HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement I From:Mike Heissenberg! Fax:(772)871-0990 Jo: -Fax: +1 72 4621578 Page.2 of 2 06/13/2016 10;52"AM .. .•.... .: ..:.:......'..345`,L?3�:•E;.::SM7�Tii,;':f�LEF�2iC::QF:.ASH,),`:L"�€ItCkJI3'. COURT..--.SA,I:....... U�':IE,`t:QF�'1'yr. ". ...:..,. '... : .:: :.- .:.:i:'•`.•:.:"......'.. .. •..':..'... II :: 41��1:29•.:,Ql ••84li2EG: 872 '7tAfSE 235t;'.ReQxded".Q5/WQ1d:a1K 02,32.,k?4 ',. "Nf1710E OF CQMMENEEMEN7 4541.6^17-DD€15.0�Q-7 , TaxF9119Na. - Stateofflodda' " Countyof•5t.Wde •" . ,. ' .. The unQersfgix d hercby,8lves notice thatImP-Yet r%t will be made to certain real property,and in apcardance with Chapter 713;Florida Statirtes. t he(ok#InintomwtlonlsOov(dcdinthlsNoticeafCommencement FtotofProp�txy(aadstreetsddr8ss.ifarasFable}:. trth:Grit�dominhim'R'lTitR:Bt}i�:i9rtd11N[dii�Shareln iornmon!~IemaR t)f3733 544,3836 X198) .1 :.,. . GenerettftPtta++"afi!r►simYt:me+it:4;;nstatln�,[Ststrtlers L " •4wrrerfRforatal�nW.{+�sfnBlnNmoWtitntHTJ�.t�?s;<eilctadfcrWetrnprvwmein: : . tntereyt cn.p€apBhY:... . ... .......:.•. ......... . ...Z}y8}�r Nitlr€add addi�sgptfse stmpl8 utlalwlclei{it dlffereit from Owner ifsted above}: ctar:ante:, ' shuller-sal ;.lits God nxrtaxt �Addzess; ! .. :.` tide phone Nurethcr surely 4R 4A0klbf%a.copYof the payment bond is attashedl:Amount of bond:5_. r #amtaaddtats: Phone number. ilnttac.t{ruate" Phone Number . tsndeCsaddress; . F*00".L(a}n tataof;Ft?iid0.c4eslgit!ttiAf�f�?w+!pr"a nwhomuptloeaM:ottiEpdoulmenLsineyt .strYsdas. rQvfds�dbY.Saxtlon }�t1plortE4iitatutesi "• " . .. �. .. htarne .. Pttv!K.Number:•.r,.._,_..,.,�— ... lnadd}t(onxahtmsetforh2zsetf,pwnerdest�tes of to repal?±e a coPY4f the. .,". . Uenot'sNoticaasptmdd8dlm�ettipa : "" ... , �f31;),ib),'Flor#a Rtatates, `1+hsit�r�uin6eraf.petsoiissrctY:desia>itd:4lrwr: ' •.. �xplfa;fan.datoafAatf�eatCcwh�neerripmc.(theoxptratfpneaLgsaayngt(x3,loaforethemmpicKkrno{constr�tl4rr:and#lpaitsaY!npnt.Wthe:. . . :.todteMar look svpl tie i y eaPftcrmt,tMe•datpasf deCardlnR pntast ad>((arent.date{s speriFed) WARNINGCG.S7 RfE.R;AI11fFAYMEt SM!�RE#r.TH.k?H?tER,�1 RTHtFf(PIRA?I4 OFTNENOTifE.CYr&QMtyENCEMEN7.ASZ.014510ERCD '... JMt�tt9P€i�PA[tdlENr$tJI RCNAPTE$?33 PARfi;.S tytlsi.71313 f10Hlf}Itsf4to -ANDCfWRESfiJIsiNYESURfRYEffG NdltffbR..'. ... iM?i(QYEf!_%TsTGYWRPRQP RR7I. MOTit L Ct)N1lG9E EtiTNICIST RECGRDtGAN>z!'AS7ED171 ftiF10t33i1wN Ef?RETitEf1RST:..'. ... , ;If1SQE0M.iF;y.Ovytf(D1A.QBTAIN:AN1tNGhAiCt,Cf7NSUI1SYiFHYF?tlti'IEtIDfFt'RR:Ist47i;fikRNtV8fFt5Ri NfENt1NGIt70I31CflR":..".:'.. . " :.. RecARUJNGrOURNtrTit�Oh[45nMENt�MENT : .. . .' . . ' •...: . . Urtde(penaltl ofpetjury I.dQcla N ve read thg for4gCl V notice of co" cement agdthat the fad stated shcrein ate true tottse(lest¢t ' ' . •" ',my�nvvNed�eand(teRef..: .. •. . .. ..ore Qwnerart:�ssE..',�+tels ortessee's Authorfze<dr�fftcer/Dlreccpr(Partri2r�hAanagEz`•. ice. .. • ' . . . .(Sigfiatoysi1#eTOfficR)••'•..• ....:.... ...,':. . :. . . Tfi0fo[8@Qtt48ipstNmatltWa$4tknuwlad✓T@dbafwefnethls =dayof, SQ' to y.: '.' .: � +fi me. �e�sQts'.. •,:..:' .`. . ". .�ty�ptatnfiol(titic.8•officattrusfee) ...:Partyonbehaffafwhoritlnstrumantwascsecute. , . Y , (SBRatureg£.NptiiZPira+Itc%5i:.: :..orkr). � ..: orproducc e tif(callo11 ..:.(P,iiiiiyperarStamP�ar+nvsoz+ed7unooFNotaryPuMlr} riAT !tQ19.fL1dRt�.opcadusedd • $TA"tEMRAI 77 t¢ ; .