HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Ml AMUOWE MIAMI-DADECO[rNTY PRODUCT CONtitOL SECT ION 11805 SW 26.Street,Room 208 D, rARTMENT OF REGOI..A.TORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES WK) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE:ADMINISTRATION;DIVISION T(786)315-2590 P(785)315-2599 OTICE OF ACCEPTANCE CE (INQA,) iiatu 4aElB.oyleconOnlY D .0QOr CoinpanyJac. + 12195 NW 98ih Avenue fliale"Gardens,Fir 33018 S"OPE' Tris IVDA is being issued underthe applicable rules and regulations ggveming the We;of construction materials.The dacumentatian submittedltas been reviewed and accepted by Miami 1Dade County RTR Product Control Section to.be u ed In.Miami=Dade County and other areas where allowed by thu Authority having Jurisdiction(AT-IJ),` mhos NOA shall not be:valid-after the-expiration date stated below:The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in-areas other'than Miami Bade County)reserve the right to have this product or n6fdrial.tested.for quality assur4pcc purposes. If-this product or material fails to.perfipma in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or,suspend the use of sash product or material wif ht their jurisdiction. R81reserves the.riglrt to revoke this acmptance, if it is determined l y M10ni-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material frriIs.to Inset the requirements of the applicable building code. '.his product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, eluding the High Velocity Rurricane"Lone. ISCRIPTION+Hurricane Masterg Model 824/811 Steel sectional Garage Door 16'--2"Wide with "PRO' ndow Lite.Option W+36-0,-".0 P'SF} trAL DOCUM ENT:Drawing No.02-2.1,titled"24 GA.Roll Formed Steel Sec#iotrol Garage 3 oc3r",dated 0911012002,with last revisionK dated 03/0912015,sheets I throvt h S of 5,prepared by.Al- Fmoq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E.,bearing.the�M ami-Davie County Product Control renewal stamp with the.Naioe of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product,Control Section. AUSSTUP.IMPACT RATING;.Large and Small Nlfssile Impact Resistant LAI3UING:A perinancnt label with.the Izzauttfaeturees name or logo,manufacturing address,modellseries numhcr,the positive and negative design pressure rating,indipa#e impact rated if:applicabl%installation instructioti.dt-awing reference number,approval number(NOA ,the applicable test standards,and tyre staternent rending'Miami-Dade County Product+Control Approved' is to be lo' emId.on the-door's side traolk, bottom angle,or,inner-surface of a panel. I'2M'WAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in.the applicable building.code negatively affecting the performance of this-product. �lvwMA.TION of this NOA wall occur after the.expiration date or it there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this X0A as_an endomement.of any product,-for sales,advertising or any otherpurJ}OSLS shall automatically ferrninutc this NOA.Failure to comply-with any section of this N0t1 slidll be cause for tertizination and removal ofNOA. ADDER-r1SEM,NT;The NOA.number preceded by the words Miarni-D#d� County,Florida,and followed by the cXpirdtion date maybe displayed in advertising literature. If any portion Q£the JgOA is'displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. I KS ECTION-.A copy of this entire NOA..9ball be provided to the.trser by tho manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job sitz at the request of the Building Official. This NOA_fenetvs N()A,#1&0814.10 and consists of this page"I and evidence pages J,'--1 And E-2.,as well as approval document mentioned above. 'M6 submitted docutttoutation.was reviewed by Carlos MG Vtrera,.P.E. NOA No.15-0304.01 MMMADECQUt1tTY Expiration Date.July 21,2020 III�I"�■ I® `' '' ' Appr&sl.Date:April 23 2015 0¢- 16 l Page.1 ^" r r r r r e nnnn rt+n s has--ger a Inner sRo rocs mann r3•nr r� rn r7 h'g DAB oor,-CoihyqnYX(�s NOTICE,OF ACCE 111TANCE: EVEDENCE, S_UBMITTE,D A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.02-21,titled 4124 GA.Roll Formed Steel Sectional Garage Door",Mod 09/10,IM02, i wlth last revision J dated I /Q.712014,sheets-.I through 5 of 5,prepared by Al- Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS "Sithnifted wider MAR 11-0414.12" 1. Test Report on Uniform ftfic Air.PressLire Test,Loading and Forced Entry Test per FBC, TAS 202-94,of"DAB 824 Sectional Residential Garage boor"Prepared by HII.rflcan-o Engineering&Testing luc.,ReportNo.RETI-07-42,06,dated 0516212007,signed and sealed by Candido F.Font,P.E. 2. -Test Report on.Large Missile Impact TestperFBC,TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per FBC,TAS-203-94,of"DAB 924 Sectional Residential'Garago]Doorl',prepared by Hurricane r 0112012€}13,sign ,a Engineering&Testing lc,,-Report 146�0 M-11-3204�dateded and sealed by Candido.F.Fant,P.R. 3. TestReport on Tensile Test per ASTM E8-08 of"Sectional Residential.Door(skin)", prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.Rep ort No.HE TI-11-T100,dated 0112112011,signed and sealed by Candido F.Font;P.E. "Subizzlited unikr MOA 9115-0228.023' 4. -rest Iteport on Large Mssile Impact Test and Cyche Wind Pressure Test,of"Sectional Residential Door witli Windows",prepared by Hurricane,VIngineering&Testing Inc.,Report 146-MITI 03-1328,dated 07/15/2003,signed and sdalcd by k4fael E..Droz-Seda,P.E. 5. Tea Report on Uniform Statir,Air Pressure Test,of"Sectional Residential Door"prepared by Hurricane)Enginecring&­Testing Inc.,Report No:HETI 03-1329,dated 07/1512003,signed and sealed by Rafael E.Dioz-Scda,PX,. & _Test.ReportonTen6!lrTbst perASTME-8 o,f"i$e,otional-ResidentlaiDoor.,(4iny',prepared by Hqrricane Engineering&Testing JbcReport No.3RE11 0340781 dated 10/3112003, signed and sealed by Rafael E.Droz-Seda,M. `4fizj[)jjzjj1ed_rj;zder:)V0A#'03.0210.04- 7, Test report on Salt Spray(Corrasion,}Test per ASTM B A 17 of a painted G-40 steel panels., prepared by Colotex Corporation,Test Report NQs2%592,dated 08/17/199$,signed by W.A. C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted jinder 1Y0A#14-1311,14.1V I. Andbor verifibadoii calculations pTeparod by Al-Rrooq-Corpotation;dated-09/22/2014 and 07124/2014,sigcied-and sealed by Jawad Alined,P.E. *64 rloflX cAA I OR M.Utrers,P-E. Irraduct Copipol JUathbier NOA No.15-0304.01 Expiration 3DWc:JuV 242020 App roy'al Dhb;April 23%2015 I I tri^^An e^M I A^J-'2 I I QQ lnr%fl MAA IMM AMA DAU DoO C OATKpMv,llftL�. NOT-1'CF.-O AC.Y.p:P'li'ANCE.: ryj4E1'+F 'F. itJl�4V 1L'1"d11J1�_ C. CA1,CULXF10NS(C mit.) "Submitt&I railer MA.911-041412" 2. .Anchor verification calculations prepared by Ai-Faroucl Corp6ratictn,00111plyinl with E`-13_C 2007,stated.0410712011,signed and-scaled by 3t1vad Ahmad,1'.1 3. ;Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Furoocl Corporation,complying witi3 F.13.C: 2007,dated 1211 912008,sigtiud and sealed by I ilin".yOu11 Farooq,P_F=- "SuhmttteEl muter NOA#I 09-0728.02„ l), QUALITY ASSURANCE 1, MiamiJ M&J Jcplrlinent cif ltcgulatory and Economic Resources 007-1z) K MATERIAL C.ERTM' CATIONS 1 Notice.of Accelitance,iNo. 13-{9717 01•,issued to SSA RI( innovative Plastics,for dic.ir 1.cx1111 Shout Woducts,approved on 110,8/2013 and expiring uh 07/1712018- 2. Notice of Acceptalice No- 14-0311.08, issued to Insulfnam,LLC;;for their bsull'oam Exptnidud 1'olyslyru-r1c lnsultttion,approvM on'0811412t314 and e:(piring on 11T29t2017. 3. Notiico of Acceptance No.11-0926.07,issued to Dyplast Products,i.,l.C'.,for.their Expanded 1'otystyrene}Nlock'I'ype lnsu lation,approved oin°11/1 OD,01 I uu d-dxliirlllf<,ott t}i/i 1,12017. 4. Notice of Acceptance No.11-0926.06, issued to byplast Products, LLC:,for their Uypiast Y80-Cl P61yisciuyanurate Ttlsil[atii)n,tipprcivi:d()ii 1111012011 anti expiring on 011102017 5. -Notice chi=Acceptattce No.10-112-9.04,issued to Celin oam North America Inc,for their 3:xpandt d Volystyrdw Block Insulation,approved(in 02124T201 I and expiring utt 02/24/201fi> 'xSrrlittt Ved under NOA 71 0S-0228,02" 6. 'fest ltepni•t on Accelerated Weatberiiig Usiitg Kciton Arc bight Apparatcis Test per ASTM G155 of 1111V 1.;.ictrusion Material",prepared try lfiuric aniv BuL;inisc ring, . 'testing,tttc.,Relioil Np:TjEM 04-AQ02,dated 09/27/2004;sipied anti sealed by RaF1el E. Oror.-Sc cla,;'.13. 7. 'fest Reports on'l ensile"test per ASTM D638 elf"I VC Extrusion MateriaP','prt pared by Himici.ne Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No,.HM 04-1251,dalud I JJ2912004.signal and settled by 1.Ghia,P.Fs_ f1: Tesl:f4ipurt un•Se1f 11,*iulion'lemper<itura'lest,Rate of BurJt.Yes!and.SiitOke Mmsity '1'est.of"III"MA1 J JloJ1-f oAJ11 PVCCi(,trtlSJAi1 JJ Raoul",i)repflrcd by'F 1'C Laboratories , Rcpori.NO,04m76.1•45019.0,dated 05/06r2Ot14,sigiied anti scalad by"T.T..Doldati,P.E. S`I'ATi'i11IT;NT4 "SaabmIllprl undrer.2lTOW-#.14-tI�P,l0„ 1- SCatunlrmt.[otter of wOcie conformance to the 51 edition(2014)F*klC sncl no finaticiAl in(rust issued by AI-Farooq C:orporatioil,dated 0S/I3/2014 s{pned and'sealed by 3favad Ahmad,P-B.. Carlos tib Utrcrn,P: l- Prodtict.ConUrc►1 Axamincr N6 A.No:15-0404.01 li xpirntiou Dn.te:,Tidy 21,2020 .Approval gate:April 23,2{115 R� , n-It+ i 1 t r I nnnn 1 r rr+n i AAL'7 i t e innn 'ffiin i on mnn I^ r t A-! I SLEOX (OPTI6MAL.) �& 11 r -. -- LOCI{ _ 2f DOUR I mi e I s-1" NE X .18 YHK. IATCH4`�% _ - �--1- — STANDARD LO FASTENED W EO SLIDE BOLT (BOTH 51D�S� sPRlrsc �.oa/ {4) ��� X i/2" S.M.S.slus � ---..._._. n. �� :.�---• r. , I _. � 5/8 MIN. LOCK ENGAGEMENT - CONFORMS TU.SECTION 1408 REGARDING ,. ' �•� - `� Y '•� - I--�- _ - GARAGE DOORS Vim„ d � {� � _.,` � --.�-"-sar-�� ..�--�ca+r�-�^'_' �.a,.-�.-�c'.c. r'm's.�sr'a'e'.-a.+ '`�-.c. •--•� - r r i ♦ ` � t `tr1 v Ts! j !RACKET BRACKET` h LIFT DOOR LOW HEADROOM~~~ j I QE QOOR OPTION ZS AT _ 4 300E2 7-7/$" X 3-1/8" X .010" � ri OPTIOIJAL VENTS j STEEL PLATE (3), 5" WIDE AT 7" O.C. MAX, DPTIOMAL. FLUSH FACE WITH (4) #'14 X 3/4" SOS IMAX. D{30l? 'NIDTH WOOD GRAIN DESIGN L OPNG. AREA NOT FQ EXCEED 92p S4. IN. A a etilsTER STILE 10-SIDE ELEVETION D.0 DOORS INC. 4t1751D6 RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR Hurricane Master@ HANDLE END STILE Mox. Size 16,-2" s _ !'lith Window Lite C y #14 X 3/4" SELF DRILLING SCREWS t,J.AY BE USEI) ` o IM UEiF OF #i4 X .5/6- ShIS rINSTALL.EID R DuIDES - ..- DESIGN PRESSURE RATING 'W' " ON ENO STILE THIS PRODUCT 1S RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT jyj ( }�L (j(}(ES ° 'WfTH (4)•#i 4 X S/8" SMS I 1$Y X _6w LOCI( BAR L THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN RESIGNED ANL! TESTED " 1 ENGAGES IN 'CRACK REbUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA, BUILDING CODE (FBC; 0>`E EACH '5101» OF DOOR .INCLUDING NIGH VELOCklY VURRICANE 7DNE'(Fi HZ). CENTER STILES SCHEDULE A h t?CJT$ID KF Y D—�� I{ 2. AmcHORS SHALL BE AS LISTED, SPAceo As CENTER STELES GONFIGEIRATION ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIA;_SHAL QOt3R0TtIS OF CATER STILES DRESSING 4R STUCCO, .. � LOCK BAR LOCKING SHOWN -'-0^T47 9'-i0' 2 3. ALL BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL BE ZINC is ALTERNATE TO _ } To'-a" TO i 1'-t0" 2 SPRING LOADED SLIDE i30Lr 4. ANCHORING OR LOADING CONDITIONS OTHER THi "i` 12'-a' TO t s`�to• -__ _3-_ J LOCKS SHOWN ABOVEDTHESE DETAILS ARE NOT PART OF THIS APPRDYAL. S'- ," TO 9'-10" 14`-D" To yB'-1fl' 4 ,a � " - ---- 5, A LOAD DURATION.J1�CREASE.IS USED IN DESIGN OF ANE a DOOR WIDTHS Ss-ti" to 16-z w5 DOOR TESTED IN ACCURDANCE WITH THE REOUPREMEl II_ { !BUILDING 86-0 TAS-202, TAS-201 do TA$"203 FDI ` J — Lo II(��I! 11( )II 31 ASTM E1fl86Elign J71N E1936-09. _ � Engr: dAViG AHkiAD CIVIL b"R+[9t3# + o ti 1/z" PUNCHED BOLES 11 rl — 1 TRItSS STENEU TO 1 1'f"TtRl4 4 = 7 STILE".. ., :I LL11dG S. 1 t 7 4 3/16" POP RIVETSAT 4m 1 (s) FOR 21" STILES ° (5) FOR 1S" STILES ! ENR STILE 024" STL. PANEL i I r n 3 I TERIAEDWE —SECTION TOP SECTM �n D OPTIONAL STOP MOULDiNG BY DOOR INSTALLER SOLID BRASS_DODR 7 BY 'SCHLAGE SEGUR67Y 14 X 5/8° SMS 3/4" X 2" X 2-1/2" X .049- STEEL a INSTALLED IN '9116" DIA, HOLE,' 5 S PER HINGE END SOLE, CONNECT TO PANELS i ITIH 3 FLAPS AND .{5) OR (6) 3/16" ALUM RIVETS pt}SITtONED AT EYE 1f20 X"1-3/A' X ..0,58' FORMED STEEL. SEE DETAIL ABOVE GLUED 141 PANEL M40 SECURED TO AN'Cf(URS AT TMCK BRAS END STILE WITH (4) 3/16'.POP RIVETS , EDGE XIIAD#A EQjER—BOLT BY P05'lE 1-7/8"X 2=5/1 " X .0a9' STEEL" ,a� " CENTTER STILE, GLUED AND,RIVETED DISTANCE A) 2 MIN EDGE INTO CONCRETE- CENTER CTO PANEL. W/ (4)..3/SG" RiVEFS I z" MIN; >-13GE DISThIlCE 3/1e° a # '14 X 5/B". S.M.S. POP RIVETS is 11-3/.f6 ,x„18' DA,SCLC SLF ' `HILTi' y 4f H1WGE �_, �°�� S) 1-1/4" MIN. EMBED INTO CONCR1 2-1/4' NIK EDGE DISTANCE iNit j 1 4" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE.114TO FLL CONCRETE {'c - 3000 PSI MIN. IEJ C-90 GROUT FILLEO BLOCK f'm ANCHOR TYPE A OR B 4 t I L(1) 1'Eft BRACKET SEE SHEET 3 FOR BRACKET SPACING t J" Engr. JAM AHM.AD I i Ctlt!�+1_._.. PROD 8 k 3/4" HEX HEAD ntLucu ry i--11.4 A i—i(L A tii WA. rWOM - CONNECTED TO FLAG do NUTS. FA57MED TO WRACK ° yyf 3J8-i6 X 3/ WITH (4) 1/4-20 SS, 6OLT & 14UTS KoRI2. TRACK LENGTH - OPERING HEIGHT PLUS 12 AND TO SPRING SF ':BRACKET (2) 1/4-20 X S/ ANahREi TOP BRACKET } {4PiiDhF�L)- LOW HEADROOM DOOR 14 GA, GALA. STEEL "TRACK :INFORCEME14T - ° X .058' FORMS STEEL -- +FfI�TIL f�2ACK�_ .EL AND;FA,STENEO TO 2-1J8" X 1 ?C ,080 SWRH t RIVETS 2" X 5-1/2" X :104° GALV. STEEL FASTENED W/ (4).1 14 X S/8" S4'S., TOP ROLLER BRACKET FOR " AL REINFORCEMENT LOW HEADROOM DOOR OPTION DOOR [*�SECTIDtd HElGHi5 BRACKET PLACEIdETVTS X .058' FORMED STEEL HEIGHT2NC1 3RLl4TH 5TH Bi B2 B.3 84 PANEL AND FASTENED TO _ j STILES WITH "-0" X18".:18 is 18" MIA t" TO 2" 11-3/4" 23" 34" 45" .56 ° Pfli' #tlytETS 6'-8'• 21. 1&" .i8" 21" N i" TO 2". 11-3/4" 23° '34" 45" 56 } 7'-0" S1" 2S" 21" 21" N/A i" TO 2"1'i--3f4" 23" 34" 45" 56 ET1ivGIB fi t. _V'11-3 w 23M 4 li 7 6 18 x,18 is 1.8' 1S i TD Z 11-3f4 3�F 5 56 STEEL ROLLERS -� ,, ., . n „ ., t . X .50" . 18 18 2t 1 TO 2 45" 56 " *-SECTIONS ARE NUMBERED STARTING A7 EEEE BOTTOM ilA, }{ 4-1J4 STEtd d 3 a FOR DOORS PAI~IRE THAN 'B FT. HIGH, USE ADDIT10h1Ai. TRACK BRACKETS AT 1 4L INSULATIOMBt z a j (LAST PRODUCTS LLC' 3 PANDEO POLYSTYRENE m 1.8" X 2.i8" X 3.3" X ,090 tC - .1.05 PDF C> f � STEEL T i1 i--i1L128.07 s. TtACi{ BRACKETS nut 2-3/16":KIOI POLY-150CYANURATE CONNECTED TO TRACK WITH o r Zo.PCF } 1/4" BOLTS €c NUTS. / 1 QFOAIA NORTH AMF2=! R=! U = 1.03 PCF / . i 0 ti0-1129.04 a 1�4 FEjAiA 1.L0' IT- 0,S2 PCF m i 5-03 t 1.05 / ALY STEEL - - Ji F ICY 5/8' SMS D m 4" ROLL FORIAED STEEL PANEL Q UALTIY G-40 - D STRENGTH = 39-KSI MER AND BAKED-ON R PAJOTEO.TCP COAT TRACK 'GC}�lFIGl,)RATIO�N TO BOTH SIDES OF STEEL 1 J a` VERTICAL LII~T liLQb_LV STAWARD LiFT J i 3ALN. STEEL TRACK OPTION -Ay L A-SLE� AS II GIRNO4ET. FASTENED --- 14 X 5/8" SETS,I Engrc JAVAD AH" Ci�iL PRtl['k i REINFORCEMENT / AT 48" 1/2" x 1-3/40 X FORMED STEEL " ti J a i DJA. .LAO SCREWS A 1/4'" DIA. LAG SCREXIIS 6 FROM ENDS 2BY '`-At 6' FROM ENDS �'FOOiI BU i AND 15" O,C. MAX. 4+''-STRIP-AWTER _ W'STRP ADM ALUMINUM STEE! --- i R4J$BEtt Y!'STR1PPItiD RUBBER W'5 4S0 -------Z �•` .041} 1 534 .744 348 824 L 1 .1.7571 1.790 RtiT�[11ut SFb7 OPTIONS 3 -ON TO WOOD SUBSTRATE (WOOD SPECIF«; GPAWN SG=0.55 MIM) HOYWN ABOVE SHOWS 2XG SYP WOOD BUCK ATTACHMENT j ESE METHbOS ARE FOLLOWED NO AUDITIDNAL CALCULATIONS/OESIGN 3 :N OF CARAGE DOOR ANCHORAGE. F (CATIONS WITH NO ENGINEER OF RECDRO, INSFALtATION MAY BE - —_ J � ANC'r10R SPACING TIE BUILDING OFFICIAL UP60 INSPECTION. ANCHORS STRUCTURE 'EMBED rl 3/8- HLC SLEEVE BY HILTI -CONC. 1-=1. 4 3 8" C01•IFLEx BY 'ELCO` �FILtEQ BLOCK��� j 1-i STEEL STRUCTURE BY OTHERS MUST SUPPORT THE LOADS IMPOSED 3 8, POWER-90 By"POWERS GONG: 1=-12- D 3 8 SLEEVE-Al.1:,9Y Sl6iPSOHS' CONC.�I 1-1 2`. D LAG SCREWS BY'DOOR SYSTEitii 6' A7 12° C}.G_ CS2\tCRETE Co = 3O0{1.PS.! MIN._ C=-94 GROUT FILLED BLOCK I'm = 2000 PSL MIN 5/161, ' BOLTS Yii'H WASH£R6r NUT9 `a° � ' ' 'ta• n. M AT 12" fl:C. MA!{. �£�E D S HICN SHALL OE ANCHORED TO OR CONO, COWMN WIFH RMI 2--t/4' ,MIN, EMBED t-,�1,$• X 2_1/2" X 14 GAISIDE 3f4".MIN. £MEED -J/2° .�.,CO STEEL ANGLE12 GA: GALV. STEEL ITFI 1�'i/2' MIN. EMBED FIAT BRACKETS;`i:Y LUNG2-1//$" X3/4" MIN, EMBED 1/15" X 2--1/2' AT 12 0 C, 1N DOOR OPNG. (;ALV. STEEL T FILLET WELDS- AT W O.C:-ABOVEDOOR OPKfASTENEDTO AT 12" 04, VAX. CONNECTED Tn CONT;,ANGLE;W/ (3) SPOT WELDS AT EACH SLOTTED M.S. Mlo. EMBED01v IDF Q� �a BRA.K CCINTI,yIlQUs AgLLJI gm F1£�1FRS K TCI CONICR ANO FILLEO F3LOCK TQXQ-gT-kgL y if — ? 1TH 1-1/4" MIN, EMBED, 4" MIN. EDGE DISI'" •1;!'4" MIN.. EMBED AND � jTI TRACK INSTALLATIO F--En-,-rlAVA0 AHMAD potoo CIVIL ct A cc a 1^469 CBR! 1.765 025 5 +. 4SNER 1d 44 � r ti 3 a 3/," StAs 21t 4" (8' FROM ENDS 176 01.0. }MAX. wDw. 5590,0.1 EXTERIOR FRAME * JLTER �$ 3/+° sMs s 1 1/8" RIGID PVC -ONE PIECE INJECTION RIGID Pvc 41 MAX _Z/8-3/+* 3 BwFROM ENDS `* D.L.o. - 6-1/2"0.0. )A%. r co F i .062 DEEP j )OLY9ARBONATE LEXAN r .BIC INNOVATIVE PLASTICS' :s Ell ;s r U X .052 DEEP — OVE ' 74 3/4° SMS INSIDE ELEVATIO -4 i-3/8" FROM ENDS RAISED PANELEMBOSSED DOOR WITH OPTIONAL WINDOWS } AND 6-0,x"2" O.G. MAX, WINDOW LITES CAN BE IN ANY LOCATEON IN DOOR SECTION J '#8.X 3/e sMs � 0 3/8" FROM ENDS 175 X .082 DEEP AND 4-1/2" O.C. X. GROOVE a ',�a x s/a�" s�+s 0 3/8" FROM ENDS AND 7' 0-C. MAX. E`�gr. JhCIVILAtilth0