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05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018066 Dwyer, Wendy Website Design and Public Rela 1,050.00 !0018071 Henry-Gordon, Sandy W Henry-Gordon/In County Mileage 28.26 Henry-Gordon/In County Mileage 40.18 CHECK TOTAL: 68.44 !0018074 Johnson, Casey E Johnson/In County Mileage 7.83 Johnson/In County Mileage 7.83 Johnson/In County Mileage 15.84 CHECK TOTAL: 31.50 !0018080 Perna, Gicele C Perna/In County Mileage 25.10 !0018082 Ritter, Robin K Closed Captioning 1,125.00 !0018083 Rovito, Alexandra Rovito/In County Mileage 30.97 !0018086 Walls, Gerald J Nature Programs 285.75 !0018088 Wilson, Jesse Wilson/In County Mileage 29.82 !0018094 Children's Home Society of Flo MANDATED COSTS 10,000.00 !0018095 CivilSurv Design Group Inc Engineering 9,030.00 Engineering 6,590.00 CHECK TOTAL: 15,620.00 !0018100 Famoso Inc Secretarial And Clerical Perso 279.00 Secretarial And Clerical Perso 537.08 CHECK TOTAL: 816.08 !0018104 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 14000013-225615 Coastal Resour 778.72 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 2,031.10 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 811.35 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 2,903.88 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 489.13 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 2,324.12 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 5,142.53 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 216.30 14000007-156990 BOCC Recreatio 3,302.49 63349690-150572 Central Servic 316.20 14000001-150572 Central Servic 27,233.95 14000001-150572 Central Servic 3,296.19 CHECK TOTAL: 48,845.96 !0018106 Glover Oil Co Inc FUEL, OIL, GREASE AND LUBRICAN 13,447.87 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018106 - Continued FUEL, OIL, GREASE AND LUBRICAN 16,190.19 CHECK TOTAL: 29,638.06 !0018113 Life Safety Systems Inc of the Semi Annual range hood fire su 138.00 !0018118 MobileGuard Inc Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 19.00 Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 9.50 Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 9.50 Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 9.50 Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 9.50 Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 66.50 CHECK TOTAL: 123.50 !0018120 Nabors Giblin & Nickerson PA CONTRACT NO. C07-10-541 - LEGA 945.00 !0018124 Richard Mann Painting Inc BUILDING REPAIR 450.00 !0018126 Software House International Software Renewal, Symantec Bac 260.24 Govt Ess 12 Mo Rnw Be Agt Win 488.05 Govt Ess 12Mo Rnw Be Svr Ed Wi 163.72 Govt Ess 12Mo Rnw Be Agt Apps 327.44 Veeam Standard Support Renewal 1,208.50 Veeam Standard Support Renewal 2,899.90 CHECK TOTAL: 5,347.85 !0018127 St Lucie Battery & Tire Compan AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 87.16 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 190.70 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 69.95 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 26.33 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 58.76 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 368.93 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 43.66 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 27.77 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 266.47 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 870.83 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 69.95 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 24.88 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 35.99 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 668.98 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 442.85 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 69.95 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 27.77 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 92.11 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 100.80 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 24.88 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE ITEMS A 454.62 CHECK TOTAL: 4,023.34 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018129 St Lucie County Tax Collector Fwd Pmnt From SVO Mngmt Check 5,879.24 !0018130 St Lucie Historical Society $ Collected Selling Joint Admi 697.00 !0018134 Treasure Coast Courier Service Courier Services 400.00 09833674 AVG Technologies USA Inc Software Support, AVG Internet 11,056.49 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I FY2016 Youth Ride Free Program 1,690.00 County funding to cover extend 17,153.64 County funding to cover extend 6,262.41 CHECK TOTAL: 25,106.05 09833685 Curtis, Debra Malisa Norman 2500 Ave R, Marc 1,750.00 09833689 Fla Dept of Management Service Agency A34 CNTY56 - ST LUCIE B 395.53 09833692 Florida Department Of State Vol/No: 42/82, April 27, 2016, 32.62 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company Recreational Lighting Maintena 110.00 19179-52481 ERD 45.56 CHECK TOTAL: 155.56 09833704 Kinard, Kenneth Lanetrika Garrett 930 A-Wagner 625.00 09833705 Live Oak Villas Apartments Bobby Wheeler 919 S 25th St, A 298.00 09833709 NI Government Services Inc Mobile Sat Phones 73.73 09833711 Pelican Isles LP ELizabeth Lessard 600 Turtle R 578.00 09833719 Richardson, Willie Darryl Williams 4700 32nd Ave, 1,400.00 09833720 Ricoh USA Inc Copies 4,454.80 Copier Rental/Lease 631.96 CHECK TOTAL: 5,086.76 09833723 Schlitt LC, Ed 3315 Dleware Ave. FP/ May 16 R 1,425.64 C0012856 1st Fire & Security Inc Repairs and Maintence 285.00 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control (Including Termit 304.00 Pest Control Service Ag Comple 15.00 Pest Control 23.00 CHECK TOTAL: 342.00 C0012871 Electronic Maintenance & Commu Radio Maintenance 130.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012877 Hometown News Advertisment for Earth Day 500.00 C0012878 Horse & Pony News Inc Promo adv ads for Jan, Feb, M 315.00 C0012880 J W Automotive Inc AUTO maintenance repair/replac 393.58 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 34.05 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 187.50 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 20.98 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 16.99 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 406.10 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 233.80 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 26.99 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 24.97 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 160.20 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 24.97 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 16.99 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 20.98 AUTO maintenance repair/replac 16.99 CHECK TOTAL: 1,585.09 C0012881 James E Matula Electrical Cont Rewire Becker House - 21,500.00 C0012882 Konica Minolta Business System Copies 13.10 Copier Rental 102.02 CHECK TOTAL: 115.12 C0012884 Lewis Longman & Walker PA Consulting and Professional Se 5,000.00 C0012889 Nestle Waters North America Water Cooler Rental 1.89 Bottled Water 22.33 Cooler Rental 3.63 Operating Supplies 8.82 CHECK TOTAL: 36.67 C0012894 Presidio Holdings Inc Maintenance Subscription for I 6,250.00 C0012896 Scripps NP Operating LLC ST LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 435195 105.06 ST LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 435195 87.21 CHECK TOTAL: 192.27 C0012901 Southern Janitor Supply Inc Operating Supplies - 1,502.77 C0012902 Sprint Smartphone including outterbo 40.98 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies 34.07 Copier Rental/Lease 193.33 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012909 - Continued Copy Machine Rentals 108.88 Overage Charges On Copier Mete 24.43 Copier Rental/Lease 192.05 Copies 135.53 Copier Rental/Lease 185.24 Copier Rental/Lease - 158.00 Copies - 21.73 Copier Rental/Lease 146.79 Copies 30.44 Operating Supplies 31.89 Copier Rental Equipment#kdca#1 110.75 CHECK TOTAL: 1,373.13 C0012910 Total Golf Cart LLC Equipment Maintenance - 1,700.00 C0012912 Tri-County Towing & Recovery Vehicle Towing And Storage 55.00 Vehicle Towing And Storage 55.00 Vehicle Towing And Storage 55.00 CHECK TOTAL: 165.00 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation Admin. Rug cleaning service 4.10 V0007049 AT&T #772 871-5379 301 0458 436.50 V0007051 AT&T #831-000-5249 156 853.14 V0007052 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Finance 183.54 V0007053 Directv Inc Cable TV Service 238.35 V0007055 Reed Elsevier Inc C13-10-149 - ONLINE LEGAL RESE 745.00 V0007057 SiteOne Landscape Supply Holdi Chemicals & Fertilizers - 5,376.27 V0007060 Baker Donelson Bearman Cald C16-01-024 - Professional Lega 7,185.04 V0007061 City of Port St Lucie 079545 2410 SE Morningside Blv 232.96 V0007062 City of Port St Lucie 079546 2410 SE Morningside Blv 44.56 V0007063 AT&T 772 V98-6028 05/16 180.96 V0007065 AT&T 772 V41-6175 175 201.89 V0007066 AT&T 772 V41-0430 247 2,073.94 V0007067 AT&T #831-000-4166 431 546.42 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007068 AT&T #78610097-00001 135.02 V0007070 AT&T #772 V30-2091 091 4,448.69 V0007073 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 6.79 #1591-7617-7 18.04 #1591-7617-7 8.71 #1591-7617-7 7.71 CHECK TOTAL: 41.25 V0007074 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 6.79 #1591-7617-7 18.69 #1591-7617-7 13.29 CHECK TOTAL: 38.77 V0007076 City of Port St Lucie #0874055205957/ 1664 SE Walton 635.96 FUND TOTAL: 238,189.38 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001550- HUD Shelter Plus Care CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018067 Eloizin, Jean Retn SPCG-Young, Calvin 128 N 512.00 09833672 Affordable St Lucie LTD Rent SPCG- Mattice, Beth 4665 565.00 09833675 Baer, Mark Pullen, Terry 1928 9th Ave. Ap 750.00 09833682 Courtyard Villas of Vero LLC Rent SPCG-Jackson, Dawna 1055 565.00 09833699 Hatfield, James E Rent SPCG-Shiver, Michael 1001 351.00 09833700 Helping Hands Real Estate & In Rent SPCG-Best, Robert 1720 19 658.00 09833710 Palmetto Property Management C Rent SPCG-Gourley, Lynn 5310 S 655.00 FUND TOTAL: 4,056.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001560- Section 112/MPO/FHWA/Planning CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018082 Ritter, Robin K Other Contractual Services 121.10 C0012895 Scripps NP Operating LLC ST LUCIE TPO 325.00 C0012902 Sprint #560336244/TPO 63.96 V0007073 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 5.71 FUND TOTAL: 515.77 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001563- HUD CDBG FY 2013 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018091 Black Street Enterprises LLC DEMO/REHAB. R.RAY 24,332.00 !0018100 Famoso Inc Temp. Clerical Service Various 117.18 !0018105 Gentile Corp Demo/Rehab. 2203 Edwards Rd.C1 21,400.00 FUND TOTAL: 45,849.18 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001570- EMPG FY16 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007067 AT&T #831-000-4166 431 1,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,000.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001572- HUD Shelter Plus Chronic CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018067 Eloizin, Jean SPC Rent Doreus, Patrick 126 N 550.00 !0018072 Hoffman, Dolores R SPC Rent Harper,Joanne 781 SW 444.00 !0018079 Patterson, Michael B SPC Rent Tomasovic, Maria 1780 261.00 !0018081 Rahla, Charles SPC Rent Duke, William Cody 86 975.00 !0018087 Williams, Andrew J SPC Rent Chavez, Vanessa 2253 550.00 !0018107 Hinkley Investments Inc SPC Rent Dickson, Kyle 431 SW 640.00 !0018108 Housing Authority of the City SPC Rent Nolen, Melinda 1116 S 641.00 SPC Rent Wright, Tracy 1116 Or 465.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,106.00 !0018115 Maxiplex LLC SPC Rent Williams, Judy 3210 L 669.00 09833675 Baer, Mark SPC Rent Ferris, Randall 550 1 568.00 SPC Frazer, Brittnee 716 19 Pl 476.00 SPC Rent Juan Carlos Gonzalez 315.00 SPC Rent Huffman, Daniel 706 R 430.00 SPC Rent O'Neal, James 716 19t 456.00 SPC Rent Rosecheck,George 736 482.00 CHECK TOTAL: 2,727.00 09833687 Deep Real Estate Inc SPC Rent Guerts, Nancy 2401 S 507.00 SPC Rent Lifhred, Tammie 2401 530.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,037.00 09833688 Earring Point Properties LLC SPC Rent Meadows, Mary-Ann 190 356.00 09833695 Foundation for Affordable Rent SPC Rent Cabral, Russell 525 8 426.00 09833707 Madison Vines LLC SPC Rent O'Brien-Fetzner, Laur 437.00 FUND TOTAL: 10,178.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001573- HUD Shelter Plus Care Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018065 David, Walgrave SPC Rent Perdue, Yvette 3105 A 700.00 !0018067 Eloizin, Jean SPC Rent Joseph, Minocles 124 466.00 !0018068 Fort Jr, Augustus B SPC Rent Baldwin, Ruth 715 S. 581.00 !0018076 Olivo, Mariela L SPC Rent Louidor, Durvat 416 N 525.00 !0018078 Parish, Florence M SPC Rent Brifil, David 1209 Av 269.00 !0018102 Five Star Property Holdings LL SPC Rent Mitchell, Carolyn 925 847.00 !0018107 Hinkley Investments Inc SPC Rent Clark,James 431 SW 7t 399.00 09833675 Baer, Mark Rent SPC Pelletier, Kennith 70 512.00 SPC Rent Bacon, Rodger 705 19t 412.00 SPC Rent Charles, Judith 705 1 465.00 SPC Rent Dawsey, James 719 19t 465.00 SPC Rent Gaynor, Benjamin 716 476.00 SPC Rent Kirkland, Mary 345 16 681.00 SPC Rent McDowell, David 2225 648.00 SPC Rent Trusty, James 1165 37 879.00 SPC Rent Voorhees, Kenneth 192 445.00 SPC Rent Ward, Marvin 1373 32n 388.00 CHECK TOTAL: 5,371.00 09833679 Camarata, Melissa SPC Rent Robinson, Ed Ryan 943 641.00 09833680 Carone, Paul F SPC Rent Stern, Benjamin 1956 581.00 09833687 Deep Real Estate Inc SPC Rent Little, Barbara 2401 342.00 SPC Rent Tarquinio, Eugene 240 406.00 CHECK TOTAL: 748.00 09833697 Gator Virginia Inc SPC Rent McWilliams, Mary 2102 739.00 09833698 Hanna, Lorenzo L SPC Rent Auguste, Micheline 10 525.00 09833706 Lozada, Joseph SPC Rent McGriff, Tyetta 570 1 537.00 09833707 Madison Vines LLC Rent SPC Clarke,Jeffery 955 Tu 604.00 09833712 Pinnacle Grove SPC Rent Cidlowski,Sylvia 1820 310.00 SPC Rent Desir, Janie 1870 Woo 554.00 SPC Rent Scholtes, Jayme 1830 406.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,270.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001573- HUD Shelter Plus Care Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833721 Sandpiper Apartments LTD SPC Rent Doiron, Daniel 2403 S 635.00 09833726 Sparks, David SPC Rent Spearman, Shalonda 24 750.00 09833730 Taylor Pointe 1 SPC Rent Williams, Robert 4795 349.00 09833734 Vero Club Partners Ltd SPC Rent Moss, Marilyn 6885 20 546.00 FUND TOTAL: 17,083.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001579- Farm to Fly Biofuels Study CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833713 Plant Sensory Systems LLC Florida's Farm2Fly Feasibility 438.65 09833736 Wenck Associates Inc Florida's Farm2Fly BioFuels Fe 1,954.80 FUND TOTAL: 2,393.45 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012896 Scripps NP Operating LLC ST LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 435195 167.28 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copies 54.07 Copier Rental/Lease 240.60 CHECK TOTAL: 294.67 FUND TOTAL: 461.95 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101002- Transportation Trust/80% Constitut CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018092 Brian Thompson Tractor Co Inc parts 507.80 !0018112 Landscape Solutions & Irrigati Sprinkler Maintenance 2,571.54 !0018123 Ranger Construction Industries Asphalt 207.40 Asphalt 209.44 CHECK TOTAL: 416.84 09833703 Kelly Tractor Co Parts and Service 1,001.84 Parts and Service 619.17 CHECK TOTAL: 1,621.01 09833729 Stewart Materials Inc Shell Material 587.89 C0012859 Advance Stores Company Incorpo Parts 53.44 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control 20.00 C0012867 Cason's Auto & Truck Air conditoining 82.51 C0012873 Everglades Farm Equipment Co I Parts and Repairs 158.48 Parts and Repairs 169.70 Parts and Repairs 67.25 Parts and Repairs 43.03 Parts and Repairs 205.51 Parts and Repairs 404.76 Parts and Repairs 296.82 CHECK TOTAL: 1,345.55 C0012891 Palm Peterbilt-GMC Trucks Inc Parts and Service C15-10-691 65.73 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Copier Rental 275.56 Copies 63.70 CHECK TOTAL: 339.26 C0012911 Total Truck Parts Inc Parts and Service 3,380.62 Parts and Service 70.69 Parts and Service 120.40 Parts and Service 856.54 Parts and Service 127.33 Parts and Service 169.34 CHECK TOTAL: 4,724.92 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rental 54.86 FUND TOTAL: 12,391.35 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101003- Transportation Trust/Local Option CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018099 Environmental Land Development Swale maintenance 855.00 C0012867 Cason's Auto & Truck Part and repairs 471.29 C0012870 DeAngelo Brothers Inc Aquatic Spraying 320.97 Aquatic Spraying 1,187.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,507.97 C0012873 Everglades Farm Equipment Co I Heavy equipment repair 145.09 C0012887 Menzi USA Sales Inc Heavy Equipment Repair 292.68 C0012888 Nature's Keeper Inc Sod that vendor provides 3,267.00 C0012908 Tiresoles of Broward Heavy equipment repair 2,377.52 C0012911 Total Truck Parts Inc Heavy equipment repairs 220.68 FUND TOTAL: 9,137.23 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101004- Transportation Trust/County Fuel Tx CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control 5.00 FUND TOTAL: 5.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018109 Humane Society of St Lucie Cou Other Contractual Services 215.00 09833676 Brunson, Kevin L Lawn Care 175.00 09833732 Tri-County Animal Hospital Other Contractual Services 70.00 Other Contractual Services 90.00 Other Contractual Services 90.00 CHECK TOTAL: 250.00 C0012896 Scripps NP Operating LLC ST LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 435195 70.89 C0012897 Seaway Veterinary Hospital PLL Other Contractual Services 355.00 V0007056 Ricoh USA Inc COPIES 23.38 V0007071 American Messaging Services LL Pocket Pagers 20.65 FUND TOTAL: 1,109.92 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 102001- Drainage Maintenance MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018136 Underwater Engineering Service Engineering 3,250.00 Engineering 2,500.00 CHECK TOTAL: 5,750.00 C0012868 Ciklin Lubitz Martens & O'Conn Engineering 63.00 Engineering 1,422.10 CHECK TOTAL: 1,485.10 C0012870 DeAngelo Brothers Inc Herbicide spraying 220.00 Herbicide spraying 504.58 CHECK TOTAL: 724.58 C0012902 Sprint Cell Phone Accessories 15.99 Cell phones aCCT# 513766411 0.99 CHECK TOTAL: 16.98 FUND TOTAL: 7,976.66 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018104 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 71227000-155436 Sherrif 211.95 14000001-150572 Central Servic 39,485.52 71225542-15436 Central Service 757.10 14000012-224476 Central Servic 3,255.10 14000012-224476 Central Servic 1,637.94 CHECK TOTAL: 45,347.61 !0018113 Life Safety Systems Inc of the BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAI 5,349.50 !0018118 MobileGuard Inc Mobile Device Monitoring & Arc 85.50 !0018119 Nabors Giblin & Nickerson PA Professional Services 163.04 Professional Services 320.15 Professional Services 125.00 CHECK TOTAL: 608.19 !0018122 Public Defender 19th Judicial County Obligations Public Defe 683.68 County Obligations Public Defe 155.57 County Obligations Public Defe 6.39 County Obligations Public Defe 181.72 CHECK TOTAL: 1,027.36 09833693 Florida Dept of Juvenile Justi County & State Juvenile Detent 98,174.83 C0012860 All Contractor Services Inc BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAI 195.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAI 300.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAI 800.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,295.00 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control - Judicial Buildi 175.00 Pest Control County Jail 117.00 Pest Control - Judicial Buildi 266.00 ROCH TREATMENT -JAIL 175.00 CHECK TOTAL: 733.00 C0012865 Bragg, David W Interpreting Services 500.00 C0012872 Electronic Maintenance & Commu Radio Maintenance 165.00 C0012882 Konica Minolta Business System Copier Rental/Lease FL ST Cont 92.73 Copies - pay per print .0055/p 36.53 CHECK TOTAL: 129.26 C0012892 Peavey Corporation Drug testing supplies 632.60 C0012904 Sunrise Paint & Wallcovering I PAINT, PROTECTIVE COATINGS, VA 4,000.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012904 - Continued PAINT, PROTECTIVE COATINGS, VA 876.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,876.00 C0012905 TAW Power Systems Inc Generator Maintenance and Repa 208.00 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES OF EQ 57.13 Copier Rental/Lease 189.54 CHECK TOTAL: 246.67 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation Uniforms 15.93 Uniforms 15.64 CHECK TOTAL: 31.57 V0007059 Verizon Wireless #242008069-00003 1,161.72 V0007070 AT&T #772 V30-2091 091 800.00 V0007074 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 3.74 #1591-7617-7 6.48 CHECK TOTAL: 10.22 FUND TOTAL: 161,382.03 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018139 West Safety Services Inc April 1st through April 30th - 8,249.70 09833673 AT&T 561 N10-0064 064 2,647.75 V0007050 AT&T #772 V11-8855 001 0452/Public 2,225.36 V0007054 Language Line Services #9020903027 252.82 V0007070 AT&T #772 V30-2091 091 22,452.89 FUND TOTAL: 35,828.52 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107003- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018090 American Tower Corp Land Rental or Lease 2,443.34 09833673 AT&T 561 N10-0020 020 2,475.19 561 N10-0009 009 424.44 561 N10-0028 028 1,273.32 CHECK TOTAL: 4,172.95 C0012905 TAW Power Systems Inc Equipment Maintenance 80.00 V0007048 AT&T #059 307 2486 001/Public Safet 42.88 V0007070 AT&T #772 V30-2091 091 166.65 FUND TOTAL: 6,905.82 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund-Court Related Technology CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018093 CDW Government Inc Computer Equipment 9,600.00 Computer Equipment 2,400.00 Computer Equipment 1,050.00 CHECK TOTAL: 13,050.00 !0018122 Public Defender 19th Judicial County Obligations Public Defe 26,553.45 C0012874 FPS Office Solutions LLC Toner for printer & fax machin 304.88 Toner for printer & fax machin 304.88 CHECK TOTAL: 609.76 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Maintenance for Copiers 9.26 Maintenance & Copies 45.14 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 31.07 Copier Rental 138.53 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 35.71 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 17.95 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 10.81 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 15.15 Maintenance & Copies 17.91 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 85.61 Copier Rental 138.53 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 53.86 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 21.96 Copier Rental 138.53 Maintenance & Copies 8.89 CHECK TOTAL: 1,877.15 FUND TOTAL: 42,090.36 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 113 - Harmony Heights 3 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63274-23023 Engineering 234.58 FUND TOTAL: 234.58 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 114 - Harmony Heights 4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63284-21059 Engineering 575.47 FUND TOTAL: 575.47 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 116 - Sunland Gardens Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63214-20074 Engineering 628.98 FUND TOTAL: 628.98 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 117 - Sunrise Park Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63124-23038 Engineering 144.10 FUND TOTAL: 144.10 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 119 - Holiday Pines Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63114-25000 Engineering 839.95 FUND TOTAL: 839.95 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 123 - Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63254-29071 Engineering 392.42 FUND TOTAL: 392.42 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 127 - Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 26390-79421 Eng 512.68 FUND TOTAL: 512.68 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 128 - Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 00955-92549 ENG 632.74 FUND TOTAL: 632.74 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I Local match to Lkwd P route gr 6,167.88 Local Match to Oper. Assist FL 3,819.01 LOCAL MATCH TO OP. ASSIST. FL- 2,548.87 MSTU 50% match to Block g. #AR 2,548.87 LOCAL MATCH TO OP. ASSIST. FL- 18,944.20 MSTU 50% match to Block g. #AR 18,944.19 LOCAL MATCH TO OP. ASSIST. FL- 30,101.93 Local match to TCN & Hands C. 1,223.20 MSTU 50% match to Block g. #AR 30,101.93 Local match (MSTU) to ARR39 (1 7,173.14 CHECK TOTAL: 121,573.22 FUND TOTAL: 121,573.22 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130118- FTA 5317 FY13/14 New Freedom CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I 30.09.01 UP TO 50% Federal Sha 3,819.02 FUND TOTAL: 3,819.02 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130119- FTA 5307 FY13 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I 11.42.07 - ACQUIRE - ADP HARDW 9,773.28 11.7A.00 - PREVENTIVE MAINTENA 38,243.12 CHECK TOTAL: 48,016.40 FUND TOTAL: 48,016.40 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130120- FTA 5311 FY 2015 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I FDOT 50% share, Sec. 5311 gran 7,173.14 FUND TOTAL: 7,173.14 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130121- FTA 5307 FY 2014 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I 30.09.01 - UP TO 50% FED. SHAR 2,548.87 30.09.01 - UP TO 50% FED. SHAR 18,944.19 30.09.01 - UP TO 50% FED. SHAR 30,101.93 CHECK TOTAL: 51,594.99 FUND TOTAL: 51,594.99 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130122- FTA 5339 FY 2013 Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I 11.12.40 - BUY ASSOC CAP MAINT 3,473.64 FUND TOTAL: 3,473.64 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130218- FDOT Block Grant FY 2015 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I FDOT 50% share, Block grant #A 2,548.87 FDOT 50% share, Block grant #A 18,944.19 FDOT 50% share, Block grant #A 30,101.92 CHECK TOTAL: 51,594.98 FUND TOTAL: 51,594.98 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130219- FDOT Lakewood Pk Reg Bus Rte CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I FDOT 50% share, Lkwd P route g 6,167.88 FUND TOTAL: 6,167.88 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130220- FCTD Trip & Equip FY 2016 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I Trips (GO179 SFY2015-2016) 50,147.04 Dates of Service: 04/01/16-04/ 4,545.00- CHECK TOTAL: 45,602.04 FUND TOTAL: 45,602.04 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130221- FDOT Service Development Grant CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833681 Council On Aging of St Lucie I FDOT 50% share, TCN & Hands C. 1,223.20 FUND TOTAL: 1,223.20 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 136 - Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 63424-23016 Engineering 2,350.44 FUND TOTAL: 2,350.44 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 138 - Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company 78922-20349 Engineering 320.89 FUND TOTAL: 320.89 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018104 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 93000405-205652 Airport 882.59 71225460-205652 Airport 188.98 71225446-205652 Airport 86.57 71225444-205652 Airport 91.41 71225442-205652 Airport 41.85 50000008-205652 Airport 106.80 14000000-205652 Airport 5,922.67 CHECK TOTAL: 7,320.87 !0018116 Michael Baker International In Professional Services 5,958.13 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Other Contractual Services 35.00 V0007074 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 5.71 FUND TOTAL: 13,319.71 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 140376- FDOT New Port Ent 2nd street Imp CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018114 Mancil's Tractor Service Inc Roadway Reconstruction 151,497.28 Roadway Reconstruction 16,833.03 13 Retainage C14-11-668 16,833.03- CHECK TOTAL: 151,497.28 !0018132 Taylor Engineering Inc Construction assistance 2,898.50 C0012863 Ardaman & Associates Inc Water & Soil testing 5,385.00 Water & Soil testing 1,588.00 Water & Soil testing 1,953.00 CHECK TOTAL: 8,926.00 FUND TOTAL: 163,321.78 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012858 Adapco Inc Fog units for Mosquito Control 13,800.00 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control Services 50.00 C0012893 Praxair Distribution Southeast Rental-oxygen/acetylene tanks 51.32 C0012903 Sunrise Ford Company Inc Repair of left rear bumper (Ve 634.48 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rentals 30.01 Uniform Rentals 22.87 Uniform Rentals 30.01 Uniform Rentals 26.28 CHECK TOTAL: 109.17 V0007058 Verizon Wireless #242008069-00002 320.08 #242008069-00002 40.01 #242008069-00002 80.02 CHECK TOTAL: 440.11 V0007059 Verizon Wireless #242008069-00003 289.12 V0007077 Jasmic LLC Thermal fogger 8,390.00 FUND TOTAL: 23,764.20 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833709 NI Government Services Inc Mobile Sat Phones 73.72 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control 23.00 C0012871 Electronic Maintenance & Commu Radio Maintenance 130.00 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Full service Maintenace & Supp 55.25 V0007053 Directv Inc Cable TV Service 238.34 V0007070 AT&T #772 V30-2091 091 9,215.00 FUND TOTAL: 9,735.31 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 170 - Court Facilities Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018098 Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Archi ENGINEERING SERVICES, PROFESSI 4,000.00 FUND TOTAL: 4,000.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018077 Parent, Wendy Parent/In County Mileage 182.45 !0018140 Bank of America N.A. P-CARD STATEMENT/4715290012650 184.00 P-CARD STATEMENT/4715290012650 1,577.01 P-CARD STATEMENT/4715290012650 2,800.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,561.01 09833689 Fla Dept of Management Service Agency #D86 19Th Judicial Circ 3,012.68 C0012879 Interstate Express Courier Services for 19th Judi 359.75 FUND TOTAL: 8,115.89 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 183001- Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018064 Bolton, Linda L Mediation Sessions 3 x $20.00= 60.00 !0018073 Johnson, Alice Mediation Sessions 3 X $20.00= 60.00 !0018075 Mirka, Judy Mediation Sessions 8 @ $20.00 160.00 !0018084 Sauerberg, Robert A Mediation Services 6 @ $20.00 120.00 FUND TOTAL: 400.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 183004- Ct Admin.- Teen Court CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018069 Gizze, Theresa A Intake Assessments 225.00 !0018085 Turner, Annette Case Managment Services 808.50 FUND TOTAL: 1,033.50 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 54 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018132 Taylor Engineering Inc Miscellanenous Services in Sup 1,288.00 C0012896 Scripps NP Operating LLC ST LUCIE COUNTY BOCC 435195 529.75 FUND TOTAL: 1,817.75 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 55 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 184221- S SLC Beach Restoration & Monit CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833696 G.E.C. Inc So. Co. Beach & Dune Rest. Pro 25,032.00 FUND TOTAL: 25,032.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 56 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 185015- FHFC SHIP 2014-2015 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018100 Famoso Inc Temp. Clerical Services Variou 150.66 !0018131 St Lucie Title Services Inc Title Search for SHIP Projects 75.00 FUND TOTAL: 225.66 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 57 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 189110- Home Consortium 2014 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL W0001084 Crary Buchanan PA Down Pay Assist 14952 SW Johns 30,300.00 W0001085 Elite Title of the Treasure Co Down Pay Assist 2192 Waterside 25,000.00 W0001086 Elite Title of the Treasure Co Down Pay Assist 2250 Waterside 8,825.00 FUND TOTAL: 64,125.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 58 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018125 Sheriff St Lucie County Tradition Field 2,278.00 !0018128 St Lucie County Fire District Tradition Field 4,585.00 09833690 Florida City Gas Co 51553554612 Mets 327.06 6461605672 Tradition 667.39 CHECK TOTAL: 994.45 09833714 Port St Lucie Police Special D Tradition Field 128.00 09833716 Professional Pump Corporation Tradition Field 2,014.40 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Tradition Field 135.00 C0012866 Campany Roof Maintenance LLC Tradition Field 2,245.00 C0012875 Golf Specialties Inc Tradition Field 665.86 C0012893 Praxair Distribution Southeast Tradition Field 12.13 C0012900 Southern Athletic Fields Inc Tradition Field 1,200.00 C0012901 Southern Janitor Supply Inc Tradition Field 326.13 Tradition Field 60.18 Tradition Field 35.05 CHECK TOTAL: 421.36 FUND TOTAL: 14,679.20 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 59 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 216 - County Capital I&S CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833694 Florida Power & Light Company Principal Payment 759.53 Interest 442.47 CHECK TOTAL: 1,202.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,202.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 60 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 310001- Impact Fees-Library CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018097 EBSCO Industries Inc AnnualPrint subscriptions for 22.42 AnnualPrint subscriptions for 1,633.17 BR-S-19075-01 0009380 115.30- AnnualPrint subscriptions for 71.45 AnnualPrint subscriptions for 39.02 CHECK TOTAL: 1,650.76 !0018117 Midwest Tape LLC Audio/Visual 249.93 Audio/Visual 139.93 Audio/Visual 108.72 Audio/Visual 277.84 Audio/Visual 349.91 Audio/Visual 75.17 Audio/Visual 10.39 CHECK TOTAL: 1,211.89 09833701 Ingram Library Services Inc Audio Visual 44.98 Audio Visual 9.72 Books 644.73 Books 410.83 Books 9.91 Books 93.96 Books 24.81 Books 34.98 Books 87.40 Books 171.67 Books 24.82 Books 8.66 Books 90.81 Books 14.30 CHECK TOTAL: 1,671.58 FUND TOTAL: 4,534.23 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 61 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 310006- Impact Fees-Transportation CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012863 Ardaman & Associates Inc Engineering 19,625.75 FUND TOTAL: 19,625.75 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 62 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 316 - County Capital CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018096 Don Reid Ford Inc Ford Escape 17,799.00 !0018098 Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Archi EDB will provide design and en 21,997.30 FUND TOTAL: 39,796.30 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 63 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 318 - County Capital-Transportation Bond CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018111 Kimley Horn and Associates Inc Engineering 53,014.20 Engineering 4,665.42 CHECK TOTAL: 57,679.62 C0012869 Culpepper & Terpening Inc Engineering 83,288.71 FUND TOTAL: 140,968.33 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 64 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 320 - Jail Security Upgrade CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833671 Accurate Control Inc Access Control Systems And Sec 71,750.68 Access Control Systems And Sec 7,972.29 1 Retainage 7,972.29- CHECK TOTAL: 71,750.68 FUND TOTAL: 71,750.68 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 65 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 321 - Capital Imp Rev Bonds 2015 CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018098 Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Archi ARCHITECT AND OTHER PROFESSION 35,319.30 FUND TOTAL: 35,319.30 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 66 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 362 - Sports Complex Improv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833677 C. A. Lindman of South Florida Tradition Field 2,460.15 Tradition Field 273.35 2 Retainage 273.35- CHECK TOTAL: 2,460.15 FUND TOTAL: 2,460.15 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 67 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018121 Port Consolidated Inc LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 9,106.93 LANDFILL-INV/GAS(141550) 1,310.62 CHECK TOTAL: 10,417.55 !0018135 Treecycle Land Clearing Inc Yard waste processing 180,442.89 09833683 CPM Mobile Welding Inc welder as needed 1,415.50 welder as needed 7,972.00 CHECK TOTAL: 9,387.50 09833684 Craft Equipment Company serive parts & repairs 25,145.56 09833718 Revere Control Systems Inc calibrate 4 flow meters 980.00 09833731 Treasure Coast Lawns Inc 26 cuts per year 650.00 C0012857 A-1 Metal Supply Corporation steel as needed 346.58 C0012861 American Portable Toilets Inc Solid waste 52 wk, 2xwk clean 149.80 Single stream 52 wk, 1xwk clea 149.80 CHECK TOTAL: 299.60 C0012862 Apple Machine & Supply Co steel at single stream 43.40 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest control services administ 27.00 Pest control at maintenance sh 10.00 CHECK TOTAL: 37.00 C0012883 Leggett & Platt Inc wire 19,107.45 C0012886 Meeks Plumbing Inc Vac truck services C13-09-332, 900.00 Vac truck services C13-09-332, 900.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,800.00 C0012890 Okeechobee Landfill Inc leachate hauling & disposal 60,925.70 C0012899 Sierra International Machinery parts & labor 166,521.49 C0012907 Thomas E Richmond Electric Inc electrician as needed C15-12-6 241.00 BLDG. ELECTRICIAN 3,938.00 CHECK TOTAL: 4,179.00 C0012908 Tiresoles of Broward tires & service as needed 303.46 tires & service as needed 216.95 tires & service as needed 200.06 tires & service as needed 336.44 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 68 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL C0012908 - Continued tires & service as needed 194.49 Tires-repairs SS 150.00 CHECK TOTAL: 1,401.40 C0012909 Toshiba Business Solutions (US Scale house monthly rental KDC 165.05 Scale house overage 8.81 CHECK TOTAL: 173.86 C0012911 Total Truck Parts Inc heavy eq parts & repairs 2,321.00 heavy eq parts & repairs 53.47 heavy eq parts & repairs 53.47 heavy eq parts & repairs 152.34 heavy eq parts & repairs 58.96 heavy eq parts & repairs 5,821.49 heavy eq parts & repairs 115.04 heavy eq parts & repairs 188.10 heavy eq parts & repairs 1,176.88 heavy eq parts & repairs 37.85 heavy eq parts & repairs 312.81 heavy eq parts & repairs 114.70 heavy eq parts & repairs 1,597.20 heavy eq parts & repairs 4.66 heavy eq parts & repairs 72.48 CHECK TOTAL: 12,080.45 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation uniforms 152.69 RUGS/MATS 45.23 ss UNIFORMS 77.03 CHECK TOTAL: 274.95 C0012914 Vander Intermediate Holding II #64 30' scissor lift 525.00 V0007052 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Solid W 526.05 V0007073 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 6.79 FUND TOTAL: 495,272.22 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 69 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018100 Famoso Inc Temporary Services 257.20 Temporary Services 396.90 CHECK TOTAL: 654.10 !0018106 Glover Oil Co Inc Petroleum 35.62 Petroleum 251.22 CHECK TOTAL: 286.84 !0018138 Walsh Environmental Services I Sewer Maintenance And Repair 52.50 Sewer Maintenance And Repair 52.50 CHECK TOTAL: 105.00 09833686 Daon Trusted Identity Services Fingerprinting & Background Ch 63.50 C0012864 Beach Environmental Exterminat Pest Control Fairwinds Golf Co 10.00 C0012876 Golf Time LLC Golf Course General Ledger Nov 704.24 Golf Course General Ledger Nov 140.00 CHECK TOTAL: 844.24 C0012906 Tesco South Incorporated Engines, Motors, And Parts (Fo 486.15 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation Door mats and towel service 15.46 Door mats and towel service 4.00 Rags 2.50 Uniforms 28.28 CHECK TOTAL: 50.24 V0007069 AT&T #772 Z11-2135 946 0453 3.00 FUND TOTAL: 2,503.07 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 70 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 451 - S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018070 Hammond, Matthew Hammond/Kissimmee/FWRC Annual 124.66 09833722 Santos, Val Tuition Reimbursement 326.49 09833724 Severn Trent Environmental Ser Wastewater,Treatment & Collect 1,910.00 Equipment Maintenance 3,371.94 Maintenance- Utilities Fieldwo 12,276.55 Wastewater,Treatment & Collect 42,042.65 Maintenance- Utilities Fieldwo 25,051.22 CHECK TOTAL: 84,652.36 V0007052 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Utiliti 91.77 FUND TOTAL: 85,195.28 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 71 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 458 - SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833724 Severn Trent Environmental Ser Wastewater,Treatment & Collect 8,902.93 Aeration Blower #3 14,028.62 CHECK TOTAL: 22,931.55 FUND TOTAL: 22,931.55 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 72 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018070 Hammond, Matthew Hammond/Kissimmee/FWRC Annual 124.65 09833717 Ray Jagoditsch Utility Deposit Refund 239.42 09833722 Santos, Val Tuition Reimbursment Course SL 338.49 09833724 Severn Trent Environmental Ser Maintenance- Utilities Fieldwo 3,367.06 Equipment Maintenance 12,058.33 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 875.00 Sludge Removal 845.00 Equipment Maintenance 1,810.50 Equipment Maintenance 461.27 Maintenance- Utilities Fieldwo 1,017.04 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 6,240.00 Sludge Removal 24,375.00 Maintenance- Utilities Fieldwo 13,975.28 Equipment Maintenance 2,457.43 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 38,174.95 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 956.91 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 2,926.72 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 2,817.62 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 28,810.01 CHECK TOTAL: 141,168.12 C0012913 UniFirst Corporation Mat Nylon/Rubber 3.60 Mat Nylon/Rubber 3.60 CHECK TOTAL: 7.20 V0007052 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Utiliti 91.77 V0007064 AT&T 772 V10-2140 140 32.23 772 V10-2140 140 85.86 772 V10-2140 140 337.93 CHECK TOTAL: 456.02 FUND TOTAL: 142,425.67 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 73 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 478 - Water & Sewer District R&R CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833724 Severn Trent Environmental Ser Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 3,510.00 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 6,897.05 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 1,000.00 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 2,472.14 Water Supply,Water,Wastewater 6,178.95 CHECK TOTAL: 20,058.14 FUND TOTAL: 20,058.14 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 74 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL V0007052 Brink's Inc Armored Car Services - Plannin 183.54 FUND TOTAL: 183.54 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 75 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 505 - Health Insurance Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018089 Aetna Behavioral Health LLC May 2016 EAP $1.49 23.84 May 2016 EAP $1.49 247.34 May 2016 EAP $1.49 1,114.52 May 2016 EAP $1.49 14.90 May 2016 EAP $1.49 144.53 May 2016 EAP $1.49 96.85 May 2016 EAP $1.49 13.41 CHECK TOTAL: 1,655.39 !0018101 Fidelity Security Life Insuran MAY 2016 VISION 4,843.54 MAY 2016 VISION 219.53 CHECK TOTAL: 5,063.07 !0018103 Florida Combined Life MAY 2016 LIFE/FLORIDA COMBINED 23,733.51 MAY 2016 LIFE/FLORIDA COMBINED 20,501.63 MAY 2016 LIFE/FLORIDA COMBINED 7,625.28 CHECK TOTAL: 51,860.42 !0018104 Ft Pierce Utility Authority 14000001-150572 Central Servic 485.02 !0018141 HealthEquity Inc May Employer Account Statement 1,157.70 09833691 Florida Combined Life May 16 Dental 54,749.46 May 16 Dental 3,568.27 May 16 Dental 4,524.04 CHECK TOTAL: 62,841.77 09833708 Medical Cost Containment Servi Monthly COBRA Admin Fee 171.00 09833715 Pre Paid Legal Services Inc of May 16 Pre-Paid Legal Board of 103.65 C0012885 McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc Medical Supplies for Health 0.20 Medical Supplies for Health 32.89 Medical Supplies for Health 549.72 Medical Supplies for Health 31.93 Medical Supplies for Health 174.14 Credit Invoice 77.21- CHECK TOTAL: 711.67 C0012898 Shred-it USA LLC Certified Moblie Destruction o 44.80 V0007072 Comcast of Colorado/Florida In Cable TV for Employee Health 69.95 FUND TOTAL: 124,164.44 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 76 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833686 Daon Trusted Identity Services FIngerprinting & Background Ch 825.50 09833691 Florida Combined Life FCL LT & ST Disability Premium 17,285.62 FUND TOTAL: 18,111.12 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 77 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833728 Sterling Facility Services LLC CAN TVL Writers TC FAM Tour-Di 158.50 V0007073 Federal Express Corporation #1591-7617-7 12.10 V0007075 Bluebridge LLC Development & Maint. of SLC To 9,500.00 FUND TOTAL: 9,670.60 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 78 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 801 - Bank Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL !0018110 Joseph E Smith Clerk of Circu Return of Medical Flex March/A 50.04 !0018133 Teamsters Local Union #769 Apr 16 Teamsters Local Union # 2,480.83 !0018137 United Way Of St Lucie County United Way 972.16 !0018141 HealthEquity Inc Flexible Spending and Dep Care 9,939.97 Flexible Spending and Dep Care 698.07 CHECK TOTAL: 10,638.04 09833678 CACH LLC Richard Hagerhorst # 56-2010 S 75.00 09833702 Internal Revenue Service Robert Yardan # 185.00 CHECK TOTAL: 235.00 09833725 Social Security Administration #59150935819951219 10.00 09833727 Sprechman & Fisher P.A. Keith Santrock 562010CC01752 246.46 09833733 US Department of Education T. Kelly-McCloud # 136.35 09833735 Weiner, Robin R Wendy Parent 1234053EPK 274.35 H0003370 Fla Dept of State Child Support 4,876.31 FUND TOTAL: 19,994.54 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 11101 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 1,909.60 11102 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 1,976.80 11103 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 2,044.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 23.08 11104 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 2,050.40 11105 511000 Executive Salaries 100 2,897.01 512000 Salaries 100 1,740.80 1210 512000 Salaries 100 29,657.75 514000 Overtime 100 151.58 515000 Special Pay 100 1,500.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 55.38 1225 512000 Salaries 100 9,480.00 514000 Overtime 100 251.96 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 83.08 1301 512000 Salaries 100 14,232.80 514000 Overtime 100 1,064.70 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 1320 512000 Salaries 100 6,707.20 1330 512000 Salaries 100 15,446.97 515000 Special Pay 100 270.00 1350 512000 Salaries 100 2,251.20 1410 512000 Salaries 100 25,668.80 515000 Special Pay 100 300.00 1420 512000 Salaries 100 2,685.60 1920 512000 Salaries 100 2,040.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 1925 512000 Salaries 100 6,599.38 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 36.92 1926 512000 Salaries 100 672.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 100 9,490.25 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 9.23 1929 512000 Salaries 100 11,712.80 514000 Overtime 100 7.25 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 1930 512000 Salaries 100 22,575.66 514000 Overtime 100 169.06 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 23.08 19301 512000 Salaries 100 15,161.71 514000 Overtime 100 7.09 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 55.38 1955 512000 Salaries 100 62,368.72 514000 Overtime 100 267.80 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1955 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 276.90 2360 512000 Salaries 200 5,379.20 2510 512000 Salaries 200 5,324.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 18.46 2920 512000 Salaries 200 8,747.20 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 200 1,545.04 514000 Overtime 200 329.76 3715 512000 Salaries 300 19,668.45 512000 Salaries 3929 3,366.40 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 300 933.52 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 3929 2,184.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 36.92 3716 512000 Salaries 300 5,379.12 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 18.46 3720 512000 Salaries 300 1,736.00 3920 512000 Salaries 300 13,288.01 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 92.30 3921 512000 Salaries 300 4,408.80 514000 Overtime 300 95.13 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 18.46 5310 512000 Salaries 500 9,901.69 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 500 1,798.50 514000 Overtime 500 144.89 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 500 18.46 5420 512000 Salaries 500 2,245.60 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 500 18.46 6420 512000 Salaries 600 11,493.04 515000 Special Pay 600 300.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 36.92 7110 512000 Salaries 700 65,708.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 103.84 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 3,343.88 7210 512000 Salaries 700 31,675.22 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 3,032.97 514000 Overtime 700 133.05 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 64.62 72101 512000 Salaries 700 10,339.21 514000 Overtime 700 20.39 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 18.46 7215 512000 Salaries 700 34,714.81 512000 Salaries 7102 2,692.00 512000 Salaries 7106 1,474.20 512000 Salaries 7220 2,333.61 512000 Salaries 7270 1,393.60 512000 Salaries 7910 548.14 512000 Salaries 7914 1,896.07 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 3 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7215 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7102 2,740.31 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 7914 325.38 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 7106 2,862.94 514000 Overtime 700 381.93 514000 Overtime 7102 44.58 514000 Overtime 7106 805.44 514000 Overtime 7270 130.65 514000 Overtime 7914 6.30 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 36.92 7216 513100 Salaries-Temporary Employees 7106 747.00 7511 512000 Salaries 700 10,771.20 512000 Salaries 7420 594.41 512000 Salaries 7510 594.39 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 124.75 514000 Overtime 700 195.67 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 36.92 7912 512000 Salaries 700 4,580.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 548,584.67 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 4 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001460- FCTD Planning Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 732.27 FUND TOTAL: 732.27 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 5 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001512- Neighborhood Stabilization Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 416.43 FUND TOTAL: 416.43 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 6 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001550- HUD Shelter Plus Care ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 125.70 FUND TOTAL: 125.70 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 7 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001560- Section 112/MPO/FHWA/Planning ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 10,400.15 515000 Special Pay 100 500.00 FUND TOTAL: 10,900.15 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 8 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001563- HUD CDBG FY 2013 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 2,233.23 FUND TOTAL: 2,233.23 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 9 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001571- Safe Routes to School ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 1,434.07 FUND TOTAL: 1,434.07 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 10 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001572- HUD Shelter Plus Chronic ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 470.01 FUND TOTAL: 470.01 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 11 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001573- HUD Shelter Plus Care Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 470.01 FUND TOTAL: 470.01 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 12 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001574- CSBG 2016 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6420 512000 Salaries 600 2,349.65 FUND TOTAL: 2,349.65 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 13 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001575- Metropolitan Planning / Sec 5305d ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1540 512000 Salaries 100 165.20 FUND TOTAL: 165.20 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 14 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001576- Support Services for Veterans ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5310 512000 Salaries 500 1,584.80 FUND TOTAL: 1,584.80 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 15 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001577- Lagoon Life Education Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3715 512000 Salaries 300 1,333.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,333.60 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 16 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001826- SAFER St Lucie Disaster Education ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2510 512000 Salaries 29503 1,600.00 FUND TOTAL: 1,600.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 17 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101 - Transportation Trust Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4115 512000 Salaries 400 41,848.29 FUND TOTAL: 41,848.29 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 18 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101001- Transportation Trust Interlocals ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4115 512000 Salaries 400 1,381.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,381.60 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 19 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101002- Transportation Trust/80% Constitut ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4110 512000 Salaries 400 46,519.50 514000 Overtime 400 522.75 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 400 55.38 FUND TOTAL: 47,097.63 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 20 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101003- Transportation Trust/Local Option ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4108 512000 Salaries 400 14,541.26 FUND TOTAL: 14,541.26 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 21 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 101004- Transportation Trust/County Fuel Tx ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4109 512000 Salaries 400 9,454.88 514000 Overtime 400 53.24 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 400 41.54 4117 512000 Salaries 400 7,766.40 515000 Special Pay 400 300.00 FUND TOTAL: 17,616.06 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 22 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 102 - Unincorporated Services Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1510 512000 Salaries 100 25,670.57 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 15101 512000 Salaries 100 7,720.24 2415 512000 Salaries 200 12,493.20 3920 512000 Salaries 1924 1,980.80 512000 Salaries 300 3,452.28 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 1924 18.46 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 18.46 6240 512000 Salaries 600 5,697.16 514000 Overtime 600 388.90 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 23.08 FUND TOTAL: 57,481.61 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 23 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 102001- Drainage Maintenance MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3715 512000 Salaries 300 427.60 3725 512000 Salaries 300 15,334.92 514000 Overtime 300 690.60 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 36.92 7912 512000 Salaries 700 773.60 FUND TOTAL: 17,263.64 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 24 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107 - Fine & Forfeiture Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1940 512000 Salaries 100 7,281.60 514000 Overtime 100 246.57 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 18.46 2120 512000 Salaries 200 54,180.31 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 200 3,170.77 514000 Overtime 200 8,024.61 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 73.84 2360 512000 Salaries 200 19,085.60 512000 Salaries 2053 4,559.20 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2053 755.70 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 2054 1,355.87 712 512000 Salaries 1645 3,871.21 512000 Salaries 1647 2,520.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 1647 7,522.14 514000 Overtime 1645 329.75 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 1647 27.69 FUND TOTAL: 113,024.12 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 25 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107001- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 200 33,470.00 514000 Overtime 200 6,525.28 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 40,004.51 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 26 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107002- Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2120 512000 Salaries 200 1,050.80 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 9.23 FUND TOTAL: 1,060.03 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 27 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 107006- F&F Fund-Court Related Technology ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 6000 8,983.11 FUND TOTAL: 8,983.11 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 28 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130 - SLC Public Transit MSTU ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 400 2,194.08 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 400 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 2,212.54 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 29 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 130117- FTA 5316 2014 JARC Grant ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4410 512000 Salaries 400 1,360.80 FUND TOTAL: 1,360.80 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 30 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 140 - Airport Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4210 512000 Salaries 400 10,463.78 514000 Overtime 400 644.16 FUND TOTAL: 11,107.94 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 31 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 140001- Port Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4310 512000 Salaries 400 3,177.61 FUND TOTAL: 3,177.61 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 32 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 145 - Mosquito Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 6230 512000 Salaries 600 6,823.02 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 36.92 6233 512000 Salaries 600 12,438.48 514000 Overtime 600 1,534.64 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 600 23.08 6234 512000 Salaries 600 10,781.61 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 600 2,756.44 FUND TOTAL: 34,394.19 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 33 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 160 - Plan Maintenance RAD Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2570 512000 Salaries 200 2,928.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 2,946.46 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 34 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 183 - Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 601 512000 Salaries 6002 4,989.78 FUND TOTAL: 4,989.78 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 35 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 183004- Ct Admin.- Teen Court ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 689 512000 Salaries 6000 3,275.73 FUND TOTAL: 3,275.73 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 36 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 184 - Erosion Control Operating Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3710 512000 Salaries 300 3,472.00 FUND TOTAL: 3,472.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 37 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 184001- Artificial Reef Program ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 4117 512000 Salaries 39003 1,645.60 FUND TOTAL: 1,645.60 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 38 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 185015- FHFC SHIP 2014-2015 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 138.56 FUND TOTAL: 138.56 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 39 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 185016- FHFC SHIP 2015-2016 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 1,015.43 FUND TOTAL: 1,015.43 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 40 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 189110- Home Consortium 2014 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 535.12 FUND TOTAL: 535.12 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 41 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 189111- Home Consortium FY 2015 ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5420 512000 Salaries 500 389.23 FUND TOTAL: 389.23 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 42 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 190 - Sports Complex Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7210 512000 Salaries 75201 20,678.63 514000 Overtime 75201 1,457.94 FUND TOTAL: 22,136.57 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 43 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 401 - Sanitary Landfill Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3410 512000 Salaries 300 57,673.63 512000 Salaries 39011 26,398.49 514000 Overtime 300 3,287.76 514000 Overtime 39011 6,352.25 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 73.84 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 39011 41.54 FUND TOTAL: 93,827.51 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 44 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 418 - Golf Course Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 7250 512000 Salaries 700 8,700.80 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 3,247.62 514000 Overtime 700 4.79 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 36.92 7260 512000 Salaries 700 4,269.22 513000 Salaries-Part Time W/Benefits 700 1,648.20 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 700 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 17,926.01 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 45 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 451 - S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3604 512000 Salaries 300 2,147.60 512000 Salaries 300 5,157.14 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 46.15 FUND TOTAL: 7,350.89 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 46 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 458 - SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3510 512000 Salaries 300 1,091.34 FUND TOTAL: 1,091.34 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 47 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3604 512000 Salaries 300 12,205.61 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 300 46.15 FUND TOTAL: 12,251.76 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 48 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 478 - Water & Sewer District R&R ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 300 892.86 3602 512000 Salaries 300 792.39 FUND TOTAL: 1,685.25 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 49 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 479 - Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 3600 512000 Salaries 300 578.42 3602 512000 Salaries 300 942.12 FUND TOTAL: 1,520.54 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 50 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 491 - Building Code Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 2415 512000 Salaries 200 33,610.82 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 200 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 33,629.28 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 51 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 505001- Risk Management Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1330 512000 Salaries 100 327.76 1331 512000 Salaries 100 2,913.97 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 16.61 FUND TOTAL: 3,258.34 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 52 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 505002- Health Insurance Administration ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 1330 512000 Salaries 100 3,104.04 515000 Special Pay 100 30.00 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 100 1.85 FUND TOTAL: 3,135.89 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 53 FZABWARR PAYROLL LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 611 - Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund ORGN ACCOUNT PROG AMOUNT 5210 512000 Salaries 500 3,807.20 514000 Overtime 500 38.82 515100 Special-Cell Phone Allowance 500 18.46 FUND TOTAL: 3,864.48 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 001 General Fund 238,189.38 548,584.67 001460 FCTD Planning Grant 0.00 732.27 001512 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 0.00 416.43 001550 HUD Shelter Plus Care 4,056.00 125.70 001560 Section 112/MPO/FHWA/Planning 515.77 10,900.15 001563 HUD CDBG FY 2013 45,849.18 2,233.23 001570 EMPG FY16 1,000.00 0.00 001571 Safe Routes to School 0.00 1,434.07 001572 HUD Shelter Plus Chronic 10,178.00 470.01 001573 HUD Shelter Plus Care Grant 17,083.00 470.01 001574 CSBG 2016 0.00 2,349.65 001575 Metropolitan Planning / Sec 5305d 0.00 165.20 001576 Support Services for Veterans 0.00 1,584.80 001577 Lagoon Life Education Program 0.00 1,333.60 001579 Farm to Fly Biofuels Study 2,393.45 0.00 001826 SAFER St Lucie Disaster Education 0.00 1,600.00 101 Transportation Trust Fund 461.95 41,848.29 101001 Transportation Trust Interlocals 0.00 1,381.60 101002 Transportation Trust/80% Constitut 12,391.35 47,097.63 101003 Transportation Trust/Local Option 9,137.23 14,541.26 101004 Transportation Trust/County Fuel Tx 5.00 17,616.06 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 1,109.92 57,481.61 102001 Drainage Maintenance MSTU 7,976.66 17,263.64 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 161,382.03 113,024.12 107001 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur 35,828.52 40,004.51 107002 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar 0.00 1,060.03 107003 Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper 6,905.82 0.00 107006 F&F Fund-Court Related Technology 42,090.36 8,983.11 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund 234.58 0.00 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund 575.47 0.00 116 Sunland Gardens Fund 628.98 0.00 117 Sunrise Park Fund 144.10 0.00 119 Holiday Pines Fund 839.95 0.00 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist#13 Fund 392.42 0.00 127 Pine Hollow Street Lighting MSTU 512.68 0.00 128 Kings Hwy Industrial Park Lighting 632.74 0.00 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 121,573.22 2,212.54 130117 FTA 5316 2014 JARC Grant 0.00 1,360.80 130118 FTA 5317 FY13/14 New Freedom 3,819.02 0.00 130119 FTA 5307 FY13 48,016.40 0.00 130120 FTA 5311 FY 2015 7,173.14 0.00 130121 FTA 5307 FY 2014 51,594.99 0.00 130122 FTA 5339 FY 2013 Capital 3,473.64 0.00 130218 FDOT Block Grant FY 2015 51,594.98 0.00 130219 FDOT Lakewood Pk Reg Bus Rte 6,167.88 0.00 130220 FCTD Trip & Equip FY 2016 45,602.04 0.00 130221 FDOT Service Development Grant 1,223.20 0.00 136 Monte Carlo Lighting MSTU#4 Fund 2,350.44 0.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND SUMMARY FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU Fund 320.89 0.00 140 Airport Fund 13,319.71 11,107.94 140001 Port Fund 0.00 3,177.61 140376 FDOT New Port Ent 2nd street Imp 163,321.78 0.00 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 9,735.31 2,946.46 170 Court Facilities Fund 4,000.00 0.00 183 Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir 8,115.89 4,989.78 183001 Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat 400.00 0.00 183004 Ct Admin.- Teen Court 1,033.50 3,275.73 184001 Artificial Reef Program 0.00 1,645.60 184221 S SLC Beach Restoration & Monit 25,032.00 0.00 185015 FHFC SHIP 2014-2015 225.66 138.56 185016 FHFC SHIP 2015-2016 0.00 1,015.43 189110 Home Consortium 2014 64,125.00 535.12 189111 Home Consortium FY 2015 0.00 389.23 190 Sports Complex Fund 14,679.20 22,136.57 216 County Capital I&S 1,202.00 0.00 310001 Impact Fees-Library 4,534.23 0.00 310006 Impact Fees-Transportation 19,625.75 0.00 316 County Capital 39,796.30 0.00 318 County Capital-Transportation Bond 140,968.33 0.00 320 Jail Security Upgrade 71,750.68 0.00 321 Capital Imp Rev Bonds 2015 35,319.30 0.00 362 Sports Complex Improv Fund 2,460.15 0.00 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 495,272.22 93,827.51 418 Golf Course Fund 2,503.07 17,926.01 451 S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund 85,195.28 7,350.89 458 SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund 22,931.55 1,091.34 471 Water & Sewer District Operations 142,425.67 12,251.76 478 Water & Sewer District R&R 20,058.14 1,685.25 479 Water & Sewer Dist.-Cap Facilities 0.00 1,520.54 491 Building Code Fund 183.54 33,629.28 505 Health Insurance Fund 124,164.44 0.00 505001 Risk Management Fund 18,111.12 3,258.34 505002 Health Insurance Administration 0.00 3,135.89 611 Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund 9,670.60 3,864.48 801 Bank Fund 19,994.54 0.00 GRAND TOTAL: 2,503,579.34 1,167,174.31 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND SUMMARY- MOSQUITO FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 145 Mosquito Fund 23,764.20 34,394.19 GRAND TOTAL: 23,764.20 34,394.19 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR WARRANT LIST #33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND SUMMARY- EROSION FUND TITLE EXPENSES PAYROLL 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 1,817.75 3,472.00 GRAND TOTAL: 1,817.75 3,472.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 1 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 001 - General Fund CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833395 City Of Port St Lucie 100.00 FUND TOTAL: 100.00 05/20/16 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD PAGE 2 FZABWARR VOID LIST# 33- 14-MAY-2016 TO 20-MAY-2016 FUND: 471 - Water & Sewer District Operations CHECK VENDOR PURPOSE TOTAL 09833366 Ray Jagoditsch 239.42 FUND TOTAL: 239.42