HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Calculation Form & Manual J's FROM :DNS Services FAX NO. :7723446402 Jun. 16 2016 2:53PM P3/3 At 111LAMPrests im ,&N r Certificate of Product Rationgs AHRI Certified Reference Number:7365114 Date:6/16/2016 t5tatus:Active Product:WatedBrine to Air Heat Pump Packaged Unit Model Number:WSVC042*-F Manufacturer.FIRST CO. Trade/Brand name: HYDROTECH Rated as follows in accordance with ANSI/AHRUASHRAE1180 Standard 13256.1 for Water-to-Air and Brine-T6-Alr Heat Pumps and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,Independent,third party testing: Air Flow Rate-Cooling; 1250 Air Flow Rate-Heating: 1250 WLHP(Water-Loop Heat Pumps) Full Load Cooling Capacltyr(Btuh) 40500 Cooling EER Ratingg(Btuh/watt) 13.00 Cooling fluid.Flow•Rate(gpm) ��1p0p.�7nr0�nr� Heating' 0t.Y(,_ psi, :'/Si+ai�7a►:1. .:Mq:_ rr' ;'�sr,";i:;'}; .:r.s:, .,may.. ..... �.r::�' "'�r'+"'.t•;:;i;: M' x'.^Sfri:•it;'„i �.�.,,, .§�;• '�•,p':,.,g,.;>•,i?:.5. ,•�t%�.rg,;•:.r:S.?.x,. /i •iG:�$:•r�y�;ri �„ :.,'F;i:..y ,.'i•Y Y:,.T". :^•r:;`5..,,,,�i`.ay'. ^.;,i✓::y, .•:e;xi^:.N_ !`N;,'•."•a,^•.i+^".ii.:Y's":1'e',�;.••. a. °, 5. n;:,,�.✓•_s. _�___ ,tyt.:;r.•aY-lfirs;°:.` .;�,'a '��" T,�?,:f..7 .k::t;(.?�A•�� •:.F,i`ti:r.y,_, .. :i,•''�::"`:"•% Htaatjn �' 'v.i r,$1�1T� s.::sz ",? 4� ..• :;; .. : ',. .,.,.s.: ;,..., :•;tie:n c, .of .�„-�',t•.:, 'y+:.:..,µ• ;!`.Fi", :tir. ,:?.�s:u,;:�,•.i..�[,. �;Yi:�. ;,:kt.�:,,,.-t�. :i•:a:-��: �'•:�:'F.:�>.,d.=.^. Ai.�: ,rs.;%•J;. ,±ct$•:ii.�'e;�w" •:•�=�`S 'g��i •`-cyti• �":;•,ta.,v,,;.;fin��:�r .;;;,;•.ix^:,'y..:.�,:,• 7t.<k,'•.w;:;.i:'�.:c,•.';'"<_ •:..t.'riC:?•.ic:•::;C�:s,r. ,��,Q tm site H�atPum s'. '��r= ;�;`� :•� '�` �•�•.;:'.:e:,;�>�:=`�::'f'•-:�:..:'�z;:,.:�;?:, Cocli�ig; et�lh)::' X13500 .a. ?..� Y4+ iK. •:r'.¢:' t+.ry fir, i 3^: t ,'.a1,w�•�i� •)�`: :�.j,.,. 7.�n, a•.3:•s , • Cooll ' d Fl a ' ,< � I: Heatlri �:C •• .tu :•; .. 74.00.. HeatM)g, +•A Heatari :a� .r�,t�r••,:> k�;.,.••F.,^:.;�:': ,ter, GLHP V Coolln :•FBCooling Cooling Fluid flow Rate(gpm) Heating Capacity(Btuh) Heating COP(watt/watt) Heating f=luid Flow Rate(gpm) Indoor Blower Motor Fan Type:. ECM Sold In; USA; "Ratings followed by an asterisk e)Indicate a WtUltety rotate otproviously published dale,uniese e000mpetued with a WAS,which Indicates an utyduntory togas, DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse tiro produot(e)Ilsted on this Ifertlficste and makes no raprsserttatlow,warrantlea or$uarantao`sato,annd swumes no romponsizft tot, the pfoduct(s)listed on Oils Celtificats.AHRI eVtassly dt chdme all"Pty for damages of any Idnd alhind out of the use or performam of 1ho product(a),erthe unauthorized attaration o data listed on this carthicata.Carfifiad round are Vend ohlyfo►models and conflduratlons listod In the dIrWAry at Www.ehNdirectory.oW, TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its cantelrtJ era propdatary products of AHR).TSIs certificate shall only he used for Individual,personal and tonildentlal reference lFugmaee.The eehtsirfa of this CerdNieate may not,in whole or In part be reproduced;coplad;disseminated; -mm emarod alto a compu6er dataltaee;or othetwlse utibod,in any form or manner or by any mearo,mop%for Inc,utcea Individual, Imlaonal and confidential feference. AiMONDflt4Mft HUMN44 CERTIFIOAre VE01111i0ATION All t7gMaMATIGN INSTME Tho Informauoh lot tho modol cited an thUt wtufieate con bo vorlfied at www.anddlroetory.wM dick on"Verify Certificate"Ilnk vn make life bett&' and enter the AHRI Certified NoWehce Number and the data on which the certificate Yate Issued, which is fisted above,end the Certificate No.,which Is thftd at haitem dot. r F:; ,� ;•, ®2014Air-Condltl '�' 1311055093Bi� ,: pning,Heating,end Refrigeration instituted4' io' �o'