HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering �+nm Planning&Development Services Department Building&Code Regulations Division MAY i 13 2016 b 2300 Virginia Avenue,.Fort Pierce,.FL-3498Z—(772.)4.62-1553 PEP,M07iNG St. Lucie County, FL i Certification for Design Load Compliance MT� Project Name- ack -44i -eyvPe4D10ICeMe-hiz Project Address: J(b �ai I YY1!'.' �t� Ave In Li�- Permit#: Occupancy Type: Construction Type: INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: e This certification must be completed,signed,and sealed by the design professional of record. • Submit(2)copies for residential,(3)copies for commercial with all!,permit applications involving the following: o New Residences(single or multi-family) a Residential Addition a Any accessory structure requiring a building permit o Any non-residential structure. *Note: Form not required for interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and certain minor building permits at the discretion of the local building official.Contact the#above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS.AND.ASSUMPT.IONS.USED: (complete all that apply) i 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida 2..0(+ Code Fifth Edition with 20 Supplements using ASCE 7-10 2. Structure Designed as,(check one): ✓Enclosed i Partially Enclosed Open 3. Risk Category: _i VII III IV Exposure'ICategory: B ✓C D 4. Design Wind Velocity lmph ASD LRFD End Zone Width: ft S. Mean Roof Height 1471 ft Roof Pitch:5:12-g'r'.•12®�Paarap t:_V ft NIP I?�P�i ' 6. Components&Cladding Design Pressures Used:(PSF,based on iosgft @ 15'MRH,clearly label on all plan openings): Zone 1: Zone 2:: Zone 3:" Zone 4:t4'/ one 5 H-Arage: 7. Design Loads: Floor: PSF Roof/Dead: PSF Roof/Live: Balcony: PSF Dock: PSF Deck: PSF Stairs: PSF Fence: PSF Railings: PSF 8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? _✓Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: Pt.�GlrNt N'7" OF V'x IC.,,M N6t )N 1 Nt>0WS ONL-Y 9. Is A Continuous Load Path Provided?_ Yes Not Applicable Explain Why Not: OF PXIST[Na w Ft-4D0V4,5 cer t t, 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: PSF Soil Test Reports Submitted? IJ/Ayes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the attached.plans&specifications have been designed to comply withthe applicable.structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St. Lucie County; i also !fy that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the;design forces ed � . AA AE- 57 si r ti.0 'Print Name Cert#&Co.Cert Auth. AL Company Name&Address R ♦. t�;j /- �\ �� � , .. � {�_ +:ii; r ,.,..;.,� ly�,.�. ,fit �jt� `,_�" .��r" ♦� Planning&Development Services Department Building&Regulations Division Product Review Affidavit Building Permit# IGo5 -o.; 68 Owners Name Chi-es�ophe*- y �olt�yl'�+pplicant:. Vgley►'fi lJek-le �IQGjC sra�k Product Opening Design Product Rated Manufacturer Model Number Product Approval Glass Method of Attachment Pressures Design Pressure Number Tvae windows G Mullions Fixed Glass Block Glass skylights Sliding Glass Doors _AyAng Type Doom French Doors Garage Doors Hurricane ProtectionLp Roof Ventilation Rooting Material Revised 07/22/2014 ����! too,, I have reviewed the above components or cladding and I have approved their use in re. Th pro nets provide Nisto wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. Name:VMP.y i e5;tRA� /N Signature: DesignProP--ArCyl•iC-4--f Cert.No.A973d3 Date: T $ RECci-. s`: MAY 13 20% PERMIITTING St.Lucie County, FL `�RR4tirlt�rir Alt • AtPM .�•.= oo • s Y Irr�rrrreaaaaa°'tr 44,0,�, F �,f131�H�' • \' � / A 1�)�_ tit/")GY1�_ ' �; i � _� . '`� Qn:am • ' t • • JEw sy I _ VvGaO.8 Woo�J 1 WRQ w;d(34qt, wc)Q-d fagt� i i i I I j I I o I \I a 00 00I u vvQQ� I I � O I wv-A I I -1 I 7YV �0� OIII III �j � O i.l µ, . . .. . aI. .. . i —e II I I •sl i. i j i c� I I I I i I � I fgVS'O 71tl7TM I ' I 1Hi+9tsR� '+111 yt s aim . • , • tt wl�p<�■w , ` 's+ii1/1i �--;rte irsa • y • W o . 1 i t A � 4 6; i MAY 1 � PERI-,AFTING St. Lucie County, f" :.c:ii it Ir ik t'! L w � OD U J blTJ . s 4 F6.t ►* UID u LLI Lu to 7T t - - - --- - - _--- - -- - - -------------------- -- - -•- - - i ,tom I5, ih - C� y' � w Aft t• �` AS-3i '�F11 �txf`t't'tt.h . I I ti.� , �PP Y • j •-gid .tea � o� ... w ri '!C' I f Slack Residence Window Schedule Mark Mfr Model Product Opg Design Product Glass Cladding Material Finish Width Height Depth Approval Pressures Dsgn Pres Type 1 Garage SE Andersen C26 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 4'-0' 5-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 2 Garage NE Andersen C26 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 4'-0' S'-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 3 Project Room Andersen C26 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 4'-0' 5-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100%100 (existing opening) 4 Dining Room Andersen C26 12496.4 +45/45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 4'-0' S'-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 5 Bedroom 2(Samantha) Andersen C26 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 4'-0° 5-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening 6 Bedroom 3 E(Cameron) Andersen C26 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 4'-0° 5-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 7 Bedroom 3 N(Cameron) Andersen PSC 1'-117/8'x5'-81/2' 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 3'=117/8' T-81/2' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 8 Bedroom 4(Guest) PSC 1'-117/8'x5-81/2' 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 3'-117/8' T-81/2' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 existing opening) 9 Master Bath Andersen CXW14 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 2'-1115/16' 4'-0' 4 9/16' (existing opening) 10 Master Bedroom NW Andersen PSC 1'-5 7/8'x5'-81/2' 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 2'-117/8' 5-8 112 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 11 Master Bedroom SW Andersen PSC 1'-5 7/8'x5'-81/2' 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 2'-117/8' T-81/2 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 12 Master Bedroom South Andersen C16-3 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 6-0 5/8' S'-117/8' 4 9/16' with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 13 Breakfast Room Andersen Existing to remain 1-5 14 Cabana Bath W Andersen Existing to remain • 15 Cabana Bath S Andersen Existing to remain O:, I 16 Kitchen Andersen PSC 1'-117/8'x3'-5' 12496.4 +45/45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Annealed Vinyl Wood Stain 3'-117/8' 3'-5' 49/16' S: IF with mullion 17720.3 +100/-100 (existing opening) 6/�•.,A •.•' Laundry ••RV 17 Laun NW Andersen CXW14 12496.4 +45/-45 +70/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stam 2'-1115/16' 4'-0° 4 9/16' .` * (existing opening) , 18 Laundry SW Andersen CXW14 12496.4 +45/-45 470/-70 HP Sun Low-E4 Tempered Vinyl Wood Stain 2'-1115/16' 4'-0' 4 9/16' New sill @ existg opg:2-2x4 SPF#2 studs w/1/2'CDX plywd b/n, Slack Residence Opening Protection Schedule SP4 stud plate ties w/610d x 1-1/2'@ ea end to jamb&r cripple stud E East gable&c Living Room Hurricane Astroflex 15186 +45/-45 +80/-80 Existing to remain N/A Wood Stain unitd-VIF 17'-10'max MAY 13 2090 West gable Family Room Fabric com Existing to remain N/A Wood Stain unitd-VIF 17'-10'max 1-18,incl see above Hurricane Astroguard 15208 +45/-45 +60/-60 see above see above PERMITTING ETR 13.15 Fabric.com 54.Lucie County,r� Mark Mfr Model Attachment jamb Head/ Method clips sill clips 1 Garage SE Andersen C26 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 2 Garage NE Andersen C26 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 3 Project Room Andersen C26 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 4 Dining Room Andersen C26 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 5 Bedroom 2(Samantha) Andersen C26 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 _ with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 6 Bedroom 3E(Cameron) Andersen C26 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 7 Bedroom 3 N(Cameron) Andersen PSC 1'-117/8'x5'-81/2' Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 8 Bedroom 4(Guest) PSC 1'-117/8'x5'-81/2' Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 9 Master Bath Andersen CXW14 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) . 4 3 of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 10 Master Bedroom NW Andersen PSC 1'-5 7/8'x5'-81/2' Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt Il Master Bedroom SW Andersen PSC 1'-5 7/8'x5'-81/2' Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 12 Master Bedroom South Andersen C16-3 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 5 6 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 13 Breakfast Room Andersen Existing to remain { 1;� 14 Cabana Bath W Andersen Existing to remain MAY 13?.09fi 15 Cabana Bath S Andersen Existing to remain PEFI[JIITFING st.Lucie county,FL 16 Kitchen Andersen PSC 1'-117/8'x3'-5' Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 3 4 with mullion of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 17 Laundry NW Andersen CXW14 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 4 3 of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 18 Laundry SW Andersen CXW14 Mfr clips w/1#10 or 2#8 wood anchor(s) 4 3 (� of sufficient length for 1-1/2'embedmt 6 East gable& Living Room Hurricane Astroflex Mfr clips w/1/4'ELCO Panelmate Pro VIF VIF CO• .0 West gable Family Room Fabric.com studs(M or M&rF)for 1-1/2'embedmt, VIF VIF 1-18,incl see above Hurricane Astroguard min.3/4'from edge of wood framing,2VIF VIF - ♦ !'� •.> ETR 13-15 Fabric.com from panel edge @ 10'o.c.max,along 2 opposite edges of panelC.