HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering T reasure Harvey E.Koehnen 7205 Elyse Circle C oast Professional Engineer#32831 P S L Florida 34952-8212 B uIlding Architect#AR0009471 PHONE(772)466-5509 E ngineers, Certified General Contractor#CGCO24776 FAX(772)489-3035 Inc.. E-MAIL:hkoehnen@tcbeweb.com Contractor 'IlUcPS W W IPJ Z 01. Date 4P Owner Job Address 5011 U-IA-51060P BUILT UP DA4'N-r JUN 2 8 201ri NEW ROOF RE-ROOF RECOVERING REPAIR AREA PERMirrTi,\ic, St. Lucie Count-, FLT_ BUILT UP ROOF PLAN Cale,,+ 7— LX F4, 44: -J -L N4)T� Kc mo m i xist ng roo lln� to 3­ OM Ri-no Lei ifir-ro)f v ith Rd I Lnj h "iis I (6 112 11 Wfi fu I rc Uni'he id 4 n Sac el0o. ajenfs dd I)tr ISST ASCE 7-10&FBC 2014 5th Edition ENCLOSED BLDG SEMI ENCLOSED BLDG OPEN PART 2 LOW RISE C&C SIMPLIFIED RISK CAT 2/V­&� XPOSURE f?,JX=1 V OJ12 PITCH/MEAN PARAPET ht JE --JKzt 1.0/h ROOF SYSTEM \Ar" ZONE 1 B@ h=30 = X PSF x 0.6 N ZONE 2 B@ h=30 = x PSF x 0.6= a ZONE 3 B @ h=30 x PSF x 0.6= QVI'. 4XI-11) a= MAX DESIGN PRESSURE PER NOA DECK TYPE P Vt WOo 0 THICKNESS L!J/ uluj BASE SHEET V NO.OF PLIES FASTENERS/D&MMG T04 FASTENER SPACING FOR ANCHOR/BASE SHEET ATTACHMENT: Field .'t "oc @Lap,#Rows Z @ I W'oc Perimeter:,�''oc @Lap,#Rows '2- @_12'"oc corner:_4? "oc@Lap,#Rows oc INSULATION BASE LAYER TYPE - r__ — SIZE TYPE OF FASTENERS/OR BONDING MATERIAL m INSULATION TOP LAYER TYPE SIZE TYPE OF FASTENERS/OR BONDING MATERIAL NUMBER OF FASTENERS PER INSULATION BOARD: Field Perimeter Corner PLY SHEET NO.OF PLIES TYPE OF FASTENERS/BONDING :-: TOP PLY NO.OF PLIES I -TYPE OF FAVOS/BONDING TO F-6(-t T reasure Harvey E. Koehnen C Oast Professional Engineer#32831 B uilding Architect#AR0009471 E nglineers, Certified General Contractor#CGCO24776 Inc. These tables Are For Roof coverings Roof coverings Installed on Buildings with a Mean Roof Height of 30'or Less Located In Exposures 8, C or D -Table 8301,2(2]QF. Pr t ehu 4�E5 7-1 C) COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WORST CASE DESIGN PRESSURE[PSF]. 160 Exp B 160 Exp, 0 160 Exp C 160 Exp D 160 Exp D (One story (Two story*) (One story )(Two story) Roof 5 0 to 7 degrees Zone 1 -27.6 -33.4 -38.7 -40.6 -45.9 Roof 5 0 to=11/2112 ol 7dearees plitch Zone 2 -46.4 -56,2 -65.0 -68.3 -771 Zone 3 i _69.8 . -84.5 -97.1 -102.7 -115.9 Zone Roof>7 to 27 degrees Zone 1 -26.3 -30.7 -35.5 --37.2 -42 27 degrees=6/12 pitch Zone 2 -44.1 -63.4 -61.8 -64.9 -733 Zone 3 -66,1 -78.8 -91.2 -95.7 -108„i Roof 5 27 to 45 degrees Zone 1 -27.8 -33.7 -40.0 -40.1 -1e:2 45 degrees= 1211-2 pitch Zone 2 -32.4 -39.3 -45.4 -47.7 -53.8 Zone 3 -32.4 -39.3 -45.4 -47.7 -53.8 .160 Exp B 150 Exp C 150 Exp C 150 Exp D 160 Exp D (one story*) (tv4o story*) (one story) (tvio story.) Roof>0 to 7 degrees Zone 1 -24.3 -29.5 -34.1 -35.8 -40.4 7degreeg t'1112/12 pitch Zone 2 -40.8 -49A -57.2 -60-0 -67.8 Zone 3 -61.4 -74.3 -86.0 -90-3 -102.0 Roof>7 to 27 degrees Zone 1 -22,2 -26,9 -31.1 -32.7 -36.9 27 degrees=6/12 pitch Zone 2 -38.7 .-46.0 -54.2 -66.9 -64.3 Zorie'3 -67,3 80.3 -84.3 -95.2 Roof>27 to 45 d6grees Zone 1 -24.3 L29.6 -34.1 -85.8 -40.4 45 degrees=12112 pitch Zone 2 -28.4 -34A -39.8 -41,8 -47.2 Zone 3 -28A -34.4 -39.8 -41.8 -47.2 One story'*=one story building with a maximum mean roof height of 15 feet Two story"=two story building with a maximum mean roof height of 30 feet if-allowed by the Miami Dade N.O.A or Florida Product Approval, any-system.that does--not meet the MlhlMum components and cladding pressures for the area that the building Is located per this form may require a Florida licensed engineer to revise the fastener spacing T C B E,Inc. 7205 Elyse GCle PHONE (772)466-5509 Port Saint Lucie FAX (772)489-3035 Florida 34952-8212 E-MAIL hkoehnen@tcbeweb.com WEB srrE http://irm.tcbeweb.com