HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 12/01/2009 18:51 7724650820 SLACK RESIDENCE PAGE 01/02 AFM JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK OF THE CIRCUR COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY RLE 9 4190463 Meaole at 03:55 Pitt OR SOC) 3>M PAGE 1971-1971 Uoo Typo.NC RECORDING: st000 boy 02.0 9 NOTICE OF COMMENNT----- CE1► y PLAY 16 2016 711e uaderaegned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to oerwn real property,ries in accot*WXe with tbapter T13, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencemont I.DQEMC RRMON OF PROPERTY(Legal.description and somal address)'TAX FOLIO NUMBER:M- 0 3- .5o 2- 0039-15C bi)BDIV)f�>jON,�.00K�,,,,,T$AC',C' LOT BLDG UNiT •-"�. fie C�i-� ,fid Q4- "16 2.G$NEBA1..lCRiPTION O$JMPROVEII�'3V°T:�1r(Iy�QKSL ��eP1�$�,�L�IS��L'�,.,. - . 3.OVRM INFORMATION: a.Name p b.Address MOM intere8t iii propo zty_ d.,Name and address of fee sizupte titleholder(if other than miner) 4.CONTRAC'TOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND pgONE NUMBER:OwN F p__ 5,SMtETY'S NAME,ADDRIJ.SS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: G.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: . .-. 7.PMon6 witlgn the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents maybe Nerved as providedW Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Fiorida Statutes: XW�,.ADDRMAMMOM NEARER: S.In addidw to himself or Herself;Owner designates the following to receive a copy of tilt:Liewf s Notice as piuvided in Suer 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: NAME,AIDDRM AND PHONE MWER, 9.specified) mon date of notice of commencement(tt�o eapisation date jr,1 year from the date of tecosding routrltss a different date is 't't'ARNING W SllilrNER:ANY PAYMENTS KiDE NY THE Q TPR A1nCm c ,.mem-r ®E_66[S..d.i2�yi14C�Fr — ~T MIi/MC MI�\.I�VIS VM9=..M%M P�YMEIV is iIt•ti71 iAPI Blt 713 FAItT I acEPN•7 11 FLpRiOA CTA't'Lrrac AND aN PMULT IN YO M A)M9-T-wX0 A >dE POSH ON MM 1013 arm TM t RST[Wur-mr- �,YS2ITxOua net rro�p„tZ13'ranv Fr�raN _cQristla~ �j w 5>gttature of Owner or Print Name sad Provide S4patary's Tididome e 0-mm's AnUmrized OfP➢icerMireetot•/Rartner/Menager State of F104 County of i 'i7te foregoing:,,Y►„n,.r,.r was ac, owledged before me this ,2\ of 1f� (N==of pin) (Type of authority--.e.g.Owner.officer,trustee,attomegin fur) For (Name of party on'behalf of whom ioz Warrent was executed) Penonally r-owp_or produced tlio following type of ID, '• ` a�qe:'��. KAREN S. N1�l.SEN sr- F Commission#FF 175837 (i'xintcdName ofNotary Public) (sign of Notary Public) Ii� *= MyCOmmi58ipnExpires •�F ��� June 12, 2018 Under penalties of perjury,I dMiam that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in i my an belief(section 92.525,Flotlda Statutes). auager who signed ahave• '13ys• may. acv.t\pF3a�p7 ..