HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs 05/31/2016 10:37 7725974635 INPHI PAGE 02/04 P" mail r Certificate of Product Ratings AM Cel!dW Reference Number:7984193 Gate: 5/2712016 Product:Split Systam:Alr-Cooled Condensing Unit,Cali with Slower Outdoor Unit Madel Number:GSX140301KI Indoor Unit Model Number:ARUF31 B14W Manwtacte ref:GOODMAN MANUFACTURING CO., I.P. Trade/Brand name:GOODMAN;JANITROL;AMANA DISTINCTIONS;EVERREST;ONE HOUR AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING;ENERGI AIR Region:S uthent and North(Al,AR,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,KY,LA,MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TX VA AK)CO,CT,ID,IL,IA,IN,KS,MA,ME,Mi,MN,MO,MT,ND,NE,NH,NJ, NY,OH,OR,PA,Ri,SD,UT,VT,WA,WV,WI,WY,U.S.Ter stories) Region Nate:Central air conditioners manufactured prior to Jamnliry 1,2015 are eligible to be Naffed 10 all regions until June 30,2016. Beginning July 1,2016,central afr condWoners can only be installed in mglon(s)for which they mire[the regional efficiency requirement. Series Manu Er�t•respo"b1bld0drthe rating ofthis•systm otlbtbin f..l IJ IVF tAC1-M :CO.,L.P. Rated ,Mowt-fii tl 0�wltltarAFIRt:Slant(ard 2I 1�t'[li ,irilr� or>ieli n iflg Source HeatV "Eg4ipmeird and suW6016 erificatloh of raHng:accuradYWA I oftorpd; ked 'titirtf pill., rtg,. ---•- - - - .. . • '.. ., • .. , . • Ctrdllilg: •: f +h :• 28200 VEf=Fi.11litirio(fooling): 14.00 JEER Rating(Cooling): 'Radngs fatlowed by an met dsk(')Indkste a volvab"[sista of pravloudy published dela,unless ecoomperded with a WAS,which indkotes en krvolurtmry cerate. DISCLAIMER ANRI lose not endorse the produtto)HMO on this CertMente and nwkes no representatit>ns,wanautles or guar ptm os to.and assumes no responsibility for. the prodoct(s)1lstrid an this CFntIf&ate.AHR16xprassly disdalms all Ilebility for tlmneges of any kind erldrig out or the use or pe.ibmu on of the product(s),or tete unaatl&ftd altcratlon Of Oats fisted on this Ce►tlffrane,CcrtlAed rating arc valid~or models 21141 cot>ftguratlorls fistedin the directory at www.ohrldtrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS •Alfa Certlrtcate and ip cMents are pmp"Miy propucl s of AMRI.This Certificate spall only be umd far IndlAtuar,pe=nar an0 ' eorMderdkd reference purposes.The contents of this Certif cam may not,In whole or in purl,be reproduced;copied;dt3SeR 11=d; -mm entered Into a computer databaw or otherwise utilised,in any form or manner or by any means,Wwoot for the users tndivlduaL personal and caMdaaftl reference. I)ITIOMP9 TING, COMFICATE VERIFICATION R�fR INSTA The I,rfORneHon fob the model cked on thle cerdflaate can be vertfled at www.shrldlreetory.erg,cilak an"Verify CartlfleaW Ilnk and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and lire date on wdtch the certiRcate was issued, wed fife better" WHIM is 11sm aboRvp and the CortiACBto IVO.,which Is listed at bottom Nglt P v: .• 02014 Alr-Col ditloning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute