.accepted by Miami�-Dade County RER-.Product Control Section to be'" used in Miami Dade County and other.areas"where'alI wed by the.Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This'NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section on Mianii Dade County)and/or the P,fIJ (in areas other than IVliami Dade County)reserve the right to:have this produc or"material tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or material fails to perform to the accepted " rilanneli,the manufaciurer.will incur.the expense of such testing and the.A1. J may immediately revoke,modify, or " suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is deter•inined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the " requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described hetero,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code "including the High Wloeity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code; DESCRIPTION: CertainTeed Modified-Bitumen Roofing Systems over Wood Decks. LABELING:Each"unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted.herem. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has,been filed and there•has been no change in the applicable buildin :code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date orfreeha"s b, n i,'e iS On;{�11�LpyAar In the materials,use,and/or manufacture pf the roduct or" rocess.Mas`s df t,: ,s I A}:' d is . f u duet p . P.. r R. r for sale,advertising or any other purposes''hall automatically fe w-t is 0 rl � to` or pl ith"". section �,� ��� t�� ;�n,�,. � j r• �ti kit, ; of this NOA shall be cause for termination aid removal of NOA r,� ,� `� rKp �, e °<4 t"� { 4 The I�tOA number preceded by the woi s tIaS I-Dae- c " t I ''it's apart = oet b the ADVERTISEMENT. o ► Y expiration date maybe displayed in advertising literature, If aiiyy a# io" r r° r�s`1 d` be done "t�then O� p it'�sha in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user.by.the manufacturer.or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site Ixr the Building Official. � L This NOA revises NOAM90 efts 1 through 42. Ear umentatio The submitted docleZ gera. >,. - �'�� ( CCOR l ,OAN .. 14-0529.02" MIAMI•DADF CCIUNTX ' xpiration Date: 0611.9/18 Approval Date:" 09/24/15'- Page I of Q. ROOFING SYSTI!✓IVl APPROVAL Cate6ry:. Roofing Sub-Cateaory: Modified Bitumen Material: APP/SBS Declr Type Wood Maximum Design Pressure 127 5 psf: TRADE NAMES OF PRQDUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY'APPLICANT. `TABLE 1 Test. 'Produc't. Pr odiict Dimensions Specification Description 'All Weather/Empire Base 39 3/81vx,65'10"; ASTM D 4601,Type:Asphalt coated,fiberglass reinforced Sheet i R611 Weight: 70 lbs, I1 , base sheet. (2 squares) UL Type G2 Flex_ iglas Base-Sheet 39%11 a 98'9";Roll ASTM D 4601,Type Modified Bitumen coated-fiberglass' weight: 90 lbs, II : base sheet. (3 squares) UL Type G2 Flintlastic Base 20 39%`x 4T6??;RollASTM D 6163, Modified Bitumen coated_fiberglass e S;Type.I weight: 90 lbs Grad base sheet.. (1.5 squares) Flintglas Ply Sheet Type IV 39 FIs"x 164'7";Roll ASTM D 2178,Type Fiberglass,asphalt impregnated ply sheet. weight: 38 lbs. IV (5 squares) UL Type G1 ' Flintgla1 Premium Ply Sheet 39 3!$"x 164'7";Roll ASTIvI D 2178,Type riberglass;asphalt impregnated ply 'Type weight: 40 lbs. VT sheet.. (5 squares} UL Type 01 Flint last�ic STA '393/s".x 32' 10';Roll ASTMb 6222, Smooth surfaced APP Modified . weight; 81 lbs. Grade S,Type,I Bi#unien r pm, rave w>th'.non-woven (1 square} polyester mat reinforcement or torch -application. Flintlastic GTA. 3',9 3/81. 16, Roll ASTM D.6222, Granule surfaced APP Modified weight: 105 lbs. Grade G,Type I Bitumen membrane.with non-woven (f square) polyester mat reinforcement for torch `application. Flintlastic GTA-FR 39 3/a" x 32' 10';Rolf ASTM D 6222, Granule surfaced APP Modified weight: 105 lbs.. . Grade G,Type I Bitumen membrane with non-woven 0,square) polyester mat rein€ore6merit for to application Plintlastic:GMS: 39 3I8"x 32'.10";RolI ASTM D 6164, Granule surfaced SBS Modified 1 weight: 94 lbs. . . Grade G,Type I Bitumen membrane with non woven (1 square) polyester mat reinforceinent€ar. n p � - application,, y NOA No 14-0529.02 t+1iAMrDADE GpQNTY ,...,P Exp►r�tianDat�: 06/191X8 ' Approval Date , 09/24115 i Page 2 of 42. -TRADt NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED'BY.APPLICANT: TABLE 1 Test Product Product Dimensions Specification, Description Flintlastic Premiuin GMS 391/8 x32' 10";Roll ASTM D 6164,, Granule surfaced SBS Modified_ weight: 101 lbs.' Grade G,Type II Bitumen-membrane with non-woven" (1 square) polyester mat reinforcement for rnop.. application. Flintlastic FR-P. 39 3/a"x 32' 10";Rolf ASTM D 6164, Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS weight:.101 lbs. ' ;Grade G;Typed Modified Bituinern'Membrane with (1 square) non-woven polyester mat reinforcement for inop application Flintlastic Prsmiuni FR-P 39 3/8"x32' 10";Roll ASTM D 6164,' Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS weight: 101 lbs. Grade G,Type IT Modified Bitumen Membrane with (I square). non-wovenpolyester mat reinforcement for mop application Flintlastic FR Dual Cap 39 3/s" x 32' 10";Roll ASTM POI 62, Granule surfaced SBS:modified .weight: 103 lbs. Grade'-G;TypeI' bitumen membrane With a nonwoven,.. I (1 square): . polyester/fiberglass composite mat reinforcement for use in.cold or mop applications. Flintlastic FR Cap30' 39 3/e"x 32' 10".;Roll ASTM D 6163, Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS: weight: 86,lbs. Grade 6;Type I -Modified Bitumen membranewith (1 square} fiberglass mat reinforcement for mop.,.. applications. Flintlastic FR Cap)0 T 39-3/8 x 32 10"; Roll ASTM D 6163, Granule surfaced SBS Modified weight:.100 lbs. Grade G,Type I Bitumen membrane with fiberglass �. (I square mat reinforcement for torch application. Flintlastic Base 20 T " 39-3/8"x 33';Rall ASTM D 6163, Modified Bitumen,cgated fiberglass Weight; 81 lbs: Grade S,Type'l base sheet for torch application. {1 square) Flintlastic FR Cap 30 CoolStar.: 39 3/$"x 32' 1-0";Rall ASTM D 6163, Fire resistant;granule surfaced SBS weight; 88 lbs. Grade G,Type I Modified:Bitutneri membrane witty (1 square} fiberglass mat reinforcement for':mop applications:,Covered`with reflective CoolStar Coating. Flintlastic FR Cap30.T 39 3/s"x 32' 10"; Roll ASTM D 6163, Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS CoolStai "weight: 102 lbs.' Grade G,Type I Modified Bitumen membrane'with (l.square) fiberglass inat reinforcement or map`'. applications-. Covered with reflective_ .. : . CooIStar Coating. vv x x kk 4 ", NOA No.: 14-052902 MIAMI DAD COUH v t' 4pieation Date: 06/19/18 ,..'i Approval Date:.-09124/15 . Rage of 42 I, I TRADE NAMES QF.PRODUCTS MANLtFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT; j TABLE 1 Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Flintlastiic GTA CoolStar 39 314"x 32',10".;Roll ASTM D 6222, Granule surfaced APP.Modified weight, 106 lbs. . Grade G,.Type I Bitrimen membrane With non-woven (I.square) polyester mat reinforcement for torch �. application, -Covered with reflective - cool_ i Coati , �' 3 " 2' 10" Roll ASTM D.6222,. _ 'Granule surfaced APP.Modified-: Flintlastic GTA-FR CoolStar " 39 /a x 3 . . weight 1Q6 lbs. Grade G,Type.1 Bitumen membrane with non-woven (I square) polyester mat reinforceinent for torch :application. Covered with reflective,' Coo18%k Coating• .: Flintlas is GMS CoolStar 39 3A I x.32`"10";RonASTM D 6164,, , Granule surfaced SBS Modified weight; 97 lbs. Grade G,Type I Bitumen"illembrane iwith non-woven (1.square) polyesier'mat reinforcement for mop app}icatiom 'CoVered with reflective CoolStar Coating. ; Flintlastic Premium GMS 39 3/4" x:32' 10";Roll. ASTM D 6164, Granule surfaced SBS Modified . CoolStar weight:103 lbs. Grade G;Type 11 - .Bitumen membrane with non woven . (I nr square) polyester rnat reinforcement forop.. application. Covered with_reflective ' Co olStar Coating. Flintlas tic FR=P'CaoiStar 391/8" x'32' IO";Roll ASTM D 6164, Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS; weight; 103 lbs, " Grade G;Type I Modified Bitumen Membrane with: (I square) non woven polyester mat ' reinforcement for mop:appheation, Covered with reflective CoolStar, Coating. Flintlas is"Prernium FR-P 39.3/4" x 32' 10";Roll ASTM D 6164, Fire resistant, granule.surfaced,SBS CoalSta�r weight:"103 ibs: Grade G,Type II Modified"Bitumen Membrane with . (I square) non-woven polyester mat ` reinforcernent:foprnop application. .., Covered with reflective CoolStar. " Coating.. Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS .- 39 3/a" x'32' 10';Roll ASTM-"616.4, Smooth surfaced-SBS Modified. Base 3}ieet weight.-'90 lbs.(1. . Grade S,Type-I Bitumen Membrana with non-woven �x * squares)'. polyester prat reinforcement for map applications."reinforcement Sheet 36" x 98' 9';Roll ASTM D 4601,Type:Asphalt coated,fiberglass base"sheat weight; 75 tbs. ." II, (3 squares} . UL Type G2 Fm �r : No`a No.; 144529.02 M1AMr•DADE C'O"NTSf : "a 5 EApi.ratio p pp -al Date: �9/24t15 Page 4 of Q TRADE NAIYIES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT TABLE 1 . _: •Test. Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Flintlastic Poly SMS Base 39 3/s";x'64'3";Roll ASTM D 4601, Modified Bitumen coated polyester Sheet, : we,ight, 90 lbs. Grade S,Type II, base sheet. . (2 squares) UL Type G2 Yoseii;ite Venting Base Sheet 39 die"x 32'10";Roll AST'vI D 3909. Mineral Surfaced fiberglass reinforced weight: 85.Ibs, ASTM D.4.897,Type buffer sheet. (l square) II UL Type G3 Flintlas ie APP Base T 39 3/s"x 65' 4";Roll ASTM D 6509 :- Modifted Bitumen coated fiberglass. weight; 100.lbs, base"sheet. (2 squares) Fliritlastic Ultra GIass.SA 39%'?x 33'11";Roll ASTM D 1970: Self;adhering,.fiberglass reinforced, weight: 73 lbs: SBS modified bitumen baselply.sheef (l•square) Black DIamondTM Base Sheet 36"x6. 8 ,7";Roll. . AS i Ivi D 190. "=$plf-adherjng'-fi b erglas. s reinforced weight 78 lbs. modified biturnen base sheet {2 squares) APPROVED INSULATIONS;. TABLE! Product Name:- Product Description :` Manufacturer. (With,Current NOA) FlintBoard IS4` Polyisocyariurate foain'insttlatioli CertainTeed Corpoiatiorr FliritBoardx ISD Polyisocyanurate foam insulation' CertainTeed Coip ACFaalii-II Polyisocyariurate foam insulation Atlas'Rooftng Corp. High De�isity Wood Fiberboard Wood fiber.instilation board_ Generic Perlite Insulation Perlite,insulation board: Generic DensDeek,DensDeck Prime ; . Water resistant gypsum board Georgia Pacific Gypsum LLC 1 . H-Shield Pol isocyanurate fo4m insulation Hunter Paiiels LLC i RGX(3.. Pplytsacyanurate foam insulation Jahns'Ivianvt}le'Corp::: .,�} ENRGY 3 25 PSI Pal isocyanuiate foam irisu atiop Johns IvlanvtlIe`Corp. y. Multi- ax FAz3 Polyfsocyanurate foam insulation : RMax Operating,LLC. r SCCUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof:Board homogenous fuer reinforced USG Cprp: �a MlAMFDADEGOUNlIf NOA NO 14-4529 02 " Expiration Date 06f14/2� i - Approval Dater.09,'29115':.. i Page 5 of 42-`. Ply Sheet: One ply,of All W6ather/Empire Base Sheet;Glasbase Base Sheet,Flexiglas Base Sheet; (Optional) Flintlastic Base 20,Flintlastic Poly SMS Base Sheet,Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Sheet or one or.more piies'of Flintglas Ply Sheet Type IV or Flintglas Premium Ply-Sheet Type VI'. " adhered in a full iriopping of a,pproved.asphalt applied within the EVT range and ata rate of 20 p 40 lbs./sq: or one ply of Black Diamond Base Sheet or Flintlastic Ultra Glass SA"self=adhered or Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Sheet torch applied. Membrane One ply of Flintlastic GMS,Flintlastic GMS CoolStar,Flintlastic Premium GMS,Flintlastic Premium GMS CoolStar,Flintlastic FR Dual Cap,-Flintlastic FR-P,Flintlastic FRP CooiStar, Flintlastic Piemiurn FR-P,Flintlastic Premium FR-P CoolStar,Flintlastic FR Cap 30,Flintlastic FR Cap 30 GoolStar adhered to base/ply sheet with approved mopping asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a.rate of 20'to 40 lbs./sq,or Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T or Flintlastic FRCap ; 30 T CoolStar torch.adhered to baselply sheet: Sui facing: Any,of the approvad.surfacing/coating options listed in Table 4.:. (Optional) Maximltni Desygn -60 psf (See General Limitation#7) Pressuie; . na toC: I�X d lit] tM MFDADE CCfUNTY A No., 14-0529 02 `3s Exis.iration Date: Oohq 1 Approval Date .09/24/15` Page.16 of 42: • Membrane Type;. SBS Modified Deck Type 1I, Woad,.Insulated - Deck Description; Ivlinmmum !9/32 thick plywood attached using approved nails spaced 41,o.c. at wooflpists �.. spaced maxi in 24"o, a System Type A(4}; Anchor sheet rrmechanically fastened;all layer of insulation adhered withapproved'asphalt; All Gene ral and S stein Limitations a 1 Y . Pp Y Anchor heet Ope ply of All Weather/Empire Base Sheet;Yosemite Venting Base Sheet,Flexiglas Base Sheet Fliritlastic Poi SMS Base Sheet,.Flintlasuc Ultra M `SKIS Base Sheet,Glasbase Base Y`, Y. Sheet or Flintglas Premium PIy Sheet Type VI mechanically attached as detailed below • : Fastens gs Anchom sheet shall be lapped 4':.and fastened w..ith':1 I ga. anrulam:ring shank pails`and approved tin'caps 8"o.e. in the lap;and three rows staggered.in the center of the sheet 8"o a One om ore laets of any of the following insulations. Y Insulation Laver . Insulation Fasteners- Fastener. able 3 Density/ft2 M1 3 25 PSI F1intBoa'rd ISQ H-Shel F1ntBoardu ISO 2 ACFoam-lI ENRGY.3, NRGY , . . - da IVtinimuin.1.5 N/A: N1A • Rtz1 . Approved Perlite Insulation Minmru 1m1 14"thick N/A NIA Approved High Density Wood.Fiberboard Minimimxf.'/:"thick N1A:.. ii cNIA I. DensDec i,DensDeck Prime Minmmu, W thick Nf ► N1A. Notes All insula_tion shall be adhered to the anchor sheet in full mopping of approYed hot asphalt within.the EVT range andata rate of 20-401bs./100.ft2, Please refer to ftoofing Application Standard RAS 117 fore insulation attachment, Insulation listed as:base layer only shall be used only as base layers with a second:layer.. ' ..' of approved top layer msulation installed as the final mein branesubstrate Co.mpositeinsulation panels maybe used as a top laves placed with the polyisocyanurate side facing down: Base Slieet. One ply of All Weather/Empire Base Sheet,Flmntlastic Tjltra•Poly WS Base Sheet,Glasbase Base Sheet,Flexigl s Base Sheet,Fliritlastic Base"20,Flintlastic Poly SMS-Base Sheet adhesed in a fiill,ino}Ipiiig of approved asphalt applied within_the EVT ramige anal at a rate of 20=4(} Ibs/stl . kt - MIAMIDAD�COUNTY NC3A N8 4 1 _0529 Q2 Txpiratlon Date'. t)bl19/18. A :PProv� : a Pai!, sof 42? .. y '