HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 06127A2016 13:43 7724621578 ST LUCIE CO IMPACT PAGE 03/03 All.APFUCA INF MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO 6E ACC W Date:I - Permit Number: R'ECEI` .. L) JUN 2 -3 2016 Bundling Permit Application Plattniag and Development Sewvkes Building and Code Regulation l3rVlslvn 2300 Whainin Avenue,Fort Pierre FL 34982 Phone:(77Z)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-3.578 Commercial ., Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR-.,To Select-from dropbox,click here PROPOSED INPROVEME I.tC4TION:' - Address. - LegalDe' RNV— Pr ' tion UNopTax ID,#: site plan Name.• Block rico. Project Name: Setbacks FrontBack: Right Side: — Lett Side: -- — DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: h CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Witiona wor a orm a an art is permm-check all app : HVAC Gas Tank GDS Piping InShuttem. Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers InGenersror �Roof Total Sq:Ft of Construction: 4 6 15 Sq.Ft of Firstnseptic 0r: Cost of Construction:$ i i ' T Utilities: sewer Building Height, 1WNF SSS : t CONS OR. Name dame: Addy a / Company: city State:i�i Address- Zip Cade: Fax: Phone NO. � Zp Code: � Fax: E-Nati• Phonei�it� L1 - 1C Fill in'Pee simple'Cttle Holder on next pao(if different E-Mail: front the Owner listed above) State or County Ucense: 1 11vaiue ar guastructtcm is$2 00 or more,a RfORDED Nanta of commanoa eEnt Va rog4md. 06/27/2016 13:43 7724621578 ST LUCIE CO IMPACT PAGE 02/03 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION UEN LAW INFORMATION: QES# NER/lGNGINEER: NatAp Iicab a MORTGi4G OMpANY; Not Applicable Aflame: Name: Address: Address: City: Stare: City: state: zp:.�.-Phone: Zip: -- Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITRE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPAW: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address- Address; c-ay: Zip: ,_Phone: Tap: Phone: OWNEIrIJ COINTRAMR AFFIOMT:Application is hereby maado to obtain a permit to do the work and installa4Gan as Indicated. i certify that no work or Instailation hes commenced prior to the Issuance of a permit �,Lucie Ddut�r makes no repro entatioi�that is granting a permit velli a�uthdrlxe the permit holder to build the subject structure WIA lah is In conflict with anyy a�pp cable Home Owners A3saciation rules,k�ylaws or and covenants that may re �t or prohibit such structure."Please cahsult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions whic�may apply. in eonslderstlon of tte gtantiing of this requested permit,i do hereby agree that I will,In all respecrs,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucle County Amendments. The fcllowin unding permit applications are axon not from undergoing a full eonwerency review:room additions, accessorysoupures,swlrnmine pools,fence$,walls,signs,screen roams an cessory uses to aatather non-res'rdentlal uare WARN#N OWNER:Y rfailure to Recor el a Notice of COMM dairnent may asult In your ping i www fbr I rove aV.,, your ra rty.A Notice of Commencement u t be re red and posted on the jobsite before th fspezt n. you intend to obtain finandng,c qs It with tiri er or an attor_p �befbre commencink d rt rding your Notice of Ca menceme IS �ature of a A8 tJ Signature Contra 11.lceMe Holder r7:�� TATIR OF F RI STATE 0 LORI COUNTY OF tv COUN'�tf r a�lltlf/,� The f Ing In ant s ackn' before me The f mprig i ru ear was aacknevdled ed before y� this9rday Z0 by tt,is rsd day 20 bt v all (Na of P ocknowledging) Sa aarne of p on acknouuledging) ° as a l5 of Mots Public-Stare of Florida) s e tore of>V$iaary public-State afi rlr3a) Personally Known 4R pitiadasced Idenfifca ersonally 1(nawtr5flR Produced IderaSflcati n..—$M Type of ldentificatio Produced e of Identificati; Rroduced a T Commission No. (Seal) = o s Colranai5slon No. (Seel) mQ �Y Revised 07115/2014 REvlEws FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATUATLE MANGROVE COUNTER REViEW REV)EW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE REGBIVED DATE COMPLETED