HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement From:Richard Newland_i Fax:(866)610-8652 - To: Fax: +1(772j 4626443 °-.^s 2 of 3 0611412016 11:57 AM AFTER RECORDTNC-T2ETTTN TO, JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK6f THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE# 4200293 06114f2016 at 10:52 AM 1 OR BOOK 3879 PAGE 2748-2748 Doc Type:NC s [, RECORDING: $10-00 T.TWITNUM.Iffia: N,I NOTICE OF The undersigned hereby given"notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Cbapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. I I..DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 1301-608-0073-000-5 1 bu-uulvxSION )ILOCK. 'TRACT LOT BLDG UNIT LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 8-BLK 90 LOT30(MAP 13102N)(OR 2885-585) 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: Reroof -----J.OWNER INFORMATION: a.Name Kenneth B Eden b. (Address 8405 Paso Robles By Fort Pierce,FL 34951 C.interest in property d. (Name and address of feesimple titleholder(if other than owner) 4.CO NTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Richie the Roofer 6704 Santa Clara Blvd Ft Pierce Fl.34951 I 5. Su I RE I IN'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER ANIS BOND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRFSS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Peisons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whop)notices or other documents may be server!as Provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of Elie Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: N ,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) swr sro 2016 WARNUNG TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE 13Y THB OWNER AFTER THF.,FXPIRATION OF THF NOTTCE OF COMMENCEMFNT ARF..ICONSTDLRED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713.PART I SECTION 713.13 FLORIDA STATUT.13 "AND CAN RFSUT_T IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR TMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCFMLNT MUST RE RFCORDED AND YnST1?D_ON.".THE TO$"$ITE BEFORE THE FTRST INSPECTION. m Ynii TNTF.rm TO OBTAIN RNANCING_ CONSULT WITS YOUR LENI)FR OR AN A BFFORF.COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTiCF OF COMMPNCEMFNT. Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's TitlelOtfice Owner's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager State of Florida County of St Lucie Th, foregoing inslTument was acknowledged before me this 9 day of June 2016 BY Kenneth Eden as owner (Name of person) (Type of autho-rity...e.g.Owner,officer,trustee,attorney in fact) Fol self (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known x orprodu �d follow ng a of. _ t>>STY 13081U, F ia1Y C AAkIiSSION#EE883700 e:11Rza:?1A?13,2017 gi1�8A Misty Bobilin ---� "���1— `._.�._....__G v �..' �tzte Irsurajce, (i nted Name of Notary Public) (Signature of Ntary Public) Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief(section 92.525,Florida Statutes). Signature(s)of O neris)or Owner(s)'Authorized Officer!Director/Partner/Manager who signed above: 8 � rr BY R I.0813[V20(11(Itu:6nlin� - RECEIVED JUN 14 2016 l From:Richard Newland Fax:(866)610-8652 To: Fax: +1(772)4626443 Page 3 of 3 0611412016 11:67 AM Planning& Development Services _T-� Building&Code Regulation Division aV, 2300 Virginia Avenue a Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 or 772-462-2172 Fax:772-462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re: Permit# (I"JI licensed as a(n)Contractor*/Engineer/Architect (Pleas print name&circle license type) *FS468 Building Inspector *6eneral,Building,Residential or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under 468 FS.to make such on inspection. On or about b- I did personally inspect the roof deck nailing (Date) r� work at: ( j (job site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the current edition of the Florida Existing Building Code Section 611 or the product approval submitted (whichever is most strigent). Signature and Seal License# STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 20a- Sworn to and subscribed before this day of by ,�r J 't L4� fl t�± - Ztt2��Icr#crrrwrrrrto me or who has produced as identification. Notary Public,State of Florida Signature of Notary: ��^ 4 Cr-� .tp��r rYr ;ll Commission Number: {Seal} ^k 4t'COPfr.;;55t4NrFi• 0 '8837 0 En 01/19/2011 -• b �`�n � :,10�<h r v��f� , r7tu