HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 05/17/2016 13:15 4073702539 ELECTRICAL PETROLEUM PAGE 01/03 ALL AP i INFO MUST'8E COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED �� pate: J7 J le Permit Number: / r Building Permit Application �E�EI%jFD Planning and Development Services Building an�Code Regulation Division J AI 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 XPhone:(772}462-1553 Fax:(772)462-x.578 Commercial� Residential I , PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line Address: Legal Description: Property Tax ID#1: LA k(A~ S� �l� y G Lot No. _ I IBlock No. Site Plan Name: i Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: .-Right Side:��Left Side: .. •• _ 7.75'2?;17" J.;;sem=:" •w„1:":,<•' ?:S• i1:` - .� ,.r,., rti�� :i�;�-':`;G,,. ^ .u��,A.;4,v.;q' ''t;- .-.,? .r.. ,a•}ri•.i;}'�k 7:A:�7a^:`�:::•;:t,., "•7Yi:.•• .:r`.✓.• .i �; >.' :a.. :,..; ;':r:�• :.,.,.,s �r;lp4;••..w,.. .`•.,..rl'{{'!'v'f.. '.,f,',";�,1..N:r J:f':=„t{!r �^;`.Y• k .,,� r..v:r�,r�,. �:� - :��j ' '.: � 1� �L�:” :.y y '•'x4:.i:.,,A+ J �..w,:�it' ,F.. J'_<. '}ra 4K r.��.�.:v,'�Y:' ;.,,�'�.rn"�i.••.►:�i�l '�� "7/'T..'44 yLy�.�►{v' ycr"�r� ::i 1.F a�•':k,•,••,' .4•:r�;,,J{'• .ip:.;v.;.w`},t,.. fie,�'., r... :.'',":.,:�.,wt .y.�.,a;; ..:.: t'L ter'..:a7:.'i:=�r.i .�i,.•...y,, ::4, �• Kir :,.,l i. ,'� M, .. .. "..g:..,.: ...,.,,..'..•.,•.-..$w r:+.'t:; i,:Jp• �.iC;: ;:k��:�,t,t•P J�},,*�r�G::,i W •,.�,...,., ",C • '.,.f'•' •.t , ., ;i.!•4.: t1.•�:•`•. ,+v,:•?ted: „a..•,�- �ir'� .:•2-;•i;:•'Iy i, ...��::..,:,•:•a ./.'.?"r.:i�"' :=3i.: "•'•>''•r 1'�lC��._:> y.ay�:;::f•...w s;:�.'":5.� :,�;+`:ia•7:' ;">'r ,.2..:.,;.;•.. owl 4, Sty[ r`:::'' :. �:a;;;-f" I Iona wor to Orme un er is perms ,t e app y: MVAC Gas an []Gas Piping Shutters 1__I Windows/Doors lectrlc Plumbing OSprinkiers Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: SQ.Pt.of First Floor" of $ p �� -—— Utilities:�Sewer[,_Septic Building Height: Costo , `iiJ:'±•iY) "P'rPt,�`:4• ht;ti-��"?t��'��';ri•.Y' .,Y�•:li;;��j�ry'r'�%. _ !�. 1t.:�:;�,�,%r(�'.%;�'F� Name d ACom pang: ddress: � � State: Address: 'e ci y Fax. City: C •'� State: (--� Zip Code: Fax-467- o. ( -7 S' �Z Phon NZip Code: Phone No. Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page(If different E-Mail: e' from,the Owner listed ahove) State or County License: If valde of construction is$2S0Q or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I i 05/17/2016 13:29 4073702539 ELECTRICAL PETROLEUM PAGE 02/03 N, "A DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGA69 COMPANY: T Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: I State: City: Zip* I 'Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLEITnU HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: __Not Applicable Name: Name: Address, i Address: City; , I City: Zip-1 Phone: Zip- Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the Issuance of a permit. St.Lucia count tv makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which Is in coifflict with ariapplicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or a covenarits that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed any restrictions which may apply. in consideratioI n of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucia County Amendments. The following I building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures, ,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses-to another non-residential use 00 WARNING IT R:Your T"ure to Record a Notice of Commence nt may ult in your paying twice for in e '5 ;fM pertk A Not of C �e re improvements to our pro Commencement mi be.1 cord and posted on the jobsite I s before the jfirst i spection. If L Int to obtain financing,co suit with len er ttorney before commencing w rk or recon!V- v�Nott rEtice of Commencemen . signature if Owner/LeyCe/Agent Tisnature of or/Ucense Kolder 010' ContrRI D STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF F COUNTY OF (Mana— COUNTY OF ck V The for oing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instru n was acknowledged before me this day of 20L(L_by this J__�day of 20 L(O—by his da Df 7 L D nstru L �b f n rwrkr I� , edging En y (Name of pieson ack edgin (Dame ofpermsonatd_3 owle Ing) (Signature'of Notary Public-Sixt of Florida) (Signature of NotaPubJ11'c,4taXe of Florida -,t personally Known I— ORPro personally Known 09 Produced Identification gusce4ggg cation Produc Type of Identification Prod relof Ide.ntifil ALEXANDER E. JAMS commission#FF 51778 m issio mission#FF 6177 commissio�No. I&OOmmission Expires No. fM LCIA ST(S"Ip . . ire October 10, 2017 g My commission txo October 10, 2017 Revised�07/15/2014 Kk:VftWb FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW, REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS