HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering ii I I 'i I� i I� I I� II •fl —___.._...........__.._.._.._.._...._____....__..._—._.]___.... _ Description 1 St. Ih.w Q Kit w ..__.._____—............_._...................._._.._..._...._._.__:._i...._. ..T..yi....._koniinglT i?rxenum D:mm'.rinn ` Nf11. RCAF .._ ... ...'.._.........__.__. DESIGN CRITERIA: __ '1.• O 'K I_ml C EN �D'J; iIH T�.l�:..�,GH_ ...MY..,, _ viFl`��_h_2R)Rl'I NR x IntlR;;rilI ux:Gtelzx "' j� U I+l p 1 TtiE DC-SIGN SHOWN O;:THESE UlCANlINGS WITH � � a .: JI — r xn"r--z-�— n I ux: _-___ s STRENGTHENING KITS MEET TI Ir REQUIREMENTS pa x OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014. R+ e r s z s way yY �i1x _ x ux, _ wm � ]5Y. 5 t. 3 t]xt Y,- 8 Y - xl _ y Z�p GRAVITY LOADS: __q..._'n_'_e_5 1 e§nr v -TOT..,w �¢ DEAD LOAD:AS CALCULATED PER MEMBER K Ip Imo':195 r 6s n:6 _ ._ ___-- =!..±__ _ _ t 1 ;�xl �•_•-LL 65' F Ip tY !t1�13 A"SL v +N ]115 c tifi _40. —]3 GLXt V to N LIVE LOAD:70 PSF n ::I..z: s •'"' t4'A 1 i- e%. i _ t' } IJJ 1 --� ] -1,14;-n, I E 6`-}. _1$ Y ^T.._dl._.""RA tiF L 'r -r S 1"_— _._ .__ _ x 1 t —ri7"'-i7—T 1574 tim 'iab3' yY E?' —_ -- 41 1_ S5 Y .. I i WIND LOADS• 1 !i.. x i I! 1 ____...__ �—.. it t'L 'p W4 F S 1 J 1." CY.: u}' r U• ULTIMATE DESIGN FUND SPEED:160 MPI I(FIGURE 16035) _ ........... %�•O 7 H• RISK CATEGORY:I EXPOSURE C e ........._---� SIL' in Q: f ENCLOSURE CATEGORY:ENCLOSED sa I Y s s¢xr z - z 5 mxi ` fl Aald t f Y - j 13Y t9 I� ) - CI% SE SMIC LOADS: Gfl U — t B'i 1 d i 3 S C"XI 2- i I j ft/�tJli1111 \` �.___ En 19 { {p 1 A61' RESLNVLU PER SECTION 1613. ..a Yi II ] 2 j-yLy � a� w < ! "T,:femoa.nalttmm.m,zw mmam w+•eeon. Y xl j ,. i E OESIGNATES;ENO WALL j U f "S'OESIGNATES SIDE WALL J MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: s _ PANELS: ASTM A62S76,Fr-50 KSI CHANNELS& �.I r) r o v OTHER MEMBERS: ASTAA527-B0,Fy=66 KSI W BOLTS&SCREWS:ASTM ARM 8,Fy=30 KSI - ANCHOR BOLTS. ASTM A307,Fy=33KSI RF.INFORCINC STEEL' ASTM A0/5-00,CRADE 40 ao Ins Y unrs m mrs s�trom m u�""" m ' WIRE MESH: ASTM A-1 85 CONCRETE: 2,500 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 4L 70 DAYS e [ ASSUMED ALLO1mABL E S0IL13FARING PRESSURE:1,000 PSF@A DEPTH OF I.c' SH[D.SFQN(ICIJ,$lyTlp,[�S_i IZQIM�('{,jIQ-ISI O/ m ix..lmim:mmrre�cuwcxsscnnro ly n . Q u GIIM015 i nrvmc i•i III _...._....... _._ ....___._ ..................... ..........____.............._._.__"......................................_.........................- .-_ ... ........ ....-._.... __........._ _... ...._ ..._. .. ._..;.:J ...._... _ ._.........__._ i .19 i, ,'II j Ij Ij 3 GW H9 W w D Ui TYPICAL WLE SHED FRONT ELVAI]ON �MBRFL.SHED FROM ELEVATION U.ELEVATION TYPF'A' TYPES"A,9.1 l: DOOR NOTE: DOOR 11 PART OF EXTERIOR r-—————— BUILDING CLADDING AND IS CONSTRUCTED OF THE SAME MATERIALS AS THE WALLS. DOOR IS FRAMED WITH CHANNEL TO SUPPORT CLADDING 40 MATERIAL D+4� Lu NW END +1 TYPICAL FOUIJDATION--ELAN TYPICAL n.oOR PIAN I EQUAL SPACES NR+I .EQUAL SPACE'.11 .;s i� -� 0 Z3 PURLIN PURLIN SI DEALL F-2 +: DOOR ANGLE vi GIRT a GIRT—"' SECTION THRU FROM YIALL @ SECTION THRU BACK WALL SECTION THRU SIDE WALL RENFORCEVENT AT ,JN9 it ...................... --,,.......... ....................... ........................................................................... ................ ................................................. i � ♦ yl j � l • i i t i #10 MACHINE SCREW WITH NUT --- #8 SCRLWS" WALL PANEI, ti j w i 9 79/32"NP, L rROOF PANEL ' NUTItFLOORo8"REF (i10 SCREWS FRAME zad CUT INSIDE FLANGE_ 7/8"x7/B' WALL PANEL .,� om.. i28 3 4" .�,_..� t/ AT CORNER x.077`ANGLE•- 1f8"0 ANCHOR BOLT - ' MIM.WALL h ROOF PAN r� i T°" '- ` •�' .." ,,,,,,"•r."xz,.,:n:,.,. (SEE FOUNDATION �e3 SPACER PLAN AND SECTION FOR REQUIREMENTS) J�\1?.}•. ..,+}rj =�j? 0.473" SECTIC7N SECTION_u� ALTERNATE ANCHOR: `°� ' 0.717" X37 .82" °ary ONN CTION I HILTI 3/8"KS TZ �u:y nt -"'Q p•"S ��� .�•---�...�—�..v�'+•r_"'-zl o 103' II 4.563" ! 73503• � 1 .825° -� rr #10 MACHINE SCREW.WITH NUT p00R•TAU ,� I WALL OR ROOF PANlES cv TYPICAL ROOF BEAN U i ROOF BEAMS #90x1/2"SMSLlxlxV\ !I WAIL OR ROOF ...._. _.. BRACE®OROOF I"�' .614" n 2.193' ( , a CHANN LS / BEAMS ONLY W/#10 BOLT VERTICAL 556' 0.226" W i"x4'x0.023'OR MACH.BCRE)VS&NUTS ANGlE TO GABLE T � 1°x2"x0.023"-- PANEL RETURN .r _ v � c =CTLbN t1OOR TRS..^.K ^,jY14 piggC.AJ...f7.Q.4$-EH9�IE tANnARD }IhNN 3/8'0X10"LONG ANCHOR BOLTSO 24'O.C. °�""'PDiY Li. is SIDE MID BACK WALLS, t2'AtAX O.C. 0 FRONT WA!.:.. CL' EMBEDMENT DEPTH 7", FRONT WALL F!M�Ei. DOOR ALTERNATE ANCHOR:HVI KW1K BOLT TZ 3/8"9x5"LO CONCRETE ANCHOR W/1)8 SMS I r DOOR 2 1/2"EMBEDMENT 1 C3/4x1 FA. RIB ! 9"O.C. FlNISHFD GRADE r• r, - GABLE END PANEL ' r-DOOR iRACit •' i7 i ". 6x6-10/10 WELDED WIRE MESH ri= PANEL--\ DOOR ' ALTERNATE Q3 BARS C$ 18"O-C.FA_WAYI ,�_. �. C3/4x1 FA. RIB W/#8 SMS DOOR -•7 I } ` `\• "`. I I C3j4r.1 8"O.C, !! i u #4 BARS CONTINUOUS i V�tAL,ONLY) ATTACH Ai'TACH C3/4X1 W/$8 SMS fF 8"O.C. n IIII 3 ; ..... ............ ____ _"— -- ---- _.............._._.. ._... 1 d> I� i{ �i I� { I. , i i1 Step Parts Needed For i 8934 Ramp(1) { ,, 0 9367 Front Floor Frame 2 A14ctc Floor Frame Assemblies ;I8937 Side Floor Fr036 Rear Floor a me 4) ( ) (8) I (13) 9367 The front floor frame is made up of 8934 three pieces. The side floor frames and the rear floor frame are made up of two pieces. The holes in these 9367 pieces will align when the pieces are positioned with correct amount of '' overlap.The illustrations below show 8937 j 8936 the proper overall length for the sides, rear and front. Proceed as follows: V? Front Floor STEP �j 8934 !' -ti-II a Frame Assembly lilt Place the front floor frames as 119 318" 303,2 cm shown. Center the ramp, with drain 9367 !ES I 367 Iholes facing outside,on top of the twoRAity I-loAcE — front floor frames.Join the frames by OUTSIDE inserting eight screws. 8937 I Side Floor Frame 91 1/8" 231,5 cm 2 overlap the side floor frames and the rear floor frames as shown. I 1 iil 8937 The holes in these pieces will align STEP when the pieces are positioned with 2 , correct amount of overlap. See the ®� ® 7800 illustrations belowforthe properover- all length of the side and rear floor Rear Floor Frame 119 3/8" frames. Join the frames by inserting 8936 303,2 cm four/five bolts into each frame set as 893s shown. 3 Double check the length of each and set these pieces aside for later use. ' 91 1/8" 231,5 cm ~�� ® 91.118" 231,5 cm � r STEP 1;19 3/8" 303,2 cm 3 Front&Rear 119318" 303,2 cm !I 14 0 5986 Rear Wall Angle(2) Step 2 0 Parts Needed For 0 0 9917 Rear Wall Channel(2) Frame Assemblies 1 0 9922 Side Wall Channel(4) A15ar 0 8839 Side Wall Angle(4) 1 I i 0 9917 9917 Rear Wall Channel (6) 1181/8" 300,0 cm The main frame pieces reinforce the walls. These pieces will later be installed in the center and at the top Side edge of the side walls and the rear 0 Sid Wall Channels wall. Proceed as follows: j 89 7/8" 228,3 cm 9922 9922 Overlap the rear wall channelSTEEP-I STEP pieces as shown in the figure and fasten the two pieces together with- one bolt in the center hole (three holes will align). Rear Wall Angle 5986 1181/8" 300,0 cm 5986 2Make two side wall channels by overlapping the side wall channel pieces as shown. Fasten each set together with one bolt in the center o i Side Wall Angles hole of each set. 89 7/8" 228,3 cm 8839 8839 rj 3 Overlap the rear wall angle STEP F STEP pieces as shown in the figure and fasten them together with one bolt 3 4 in the center hole. Rear Wall Channel 4 Make two side wall angles by 118 1/8" 300,6 cm overlapping the sidewall angle pieces as shown. Fasten each set together with one bolt in the center hole. Side Wall Channels 5 Double check the length of each 89 7/8" 228,3 cm and set these pieces aside for later use. Rear Wall Angle 1181/8" 300,0 cm u. STEP Side Wall Angles 89 7/8" 228,3 cm 15 i' • Parts Needed For • • 10470 Roof Beam $ Step3 D16ctr Roof Beam Assemblies i $ 3 i 30 10470 i The roof beams join the two gables e and support the roof panels. The main roof beam is made up of four pieces overlapped back to back at ' 10470 the center. The left and right roof beam assemblies are made up of STEP ;i two pieces. Hint: These pieces are force-fitted, 1 so you may have to press hard to join ! Roof Beam 917/8" 233,4 cm them together. I ,I 1 Place the end of one roof beam inside a second roof beam so that the six holes in each piece align. Make four sets of roof beams by repeating this procedure. Do not insert bolts yet- ASSEMBLED 2 Take two of the pressed-together roof beams and join them as shown STEP END to form the main roof beam assem- 2 V1EW i bly. Hold the assembly together and Build one Doubled Main Roof fasten with 14 bolts. Build only one 10470 Beam Assembly for Peak in Roof Doubled Beam Assembly. -�m'� 10470 3 Fasten the other two pressed= together roof beams with eight bolts S to make the left and right roof beam assemblies. `� 6; j ° 10470 • 1 4 Double check the length of each �g g®'7 and set these pieces aside for later use. Wev :I 10470 I 91 7/8" I A i 233,4 cm Build two Single Beam Assemblies i 91 7/8" 233,4 cm 16 :I 'i `? Step +� Parts Needed For I •6403 Door Track Splice(1) •9366 Door Track(2) i; A17atr Door Track Assembly F ' i NOTE: Door Track Splice(painted part) (4) 6403 The doortrack assembly supports the sliding doors and reinforces the front wall. It is made up of three pieces. 000QQO ooQ QQQ Using the door track splice, ooQ (painted), join the door track ooQ 66769 (galvanized) pieces end-to-end as 9366 ooQ oco E Shown. 9366 Long Leg STEP STEP on Top 2 Insert four screws from the under- j 2 on Bottom Snort Le side only. g '�, m 9366 Hint:The holes in the top side of the 6403 I I door track assembly are forfastening b the gable to the top of the front wall in a later step. '" : -1 9366 1181/8" 300,0 cm 3 Position door slides onto the ..� legs, from the end of door track STEP STEP ; 000°oQ assembly,as shown in the end view. 000 3 4 QQQ GooQoo 4 Set this piece aside for later use. p 118118" QQ Goo 300,0 cm i 00 000 Q 000 QQ ' OQQQoO ,i'i END VIEW 66769 000000 a, 118 1/8"' 300,0 cm 17 i „ _ I , •Front Floor Assembly(1)0 Pars Needed For 5 •Side Floor Assembly(2) A'Sar Floor Frame 9 Rear Floor Assembly(1) 4W(8) W(2) '1 j RIGHT REAR T T Assemble the four corners of 8937 the floor frame using two screws at each corner as shown. At the front corners fasten bolts through from the bottom with nuts on top. STEP ( 8936 1 � R �� RIGHT FRONT•---i+; ,...__ 8937 2 Measure the floor frame diagonally. , When the diagonal measurements are equal, the floor frame is square. j 9367 I„ NOTE If using a wood platform or concrete slab do not fasten the When Diagonal Measurements floor frames to your base at this srSquareEqua�the Floor Frame time. You will anchor the building after it is erected. . � er� STEP Levelh j a' { I The floor frame must be square and level or holes will not align. 18 li , i! ¢_ 0 Parts Needed For 0 ';�, 6627 wan Panel(2) Step6 i !;9374 Front Watt Panel(2) U,9 Corners 8471 Corner Panel(4) ;f a Narrow' 1 { 8471 Side (26) (4) - Wide Side NOTE V' --AR The remainder of the building assembly __ 8471 requires many hours and more than one —— person. Do not continue beyond this point if you do not have enough time to complete the assembly today.A partially assembled building can be severely damaged by light winds. SIDE ,TOP VIEW SIDE Each screw and bolt in the wall re- quires a washer. STEP 8471 � � 8471 FRONT CORRECT INCORRECT6627 I ; Position a corner panel at the 6627 corner of the floor frame as shown. The widest part of each corner panel must be placed along the side of the ' STEP building for all four corners. Fasten j 3 the corner panel to the floor frame with one screw. STEP F 2 � Support the corner panel with a step ladder until a wall panel is attached. 2 Attach the front wall panels to 6374 ( 9374 the front corner panels, as shown. A small gap will exist between front STEP ( 6627 Crimped Rib wall panel and ramp. 4 8471 I 8471 Underneath 6627 3 Attach the wall panels to the rear 8471 corner panels, as shown. 9374 NOTE Washer Be careful to install the correct panel in each position as shown 9374 8471 4 Double-check the part numbers of , the wall panels, before proceeding. Panels rest on The floor frame must be square frame as shown and level or holes will not align. 19 ;.I ii li !Door Track Assembly(1:(1) to 0 Parts Needed For o 0 Rear Wall Angle Assem•Side Wall Angle AssemA20cFrames •Rear Wall Channel Asse•Side Wall Channel Asse ) r- O e i p 5986 (30) (2) Wall i The main frame pieces give rigidity to Must Faces I the side walls and provide a surface Inside for attaching the gables which sup- Building !,� 9917 P port the roof. it Fasten the rear wall angle as- sembly across the inside top of the rear wall using screws. 2 Fasten the rear wall channel as- !STEP STEP i sembly across the middle of the rear 2 FRONr wall using screws. 8839 3 Fasten the side wall angles across the inside top of the side panels using screws.Side wall angles must overlap — rear wall angle in corners. t------ -i 1 9922 I 4 Fasten the side wall channel as- semblies across the middle of the side panels using screws. Fasten overlaps in rear corners with screws. T STEP STEP �I J Fasten the door track assembly3 4 Nr Fn F (holes on top) across the top of the R front wall panels using screws. See I Long Leg ,;—ron the figure. 9366 n Tap Opening NOTE ;; Facing in The wall channels behind the rt Leg front wall panels will be installedBottom in alater step. II d. STEP i FRONT 20 Parts Needed For •8200 Walt Panel(4) Step 8 .6627 Wall Panel(4) t, 21ar Wall Panels F I 4ST 6627 I EP --- �. 7272 66, (112) $Mo 7) _. 8200 The wall panels come in two widths. 6627 STEP Each wall panel has a crimped rib 8200 on one side. The crimped rib should 2 go under the rib of the panel that follows it. Oft ``- 8200 6627 1 Locate all of the wall panels and Panels rest on 8200 frame as shown �• set each one alongside the building. a 2 Be sure thatou have the correct y Crimped Rib panels in each position. Do this by Underneath overlapping the panels and determin- ing if the holes line up with the holes Detail Showing in the frame. Center of Panel Screwed to Wali Channel 3 Fasten the wall panels at the top and bottom with screws. 4 Fasten the center of each panel to the wall channel with screws. Fasten STEP °�. overlapping ribs as before. Bolt and nut STEP does not go thru wall channel 5r When you have attached all wall „' 4 at overlap panels in the correct positions, the building will look like this. ') : }opo 00 Use bolts and j nuts thru wall angle overlaps at the top of panel at sides and rear. STEP 5 21 a 'I Step s Parts Needed For i 9370 Door Jamb(2) 9 i •9365 Front Wall Channel(2) z U22cr Front ChanneUDoor Jamb i 9365 (18) (4) i The door jambs reinforce the door opening and provide an attractive STEP 0trim. Follow these steps for both WSIDE'OF door jambs. BUILDING i Fasten the front wall channels in their positions between the end of STEP the side wall channel and the corner 2 (2)bolts ToP vlEw panel using screws. Do not put a tDoor Track screw in the hole at the end behind Acorn Nut the door opening at this time. 370Bo 2 Fasten a door jamb to the front Hex Nut — i Front Wall Channel panel with two bolts,nuts and acorn Hex TOP VIEW Cross-Section nuts, as Shown. � Front Wall Channel Tap View 3 Fasten the center of the door 9370 Screw Screw jamb to the front wall panel and the Acorn rout q � STEP front wall channel with two screws. $ 02 , 4 Fasten the top of the doorjamb 'I to the doortrackwith two screws.Do the same for the bottom into frame. i Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the TOP�VIEW opposite door jamb. A Door Track Screw Screw i, STEP .i ,1 22 i Ii ! Parts Needed For 0 � 0 6000 Right Gable(2) Step •6001 Left Gable(2) 10 A23,e=ar Gable Assemblies •5971 Roof Beam Bracket(4) (s) { STEP Edge Trim The gables go on top of the front and (Plastic Piece) 1 rear walls to support the roof beams. NOTE The gables are packed nested =' i together and might be mistaken iyc as one piece. Carefully separate = I them before continuing. :. 1 Apply edge trim to the top edge of the right gables and left gables. ` =" a 2 Attach the four roof beam brackets to the gables using two bolts, washers and nuts. Ji NOTE Mounting leg of bracket must face toward center of gable and holes closest together must be on top /Q0� 6000 •i;OYY;.•.Y � p. .v i it Washer s :,,. r, a 5971 CAUTION' Roof Beam �} 6001 ■ , Brackets '' -=•;:�;;,: � STEP To avoid mishap on the sharp edge the edge trim must remain in place on the top edge of the !F gable until right and left roof panels are in place. ' 23 �' i ! Parts Needed For ! j Left Gable Assemblies(2) f' Step �� � •Right Gable Assemblies(2 Gables/Braces •6655 Gable Brace(2) A24 cu : (20) (5) 1 Lift and fasten a right and left gable, under angle at corner, to the door track and rearwali angle with screws. Hint: On the rear gable, use a bolt and nut at the overlapping rear wall angle. On the front gable, leave out 2 screws closest to center gable leg. 's i 2 Join the left and right gables together with a gable brace using a bolt and nut in the bottom hole only. , 3 Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for the door STEP track on the front of building, except o o for the track supports, fasten as Gable ° 10 ° 6635 Gable Brace shown. i „ 8 STEP 1 0 0 ♦ 11rs4i � , Q Track Supports 6228 • : : r. ', F _ s � .:sem�. �}. +1��"5,,,•.i-rt.?. �-=,a77A. ',�ii`�,-'.� `.�?$' ,5:� .�':a X STEP ;I t,I , 24 l 1 - EI� ��p 120 Parts Needed For • I; ,) �Main Roof :Beam :(2) Roof Beams !Single Roa #[I A25 cv t' r` (12) ;;STEP Spread the two halves of the main roof beam and fasten the roof beam 3 to the gable brace of the front gable. Single Roof Beam Assembly 2 Fasten the other end of the main roof beam to the gable brace of the rear gable. STEP 2 3 Fasten the single roof beams, small holes on top, as shown using bolts and nuts. ILL F• ~w 1 .v y I . i, Spread Two Halves Of Roof Beams o STEP 0 p CP"" Main Roof Beam Assembly i 25 I I+ I i Parts Needed For • Step 1 8468 Right Roof Panel(1) A26et cuRight Roof Panel �I STEP Ig (2) (5) 8469 ��.— 2_� �! 1 =�=_=� 8468 Installing the roof panels is best done with a step ladder. Begin installing 7483 -�"— 6 I �— 5 7483 roof panels at the back right corner of the building. Each screw and bolt _ in the roof requires a washer. 6529 8 7 6529 NOTE Measure the building diagonally t again and make adjustments to make sure the building is square. This will make the roof panels fit 7483 10 ;i 9 7483 better, and holes will align. "I NOTE 8468 4 --� �_ 3 $469 If a Roof Beef-Up Kit was FRONT STEP STEP STEP purchased, assemble prior to at- 2 3 4 JI Caching the roof panels. Hint; Follow the fastener sequence ' 1 Locate the roof panels by their shown for proper alignment. ! 1 8468 Right Roof Panel numbers. Note the sequence and i 2 7 position they are to be installed. 3 f 4 5 2 Position a right roof panel at the `! „:- ' back right corn g corner and fasten to the .<��:::=y=�_ .. �.<d: -�� t .��:��=:�r�' 1►,' to roof p beam using a screw. 3 Remove edge trim from the.left gable under the roof panel. FRONT ,,Nut Washer 4 Continue fastening the right roof panel to the gable and lower roof Bolter i ,beam using screws,bolts and nuts as shown. Do not fasten the lower end f i of the panels to the side wall angles at this time. :i 26 71 41 •8468 Right Roof Panel(1) 0 Parts Needed For •8469 Left Roof Panel(2) step 14 Roof Assembly '' •7483 Roof Panel(2) A27"` y ��, 9 6529 Roof Panel(2) 1 0 , STEP (38) (19) 8469 Left Roof Pane! 2 7483 Roof Panel Install a left roof panel at the left 6529 Roof Panel :I Bather Stripping 7483 Roof Panel rear and right front corner of the roof. Tape Roll Install a right roof panel at the left 8468 Right 6529 Roof Panel front corner of the roof. Roof Panel 2 Cut 4 short 2" (5,1 cm) strips off the roll of weather stripping tape, and put them aside.Cover the joint at --�, the peak with weather stripping tape. Unroll the tape and press it down over the opening at the ridge as you install ! each roof panel. Do not cut the tape at this time. 3 install 2 narrow and 2 wide roof panels in the sequence and positions I� TEP shown on previous page. Do not fas- F/ ten the lower end of the panels,to the � � �i 3 side wall angles at this time.Continue weather stripping the ridge opening. -- —'-- -- Screws To NOTE Roof Bean Narrow roof panel crimped rib is overlapped by wide rib of adjacent panel where possible. r Fasten At Fasten At Overlap with B j B Overlap with Bolt Bolt Screws To Roof Beam Do not fasten NOTE at this time If roof beam holes do not line up with the roof panel holes, shift the building from left to right. If this does not help, your building I may not be level. Shim the corners until holes line up. 27 i, €' 0 Parts Needed For !;� 8840 Ridge Cap(1) Step 15 0 7483 Roof Panel(2) € Esc Ridge Caps & ParieiS I •8486 Ridge Cap(1) g p (40)e 0(16) 8840 STEP Install the first ridge cap on the 1 '� ' _ Strips completed roof section using bolts and nuts. Fasten roof panel over- laps not used for ridge cap. Cover the head of bolt with the 2" (5,1 cm) piece of weather stripping tape. Do not fasten the ends of the ridge cap at this time. 2 Install the second ridge cap '! overlapping the first ridge cap while installing the remaining narrow roof panels. Continue weather stripping the ridge. 3 Fasten the lower end of the panels "! to the side wail angles using screws and washers. Use bolts and nuts Cut weather 84$6 ! through wall angle overlaps at the Stripping and STEP bottom of the panel. Fold Under 111 Iyj I t l 7483 I II 1 I t � .may t II ,I 1 ,I 7483 STEP 28 f 0 Parts Needed For 6 8485 Left Side Roof Trim(2) t� Step 16 Roof Trim !8836 Right Side Roof Trim (2) i tf`3� t, fk i i' (4) (8) (4) Attach the right and left side roof trim to the lower end of the roof panels on each side of the building , using screws at each panel overlap. NOTE A single screw fastens both trim pieces at the overlap. i� 2 Using your thumb and index finger, overbend the bottom flange of the side STEP � roof trim at the corner inward enough , i so the right and left roof trim caps fit onto right and left comers. Roof Trim + 8485 ' 8836 ���`�`` 3 Fasten the roof trim caps to the side trim using a screw. ttJ 8836 4 Fasten the roof panel ribs, peak 8485 caps and ridge caps together using bolts and nuts. i Peak Cap STEP 4 'I Roof Trim Cap Q Tuck Flange Inward to Fit Inside of STEP STEP Roof Trim Cap !j 29 j i 3719 Door Handle Brace(2) f 1 Parts Needed For ,D 10477 Right and Left Doors 2) Step 1 Door Assembl ,D 10497 Horizontal Door Brace(4) ., y 4 6300 Vertical Door Brace(2) s (6) The steps on this page tell how to assemble the right door.You will per- form exactly the same procedures for0. 66045 the left door. Each bolt and screw in 10497 6800 t� the door requires a washer. Proceed ®�l 3719 as follows: r� 66 371,9 \ 630010497 Attach the door handle brace 66382 and handle to the door with 1 bolt 82 as shown. Don't tighten the bolt yets 382 104776® Right Door 2 Swing the door handle brace up 10477 Left Door 66382 to the hole on the center of the door and insert a screw. y 3 Hold the vertical door brace 10497 against the center of the inside sur- face of the door and turn the screw /m STEP to hold the vertical door brace and door handle brace in place. Fasten r 3719 to door above and below center connection using 2 screws. 6300 66045 r, STEP 4 Insert a second bolt in the door STEP handle and tighten both bolts. 2 sjrEP ' 5 Put a horizontal door brace onto � to the top edge and bottom edge and ' STEP fasten with 1 bolt in the center. 10497 3 END VIEW 6 Attach the lower door guides and SH©WING: bolts as shown. STEP Horizontal Door Brace Door 7 Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the left door. I Washer LJ+ 66382 44 l r Guide 30 �� „I'I 0 Parts Needed For 0 0 Right Door Assembly(1) 0 Left Door Assembly(1) Step 18 Door Installation & Adjustme A3 lar Gable Horizontal Door:Brace Door Track Door Slide From inside the building, put the bottom of the right door assembly (on your left when you are inside the 0 It 0 building) behind door jamb into the front frame track. STEP STEP '` ��yf� 2 �,1 2 Position the top of the door so that the holes in the door line up with the holes in the door slides. Front Floor Frame Assembly 3 Fasten the door to the door slides using two#1 0Bx1/2”(13 mm)screws Door Slide per door slide. NOTE The holes in the door slides allow you to adjust the doors. Place the --1------x door in the middle holes. C Adjustment Ho #108x1/2" (13 mm) -les Screw 4 Repeat steps I through 3 for the STEP left door. 3 Adjustment Holes Allow Doors to Meet Evenly Along Their Length STEP Right Door Left Door Keep this Owners Manual and Assembly Instructions for,future referer, 31 NP 10867 4 t, it 3 ti °3 ` Anchoring and Floor Frame i Anchoring 1 Anchor your building at this time. Floor Frame If you have purchased a Floor Frame Kit you need to install it at this time. 'l „I SOME FACTS ABOUT RUST s Rusting is a natural oxidizing process that occurs 1. Avoid nicking or craping the coating surface,inside and out. when bare metal is exposed to moisture. Problem areas include screw holes, unfinished edges, or 2. Use all the washers supplied. In addition to where scrapes and nicks occur in the protective protecting against weather infiltration, the washers coating through normal assembly,handling and use. protect the metal from being scraped by the screws. Identifying these natural rusting problem areas and taking some simple rust protection precautions can 3. Keep roof, base perimeter and door tracks free of help to stop rust from developing, or stop it quickly debris and leaves which may accumulate and retain as soon as it appears. moisture. These can do double damage since they give off acid as they decay. 4.Touch up scrapes or;nicks and any area of visible rust as soon as possible. Make sure the surface is free of moisture, oils, dirt or grime and then apply an even film of high quality touch-up paint. 718000113 i Owner's Manual & Assembly.',,, Instructions voice Model No. NP10867 i� I" �t ARROW I Storage Products ..... s ' 3«S� Missing Parts, Questions on Assembly? Call: 1-800-851-1085 or . assist a@arrowsheds.c.om Do not return to dealer, they are not equipped to handle your requests. 718000113 CAUTION:SOME PARTS HAVE SHARP EDGES.CARE Storage Area: 74 Sq. Ft, 444 Cu.Ft. MUST BE TAKEN WHEN HANDLING THE VARIOUS PIECES 6,9 m2 12,6 m3 TO'AVOID A.MISHAP ,FOR SAFETY SAKE,PLEASE READ z11SAFETY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS MANUAL t BEFORE BEGINNING'GONSTRucnON.WEAR GLOVES BUILDING DIMENSIONS *Size rounded off to the nearest foot WHEN HANDLING METAL PARTS. Exterior Dimensions interior Dimensions Door- *Approx. Base (Roof.Edge to Roof Edge) (Wall to Wall)', Opening Size Size Width Depth Height Width Depth Height Width Height 10'x 8' 121"x 92 3/4" 123 1/4" 95114" 77 718" 118114" 90" 76 5/8" 55 1/2" 65- 3,0 m x 2,3 m 307,3 cm x 235,6 cm 313,1 cm 241,9 cm 197,8 cm 300,4 cm 228,6 cm 194,6 cm 141,0 cm 165,1 cm