HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit Planning & Development Services �_- Building& Code Regulation Division C r 2300 Virginia Avenue NTY Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 or 772-462-2172 Fax: 772-462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT RECEIVED MAY 2 3 ^� Re: Permit# I, Jamie Cisco licensed as a( Zo:nt:r;acl;�Engineer/Architect (Please print name& circle license type) *FS468 Building Inspector *General,Building,Residential or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under 468 F.S.to make such an inspection. On or about "- 9 I did personally inspect the roof deck nailing (Date) work at: � 7-I S Dr. a 4 (Job site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the current edition of the Florida Existing Building Code Section 611 or the product approval submitted (whichever is most s igent). CCC1327796 Signature and Seal License# STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Martin �-��r Sworn to and subscribed before me this_CSC:Z_-day of NOLA 201 by Jamie Cisco Who is erg s_ otily known to me or ho has produced as identification. �- Notary Public,State ofyy1rA4'.,- Signature of Notary: 2- - Notary vp; ALY'SS HAMPTON Commission Number.-"- FF 110d08 _ � Public-State of Florida Commiiision N FF 119908En 01/19/2011 �; OF F� . , My Comm.Expires Jul 18,2018 '�nn,ua