HomeMy WebLinkAboutWINDOW/DOOR INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL (2) JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4206311 OR BOOK 3886 PAGE 2089, Recd " F?a�IBA/2016 11 :49:03 AM ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A NEcex� TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ��--------•• ORIGINAL . o Ps AFTER RECORDING-RFTURN TO; I J SEP E. SMITH, CLERK _ y RECEI`�'�0 Ju! 01 1016 I BY' uyCl®r wT - coo`i PSK\If 1'\L\1LIk lie DQ3ll�+,sna�r is reanrd runccbrd NOTICE OF COA' MENCENIENT Tile eardeTsigned herby given notice:thin impruvement+\ill Ix:made to certain rcul property.and in accordance++ith Chapter 713. Florida statutes the follov ins information is provided in the Notice orconunencement. 1.DESCRIPTIO;�1O� F PROPERTY� (Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 2434-803-0012-000-1 SUBDIVISION f�mocV, TRACT LOTLZ_BLDC UNIT CARDINAL GLEN I.OT 12 (OR 329-1674) 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFiAIPROVF.MF.NT: ReplaCenlentof windows doors _ 3.OWNER INFORMATION: a.Namo Susan Noll is b.Ad&em 203 Jeffrev Ln, Fort Pierce, Fl 34982 c.i»tercet in propcM r d.Name and address of fee simple tilleholdcr(if other dean o++tier) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:Storm Tight Windows, Inc. 500 SW 12th Ave, Deerfield Beach, F1,33441 Phone: 561-536-4387 1` 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: t. 1 6_LENDER'S NAME.ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons\\itlin the State of Flori(L'1 designated by O+\)rer upon Whom notices or other documents may he sery d as provided by 5 Section 713.13(1 Xa)7.,Florida Statutes: , NANIF ADDRESS AND PHONE NI'MHER: S.In addition to himscll'or herself,Omar designates the toho\ting to receive a copy of the Lienors Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1 xb),Florida Statutes: NXME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration dale of riolice of eonimLlIcellient(the expirrition(tate 1S I year Bono the date of recoiling turle�,z a di Ilcrcnt date is � specil ied) -20 i' WARNING TO O\\:NEM ANY PA17NIENTS MADE BY THE OWNEM AM- 11 HE E\PiRNNON OF"I"Hui NOTICE OP C(\I\1FNCI•:\1EN r I. ARE, 'ON'iD' :)IMPROPER PAYMENTS lINDfi:R CHArrER 713 'ART Sf:Qjj0N TXR7ES, VNQ CXN 16,sl-1:1- IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR i\IPROYGAiFNTS TO YOIIR 1'ROPFRTI' A N(l'IC:Or CO\L\1ENCEUE\T\IItS f IlE RF.C't)ItDL•I),y�D POSTED ON THE IOII SITE 13F.FORF,'ri(E F1RST INSPECTIOV IF YOU INTEND To 013'rAIN FINANCING; CONSCIT WITH Y'61V t LENDERON AN ATTORNFI-REFORI:C'O\I\IL'NC1N(3 WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICR OF C'O\1\IF:\CEIME\T. e sigh'.t U're ach .- Print Name and Provide Signaton`.%'15t1c/Ofiicc 1. Owner's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Mana,,,er 4 Y State of Florida f comity of St. Lucie 11te f a�po`ngg�i__nstnlmcnt\vas ac o vlkxlgcxi before lie this �daav ol'�Q _ 20 _. I1y .�t� 7� (Printed mirue of person sipune above) (TN C of authority...e.g.O\mcr.ollicer,tnlstee.attornc\ in Iacl) For 1 (Name of party on behalf of%-,-hom instrument\+as etched) PersonallyKnown—or, oduced.the)'ollotving t3-pe o1'1T, ANGE LI ,; .00MMaalonr#FFI)E6143 \_T\.— P� s �;�:Expires May 17,2029 Grit .Name of Notary Pub i (Sig hatur <I. otary Publ ic) 1 r 4� BaedtdThruTlvyri�ltrllwtanoo690aaSI018 Under penalties of periltrv,1 declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are late to the t>!!.t al'n1y knu\\led"c belief(section 92.525,Flulida Statutes). Si naturu s)of O\vner(s)or O+vner(s)'Authorized Office r/Director/Part ner/Mamm�eral ho signed abw•e: By 139 c8 3D, turEn«� (Signa ) (Printed Name) i F: •t