HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONXffi* ALL APPLICABLE Date.6i18l16 INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Building permit Application Plonning qnd Development Servrces Building ond Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort pierce FL 34gg2 Phone: (772) 462-LSS3 Fax: (772) 462_1,518 Commercial Residential x Address: 9611 KNOLLWOOD LANE LegalDescription: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 1328-801-001 .1-000-9 Lot No. Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: ---- Right Side: Left Side: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGEOUT 4 TON 16 SEER 1O KW I0rttonal\ Zruo. permtt - c apply: fle tectri. Gas Tank Plumbing l-lcas Riping S h utters Generator l-l *,noo*s/DoorsTSprin klers ntl tr Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor:n|--tUtilities: I lsewer I lseptic Building Height: Cost of Construction. 5 6084.00 lf value of construction is 52500 o, rn DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: CONSTRUCTION I NFORMATION : OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: 112ms DONNA MACDONALD Address:26 FREDERTCK g;1y. CHESTERTOWN State: NY Zip Code: 12917 P hone 111o. 51 8-494-2241 E-Mail: G65-4414 NEtcHBOR) Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name: CHRTSTOPHER p LANGEL Company: SEA COAST AIR CONDITIONING Address: 3'108 INDUSTRTAL 31ST STREET City: FORT PIERCE State: FL ZiP Code: :4e16 p1y. 772-466-3053 phone y1s. 77 2-466-2400 E-Mait: DANISEACOASTATR@AOL.COM State or County License: CMC035421 I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. st Lucie countv makes no representation that is qlqntjng a permit will a.uthorize the permit holder to build the subiect structurewhich is in conflict with anv dpfliatile Hor;;billqiiA:iqi;ii"niui.t,"rivraws or and covenantiitrat may restrict or prohibit suchstructure' Please consult witn'youi Home ffine;s Association and review'your deed for any restritcrons wnrcn may appty. ll::l:iq:tttion.of the granting of this requested permit, ldo hereby agree that lwill, in all respects, perform the workIn accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building codes anJEt. r-uciu countv Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency reviewl room additions,accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, tcr".n ioors and accessory uies to anotner non-residential use tice of Commencement may result in your paving twice formencement must be recorded an/ posted onlhe jobsite financing, consult with lender o/ an attornev beforemmencement. r Revised 07lt5l VEGETATION REVIEW DESTGNER/ENGil\tEER _ Not Applicable Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANy: _ Not Applicable Name: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Add ress: BONDING COMPANy: _Not Applicabte _ Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Agent STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf sr lucre (Name of person acknowledging ) ature of Notary Public- State of Florida ) Personally Known x OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Signature of Contractor/LicEnle Hildil STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf sr lucre was acknowledged before me ,20\ bv CHRISTOPHER P TANGEL Personally Known x OR produced ldentificatron Type of ldentification produced (Name of person acknowledging ) ature of Notary Public- State of Florida ) DANELT&.i{ WEi'EiI ;;;ilh''ggiotr * r r go *sg FebruarY 16' 2020 (4' DANELLE tEffi)SEMAN t 'ili r,,rv corrrMlssioN #'FF961459