HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application (15/27/2016 8:40 AN FAX 0001/0002 ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPs.E'I'ED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Oat(!: $126 8 PCrrnR Nurnber_ I o O s" OTA EIEC ,rc�[) nronnrnp and Drveloph9er7t sery;crs Building Permit A0plication MAY 2 7 2016 Hol'Idln0 end Code Regulafian DIvision PERMITTING 2300V/rpinla Aven,'Je,Fork Alert 9L 349&2 SL Lucie County, FL Phone.(792)462-1555 Fax; (772)462-1S7s Commercial! Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: MechanioaS l!C I *r.;:J ( � �_ +�...... t v, — ,!n✓.�,i er w'H,. .I �'nT' :•� �sJeJ!�1r Address: 3115 Sunrise Blvd Fort Pierce, PL 34982 Legal Desceipt►on: Marovilla HTS �.. Property Tax O M 242&601-002.2-000-S i Lot No.24&26 �A Site Plan N*me E31vck No. Project Nam*: Daryl Clark Setbacks Front Back:,_Right Side:_Left Side: �?" 'L� . '" A ri i `� � "M�L'tl;Vipnq, ^il•c.,v�wy'�''' + � f M+ri9•,?f:•h W �Q• nl .� . C.. 11,N�M''I� . ni'{��I'� �4:F(.u,� 1' • L�.K,M" Exact Change out of a 4 TON Goodman, 9$-Seer. HP 410A Split System with 10 KW Heat Strip ^+! ` a�,t�r"^yyyx�Cd� "a'i,. 4 +�pr V w .,r >!!►rr� ";'�? ,1 w '+C�,.�...5......�� '", . •:.. ''.•+brrllid.d,:, .Fm ,,.;. +. �ti�;:;I ., � � ��:�'� Yx�.vn,, h� P%viJIVIvninWor -too 0 ormed underthis permti—check kall apply: - }RHVAC 1n Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _5hutters l�Windows/floors 11 Electric 1-Plumbing ❑sprinklers z Gencrotor Roof Totul Sq.Ft of Construction; Ft.of First Floor' Cost of Construction:S 6+726.00 Utilities Sewer[septic building Height: + I ' •'•" i' ,• M/,{fir• .y(, , '`IrM4"' N7lme f� Warne' Shottied Wawin Address: •S l 15 U�12i�� „�UQ• Company: Pramg Unergy Group Hca$n9 8A/c City: State: lr• Address: x205112 MCR4er Ra Zip Code:•-- y Pax:__ City: FortFort P�,�. State:FL Phone No. Zip Code: 34947 Fax: ��2-2-52-4839 E-Mail: Phone No. 772.467-3227 Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page(if differer+t ti-Mail• stepnnnieg�promagenergygrorsp•Cperl �..,... Nn:Ww1iGi ua�rW 000ve� statr,of County License: ''M;-A P44Q44 i va u* Sonstructlon is$2500 or mor6,a RECORDED House of Cbmrnencement is ragWircd. V000/ZOOOIt A519SN1.4 DVWOHJ 8Z4CLA[+ZLl+ YVA MY OS:g 0T0Z/),Z/90 Z000/T000In Afma a 9V1;oua MCLMLL+ %V3 KVL2:OT 9TOZ/LZ/50 05/27/2016 s:a; AM FAX X10002,.,001)-, �~.��- �' '� _'�•f i �1.5 M1,14 C:"JL� �I.:� '_ i 'h DESIGNERANGINEER; —Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City, State: city- Zip: i,. rrr, Stalto�rrr_ Zip: Phone: - .� Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPL,ETITLE HOLDER: _Not+Qpplie�bi� BONDING COMPANY: , Not Applicable - Name:_ , Name: Aadrens: /address: City: - - - C$y. Zip: Phone: zip: Phone; I cvnifv that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the issuance Of a permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that it grmntirig.1 permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structurm which i;in con list wlth an •applicable Homo Owners,A'socimtlon rule,bylaws or Sng covenants that r+ "M:trict yr pMhlbit aw4h Structure.Please Consult with vovr Home Owner,A:;oel,CiQn and r[wlew your deed tof any restrieecons Which may zpply. In consideraclon of the granting of this r68uested permit,I do hereby 5grcc that I wIlL In all respcets,perform the work in accordance with the approved p11n5,the Aorida Swilding Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. 'rhe following building permit appii=ions are cxcmpt from undergoing 0 buil koncurrtney review:room additions, accevsory structures,xwimming pool„fence:,walls,Vr As,Screen room;and acct:,oey u,cs to another non-f igentibl use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for Improvernents to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. if you intend to obtain finoncinp,consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recordIng your Notice of COMM ocrMcnt. W. 1.' r S _Signature of Owner/Lessee/Agent signatu fie of contractor License lioider STATE OF FLp1tI0STATE OF FLOi�lDA � COUNTY OF ,�`H�(1C"�'�- COUNTY OF... the� rRoing instrument was acknowledged before me The for ing instrument was acknowle fttd betoro mo this;,) day of n2l2sl _ 20 Wby L•hiz ,day of}�n�i� �' 20 J�,_by (Name of ae:r%0n o n•oydeggi?ns) (Name of person aCk wtedginp) fir! , _41 (Slgnawre of Notary Public-Stott of Florida) (Slgnature of Notary Public-Statc ot>:lori a) vcrsonally Known OR Produced identifleation Personally Known OR Produced Identification ry0e of identification Produced Type g19,Identification Produced,,,,, Cpmmixxion No, Comm; Si _ KF-14 SCHOEMEQ1=RG �' .F t"'`'r .( f� tAy C 1$�10N�►FPQOD228 rA 09/!3/z 7�1• rM140'n ti'4r i�, -317 CXpiar..:n ar,Yn�7.2diY I 40 aya_VkT* rl Y�Nwlw �wwdm.n r-�.++ ,s,,,vlao,com .14071398-0153 17DI{ddl�i010NSOfVICO.COrr► REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TU IME MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INi MALS r,no0/s0o01�i "Hams 9Vifolla $ZZ£L9b%,L:+ YVd XV TS:$ 970Z/LZ/50 Z000/Z000ln zmaKa fwNp ci $9Z9L9VZLL+ YVd KV$S:OT 9T0Z/L9/S0