HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Acceptance M ADADS MIAMI-DADE COUNTY M. PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)31S-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.goy/economy PGT Industries 1070 Technology Drive North Venice,FL 34275 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami—Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami—Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami—Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. -RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami—Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone.- DESCRIPTION: Series 11HR-710"Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window-L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 4127-10, titled "Alum. Horizontal Roller Window, Impact", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 02/28/06,with revision F dated 05/14/15,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant. LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and. followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA#I1-1114.04 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez,P.E. NOA No.15-0519.09 MIAMFDADE COUNTY ... , Expiration Date: December 21,2021 VZ f j5 Approval Date:"July 09 2015 Page 1 i PGT Industries NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS I. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA's No. 07-0815.09 and 06-0405.06) 2. Drawing No. 4127-10,titled"Alum. Horizontal Roller Window, Impact", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 02/28/06,with revision F dated 05/14/15,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an XOX aluminum horizontal sliding window,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc.,Test Report No.FTL-5330,dated 07/18/07, signed and sealed by Carlos S.Rionda,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 07-0815.09) 2. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBG;TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 ..4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1,TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an XOX aluminum horizontal sliding window,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc.,Test Report No. FTL-4858,dated 03/08/06,signed and sealed by Edmundo Largaespada, P.E. (Submitted cinder NOA No.06-0405.06) 3. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 ..4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC; TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1,TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an XOX aluminum horizontal sliding window,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc.,Test Report No. FTL-4859,dated 03/08/06,signed and sealed by Edmundo Largaespada, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 06-0405.06) Manuel Pre ,P.E. Product Control Baminer NOA No.15-0519.09 Expiration Date: December 21,2021 Approval Date: July 092015 E-1 I i 1 PGT Industries NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis;complying with FBC-51h Edition (2014),dated 05/14/15,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0423.17 issued to Eastman Chemical Company(MA) for their"Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayers"dated 06/19/14, expiring on 05/21/16. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0916.10 issued to Kuraray America,Inc. for their "Kuraray Butacite®PVB Glass Interlayer"dated 04/25/15,expiring on 12/11/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC-5"' Edition (2014), dated May 16,2015, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller,P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated May 16, 2015, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller,P.E. 3. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Report No.FTL-5330,issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc., dated 07/18/07, signed and sealed by Carlos S.Rionda,P.E. (Submitted tinder NOA No. 07-0815.09) 4. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No..FTL-4858 and FTL-4859, issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., dated 03/08/06, signed and sealed by Edmundo Largaespada,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 06-0405.06) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-1114.04, issued to PGT Industries for their Series "HR-710" Aluminum Horizontal Sliding Window - L.M.I., approved on 02/16/12 and expiring on 12/21/16. Manuel P e ,P.E. Product Control Wminer NOA No.15-0519.09 Expiration Date: December 21,2021 Approval Date: July 09 2015 E-2 GENERAL NOTES: IMPACT HORIZONTAL ROLLER FLANGED AND INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWQ "PVB" 1.GLAZING OPTIONS:(SEE DETAILS ON SHEET 2).FOR INSTALLATION ABOVE 30 FT,GLASS TYPES G THRU L MUST HAVE A TEMPERED GLASS CAP. KURARAY BUTACITE PVBINTERLAYER A.5116"LAMI CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 118"ANNEALED GLASS WITH A.090""PVB"INTERLAYER. or SAFLEX®PVB INTERLAYER BY B.5/16"LAMI CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 1/8"ANNEALED GLASS AND(1)LITE OF 1/8"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090""PVB"INTERLAYER. EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY C.5/18"LAMI CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090'"PVB".INTERLAYER. D.7/16"LAMI CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 3116"ANNEALED GLASS WITH A.090'"PVB"INTERLAYER. E.7/16"LAMI CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3116'ANNEALED GLASS AND(1)LITE OF 3116"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090""PVB"INTERLAYER. NOA DRAWING MAP F.7116"LAMI CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 3118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090'"PVB"INTERLAYER. SHEET G,13116"LAMI IG:(1)LITE OF 1/8"OR 3!'16"ANNEALED(MIN.)GLASS,5/16"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE AND 5/16"LAMI GENERAL NOTES.............1 CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 1/8"ANNEALED GLASS WITH A.090""PVB"INTERLAYER. GLAZING DETAILS............2 DESIGN PRESSURES....,..3 H.13/16"LAMI IG:(1)LITE OF 1/8"OR 3/16"ANNEALED(MIN.)GLASS,5/18"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE AND 6/16"LAMI CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 1/8"ANNEALED GLASS AND(1)LITE ELEVATIONS.....................4 OF 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090""PVB'INTERLAYER. VERT.SECTIONS.............5 HORIZ.SECTIONS............5 I.13116"LAMI IG:(1)LITE OF 1/8"OR 3/16"ANNEALED(MIN.)GLASS,6/16"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE AND 5/16"LAMI PARTS LIST.......................6 CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 1/0"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090"'PVB"INTERLAYER. EXTRUSIONS....................7 CORNER DETAIL..............5 J.13/16"LAMI IG:(1)LITE OF 1/8"OR 3118"ANNEALED(MIN.)GLASS,3116"OR 1/4"AIR SPACE AND 7116"LAMI ANCHORAGE....................8-11 CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 3/16"ANNEALED GLASS WITH A.090""PVB"INTERLAYER. K.13116"LAMI IG:(1)LITE OF 1/8"OR 3/16"ANNEALED(MIN.)GLASS,3/16"OR 1/4"AIR SPACE AND 716"LAMI CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3/16"ANNEALED GLASS AND(1)LITE OF 3/16"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.099'"PVB"INTERLAYER. L.13116"LAMI IG:(1)LITE OF 1/8"OR 3116"ANNEALED(MIN.)GLASS,3/16"OR 114"AIR SPACE AND 7/16"LAMI CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 3/16"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS WITH A.090'"PVB"INTERLAYER. 2.CONFIGURATIONS:OX,XO,XOX 3.DESIGN PRESSURES:(SEE TABLES,SHEET 3) A.NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON TESTED PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. AS.POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON WATER TEST PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. 4,ANCHORAGE:THE 331/3°/STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT.SEE SHEETS 8 THROUGH 11 FOR ANCHORAGE DETAILS. 5.SHUTTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED. PRODUCT REVISED M complying with the Florida 6.FRAME AND PANEL CORNERS SEALED WITH NARROW JOINT SEALANT OR GASKET. 0uilding Codu Acttptence No Lac imtbn Dale G✓` 7.REFERENCES:TEST REPORTS FTL-4858,FTL-4859 AND FTL-5330. ELCO TEXTRON NOA'S ny Miem' a roduct Con Q ANSI/AF&PA NDS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL 8.THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED&TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY QHURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ), 9.FOR INSTALLATION IN THE HVHZ ABOVE 30 FT,GLASS TYPES G-L SHALL HAVE A TEMPERED I.G.GLASS CAP.BOTH THE DP AND ANCHOR QUANTITY REMAIN UNCHANGED. t4..58705 zc ey. ra 17wWy,c t>ral+®'c t Arr 15 L.M. 6106 F 6THEDMON 2014 FBC UPDATE GENERAL NOTES ;pc� FLORID ?•' 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE ✓.r.' f0/iTHf E FBC20fOCODECHANOE N.VENICE,FL 34275 TftALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT �''%/ "' IONAk-L� J.R. 820/11 D ADDED 10!r TO BETEMP&WO ,30FT NOTE. P.O.BqX 1629 ®,o,wa,r •"' m•av�• R'n A L1ifJA U190111 1, ;-- _. D, NOKOMIS,FL34274 Vhlbly Better —m, NTS 1 & 11 4127-1�0 F P.E.059705 F.K. 228/08 J.J, 323/06 "PVB"= KURARAY BUTACIT PVBINTERLAYER or SAFLEX PVB INTERLAYER BY 21 50 21 50 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY aEXTERIOR INTERIOR 53 1/2"NOM. 55 1/2"NOM. (ALL SECTIONS) GLASS BITE GLASS BITE 51 60,61,62 51 63,64,65 1/8"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 3/16"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS .090 PVB INTERLAYER .090 PVB INTERLAYER 118"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 3/16"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 5/16"NOM. 7/16"LAMINATED 5/16"LAMINATED GLASS 7/16"LAMINATED GLASS 21 50 21 50 V2"NOM, 1/2"NOM. 59 GLASS BITE 59 GLASS BITE 52 52 PRODUCT REVISED 66,67,68,89,70,71av complyhq with the Florida 72,73,74,75,78,77 Buitdtt7g C"do AceepWace 0,5 1/8"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 3/16"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS090 PVB INTERLAYER .090 PVB INTERLAYER1/8"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 3/18"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 5/18"LAMINATED 7/18"LAMINATED 5116"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE 3/18"OR 1/4"AIR SPACE 118"OR 3/16"ANNEALED OR TEMPERED GLASS QD 1/8"or 3/16"ANNEALED OR TEMPERED GLASS, 13!16"NOM. 13/16"NOM. I I I 13/16"LAMI IG GLASS W/5/16"LAMI 13/16"LAMI IG GLASS W/7116"LAMI `� `�V LYNN No.58705 QD FOR INSTALLATION IN THE HVHZ ABOVE 30 FT,GLASS TYPES G-L SHALL HAVE A TEMPERED W.GLASS CAP.BOTH THE DP AND ANCHOR QUANTITY TO REMAIN UNCHANGED. LL M. 5/14/15 R FF REVISED INTERLAYER MANUFACTURER °�°" STATE p",yy,t 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRNE GLAZING DETAILS �U�`�.''•.,FLORt�?:•'' Imew. J.J.Rr.W ' fam11 E NOCHANOETHfSBHEET N.VENICE,FL 39775 �� ALUM,HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT SS/O�IA�- J.R. 620/11 D ADDED ID CAP 7L7 BE TEMPERED +301'rNOTE, P.O.GOX 15251 ttutc 7,p pK r�[ I I NOKOMIS,FL 37274 1�IslbT Better A.LYt�tS�I P.E p F K. ?/2B/r1B J.J. DiR 323/05 y NR,,G FUJI 2 all 4127-90 F P.ER 68705 TABLE 1. XOX(1/4,1/2,1/4)FLANGE OR INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWS(FLANGED SHOWN.FIN WINDOWS W/SAME DLO ARE 1"SMALLER) WINDOW GLASS WINDOW HEIGHT WIDTH TYPE 28" 38" 38 318" 48" 605181, 64" 80" 83" 84" A,B,G,H +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 ' -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 70.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 1 -60.0 98" A,B,G,H +60.0 50.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 j -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 '60.0 +58.8 -58.8 +56.2 Q -56.2 D FOR INSTALLATION IN 106 318" A,B,G,H +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 j 50.0 +60.0 -60.0 +65.2 -55.2 +52.3 -52.3 THE HVHZ ABOVE 30 108" A,B,G,H +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 50.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60,0 +60.0 '60.0 +54.6 -54.6 +51.7 { -51.7 FT,GLASS TYPES G- L SHALL HAVE A 111" A,B,G,H +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60.0 -60.0 +60,0 -60.0 +59.5 59.5 +53.6 53.6 +60.9 -50.9 TEMPERED I.G.GLASS CAP.BOTH THE DP UP TO 111" C,I +60.0 -60.0 AND ANCHOR UP TO 111" D,E,F, QUANTITY UNCHANGED.MAIN J,K,L +75,0 -75.0 TABLE 2. XOX(113,113,113)FLANGE OR INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWS(FLANGED SHOWN.FIN WINDOWS W/SAME DLO ARE 1"SMALLER) WINDOW GLASS WINDOW HEIGHT WIDTH TYPE ALL HEIGHTS UP TO 63" TO 86 7118" A'B'C' G,H,I +60.0 11 60.0 TO 88 7/18" D,E,F, +75.0 , -75.0 JKL TABLE 3. OX AND XO FLANGE OR INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWS(FLANGED SHOWN.FIN WINDOWS W/SAME DLO ARE 1"SMALLER) WINDOW GLASS WINDOW HEIGHT WIDTH TYPE 26" 38" 38 318" 48" 505/81, 54" 60" 63" 80" A,B,G,H +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -76.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 ' -75.0 88" A,B,G,H +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +74.2 -74.2 +70.2 j -70.2 72" A,B,G,H +75.0 -75.0 +76.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +76.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +69.6 -69.6 +65.2 I -65.2 FRODUcrREvlseD as c"mplying with tho Flmldo 74" A,B,G,H +75.0 -75.0 +76.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +75.0 -75.0 +68.1 -68.1 +63.8 -63.8 AccptonmN 15-05 X091 imlion Dote uO�L UP TO 74" C,D,E,F, +75.0 -75.0 1,J,K,L Dr mi'In, cPmduct " GLASS TYPES;TEST REPORT FTL4858(XOX),FTL�4859(OX&XO)AND FTL5330 A.5/16"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,118"A) G.13/16"LAM[IG-1/8"OR 3116"A(MIN.),5116"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE,5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/8"A) B.6/16"LAMI-(118"A,.090,118"HS) H. 13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),5/16"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE,5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,118"HS) C.5/16"LAMI-(1/8"HS,.090,118"HS) I. 13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),5116"OR 3/8"AIR SPACE,5/16"LAMI-(118"HS,.090,118"HS) `\�, �aV 1YNN ql/IZc:,�/ D.7/16"LAMI-(3116"A,.090,3/16"A) J.13116"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),3/16"OR 1/4"SPACE,7/16"LAMI-(3/16"A,.090,3/16"A) �-NSF •.:T E.7/16"LAMI-(3116"A,.090,3/16"HS) K.13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3116"A(MIN.),3116"OR 1/4"SPACE,7116"LAMI-(3116"A,.090,3/1(THS) it N0.58705 F.7/16"LAMI-(3/16"HS,.090,3/16"HS) 1L.13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),3/16"OR 1/4"SPACE,7/16"LAMI-(3/16"HS,.090,3/16"HS) 13 W. ` �15 L.M &14115 "F NO CHANGETHIS SHEET D SIGNPRESSURES %�O•• STAfe f R",tlmC 1070 TECHNOLODY DRNE ' .(� F P,.••� J.r. 1a17n1 E NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34275Fvd rer i, L( L0111D,. � JR. enol// N.p ADDEDlOCAPTOBETEMPEHED r30FTNOTE. F.D.Eoxtsm ALUM,HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT %��S/0 @�, eta�nBt: pq CIYt*q p,y. NOKOMI$,FL 34274 Vlslb&Better ~ e'a` d+.e """�"' '�'� A.LYNN yL�R,p.E. F.K. W8/08 J.J. 3)18/88 HRT10 NTS 3 d 11 4727-10 F p.t=. 7a5 27 3/8" 27 3/8° 27 318" I I -+— MAX.DLO 54 5/16"MAX.DLO FIXED MAX.DLO MAX.DLO VENT VENT FIXED D D B B B B X O X X _ — r. 857/16"MAX,WIDTH I.F.FRAME 110"MAX.WIDTH I.F.FRAME 1 —� ��I r 66 7116'MAX.WIDTH FLANGE FRAME 111"MAX.WIDTH FLANGE.FRAME DETAIL B-XOX(1/4-1/2-1/4) DETAIL C-XOX(113-1/3-1/3) NOTE: 33 9/18"MAX. 33 9/16"MAX. 1.SEE SHEET 5 FOR VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECTION DETAILS. DLO FIXED C DLO VENT `yam' 63"MAX. SEALANT OR GASKET FLANGE AT HEAD AND SILL I A FRAME A ALL 15 57 3/6' 66" CONFIG. Mme• Mme' -- 15 I.F.FRAME ns PRODUCT REVISED DLO ALL DLO ALL complying with tha Florida VENTS Banding code I FXED / / 62°MAX. — AcceptonroNo � 2I LTES I.F.FRAMEExpiration Dole 0 I X ALL By CONFIG. Miami 0ProduetCoo I :LL- 1 13 FLANGE FRAME I— 73"MAX.WIDTH I.F.FRAME----I VIEW D-D zt 74"MAX.WIDTH FLANGE FRAME No.58705 (FRAME CORNER CONSTRUCTION) _ '• DETAIL A-OX OR XO7 15 Lit or. , STATE OF LM. 614/16 8..F NO CHANGE THIS SHEET 1070 TECHNOLOGY ELEVATIONS '���,'•.,a�Ok1DP,•'��\`� rr.' fafTifl E NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,834276 OUT- ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT �''�5`"/ONAL•�;JR. 6W1 D NO CHANGE THIS SHEET P.O.BO%1529By" — Q,".e,,y a. 7 , + NOKOMIS.FL 34274 V&1b&Better A.L l Yd58705,P.E. F.K. 7/28108 J.J. 3128108 HR710 NTS 4 ^� 11 4127-10 F P.E.p 58705 INTERIOR 37 32 35 22 39 1 22 Q � Q 16 2 13 EXTERIOR INTERIOR rK I 21 MAX.VENT DLO �— MAX.FIXED DLO --4 MAX. T DLO MAX.WIDTH(FLANGE FRAME) EXTERIOR 19 SECTION B-B 17 (HORIZONTAL SECTION-XOX SHOWN WITH FLANGE FRAME) MAX. INTERIOR 17 35 32 37 HEIGHT 39 FLANGE FRAME MAX. VENT Q DLO 16 MAX. 0-41 FIXED DLO I 22 MAX.FIXED DLO MAX.VENT DLO 43 r' MAX.WIDTH(I.F.FRAME) 21 EXTERIOR SECTION A-A (HORIZONTAL SECTION-OX SHOWN WITH INTEGRAL FIN FRAME) 24 8 22 21 41 k �mI PRODUCT REVISED os complying Kith the Florida EuildiI CodcAcaptaaca No12 $ EXTERIOR ied abate12 ado PmducCco 7 EXTERIOR INTERIOR 1 I I I I 1 10 `��•``ONV LYNN Mj��'�i,. 6 ��••'JcENSF 10 42 is r' 1,10,50705 �r SECTION C-C SILL HEAD (VERTICAL SECTION,FLANGE FRAME) (VERTICAL SECTION, I.F.FRAME) (VERTICAL SECTION, I.F.FRAME) �.�1 � l 15 R.ndo1. Pb.- Rn1Yen: omroms Q''. STA[O. NJ. L.M. 6114/16 F HO CHANGE THIS SHEETT R 1070 TECHNOLOOY DRIVE F, 7- SECTIONS % FCORIDP•''•�j\\� r.J. pt�wtnft E NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,F1 20 ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT /'/,/'3/ONA�• J.R. w2w11 D NO CHANOETHISSHEET P.O.00x1520 rr�. er..� oftw ax. It tl t1 aMn�: oed: ansae , NOKOMIS.FL 34274 Visibly Better w A.L�fSN 6I1 R P.E. F.K. 1/26106 J.J. 3123/08 HR7f0 HHIf 5 11 4127-10 F P.t.ase7os rmdl DwG#REA DESCRIPTION MATL PGT# ITEM DWCWIREVI DESCRIPTION MAT'L PGI# 1 1 4102 A JFIANGEFRAMEHEAD 6063-TEAL 612137 66 GLASS 13/16"LAMI IGI/8"A N.,3/8"AIR SPA 5/16"LAM[(1/8-A,.090 PVB,118"A 2 4025 1 SASH STOP STD. ANTI LIFT CLIP) 6063-TS AL 612144 67 13/16"LAMI 10.1/8"A IN.),318"AIR SPACE,5/16"LAMI I/8"A .090 PVB 1/8"HS 3 #8 X 3/4 PH.PAN HEAD 7834AA 68 13/16"LAMI IG•1/8"A(MIN),318"AIR SPACE,5/16"LAMI(1/8"HS,.090 PVB,1/8"HS) 4 4053 SASH STOP COVER(SASH STOP) 6063-TS AL 69 13/16"LAMI JC1.3/16"A(MIN.),5/16"AIR SPACE,5/16"LAMI(1/8"A'.090 PVB,1/8"A) 6 4136 FLANGEFRAMESILL 6063-T6 AL 64136 70 13/16"LAMI IO-YIVA IN.),5/16"AIR SPACE,5/16"LAM[(1/8"A,.090PVB,1/8"HS) 7 4137 SILL ADAPTOR 6063-T6 AL 64137 71 " 13/16"LAMI 1&3/16"A(MIN),5/16"AIR SPACE,5/16"LAMI(1/8"HS,090 PVB,1/8"HS) Q 8 4131 ROLLERTRACK 6063-T6 AL 64131 72 13116"LAMI 10.1/8"A IN. ll4"AIRSPACE,7/16"LAMI 3/16"A .090PVB 3/16"A 10 71298 WEEP HOLECOVPR POLYPROP. 71298 73 13/16"LAMI IO-1/8"A IN. 1/4"AIR SPAC$7/16"LAMI 3/16"A,.090PVB 3/16"HS 12 1626 ADHESIVE OPEN CELL FOAM PAD 7P71298 74 13116"LAMI IGI/8"A(MIN),1/4"AIR SPACE,7/1G"LAMI(3/16"HS,.090 PVB,3/16'HS 13 4002 A ADHESI EOPEN ELL 6063-T6 AL 612225 75 13/16"LAMI 1&3/16"A(MIN..3/16'AIRSPACE,7/16"LAMI(3/16"A,.090PVB,3/16"A) 76 13116"LAMI I0-3116"A(MIN),3/16'AIR SPACE,7/16"LAMI 3116"A,.090 PVB,3/16"HS 14 4134 GASKEr FOR MAINFRAME SILL JOINT 74134W/K 77 " 13116"LAMI ICI.3/16"A(MIN.),3/16"AIR SPACE,7/16"LAMI(3/16"HS,.090 PVB,3/16"HS 15 1155 #8 X 1.000 QUAD PN.SMS 781PQA 90 1014 SCREEN FRAME OR&VEIL 3105-H14 AL 16 4110 G SCREEN ADAPTOR 6063-T5 AL 6411OG 91 1630 SCREEN CORNER KEY W/RINGS POLYPROP, 17 4054 B FIXEDMEETINGRAIL 6063HD-T6 AL 64054A 92 1631 SCREEN CORNER KEY W/OUTRINGS POLYPROP. 19 4066 W STP..187 X.230,FIN SEAL 64066G 93 1073 SCREEN SPRINO ST.ST, 21 4105 SASH TOP&BOTTOM RAIL 6063-T5 AL 612240 94 1624 SCREEN SPLINE-.135 DIA.FOAM EM PVC 22 1683 W STP.,250 X.270 BAM FIN SEAL 61683G 95 1635 SCREEN SPLINE-.135 DIA.HARD FM PVC 23 225-1 ROLLERHOUSING&GUIDE 42112HD 96 ISCREEN CLOTH 24 226 BRASSROLLERWHEFIS BRASS 7BRWE1.2 29 4128 lHORIZONTALROILER SASH TOP GUIDE POLYPROP. 44128N 32 4006 D SASH MEETINGRAIL 6063HS-T6 AL 64006 2.710 33 1 1235 WSTP.,.170X.270BAM FIN SEAL 67S 16G 35 1 1096 SWEEP LATCH DIE-CAST 71096 36 1016 #8 X.625 PH.FL.SMS 7858 37 4126 SASH SIDERAIL 6063-T5 AL 64126 2.(24 38 1683 W STP.,.250 X 270 BACK,FIN SEAL 61683G 39 7070 BULB WEATHERSTRIP.187 X 275 67070K 062 40 LEFT RAU,COVERCAP 74078"C"LORR 41 4139 I.F.FRAMEHEAD 6063-T6 AL 64139 42 4140 J.F.FRAMESILL 6063-T6 AL 64140 41 I.F.FRAME HEAD #4139,8063-T6 43 4141 I.F.FRAME JAMB 6063-T6 AL 64141 50 GLAZING SILICONE,DOW 999,995 OR UNALENT PRODUCT'REVISED 51 1214 VINYL GLAZING BEAD BULB THICK 6TP247W,K us rompl}dng wish d,e Flmidn Building Codc 52 1225 VINYLGLAZINGBFADHULB 6TP748K LF0642 4 Ac N.1 051 ._01, 53 4039 B GLAZINGBEAD-5/16" 6063-T5 AL 64039B E (refi nate ��LL��bb 54 4044 B GLAZINGBEAD-5/16"W/GRILLKIT 6063-T5 AL 644703 3.162 By 55 4222 A GLAZINGBJAD-7/16' 6063-T5 AL 64222 Mia 1 .Product 56 985 C GLAZINGBEAD-7/16"W/GRELLKIT 6063-T5 AL 6985 062 59 4067 GLAZINGBFAD-13/I6" 6063-T5 AL 64067 60 61 GLASS 5/1G"LAMI(1/8"A,.090PVB,1/8"HS) 43 I F#4141 063-6ME MB \\�`�OC\31IYM�!(Aiy4e GENS� 62 5/16"LAMI 1/8"HS,.090 PVB,1/8"IIS) ,. '•:P� 63 7/16"LAMI 3/16"A_090 3/16"A L 2.710 = '1' N,.53-105 64 7/16"LAMI(3/16'A,.090 PVB3116"HS) 42 I.F.FRAME SILL GS 7/1G"LAMI(3/16"HS,.090PVB 3/16"HS O #4140,e063-T6 `0 7IIS : I.rj o.m RMU� .*oa.e SI'ATEOF L.M. . 04/f6 F NO PARTS LIST �'C��'•FLOR10r•''�(j nm 1070 TECHNOLOGY ORNE _ � ••.... •• J.J. -17/i1 E NO CHANGETHIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 29 PSG_ ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW IMPACT J.R. 820M1 D AOOEO• IN.'TOGLASS TYPES P.O.eox taxa ��� e� o,,,� o„,yN, p.,: NOKOMIS,FL 34274 V(r0 Better A.LYNN MILER,P.E. SFX maw J.J. 3�NW HR770 NTS 6 -11 4127-10 F P.E.e 58705 I+-1,513 .062 1.187 r— 040 I ,738 3. 52 1.4431 1. 73 ,062 1. 73 .082 Moo O SASH STOP B�OVER L�== 1I r I : 1. 22 2,710--- I.-2.710—.{ FLANGE FRAME HEAD f�-2.76a� O 94102A,6063-T6 O FLANGE FRAME SILL O FRAME SILL ADAPTER r #4136,6063-T6 #4137,6083.76 1.383 I .062 061 1,87 062 18 FLANGE FRAME JAMB #4002A,8063-T6 —4--.062 .490 437 1.403�{ +1.451 .48 OSASH#4025,06-T5 O HORIZ#RO 606 R 6 RACK 17 FIXED METING 054BE 063Ho RAIL .062 2. 79 062 1. 6 I 2. 28 05�3 7 1. 49� � .678 .349- 1.081 r— 29� 1,096-1 —T OSASH TOP&BOTTOM RAIL O SASH MTG.RAIL O SASH SIDE RAIL O GLAZING BEAD,5/16" PRU10UlyingCr with u wmplying wilh the Florldd 21 32 37 53 �uffdinWa#4133,6083-T5 #4008D,8063HS-T6 #4126,6083-T5 #4039B,8063-T5 mNon Dafo 1 .05� NliWni Dde Product 1 050 •878 .050-1•w-678 fi83 .678 .050 1.096 -T 1.096 I 44�55T—{ 11���►I 1.116—� �1 —tom �t 1.097 It Ill I LYNN 54 GLAZING 5/16" 5 GLAZINGBEAD 7/16" 56 GLAZING GLAZING BE8D,13/16" #404aB,fiBEAD, 5e505 (USED W/GRILL KIT) (USED W/GRILL KIT) P No.58705 �t Rantley.' Dara: "wLlav: D.aymt '�n;•. 'T r. r L.M. 914115 F NO CHOGE THIS SHEET EXTRUSIONS F e.eeimc 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE _ ��`�'•.,<URID�.•'�;�\� Z.: t�wr�irr Ram NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE BOX 15 4275 ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT �'%S�IUNAI_E� J.R 6/10111 D ND CHANGE THIS SHEET P.O.BOX 1628 w..,,er — rnoeao Dame NOKOMIS.834274 Visibly Better I'18If �7 d'11 �4127-10 F A Ll'P E 050 05 b.E. F.K 2r1Stt16 J.J. 9/23/06 ANCHOR QUANTITIES,XOX(114-112-114)WINDOWS TABLE 4 NOTES: GLASS TYPES A,B,C,G,H,I GLASS TYPES D,E,F,J,K,L 1. ANCHOR TYPES; ANCHORTYPrip 2.3,WOOD 2,CONC 1,CONC 2A WOOD 2,CONC 1 1,CONC 1-1/4"ELCO TAPCONS 2-1/4"ELCO SS4 CRETE-FLEX 3-912 STEEL SCREWS(G5) &SUBSTRATE ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES to frn fn ZONES WIm 2.GLASS TYPES: WINDOW SIZE HEAD&SILL HEAD&SILL HEAD&SILL HEAD&SILL t� HEAD&SILL�� HEAD&SILL�2 A.5/18"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/8"A) FOR INSTALLATION IN THE HVHZ ABOVE 30 W V H -c ' ' �¢� �' -4 !8"B.5/16"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/8°HS) FT,GLASS TYPES G-L SHALL HAVE A C.5118"LAMI-(1HS,.090,1/8"HS) TEMPERED I.G.GLASS CAP.BOTH THE DP AND 53.125x 38.375 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1,2 1+02+1+C2+1 21 D.7/16"LAMI-(3118'A,.090,3/16"A) ANCHOR QUANTITY REMAIN UNCHANGED. 48.000 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+113 E.7/16"LAMI-(3/16"A,.090,3116"HS) 50.625 1+C2+1+C2+113 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+113 1 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 F.7/16"LAMI-(3/16"HS,.090,3116"HS) G.13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),5/16"OR 318"SPACE,5/16"LAMI-(118"A,.090,1/8"A) 54.000 1+C2+1+02+I 3 I 1+C2+1+C2+1 311+C2+1+02+11 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+I+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 H.13/16"LAMI IG-118"OR 3116"A(MIN.),5/16"OR 318'SPACE,6/16"LAMI-(1/8"A'.090.1 HS) 60.000 1402+1+C2+11 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1i 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 I. 13116°LAMI IG-1/B°OR 3/16"A(MIN.),5116'OR 318"SPACE,5/16"LAMI-(118"HS,.090,118"HS) J.13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/18"A(MIN.),3/16"OR 1/4"SPACE,7116"LAMI-(3116"A,.09D,3116"A) 63.000 i+C2+1+C2+113 1+C2+1+02+1 311+C2+1+02+113 i+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 K.13/16"LAM]IG-1/8"OR 3116"A(MIN.),3/16"OR 1/4"SPACE,7116"LAMI-(3116'A,.090,3116"HS) 60.000x 38.375 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+1`2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+112 1+02+2+02+1 2 L. 13/16"LAMI IG-118"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),3116"OR 1/4"SPACE,7116"LAMI-(3/18-HS,.090,3116-HS) 48.000 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 311+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 3.WINDOW ANCHOR QUANTITIES ARE PER ADJACENT TABLE AND BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 50.626 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3.1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 DIMENSIONS. FOR WINDOW SIZES NOT SHOWN,GO TO NEXT LARGER WINDOW IN TABLE. 54.000 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 311+02+2+02+1 3 HEAD&SILL: 10112"MAX.ON EACH SIDE OF MEETING RAIL CENTERLINE. 60.000 31+0-2.42+C2+1 2102+113 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+113 1+02+1+02+11311+02+1+02+1 311+G3+2+03+1 3 25 3/4"MAX.FROM CORNERS. I JAMBS: 9"MAX.FROM CORNERS AND 221/2"MAX.O.C. 63.000 1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+113 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+113 1+C3+2+C3+1 3 TABLE KEY: 74.000x 38.376 1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+2+02+1 2 1+C2+2+C2+1 2 1+C2+2+C2+112 1+C2+2+C2+1 2 X O X 48.000 1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+113 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C3+4+C3+1 3 -ANCHOR QUANTITY PER JAMB 50.628 1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 HEAD AND SILL ANCHOR QUANTITY. 54.000 +1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C3+2+C3+1 3 A CLUSTER OF(3)ANCHORS CENTERED AT EACH MEETING RAIL PLUS(1) 60.000 1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+2+02+11 311+G2+2+02+1 3114C2+2402+1 3 14C3+2+C3+il 3 ANCHOR AT EACH OPERABLE VENT 63.000 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1,3 1+C3+2+03+11 3 1+03+2+C3+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+03+2+C3+1 3 PLUS(4)ANCHORS AT FIXED SECTION. 84.DOOx 38,378 1+C2+2+02+1 2 1+C2+2+02+1 2 1+02+2+02+1 2 1+C2+2+02+1 2 1402+2+C2+112 1+C2+3+02+1 2 (12)ANCHORS TOTAL AT HEAD AND SILL. 48.000 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 (3"MIN.O.C.ANCHOR SPACING) 60.626 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 I+C2+2+C2+1 31 I+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C2+2+02+13 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 54.000 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+02+2+C2+113 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C4+3+04+1.3 25 3/4" -+{�-3°MIN. 60.000 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C3+2+C3+1 311+03+2+C3+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+04+3+C4+1 3 63.000 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 T 1+C3+2+C3+113 1+C3+2+C3+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C4+3+04+1 3 9.REF. PRODUCT'REVISED X 0 X 106.375x 38.376 1+C2+2+C2+1 2 I+C2+2+02+1 211+02+3+ 2+12 1+C2+3+C2+1 2 1+C2+3+02+1 2 1+C2+4+C2+1 2 1 as complying with the Fluddo UuildingCodc 48.000 1+C2+3+02+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C3+3+03+1 3 1+03+3+C3+1 3 1+C2+3+02+1 3 1+C3+4+03+1 3 MTG.RAIL,TYP. Accepta0No 1 -o51q.�o�gz1 50.625 1+C2+3+C2+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+03+3+C3+113 1+03+3+C3+1 3 1+03+3+C3+1 3 1+03+4+03+1 3 EXAMPLE CLUSTER W/QTY.OF(3)ANCHORS "p1f01101tDa`` 64.000 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C3+3+03+1 3 1+C3+3+03+1 3 1+C3+3+03+1 3 1+C4+4+C4+1 3 (SHOWN IN TABLE KEY ABOVE) Ry Mivni nde oduct 60.000 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+04+3+C4+1 3 1+C4+3+C4+1 4 1+03+3+C3+113 1+04+4+C4+1 3 63.000 1+C3+3+03+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+04+3+04+1 3 1+04+3+04+1 4 1+C4+3+C4+1 3 1+CS+4+05+1 3 25 3/4'MAX. rT 1!2" P. 111.000x 38.375 1+02+3+02+1 211+C2+2402+1 2 1+02+3+C2+1 2 1+C2+3+C2+1 3 1+C2+3+C2+1 2 1+02+4+02+1 2 3"MIN. T 48.000 1+C2+3+C2+1 3 1+C2+2+C2+1 3 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+03+3+03+1 3 1+C2+3+C2+1 3 1+03+4+03+1 3 9"REF. X O ' X ` `�\�Jp\Y LYNN .9/���i��� 60.625 1+C2+3+C2+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+03+3+03+1 3 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+03+4+03+1 3 �St•.•'�JCENS(:'•,`Q 64.000 1+03+3+C3+1 3 1+C2+2+02+1 3 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+C3+3+C3+1 311+C3+3+03+1 3.1+04+4+04+113. r`t: %t - No.587U5 60.000 1+C3+3+03+1 3 1+02+2+C2+1 3 1+C4+3+C4+1 3 1+C4+3+C4+1 4 1+C3+3+C3+1 3 1+C4+4+04+1 31 MTG.RAIL,TYP. - 63.000 1+03+3+C3+1 3 1+02+2+02+1 3 1+04+3+C4+1 3 1+C4+3+C4+1 4 1+C4+3+C4+1 3 11+C6+4+C6+1 41 MPLE CLUSTER W/QTY.OF(4)ANCHORS •.• 7) L.M. Wi4/f6 R�FY NOCWWGETHIS SHEET n STA4E P l P T ANCHORAGE SPACING,XOX 1/4-1/2-1/4 %� .,FLORION,.•�},� 1070 TECHNOLOGY DftNE J.J. 1Wi7/i1 Rr NO CHANGETH/86HEET N P-0-BOX 620 CE,FL 7$ ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT �� J.R. 612011 f D ADDED 10 CAP TO BE TEMPERED +30FrNOTE. gJ.R. Txr p+rb0 DMa NO 89 FL 34274 Visibly Better B1� � mage �11Yjp�' �' AI LY�l1+�x 1.11 t.P.E. F.K. 7128/06 J.J. 3/23108 RR710 NT$ 8 d 11 4127-10 F P.E.a5e7os ANCHOR QUAN7171ES XOX 113.113-1/3 WINDOWS TABLE 5 NOTES: GLASS TYPES A.B4O,H GLASS TYPES C,D,E,F,I,J,K,L ANCHOR TYPEPHEAD&SILLij 2,CONC 1,CONC 2,3,WOOD 2,CONC 1,CONC 1.ANCHOR TYPES: &SUBSTRATE ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES 1-114"ELCO TAPCONS 2-114"ELCO SS4 CRETE-FLEX 3412 ff12 STEEL SCREWS(G5) 0 ,N oyq IN N 2.GLASS TYPES: Q WINDOW SIZEHEAD&SILL 1 HEAD&SILL 1 HEAD&SILL g HEAD&SILL ¢ HEAD&SILL, A,5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/8"A) D FOR INSTALLATION IN THE HVHZ ABOVE 30 W I i-9 � �'� )� B.5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,118°HS) FT,GLASS TYPES G-L SHALL HAVE A 48.000 x 38,375 1+C2+1+02+1'2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+02+1 2 1+C2+1+02+i 1.2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 C.5/16"LAM]-(1/8"HS,.090,1/8'HS) TEMPERED I.G.GLASS CAP.BOTH THE DP AND 48,000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+i 3 1+C2+1+C2+11 3 1+C2+i+02+1 3 D.7/16"LAM[-(3/18"A,.090,3/16"A) ANCHOR QUANTITY REMAIN UNCHANGED. E.7/16"LAMI-(3/16"A,.090,3116-HS) 60.626 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+02+i+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+113 F.7118"LAMI-(3118"HS•,090,3116"HS) 64.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 311+C2+1402+1 3 G.13116"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3116-A(MIN.),5116"OR 3/8"SPACE,5/16"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/8-A) 60.000 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 H.13/16"LAMI IG-118"OR 3116"A(MIN.),6/16"OR 318"SPACE,5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,118°HS) 63.000 1+C2+1+02+11 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 i+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 1. 13116"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3/16"A(MIN.),5116"OR 318"SPACE,5118"LAMI-(1/8'HS,.090,118"HS) J.13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3116"A(MIN.),3116"OR 1/4"SPACE,7/16"LAM]-(3/16"A,.090,3116"A) 63.126 It 38.376 1+C2+1+q+1 2 1+02+i+02+1 2 i+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+02+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+11 2 1+C2+1+C2+i2 K.13/16"LAMI IG-118"OR 3116"A(MIN.),3116"OR 114"SPACE,7/16"LAMI-(3118'A,.090,3/16"HS) 48.000 1+02+1+C2+113 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+7+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1.3 1+C2+1+C2+1 31 L. 13116"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3116"A(MIN.),3116"OR 1/4"SPACE,-7/16"LAMI-(3/16"HS,.090,3/16"HS) 50.626 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+i+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+i+C2t1 13 1+C2+1+02+1 3 3.WINDOW ANCHOR QUANTITIES ARE PER ADJACENT TABLE AND BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 54.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 11402+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 311+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 i+C2+1+C2+1 3 DIMENSIONS. FOR WINDOW SIZES NOT SHOWN,GO TO NEXT LARGER WINDOW IN TABLE. 60.000 1+C2+1+C2+113 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3114020+C20 3 1+C2+1+c2+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+113 63.000 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 i+q+1+C3+1 3 HEAD&SILL: 101/2"MAX.ON EACH SIDE OF MEETING RAIL CENTERLINE 60.000x 36.376 1+C2+1+CZ+1I 2 1 1+C2+1+C2+11 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+02+112 253/4°MAX.FROM CORNERS JAMBS: 9"MAX.FROM CORNERS AND 22112"MAX.O.C. 48.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1'3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+02+1.3 1+C2+1+C2+1'3 TABLE KEY: 60.625 i+C2+1+C2+1)$ 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1'3 1+C2+1+02+1,3 X O X 64.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2t1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1,3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 + 1 3 1+q+1+C3t1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 �-ANCHOR QUANTITY PER JAMB 80.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+113 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+12+-1113 1+q+1+C3+1 3 63.000 1+02+1+C2+1 3 i+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C3+1+q+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+03+1+03+1 3 HEAD AND SILL ANCHOR QUANTITIES 66.000%38.376 [1+P,2+1+12+' 2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 I+C2+1+C2+1 2 i+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 A CLUSTER MEETING ANCHORS CENTERED ( ON EACH MEETING RAIL PLUS(1) 48.000 02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 311+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+02+113 ANCHOR AT EACH OPERABLE VENT 60,625 02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3,1+03+1+C3+1 3 PLUS(1)ANCHORS AT FIXED SECTION. 64,000 02+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 311+020+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 311+02+1+02+1 3 1+q+1+C3+1 3 (9)ANCHORS TOTAL AT HEAD AND SILL. 60.000 C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 311+02+1+C2+1 3 1+03+1+03+1 311+02+14C2+1 3 1+C3+1+03+1 3 (3"MIN.O.C.ANCHOR SPACING) 63.000 C2+i+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 11+C3+1+03+11 3 1+C3+1+03+1 311+02+14C2+1 3 1+C3+1+03+1 3 74.000%38.375 C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 11+02+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+02+1 2 1+C2+1+02+1 2 25 3/4"MAX. 48.000 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+113 1+03+1+03+1 3 1 --j -3"MIN. 60.628 1+02+1+02+1 311+02+1+C2+1 311+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+113 1+03+1+C3+1 3 64.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 311+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+03+1+03+1 3 9°REF. 0 X 60.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 311+02+1+C2+113 1+C3+1+03+1 3 1+03+1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1+02+113 1+q+1+C3+1 3T-t- .PRODUCTNEVISCD as complying with Lino pbrida 63.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+03+1+C3+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 Ouf]dmil Codc 84.000x 38,376 1+C2+1+02+112 1+02+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 2 1+02+1+C2+1 2 MTG.RAIL,CLTYPAceepconceNo1Jr-O ly,Qq) EXAMPLE CLUSTER W/QTY.OF(3)ANCHORS ]mcmnDace 46.000 1+C2+1+02+113 1 i+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+7 3 1+03+1+03+1 3 60.626 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+q+1+C2+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+q+1+03+1 3 (SHOWN IN TABLE KEY ABOVE) Mi 1 ode P[oducl Cony 64.000 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 1+C3+1+03+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+03+1+03+1 3 ` 60.000 1+q+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 311+03+1+03+1 4 1+03+1+03+1 3 1+C3+1+03+1 3 25 3/4"MAX. 1!2"TYP, 63.000 1+03+1+q+1 3 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+03+1+03+1 3 1+03+1+q+1 4 1+03+1+03+1 3 1+04+1.+C4+1 4 � �lfllllll! I+-3"MIN. 88.437x38,376 1+C2+1+C2+121+C2+1+C2+1 21+C2+1+02+1 21+C2+1+02+1 31+C2+1+C2+1 21+02+1+C2+12 -f 11 +,`�NYI.;•,IV 411j 1ii� 48.000 i+C2+1+02+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 311402+1+C2+1,3 1+C2+1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1+03+1 3 9"REF' X O X ��,•'�10ENSg''•�FQ 60.625 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1+C2+i 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+02+1+02+11311+03+1+03+1 3 64.000 1+C2+1+02+113 1+02+1+02+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 1+C3+1+03+1 3 1+C2+1+02+1 3 1+q+1+q+1 3 No.58705 J - 60.000 1+C2+1+C2+1)3 7+C2+1+C2+11 3 1+q+1+03+1 3 1+03+1+q+1 4 1+C3+1+03MTG.RAIL,TYP. +1I 3 1+C4+1+C4+1 4 EXAMPLE CLUSTER W/ QTY.OF(4)ANCHORS 63.000 1+03+1+C3+1 3 1+02+1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1+C3+1 3 1+C3+l+O3+1 4 1+03+1+03+113 1+C4+1+C4+1 4 �) •, ]ILllf 7 7rmee7- on#&v S ATF p J LM, Wf4/f6 F IND CHANGE THIS SHEET 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE ANCHORAGE SPACINGr XOX 1/3-113-113 Oma`,((.' .F�oHlol:••'' c ��j�•i N J.J. 10/17i11 E 'IND CHANGE THIS SHEET N.Pt]ICE,FL BDX sza75 ALUM.e. HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT J.R. &20/11 D ADDED lO CAP TO BE TEMPERED +30FTNOTE. A.LYNN MILLER P.E. p�„e,;Dm NOKOMIS.FL 39274 Visibly Better HRT10 1111$ >>' d 11 4127-10 F P.E.p 58705 F.K. 1118/08 J.J. 3/29/06 ANCHOR QUANTITIES,XO&OX WINDOWS TABLE 6 NOTES: GLASS TYPES A,B,G,H GLASS TYPES C,D,E,F,I,J,K,L 1,ANCHOR TYPES: ANCHOR TYPE 2,3,WOOD 2,CONC 1,CONC 2,3,WOOD 2,CONC 1,CONC 1-1/4"ELCO TAPCONS 2-1/4"ELCO SS4 CRETE-FLEX 3-#12 STEEL SCREWS(G5) &SUBSTRATE ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES ZONES 2 GLASS TYPES: t] m 2 � m a0� I Q3 A.5118"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/6"A) FOR INSTALLATION IN THE HVHZ ABOVE 30 WINDOW SIZE co g to g V3 2 � VJ lit 65 1 t11 r B.5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,118"HS) FT,GLASS TYPES 0-L SHALL HAVE A _ ,6 ' x 'Q x ed ' _ ,d ' 7zC ay i' = 06 ' C.5/18"LAMI-(1!B"HS,.090,1/8"HS) TEMPERED I.G.GLASS CAP.BOTH THE DP AND 37.000 x 36.375 1+102+1 2 1+102+1 2 1+102+1 2 1+102+1 2 1+102+1 2 1+102+1 2 D.7/16"LAW-(3116"A,.090,3118'A) ANCHOR QUANTITY REMAIN UNCHANGED. I E.7116"LAW-(3/16"A,.090,3116"HS) 48.000 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+02+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 F.7116"LAMI-(3/18"HS,.090,3/16"HS) 50.625 1+102+1 3 1+102+1 3 1+102+1 3 1+102+1 3 1+102+1 3 1+102+1 3 G.13116"LAMI IG-118"OR 3f16"A(MIN,),5/16"OR 3/8"SPACE,5116"LAMI-(1/8"A,.090,1/8"A) H.13/16"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3116"A(MIN.),5/16"OR 3/8"SPACE,5116"LAMI-(118"A,.090,1/8"HS) 54.000 1+102+1 3 1+C2+1 3 11+C2+1 3 1 1+C2+1 13 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 I. 13116"LAMI IG-1/8'OR 3116"A(MIN.),6116"OR 318"SPACE,5116"LAMI-(118"HS,.090,118"HS) 60.000 1+102+1 3 1+02+1 3 1 1+C3+1 3 1 1+C2+1 1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+03+1 3 J.13118"LAMI IG-1/B"OR 3116"A(MIN.),3/18"OR 1/4"SPACE,7118"LAW.(3/16-A,.090,3118'A) K.13/16"LAM[IG-1/8"OR 3116'A(MIN.),3116"OR 114"SPACE,7116"LAMI-(3116"A„090,3116"HS) 63.000 1+102+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1 1+C3+1 3 1+102+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1 1+C3+1 3 L. 13116"LAMI IG-1/8"OR 3118"A(MIN.),3116"OR 1/4"SPACE,7116"LAMI-(3/16"HS,.090,3116"HS) 48.000 X 38.375 1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1 2 1 1+C2+1 2 1 1+C2+1 2 1+102+1 2 1+C2+1 2 3.WINDOW ANCHOR QUANTITIES ARE PER ADJACENT TABLE AND BASED ON THE FOLLOWING 48.000 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 DIMENSIONS. FOR WINDOW SIZES NOT SHOWN,GO TO NEXT LARGER WINDOW IN TABLE. 50.625 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 HEAD 8 SILL: 101/2"MAX.ON EACH SIDE OF MEETING RAIL CENTERLINE. 54.000 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 18 314"MAX.FROM CORNERS. 60.000 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C3+11 3 1+C2+1. 3 1+C3+1 3 JAMBS: 9"MAX.FROM CORNERS AND 22112"MAX.O.C. 63.000 1+C3+1 3 1+102+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 TABLE KEY: O X 53.125 x 38.375 1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1 2 1+C2+1 2 1+G2+11 2 1+02+1 2 1+C2+1 2 2+C3+2 3 -ANCHOR QUANTITY PER JAMB 48.000 1+02+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+02+1 3 1+C3+1 3 50.625 1+02+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+02+1 3 1+C2+11 3 1+03+1 3 HEAD AND SILL ANCHOR QUANTITIES A CLUSTER OF(3)ANCHORS 54.000 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+03+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 CENTERED ON THE MEETING RAIL 60.000 1+103+1 4 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C3+1 4 1+C2+1 3 1+C3+1 3 PLUS(2)ANCHORS AT OPERABLE 63.000 1+C3+1 4 1+C3+1 3 1+C4+1 3 1+03+1 4 1+C3+11 3 1+104+1 3 VENT AND OTAIXED SECTION.(7) I ANCHORS TOTAL AT HEAD AND SILL. 60.000x 38.375 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 2 2+C2+2 2 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 2 2+C2+2 2 48.000 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 3 1+C2+1 3 1+C2+1 j 3 2+03+2 3 (3"MIN.O.C.ANCHOR SPACING) 50.625 1+03+1 3 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 3 1+C3+1 3 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 3 8 3/4"MAX. 54.000 1+C3+1 4 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 3 1+C3+1 4 1+C2+1; 3 2+C3+2 3 j 1 -�{(-3-MIN. 60.000 1+103+1 4 1+C3+1 3 2+C4+2 4 1+C3+1 4 1+C3+1 3 2+C4+2 4 9"REF. 63.000 1+103+1 4 1+C3+1 3 2+C4+2 4 1+C3+1 4 1+03+1 3 2+C4+2 4 T x PRODUCT REVISED 66.000 x 38.375 2+C2+2 3 1+C2+1 2 2+C2+2 3 2+02+2 3 1+C2+1 2 2+C2+2 3 I m complying with mo Ftmide MTG.RAIL Btu"I" Code 48.000 2+102+2 4 1+102+1 3 2+103+2 3 2+102+2 4 1+C2+1 3 2+103+2 3 AcccptanceNol5-05)�I21 50.625 2+103+2 4 1+102+1 3 2+103+2 3 2+03+2 4 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 3 EXAMPLE CLUSTER W/QTY.OF(3)ANCHORS Ea Irolion No 54.000 2+03+2 4 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 4 2+C3+2 4 1+C2+1 3 2+C3+2 4 (SHOWN IN TABLE KEY ABOVE) tijiv,; eFroduct ntrol 60.000 2+C3+2 4 1+C3+1 3 2+C4+2 4 2+03+2 4 1+103+11 3 2+C4+2 4 63.000 1+C3+1 4 1+03+1 3 2+04+2 4 2+C3+2 4 1+C3+1 3 2+C4+2 4 18 314"MAX. 11/2"TYP. 74.000 x 38.375 2+C2+2 3 2+C2+2 2 2+C2+2 3 2+C2+2 3 2+C2+2 2 2+02+2 3 �1-+-3"MIN. 48.000 2+C3+2 4 2+C2+2 3 2+C3+2 4 2+103+21 4 2+C2+2 3 2+C3+2 4 9.REF. X. LYiJA! 50.625 2+03+2 4 2+C2+2 3 2+103+2� 4 2+103+2 4 2+C2+2E 3 2+C3+2 4 - 1 :, ��crrlsr• '••4 , 54.000 2+C3+2 4 2+C3+2 3 2+104+2 4 2+C3+2 4 2+C3+2 3 2+104+2 4No _ }� MTG.RAIL .58705 60.000 2+103+2 4 1+C3+1 3 2+104+2j 4 2+103+2 5 2+103+2i 3 2+104+2 4 63.000 2+103+2 4 1+C3+1 3 2+C4+2 4 2+104+2 5 2+C3+2 4 2+C4+2 5 EXAMPLE CLUSTER W/QTY.OF(4)ANCHORS v I S ui rtenaa!- xwrunc fATE L.M. 611411$ F I NOCNANGETHIS SHEEr ANCHORAGE SPACING,OXANDXO WINDOWS % �`,'•.Fr.onlo?.•' �,: 1070 TECHNOLOGY ORNE _ ��C���1i�'••.... SCJ . JJ.R.MW; 1�alTn1 NOCIfANOETlI13SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34176 �FpG_ ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT J.R. 8/20/11 D ADDED/0 CAP TO BE TEMPERED +90FT NOTE, P.O.eox 1529 „� d.K ,k,,,,,, ,M I NOKOMIS,FL 34274 Visibly Better A.LYNN 1,687 R.P.E. FFX 2/2/08 JJ 91606 NRTfO NT$ 10 d 91 4927-10 F P. 68705 N.E.D.TYP. NOTES: MI MIN.3.4 KSI 2x WOOD BUCK, 1.FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE ONLY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED 1/4"ELCO CONCRETE 1 1"MIN.EDGE NOTE 3 13/81, TAPCONS EMBEDED 13/8"MIN.OR 114"SS4 CRETE-FLEX EMBEDED 13/4"MIN.. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM MIN. ANCHOR TO CONCRETE EDGE IS 1314". FLATHEAD ANCHORS MUST BE#12 TRIMFIT HEAD. NOTE 1 1x WOOD ' a• —L 2.FOR WOOD APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE#12 STEEL SCREWS(G5)OR 114"SS4 CRETE-FLEX WITH BUCK, #12 TRIMFIT HEAD. NOTE 3 3.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS ON THIS PAGE AS 1x ARE BUCKS WHOSE TOTAL THICKNESS IS LESS 114 1/� © THAN 1 112". 1x WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE OR MAX.J MAX. CMU.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2x ARE 1 1/2"THICK OR GREATER. INSTALLATION TO THE SUBSTRATE OF SHIM SHIM WOOD BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS OR AS APPROVED BY AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. CONCRETE WOOD ANCHOR, ANCHOR, 4.FOR ATTACHMENT TO ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063-T5 AND A MINIMUM NOTE 1 DETAIL A NOTE 2 DETAIL B OF 1l8"THICK.THE ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER SHALL BE OF ASIZE TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS FOR 2x WOOD BUCKS.THE ANCHOR SHALL BE A TYPICAL FLANGE FRAME HEAD SECTIONS #12 SHEET METAL SCREW WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM. IF THESE CRITERIA ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVE DESIGN PRESSURES AND ANCHORAGE SPACING FOR ANCHOR TYPE 2 MAY BE USED. 114" 6.MATERIALS,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL SCREWS,THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER SHIM 1 3/8" 1/4"MAX.SHIM—�I I� 1 1l4"MIN. DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. IT�I MIN. I I (1.5 KSI CMU) OR 2-112"MIN.EMBEDMENT PER NOTE 1 O O 4_ ' (3.4 KSI CONCRETE) WOOD CONCRETE ANCHOR, ANCHOR, /4-1 NOTE 1314" EXTERIOR INTERIOR NOTE "MIN,EDGE ?• MIN.E.D (HEA &SILL DETAILS A,B,C,D, &H) - TYP. 2x WOOD BUCK,NOTE 3 1x WOOD BUCK,NOTE 3 _T4 SEE NAILING INTERIOR 5I8°MIN.EDGE DETAIL E DETAIL F (JAMB DETAILS E,F&1) —� TYPICAL FLANGE FRAME JAMB SECTIONS 156!8"MIN. EXTERIOR CONCRETE WOOD DETAIL H (HEAD) ANCHOR, ANCHOR, NOTE 1 NOTE 2 NAILING .131 DIA.MIN,x 21/2"NAIL AT CORNERS AND 5"O.C. O PRODUCP RBVISC•.D TYPICAL DETAILS G,H&I. O nscomplyinswithihoFwdo ©a8aing Coae 5-05 I 1/4" 114" O Amplcntepirotmnce MAX. MAX Dalc 2 SHIM SHI� Q /8"MIN.EDGE lly SEE Mist Dade Product ntro ..i.. .� .•NOTE1 13/8 MIN. NAILING 13/4 1 A 2-1/2"MIN, SEE NAILING \���oN( LYNN i./z E.D.TYP. ":.. \` e` MIN.3.4 KSI _ ��.°MIN•EbGE 5a�,•'�,1f,ENSC''•,• Q CONCRETE 2x WOOD DETAIL C BUCK, DETAIL D 2-10 MIN.EMBED NOTE 3 DETAIL G(SILL) DETAIL I(JAMB) - ND.58705 TYPICAL FLANGE FRAME SILL SECTIONS TYPICAL INTEGRAL FIN FRAME SECTIONS = o''.Ct 7 Z /S ey, qNa: nnftuiu: omlmc % o'. STAT; L.M. 6114115 F CORRECT OPTIONALSUCKN07ETOINC1UOECMU ANCHORAGE DETAILS ' '�,c� AYORU�P;••' ��: ta• RMtbrn• 1070 TECHNOLOGY DPIVE l' .• C7 Z.' rwInri R"EMi NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34276 — ALUM.HORIZONTAL ROLLER WINDOW,IMPACT ;ONA1 J.R. &MI D NO CHANGE THIS SHEET P.D.eox 1520 I1 I1 pm,7 D� Knrls4 �. NOKOWS.FL34274 Visibly Better ° 6one uaee n""OVw R 'A LYNN M�LLER P.E. F.K. ?!28/08 J•J. &2= HR710 I'Ielf 11 a 11 4127-10 F P.E.058705 Florida Product Approval Cemplank° Lap Siding • For use inside HVHZ: o Cemplank.Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall be in accordance with the Miami-Dade County Florida NOA 15- 0122.04. Consult the Cemplank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. • For use outside of HVHZ, o Cemplank Lap Siding fastener types, fastening schedule, and installation shall.be in accordance with Engineering Evaluation Reports RIO-2553-15 or RIO-2557-15. Consult the Cemplank product installation instructions on the follow pages for all other installation requirements. mplanicCe Lap Siding INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS-PRIMED AND FACTORY BUILT COLOR TREATED PRODUCTS EFFECTIVE AUGUST 2010 CEDAR ■ BEADED CEDAR s BEADED SMOOTH IMPORTANT:FAILURE TO INSTALLAND FINISH THIS PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY,AFFECT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE,VIOLATE LOCAL BUILDING CODES,AND VOID THE PRODUCT ONLY WARRANTY. STORAGE&HANDLING: Q CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Store flat and keep dry and coveted prior installation. OUTDOORS INDOORS P 1.Position cutting station so that wind will blow dust away from user 1.Cut onfyusing woreandsnap,orshears(manual,eledricor pneuma tic). Installing siding wet or saturated and others in working area. 2.Position cutting station inwefEven6lated area may result in shrinkage at butt 2 Use one of the following methods: !joints.Car tanks On a.Best I.Score and snap Carry edge.P g ii.Shears(manual,electric or pneumatic) -NEVER use a power saw indoors Protect edges and comers from b.Better: i.Dust reducing circular saw equipped with a -NEVER use a circular saw blade that does not carry the Hardieblade saw blade trademark breakage.The manufacturer isnot Hardiebladen+saw blade and HEPAvaauimextraction -NEVER dry sweep—Use wet suppression or HEPA Vamum c Good: I.Dust reducing circular saw with a Hardfeblade saw blade responsible for damage caused by (only use for low to moderate cutting) improper Important Note:For maximum protection gowest respirable dust production),the Manufacturer recommends always using'Bese4evel cutting methods where feasible. storage and handling Of the NIOSH-approved respirators can be used in coluncfion with above cutting practices to further reduce dust exposures..Additional exposure information is available at www.cemboardsiding.com to help you determine the most appropriate cutting method for yourjob requirements.If concern still exists about exposure levels or you product. 0 not comply with the above practices,you should always consult a qualifiedIirndustrial hygienist or contact the Marwfacturer.for further information. sm83105 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: • Cemplank'D lap siding can be installed over braced wood or steel studs spaced a maximum of 24"o.c.or directly to minimum 7/16"thick OSB Sheathing*.Irregularities in framing and sheathing can mirror through the finished application. • CemplartV lap siding can also be installed over foam insulation/sheathing up to 1"thick.When using,foam insulation/sheathing,avoid over-driving nails (fasteners),which can result in dimpling of the siding due to the compressible nature of the foam insulation/sheathing.Extra caution is necessary'ff power-driven nails(fasteners)are used for attaching siding over foam insulation/sheathing, •Awater-resistive barrier is required in accordance with local building code requirements. The water-resistivebarrier must be appropriately installed with penetration and junction flashing in accordance with local building code requirements.The manufacturer will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. • Install Cemboard®products with a minimum 6"clearance to the finished grade on the exterior of the building or in accordance with local building codes if greater than 6"is required(fig.3). • Maintain a 1"-2"clearance between Cemboard products and roofs,decks,paths, steps and driveways(figs.4,5&6). Figure 1 Construction Single Wall • Maintain a 114"clearance between Cemboard products and horizontal flashing(fig.7). Ensure gutters have end caps.Maintain a minimum 1"gap between end caps and siding water-resistive barrier 24"o c.max let-in bracing fir .8. plyw0od or &trim ( g ) OSB sheathing • Install kickout flashing at roof-wall junctions(fig.9). •Adjacent finished grade must slope away from the building in accordance with local building codes-typically a minimum,of 6"in the first 1 V. • Do not install Cemboard products,such that they may remain in contact with standing water. •Cernplanks lap siding must be installed on vertical wall applications only. • DO NOT use stain on Cemboard products. ` INSTALLATION: JOINTTREATMEN-r (Required for Factory Built Color Finish,Recommended for Primed product) It is not recommended to use caulk at field butt joints. stud Figure 2 water-resistive barrier 1"from oma'}plank t _ joint flashing" r : —318"fromUN °plank edge "o " water-resistive o0 0 " barrier install planksin " ° o 00 moderate contact °° o 0 0" fastener o 01 o Install a 1 1/4"starter strip to o o ensure a consistent plank angle o a Install factory finished edges together at butt joints. leave appropriate gap between planks and trim,then caulk"* *If only nailed to sheathing,plank can be a maximum 9-114"wide and must be face nailed at 12"o.c.with 0.09" shank x 0.221"HD x 1:5"long corrosion resistant nails. **As required by local building code —Apply caulk in accordance with caulk manufacturers written application instructions. WARNING:AVOID BREATHING SILICA DUST Cemboard'products contain respirable crystalline silica,which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and is considered by IARC and NIOSH to be a cause of cancer from some occupational sources.Breathing excessive amounts of respirable silica dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease called silicosis,and has been linked with other diseases.Some studies suggest smoking may increase these risks. During installation or.handling:(1)work in outdoor areas with ample ventilation;(2)'use fiber cement shears for cutting or,where not feasible,use a Hardiebladelm saw blade and dust-reducing circular saw attached to a HEPA vacuum;(3)Warn others in the immediate area;(4)wear properly-tied,NIOSH-approved dust mask or iesplrator(e.g.N-95)in accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer instructions to further limit respirable silica exposures. During dean-up,use HEPA vacuums or wet cleanup methods-never dry sweep.For further information,referto our installation instructions and Material Safety Data sheet available atwww.cemboardsiding com or by calling 1-877-236-7526.FAILURE TO ADHERE TOOUR WARNINGS,MSDS, AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. MEW CEM0802-P1/4 910E South CLEARANCES Install siding and trim products in Maintain a 1"-2" Maintain a 1"-2"clearance At the juncture of the roof and vertical compliance with local building code clearance between between Cemboard products surfaces,flashing and counterflashing requirements for clearance between the Cemboar&products and ,and decking material. shall be installed per the roofing bottom edge of the siding and the paths,steps and Figure5 manufacturer's instructions. adjacent finished grade. Figure 3 driveways. Provide a 1"-2"clearance between the Stud water roofing and the bottom edge of the water-resistive siding barrier Figure 4 resistive siding and trim. barrier Figure 6 concrete deck material 1"-2" foundation 1"-T I t e" joist flashing Cemplank° ledger "\6 min. lap siding hashing 4 Figure9 K1CKOUTIFLASHING ' ,". Maintain a 114"clearance Maintain a minimum 1"gap stepiiast�9 i` , Because of the volume of water that can pour between the bottom of between gutter end caps and seu-aldiheri down a sloped roof,one of the most critical flashing details occurs where a roof intersects Cemboard products siding&trim._ `�°"�'% �', �' g and horizontal flashing. - /}, a sidewall. The roof must be flashed with ��g ell adhering Do not caulk gap. Figure 8 .�eavesrtembrane step flashing. Where the roof terminates, S ria wno ; install a kickout to deflect water away from the siding. Figure 7 a Droedge Lsiring `A it is best to install a self-adhering membrane Do not 1/4"gap on the wall before the subfascia and trim caulk siding �� boards are nailed in place,and then come back to install the kickout. fascia Figure-9,IClckout Flashing'To prevent water from dumping behind the siding flashing fascia the end of the roof intersection,install a"kickout"of sufficient length and gutferand end cap angle to direct the water running down the roof away from the siding. FASTENER REQUIREMENTS` Blind Nailing is the preferred method of installation for all Face Nailing should only be used where required for high wind areas and must not be Cemplank®lap siding products used in conjunction with Blind Nailing BLIND NAILING FACE NAILING Nails-Wood Framing Nails-Wood Framing •Siding nail(0.09"shank x 0.221"HD x 2"long) • 6d(0.113"shank x 0.267"HD x 2"long) • 11ga.roofing nail(0.121"shank x 0.371"HD x 1.25"long) • Siding nail(0.09"shank x 0.221"HD x 2"long) Screws-Steel Framing Screws-Steel Framing • Ribbed Wafer-head or equivalent(No.8 x 11/4"long • Ribbed Bugle-head or equivalent(No.8-18 x 1-518"long x x 0.375"HD)Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. 0.323"HD)Screws must penetrate 3 threads into metal framing. Nails-Steel Framing Nails-Steel Framing •ET&F PanelfasP nails or equivalent • ET&F pin or equivalent(0.10"shank.x 0.25"HD x 1-112"long) (0.10"shank x 0.313"HD x 1-1/2"long) Nails must penetrate minimum 114"into metal framing. Nails must penetrate minimum 1/4"into metal framing. OSB minimum 7116" OSB minimum 7/16" • Siding nail(0.09"shank x 0.221 HD x 1-1/2"long)* • 11ga.roofing nail(0.121"shank x 0.371"HD x 1.75"long) 24" • Ribbed Wafer-head or equivalent(No.8 x 15/8"long x 0.375"HD). Stud O.C.max. 24" Figure 10 Figure 11 stud 11/4"min. water-resistive O.C.max. Minimum overlap overlap barrier o for Both Face " I and Blind Nailing _ blind nail I 314.-1" I o min.1 114" jL4—o 0 0 oface nail overlap i t ter-resistive I i water-resistive wa 1114"min. barrier overlap barrier Laminate sheet to be removed immediately after installation of each course for Factory Built Color products. t The illustration(figure 9)and associated text was reprinted with permission of THE JOURNAL OF LIGHT CONSTRUCTION.For subscription information, visft wwwjlconline.com. ' When face nailing to OSB,planks must be no greaterthan 9114"wide and fasteners must be 12"o.c.or less. *Also see General Fastening Requirements. CEM0802-P214 9108 South GENERAL FASTENING REQUIREMENTS • Consult applicable code compliance report for correct fasteners type and Fasteners must be corrosion resistant,galvanized,or stainless steel. placement to achieve specified design wind loads. Electro-galvanized are acceptable but may exhibit premature corrosion. • NOTE:Published wind loads may not be applicable to all areas where The manufacturer recommends the use of quality,hot-dipped galvanized Local Building Codes have specific jurisdiction.Consult the manufacturer's nails.The manufacturer is not responsible for the corrosion resistance ofTechnical Services if you are unsure of applicable compliance documentation. fasteners.Stainless steel fasteners are recommended when installing • Drive fasteners perpendicular to siding and framing. Cemboard"products near the ocean,large bodies of water,or in • Fastener heads should fit snug against siding(no airspace).(fig.A) very humid climates. • Do not over-drive nail heads or drive nails at an-angle. • If nail is countersunk,caulk nail hole and add a nail.(fig.B) PNEUMATIC FASTENING • For wood framing,under driven nails should be hit flush to the plank with a Cemboard products can be hand nailed or fastened with a pneumatic hammer(For steel framing,remove and replace nail). tool.Pneumatic fastening is highly recommended. Set air pressure so ' Do not use aluminum fasteners,staples,or clipped head nails. that the fastener is driven snug with the surface of the siding.A flush Snug Flush mount attachment on the pneumatic tool is recommended. This will Countersunk, help control the depth the nail is driven.If setting the nail depth proves Caulk& difficult,choose a setting that under drives the nail. (Drive under driven ® ® add nail do not under Do NOT nails snug with a smooth faced hammer-Does not apply for installation Figure A Figure B drive nails STAPLE to steel framing). CAULKING PAINTING For best results use an Elastomeric Joint Sealant DO NOT use stain on Cemboard products. complying with ASTM C920 Grade NS,Class 25 or Cemboard products must be painted within 180 higher or a Latex Joint Sealant complying with ASTM days for primed product and 90 days for unprimed. C8X Caulking/Sealant must be applied in accordance 100%acrylic topcoats are recommended. with the caulkingisealant manufacturer's written Do not paint when wet For application rates refer to instructions or ASTM C1193. paint manufacturers specifications. Back-rolling is recommended if the siding is sprayed. FACTORY BUILT COLOR TECHNOLOGY CAULKING,TOUCH=UP& LAMINATE • Touch up nicks,scrapes and nail heads using the Factory Built Color technology touch-up applicator.Touch-up paint should be used sparingly. If large areas require touch-up,replace the damaged area with new Cemplank®lap siding with Factory Built Color technology. • laminate sheet must be removed immediately after installation of each course. • Tenninate non-factory cut edges into frim where possible,and caulk.Color matched caulks are.avalable from your Factory Built Color product dealer. • Treat all other non-factory cut edges using the Factory Built Color technology edge coaters,available from your Factory Built Color product dealer. PAINTING CEMBOARD®SIDING AND TRIM PRODUCTS WITH FACTORY BUILT COLOR TECHNOLOGY Men.repainting Factory Built Color products,the manufacturer recommends the following regarding surface preparation and topcoat application: • Ensure the surface is clean,dry,and free of any dust,dirt,or mildew • Repriming is normally not necessary • 100%acrylic topcoats are recommended • DO NOT use stain or oiValkyd base paints on Cemboard products • Apply finish coat in accordance with paint manufacturers written instructions regarding coverage,application methods,and application temperature COVERAGE CHARTIESTIMATING GUIDE Number of 12'planks,does not include waste COVERAGEAREA CEMPLANK°LAP SIDING WIDTH LESS OPENINGS SQ 51/4 61/4 7114 7112 8 8114 9114 9112 12 (1 SQ=100 sq.ft) (exposure) 4 5 6 6114 6 314 7 8 81/4 10 3/4 1 25 20 17 16 15 14 13 13 9 2 50 40 33 32 30 29 25 25 19 3 75 60 50 48 44 43 38 38 28 4 100 80 67 64 59 57 50 50 37 5 125 100 83 80 74 71 63 63 47 6 150 120 100 96 89 86 75 75 56 7 175 140 117 112 104 100 88 88 65 8 200 160 133 128 119 114 100 100 74 9 225 180 150 144 133 129 113 113 84 10 250 200 167 160 148 143 125 125 93 11 275 220 183 176 163 157 138 138 102 12 300 240 200 192 178 171 150 150 112 13 325 260 217 208 193 186 163 163 121 14 350 280 233 224 207 200 175 175 130 15 375 300 250 240 222 214 188 188 140 16 400 320 267 256 237 229 200 200 149 17 425 340 283 272 252 243 213 213 158 18 450 360 300 288 267 257 225 225 167 19 475 380 317 304 281 271 238 238 177 20 500 400 333 320 296 286 250 250 186 This coverage chart is meant as a guide..Actual usage is subject to variables such as building design.The manufacturer does not assume responsibility for over or under ordering of product. RECOGNITION:In accordance with ICC-ES Legacy Report NER-405,Cemplank"lap siding is recognized as a suitable alternate to thatspecified in:the BOCA National Building Code/1999,the 1997 Standard Building Code,the 107 Uniform Building Code,the 1998 International One-and Two-Family Dwelling Code,the 20031ntemational;Buildmg Code,and the 2003 International Residential Code for One-and Two- Family Dwellings.Cemplanke lap siding is also recognized for application in the following: City of Los Angeles Research Report No.24862,State of Florida fisting FL4889,Dade County;Florida NOh No.02-0729.02; U.S:Dept of HUD Materials Release 1263c,Texas Department of Insurance Product Evaluation EG-23,City of New York ME A223-93-M,and California DSAPA-019.These documents should also be consulted for additional information concerning the suitability of this product for specific applications. CEM0802-P3/4 9108 South 0200B JHIF B.V.All rights reserved.TM,sM,and o denote Additional Installafon Information, trademarks or registered trademarks of JHIF B.V. Warranties,and Warnings are available at www.cemboardsiding.com _ a CEM0802-P4/4 9108 t' MIAMI- ivIIAMI-RADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) w,vw.minn►idade.eov/economy James Hardie Building Product,Inc. 10901 EImt Avenue Fontana,CA 92337 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to.have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: "Hardie", "Cem" and "Prevail"Planlzs and Panels Fiber Cement Siding and Soffit APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No.PNL,PLK&SOFF,titled"HardiePanel,CemPanel,Prevail Panel;HardioPlank,CemPlank Prevail Lap Siding;HardieSoffit,CemSoffit Panel;Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction",sheets 1 through 12 of 12,dated 04124/2013, prepared by the manufacturer,signed and sealed by Ronald 1.Ogawa,P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING:A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,Plant City,Florida,and the following statements:"ASTM C 1186 Type A compliant"and"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved"is to be located on each siding plank or panel and per FBC 1.710.9.2 and 1710.9.3 on soffit panels. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided-to the User by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA 913-0311.07 and consists of this page 1 and evidence page E-1,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. NOA No.15-6122.04 QMIAMI-DADE CO Expiration Date:May 1,2017 Approval Date:April 9,2bI5 . 0313°J�l s Pal;i:1 -- r James Hardie Building Products,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS "Submilted under NOA #13-0311.07" 1. Drawing No.PNL,PLK&SOFF,titled"HardiePanel, CemPanel,Prevail Panel; HardiePlank, Cem.Plank Prevail Lap Siding; HardieSoffit, CemSoffit Panel; Installation Details Wood/Metal Stud Construction", sheets 1 through 12 of 12,dated 04/24/2013,prepared by the manufacturer, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA #13-0311.07" 1. Test reports on 1)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of HardiePlank,HardieSoffit and HardiePanel,prepared by Intertek Testing Services NA LTD,Test Report No. 100733361COQ-004, dated 08/24/2012,with revision 1 dated 04/25/2013, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet,P.E. "Submitter)raider NDA#02-0729.02" Laboratory Report Test Date Signature 2. ATI-16423-1 PA 202 &203 03/18/96 A.N. Reeves P.E. 3.. ATI 16423-2 PA 202 &203 03/18/96 A.N.Reeves P.E. 4. ATI 16423-3 PA 202 &203 03/18/96 A.N.Reeves P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5h edition(2014)FHC issued by Ronald I. Ogawa&Associates,Inc., dated 10/26/2014, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogawa,P.E. . 03 /30120)5 Carlos M._Utrera,P.E. Product Control Exaininer NOA No. 15-0122.04 Expiration Date:May 1,2017 Approval Date: April 9,2015 E-1 ---WALL LENGTH---------------------A. SEE Stud spacing at IV O.C. DETAIL.A. HarcliePane,16,CeroparieW,& PrevallO Panel Siding materials are _ nonasbestas fiber-cement products SW thick f 5 ply APA rated tested in accordance with ASTM t plywood sheaffting in C1186 Grade It,Type A and meeting accoidance with Florida r the requirements of the Florida % SwIdirig Code Section Building Code. 223 WALLAccep 1. Z HE H Mailff, 0.1 Water-resistive Width Length Thickness p a' c A, Lbaryfer per Florida N, V\- a 4! 8,9,10' 5118- Building Code Installation Design Pressure Section 1404.2 N 2X 4r S-P-F Wood Studs Wood Studs -76 psf HardiePanel, Impact Resistant— Nails at ISP O.C.(typ,) Cerripanel, Planks installed over 5/6'thick 5 ply 3/6'MiNmum Edge Distance Prevdil Panel APA rated plywood sheathing Siding .QU6j.L—A Sheathing fastener,as described in All installation shall be done in Conformance with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturet's Note 1 installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Panel fastener,as described in Wood studs where HardiePanel,Cernpanel,Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall be Note 2 designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this MOA (Note 115/8"thick 15 ply APA rated plywoad sheathing shall be attached to the studs in fig" i accordance with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3, HardiePanel,Cempanel, a The siding panels shag be Installed over 518"thick]6 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum of 2"X4!1 S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum of W O.C. Prevail Panel Siding a [Note The siding panel fastener shall be a 2'long,0.223"head diameter,0.092"shank diameter,corrosion resistant siding nail;the fasteners shaft be spaced at VO.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs,the fasteners shall be driven through the 518"thick 15 ply APA rated W plywood sheathing into wood studs located at IV O.C. Water-resistive barrier per Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 30'and a minimum clearance of 2"from Florida Building Code Section Corners. 1404.2 HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL 5/8"thick 15 ply APA rated INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION plywood sheet-ring fastened in (B accordance With Florida Building James Hardie Building Products,Inc. Code Section 2322.3 10901 Elm Avenue 2"X 4"S-P-F Wood Studs Fontana,CA 92337 The wall and s0flit frames are to be designed Phone: size FscmNo OWG No REV by the Architect or Engineer of Record in Fax 909-427-0634 PNL-PLX—SOFF compliance with the Florida Building Code. Creator I—Gonzales SCALE 1'-0" Date:412412018 SHEEr 1 OF 12 Fastener Spacing per Florida Cladding Building Code Section 2322.3 16.QOin, Framing Fastener Spacing per Florida Sheathing =Yiagvraptbe'F1ariAR Building Code Section 2322.3 =� I?loifuctCaalld • �. as ero�apiyi�gw.eah >I''tdti�ls +� 1� toPRODUCrREW4 Acccptomto No '1 EMMIM ■ NOMINAL 2"x 4"S-P-F WOOD STUDS 161,O.C.FASTENED WITH-3-11Z 16d COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP AND FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE BOTTOM!CONNECTION) NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) ■ THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SH�ATH[NC ' ■ NOMINAL 5/8"THICK/5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD "' HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDNG CODE SECTION 2322,3 INSTALLATIONDETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION CLA�D�G ■ THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH 2'LONG,0.223"BEAD .fames Hardie Building Products,Inc. DIAMETER,0.032"SHANK DIAMETER,CORROSION "10901 Elm Avenue RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,PLACE NAILS 6"O.C.AT � � Fontana,CA 92337 PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS Phone:909-356-6300 SIZE FSCM NO DWG No REV Fax 909427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 Creator E.Gonzales scare 1"=1'-0" Date:4!24/2013 SHEET 2 OF 12 -WALL LENGTH RR-QZQ9L%E9S( 0 .ZRLIPTL C - — -K Stud Spacing at 161 0- SEE HardieftnelS,Cempane[9,&PfevailO DETAILA Panel Siding materials are nonasbestos fiber-cement products tested in ....... 5/8"thick 5 ply APA rated accordance with ASTM CI 186 Grade 11, 1 i plywood sheathing fastened Typo A and meetin g the requirements of a' 1 00 to metal studs as described L in Note 1 the Florida Building Code. H E�Aft#C44.- Water-resistive WALL j Width Length Thickness L 11 No. I barrier per Florida 1.: 1 / 4! 8,9,10' 5/16, HEIGHT .1 1. * i t Building Code Section 1404.2 jD STATE _Q3j-G N-E&QSS U-R-.E-LRA_1%4 Installation Design Pressure R -I J�1�209a,3-5/8"X 1�51811 Metal Studs -104 psf M M etal C-stud Impact Resistant- ....,.r-...... ......... A f tt Hardieftne, MB Panel installed over 6/&'thi Cempanel, APA rated plywood sheathng ck 5 ply Nails at 6'O.C.(typ.) Prevail Panel 3/8"Minimum Edge Distance Siding All installation shall be clone in conformance With this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's P-U-A-Ik6 installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Metal studs where KardiePanei,.Campanel,Prevail Panel Siding will be installed shall be Sheathing fastener,as designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this. described in Note 1. N.o,A. " 7 [Note 1]518"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at WOO Panel fastener,as described in at panel edges and all intermediate supports using a No.8-18,0.315"head diameter x 1-114"long bugle head screw 7 Note 2 The siding panels shall be installed over S/Er thick!5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum 209a,Nominal 3-5/87 X I-518'Metal C-studs spaced a maximummaximumof 16"- ED 111 HardiePanelO Siding [Note 2]The siding panel fastener shall be*9 minimum No.8-18,0.315"head diameter X I-Sir long*ribbed bugle head screw(*or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing),the fasteners shall be spaced at 611 O.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs;the fasteners shall be driven through the 5/8"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing into metal Water-resistive barrier per studs located at 1611 O.C. Florida Building Code Section Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 318"and a minimum clearance of Z'from 1404.2 comers. HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL 51811 thick 15 ply APA rated INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION plywood sheathing fastened 51811 thick/5 p plywood sheathing to metal studs as described James Hardie Building ProducW,Inm in Note 1, a 10901 Elm Avenue 209a,35/8"X 1,5/8".Metal C-stud Fontana,CA 92337 Phone.909,35&SWD Sim FSCM NO DWG NO RN The wall and soffit frames are to be designed I!!! by the Architect or Engineer of Record in Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF I -- T-71E compliance with the Florida Building Code. Creator E.Gonzales SCALE' 10=T-0- Date:412412D13 SHEET 3 OF 12 Cladding 6.00In. 16.44in. • . w • w 6.001n. •( I l Framing • i• I• f•( Sheathing � I 6.001n.l I � I• I�I I I 6.001n. ( I I I jItt/r�y�»�J� FF _OGA • �N"13-4t>t!4a7.7 °"z , I I 121 No. nyteoa�x+r f I•i �� SIATEOF Contra FSA_ i .G ■ NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3-518"X 1-518"STEEL STUDS 16"O.G. FASTENED WITH 518"WAFER HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE ■ THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO DESIGNED NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE L BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN OADS) COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE s!{FATHM. NOMINAL 5/8"THICK/5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT 6"OC AT PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A HARDIEPANEL,CEMPANEL,PREVAIL PANEL NO.8-18,0.315"HEAD DIAMETER X 1-114°LONG BUGLE INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION HEAD SCREW CLApDTNG James Hardie Building Products,Inc. ti THE PANEL IS FASTENED WITH NO.8-18,0.315 HEAD 10901 Eim Avenue DIAMETER 1.518"LONG CORROSION RESISTANT - RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SHALL HAVE AT im Fontana,GA 92337 LFAST 3 FULL THREADS PENETRATING THE METALSCLC KSOM No DWo NO REV FRAMING),PLACE SCREWS 6"O.C.AT PANEL EDGES Phone:949-356-&300 ,*D INTERMEDIATE STUDS Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL PLIC-SOFT Z Creator.E Gonzales scALIE 1"-1'-0" Date:4/24!2013 1 SHEET 4 OF 12 WAI Stud Spacing at 16"O.C. L LENGTH SES PRQ Q.LLCT Qli�S DETAL A HarcliePlankS,CemplankO,& Prevail1i Plank Up Siding materials .......... ...... ---------....... 518"thidc 15 ply APA are nonasbestos fiber-cement rated p�,md products tested In accordance with ASTM C1188 Grade It,Type A and i sheathing in accordance with meeting the requirements of the as QDWYWS Florida Building Code Florida Building Code. Wfth' ► WALL 23M3 Section PA �P@4M HEIGHT 1 r vvatp-r-r�� Width Length Thickness Q-1/2" 12' 5/16" barrier per Florida Building Code Fradvo Cb&m) ji. Section 14042 G P I b. V*XVS­P-F Installation Design Pressure ....... Wood Studs Wood Studs -92 psf ...... 13 4-- Lap Siding Impact Resistant— To S10 NAL Minimum Edge Distance Nails at 16too C.(typ.) 0 Planks installed over 5/8"thick 5 ly F BSB 1-114"lall X 5/16" APA rated plywood sheathing p thick starter strip Sheathing fastener,as described in Note I All Installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice ofAcceptance,the manufacturers installation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Wood studs where HardliePlank,Cemplank,Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.A.A. Siding fastener,as [Note 1]618"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to the studs in accordance described in Note 2 with Florida Building Code Section 2322.3. FW& Planks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the wall with 1-1/4!o wide AZ HardiePlank, laps at the top of the Plank such that the exposure area of each plank is15 8-1/4!1 vertically. jNote 21 The siding fastener shall be a 2-1/2"long,0.223"head diameter,0.092"shank diameter, Cemplank,Prevail corrosion-resistant siding nail;The siding is fastened.5 8-11411 O.C.vertically and 16!'O.C.horizontally, Lap Siding fasteners are driven into wood studs through 6/8"thick/5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing,fasteners consulare placed in the overlapping area approximately 31'4"from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank. 2 Vertical joints shall be placed over studs. Water-resistive barrier X The planks shall be installed over 518"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a per Florida Building minimum of 2%4!'S-P.F wood studs spaced a maximum of IWO.C. Code Section 1404.2 Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/9'. 5/8!'thickly ply APA rated HARDIEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING Plywood sheathing fastened INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION .in accordance With uilding Code Section James Hardie Building Products,Inc t n Floridaid e ad ed 2322.3 10901 Elm Avenue 2"X 4"S-P-FWc)od Studs Fontana,CA 92337 i Phone:909-356-63co 0VM NO REV The wall and soffit frames are to be designed FaX 909427-0634 PNL-PLK-SOFF by the Architect or Engineer of Record In s2r� FscM"o )d comPriancemdth the Florida Building Code. Creator S.Gonzales sCALS 112"=t 11.01, Date:4/24/2013 1 SHEffr 5 OF 12 Fastener Spacing per Florida Building Code Section 2322.3 16 in.O Cladding II � I! I Framing ! 11 astener Spacing per Florida $ Building Code Section 2322.3 heWmg 0.75in AIRtJ3WC3�tE1TLS�D • swifts= � TBYt- �C 1�nrrtrn xEcPnad�rct�� s3.251n. - rreg� . �a1S�t i No. 121 w BY �,odn..Cawoi moo, STATE OF ER MING 4 _ ■ NOMINAL 2"X 4"S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED ��� WITH 3-1/2"16d COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP AND .r= 141�A�. SOTT03J!CONNECTEOM s THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED 'FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION LOAD ARE BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE SHEATHIIV_C� ■ NOMINAL 5)8"THICK/5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING FASTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA HARDIEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING BUILDING CODE SECTION 2322'3 _G_LA40jfl--G INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION ■ PLANKS,OVERLAP 9-914" James Hardie Buildin Products,Inc, ■ THE EXPOSURE IS 58-1/4" 9 THE PLANKS ARE FACE NAIL51)WITH 2»1/2"LONG,C_223" 10901 Elm Avenue HEAD DIAMETER,4.1292"SHANK DIAMETER CORROSION- r � � Fontana,CA 92337 RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,-PLACED 3/4"UP FROM THE Phone:909-356-6300 srzr FsomNo DWONo Rev BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH STUD LOCATION Fax 9C9-427-0634 A pNL-PLK-SOFF 4 Creator.E Gonzales sCALs 1"=11-0" Date:4124!2018 s8wr 6 OF 12 ! WALL L>rNGTH S PE�ODUCT DSCP I iCi Stud Spacing at 16 O.C. DE7 LA HardiePlanic�,Cemplanitg,and e� ( �,- SW Prevall®Plank lap Siding materials ._...._.�M,,,_ .__._ i €___.____._�,.._..._, are nonas os fiber-cement ! r rated plyvrood products tested in accordance with sheathing fastened ASTM 01186 Grade It,Type A and to metal studs as meeting the requirements of the l ; w�a},i�b��oairke ? a described"'Note 1 Florida Building Code. jAr r I j ,•°0 � !j ,%M CR- iMtY.t! Water-resistive WALL HEIGM _ - ' barrier per Florida PIA t!iKQfMEREjLQNS. �+� ; F �; ; Sulding Code Width Length Thickness i Section 1404.2 S 9-1/2' 12' 5116" i 'i y ! PendurxCae�►1 ti i �! :t ` 209a,3-51$"X 1-5/8". DESIG,- 1 PRESSURE RgTINq F ` * Metal C-stud Installation Design Pressure ----- —. I --; .-_--- Ai. _ .11.....__�? — L' --= �C�i�: �_ �.�; HardiePtank Metal Studs -92 psf mptank,Prevail gE"' 1 cF'••.�'..` ' Lap Siding Impact Resistant- 3/4"Minimum Edge Distance Nails at 16"O.C.(typ.) =., NAL�•- I_114°tal1X 51161, Planks installed over 518"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathin • thick starter strip P� d g • ����� 1iAl2bIFJ?LANK CEM1?LA�kI C�PREVAIL_Lq,P$i'I7iNG�NS_f'ALI.ATION DETAIiS. All installation shall be done in conformance with this notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's installation Sheathing fastener,as recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. pILO)Q',f1t1Ct described in Note 1 Metal studs where HardiePlank,Cemplank, Prevail Lap Siding will be installed shall be designed by an �� Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O.A ENote 11 5/8"thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing shall be attached to metal studs at 6"oe at panel Siding fastener,as edges and all intermediate supports using a No.8-18,0.315"head diameterx 1-1/4"long bugle head screw described in Note 2 = Planks shall be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom course of the wall with 1-1/4°wide laps at the top of the plank such that the exposure area of each plank is:9 8414"vertic*. by a ENote 21 The siding fastener shall be a minimum No.8-18,0.315"head diameter X 2-1X long*bugle head t ' HardiePlank screw over metal studs("or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing);The siding is / fastened s 8-1/4"O.C.vertically and 16"O.C.horizontally;fasteners are driven into metal studs through 5/8" ` CemP tank, thick 15 ply APA rated plywood sheathing,fasteners are placed in the overlapping area approximately 314" \ Prevail Lap Siding from the bottom edge of the overlapping plank. \ / ■ Verticar joints shall be placed over studs. Water-resistive ' The planks shall be installed over 518"thick/5 ply APA rated plywood sheathing supported by a minimum barrier per Florida 20ga,Nominal 3-5/8"X 1-5/8"Metal C-studs spaced a maximum of 16'0.C. Building Code Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/8". Section 1404.2 HARDIEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING 5/8"thick/5 ply APA rated INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION plywood sheathing fastened to metal studs as described in James Hardie Building Products,Inc, Note 11 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana,CA 92337 209a,3-5/8!'X 1-5/8"Metal C•stud Phone:909-356-6300 SIZE FSCM NO • OW3 NO REV The wall and sofa frames are to be designed Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 3 by the Architect or Engineer of Record in compliance with the Florida Building Code. 'Creator.E.Gonzales SCALE 1/2"=1'-o" Date:4tz412013 SHEET 7 of 12 6,001n. �- I 16 in.OC Ciaddng 6,00in I Framing 6.00hoC I Sheathing + 0.761n�'�"- -----—7 ------------- i•I i4°°'� O "Aly wiwh cbc 1�7ac+�a coa�1 wAb an Florida 27 .�...................._.. u �'. _ ._. .....------ No. 121 Z By r Oak .� � -n'- � TATE OF � t` 1 Pk*dM Cartrol SN5k'`,'� NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3.5/8"X 1.518"STEEL STUDS 16" O,C.FASTENED WITH 5/8"LONG RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) ■ THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE §EHEkINNG NOMINAL 5/$1'THICK/5 PLY APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO METAL STUDS AT 6"OC AT.PANEL EDGES AND ALL INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS USING A NO.8-18,0.315"HEAD DIAMETER X 1-114°LONG BUGLE ,s HEAD SCREW HARDIEPLANK,CEMPLANK,PREVAIL LAP SIDING CIAQD„LG INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION PLANKS OVERLAP 1-i/4" THE EXPOSURE James Hardie Building Products,Inc. Y THE PLANKS ARE FASTENED WITH No.8.18,0.315" 10901 Elm Avenue HEAD DIAMETER X 2-1/4"LONG CORROSION- Fontana,CA 92337 RESISTANT RIBBED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULL THREADS Phone:909-356-6300 SIZE FSCM NO WAG No � PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING),PLACED 3/4"UP Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF 1 FROM THE BOTTOM)EDGE OF THE PLANK AT EACH Creator_E Gonzales sca+e 1"=1'-0" Date:4t24l20 i$ SHEET 6 OF 12 STUD LOCATION —WALL SEE E&0-PMre-LQE—%CKMMX Stud Spacing at 16,O.C. DETAIL HardieSoffitS&CernsoffitV materials are rionasbastos,fiber-cement product tested in accordance with ASTM C1186 Grade 11,Type A and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code. 211 X 4?1 S-P-F Width Length Thickness tj WALL Wood Studs 4 81 114, :j HEIGHT PASIG.(4-E P-MAUBA.R-A--'(jX(Z JHardieSoM Installation Design Pressure AC'Cerymffit Wood Studs -70 psf :ire. \ oil# ' QG T - .. .4 too 1Z, t Neils at 4'0.C.(W.jR6MCr VXvLsW PRODUCIrRVAUD 318"Minimum Edge Distance ov amoyiogW&ft Fk" " dw Vkwi& coag Ae-Walft No(3-03 1 No- 4 21- Daft By STATE OF Z y 0, --- Soffiffastener,as Ali installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufacturer's described in Note IInstallation recommendations,and the applicable sections of the Florida Building Code. Wood studs where HardieSoffit Cemsoffit will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.OA ll HardieSoffitCemsoffit - The soffit shall be installed over minimum 2%4Y S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum of 16"O.C. , [Note 11 The soffit fastener shall be a 27 long,0.2230 head diameter,0.092"shank diameter, corrosion resistant siding nail,the fasteners shall be spaced at 41 O.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs;the fasteners shall be driven into wood studs located at 1611 d.C. 9 Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of Wand a minimum clearance of 2"from comers. HARDIESOFFIT,CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION Minimum 2"X 41 S-P-F Wood Studs James Mardis Building Products,Inc, L The wall and soffit tames are to be 10901 Elm Avenue designed by the Architect or Fontana, CA 92337 Engineer of Record In compliance Phone.909-356-6300 SIZE FSCM NO Mr.NO REV with the Florida Building Code. Fax 909-427-0834 A PNL-PLK-SOFF Creator E.Gonzales SCALE 11r=1-0- Date:4r2412-013 ISHEET 9 OF 12 4.00in. 16.00in. Cladding Framing, • 4.00in. - . p 3AlN rsebvcresv>srr� Q»rcc, ,+>� �,>I .coagp�rmg vd&the F7odes as cm*4 iW wuh de lI''lae�ik - �+ �Cope Buiwws per& we re� t ae No i e�.{ i Of . Die. ! �' '!7 L 1 No. 1 � * z i P4s+h�C�atoi �Y ` mism-shade Ips Cased STATE OF FRAM N-Q NOMINAL 2"X 4"S-P-F WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED. WITH 3-1/2" 16d COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE CONNECTION)• NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) THE WALL AND SOFFIT FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY tTHE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE- THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH 2"LONG,0.223"HEAD HARDIESOFFIT,CEMSOFFI7 PANEL DIAMETER,0.092"SHANK DIAMETER,CORROSION Iff INSTALLATION DETAILS WOOD STUD CONSTRUCTION RESISTANT SIDING NAILS,PLACE NAILS 4"O.C.AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE STUDS James Hardie Building Products,Inc. 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana,CA 92337. Phm 909.356-6300 SIZE FSCM NO MGWO R� Fax 909-427-0634 A PNL-PLK-SOFF Creator.E.Gonzales SCALE t"=1'-0" Date:412412013 Sir 10 OF 12 WALL.LEN Stud Spacing at 16"O.C. SEE HardieSOff!0&CemsoffitO materials DETAILA are nonasbestosliber-cement products _..._ _.,.r:...._}--.. .�—_�_—_.,:._..:.— .-- �. tested in accordance with ASTM C1186 Y I; Grade 11,Type A and meeting the requirements of the Florida Building Code. 20ga,3.518"X 1-518" SO_EErY_AL IFNSLON_S i WALL Width Length Thickness i Metal C stud HEIGHT E ! l (( i 4' HardieSoffit, Cemsofiit r?EStG�t PRF�SSUR R11"tN-Q j E E E I Installation Design Pressure Metal Studs -55rgyi I 'j :"i l i'S 1•l •t lOpjfff�.0t7fy''~. _.i-------- - -.t:. -----—_, it [.'I— C iPRODUCT ii - Nai(sat6"O.C.(typ.) PRCDE3Ctii£Vi isaomoyit8with*eFlocift �''� 318"'Minimum Edge Distance escoa�Y=%v iiebdrltFknb Smitd"Ca& ^� N0. �auel�aea Mb/ -t7 • • 121 87ATE OF AA_L�A _tt'r 1CR -fv cl~ so � A 4l s�[Qi.LArio �r rAr�s O AL E�x All installation shall be done in conformance with this Notice of Acce4;a , 5nufacturer's installation recommendations,and the applicable sections ofthe Florida Building Code" Soffit fastener,as K Metal studs where HardleSoffit,Cemsoffit will be installed shall be designed by an Engineer or I described in Note 1 Architect per the Florida Building Code and the requirements of this N.O..A s The soffit shall be installed over minimum 20ga, Nominal 3-518"X 1-518"Metal C-studs spaced r ` HardieSoffrt,Cemsoffrt a maximum of 16"0.C. • jNote 11 The soffit fastener shall be a minimum No.8-18,0.315"head diameter X 1-1/4"long* ribbed bugle head screw{or screw shall have at least 3 full threads penetrating metal framing);the fasteners shall be spaced at 6"O.C.at panel edges and intermediate studs;the ` fasteners shall be driven into metal studs located at 16"O.C. X Fasteners shall have a minimum edge distance of 3/8"and a minimum clearance of 2"from I comers. HARDIESOFFIT',CEMSOFFIT PANEL INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION James Hardie Building Products,Inc. 1 209a,3­518"4 1-518"Metal C-stud „ 0 10901 Elm Avenue LLj The wall and soffit frames are to be Fontana,CA 92337 — designed by the Architect or Engineer Phone:909 X356-6300 SIZE FSCM NO DWG Na PEv of Record in compliance with the Fax 9027-0634 A PNL-PLIC-SOFF 1 j FloridaBunding Code. E Creator,E.•Gonzales. scALS' 1�""=1'-0" bate:4/24!2013 SHEET 11 OF 12 . Cladding Framing 6.00in. AAM No 47 Aw V_ I BY 'Z pikkocamw ZL FBAX NG • NOMINAL 20 GAUGE 3-5/8"X 1-5/8"STEEL STUDS 16"O.C. FASTENED WITH 5/8"WAFER HEAD SCREWS(2 PER TOP FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE AND BOTTOM CONNECTION) NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE PROVISIONS FOR THESIS LOAM • THE WALL AND soFFrr FRAMES ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE CLADDING HARDIESOFFIT,CEMSOFFIT PANEL THE SOFFIT IS FASTENED WITH NO.8-18,0.315"HEAD INSTALLATION DETAILS METAL STUD CONSTRUCTION DIAMETERX 1.1/4"LONG CORROSION RESISTANTRISSED BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 3 James Hardie Building Products,Inc. FUL�THREADS PENETRATING THE METAL FRAMING), PLACE SCREWS 611 O.C,AT PANEL EDGES AND INTERMEDIATE 10901 Elm Avenue STUDS Fontana,CA 92337 !Phone,:909-356-6300 S= FSOM No DWG NO Re%f 0-4 PNL-PLK-SOFF I Fax 9096427-0634 A I I Creator.E.Gonzales SCAS Date:4124.12013 IsHm 12 OF 12