HomeMy WebLinkAboutFL # 16546Florida Building Code Online
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product Approval
Asea. Wolk a:rr
Clopay Building Products Company
ymeve noemva enlorad
aSyVIi4^ 3l> amillmdnn omn
Application Type
Code Version
Application Status
02/19/2016 v. date. set to reapply per S^Hamilton's req.zb.02/24/16
Product Manufacturer
Clopay Building Products Company
8585 Duke Blvd.
Mason, 01-145040
Authorized Signature
Scott Hamilton
Technipal Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Exterior Doors
Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies
Compliance Method
Evaluation Report fmm a Florida Regstered Architect Or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed
Scott Hampton
the Evaluation Report
Flonda License
PE -63286
Quality Assurance Entity
Interml, Testing Services NA Inc. - ETL/Wamock Hersey
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Validated By
Gary Pfuehler
❑ Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate Of Independence
FI Rfi `OI Crgh-h n of Ind--r,nra of ValiAatlml Enhty-
6agl furMeri01 E-fill-lq qdf
FL1h546 R6 COT pMl /jn Inderomi—i-P of WalualinnFnhty-
SroltHam,mn 1m (. IIS on
Referenced Standard and year (Of Standard) Std year
ANSI/OASMA 108 2005
ANSI/DASMA 115 2005
ASTM E1886 2005
ASTM E1996 2009
ASTM E330 2002
TA$ 201 1994
TAS 202 1994
TAS 203 1994
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Florida Building Code Online
Equivalence of Product Standards
CertlFied By
Sectors from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submitted 0211812016
Date Validated 02/25/2016
Date Pending FBC Approval 02/25/2016
Date Approved 04/12/2016
Summary of Products
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FLIs Model, Number or Name
16546 1 01 WS-16-HY PAN -2F353: 73,
1500, 25, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 42B,
48, 48B, 55, 4RST, 6RSr, 4RSF,
6RSF, GD55, GDSSV, GR55,
Limits of Use
Approved for use In HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-32 PSE
Other. Solid doors (no gluing) or doors with optional
Impact -resistant glazing are impact -resistant (large missile
16546.2 02 WS-16-HY PAN -2F353: 73,
1500, 75, 190, BMA, 94, 42, 428,
46, 48B, 55, 4RST, 6RST, 4RSF,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure:+32 PSF/-32 PEE
Other: The standard glazing available for this product
meets the wind load requirements of [M1e builtling mtle but
DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for
windborne debris regions.
165463 03 W8-16 PAN -21`443' GD4S,
GR4S, ED4S, AR45
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +46 PSF/-52 PSF
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors (no
glazing) or doors with optional impact -resistant glazing are
impact -resistant (large missile impact).
16546.4 04 W6-16 PAN -2F153: 73, 1500,
75, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 42B, 48,
48B, 55, 4RST, 6115T, 4RSF, 6RSF,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-42 ESE
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_uit): 170 MPH. Solid doom (no
standard glazing) are Impact -resistant (large missile
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Page 1/3fi�
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (97- to 16'0" wide)
WINOCODE® WS Garage Door
Installation Instructions
FI 16946 R6 11 1019226A6Rav14.
Verf By: Scott Hamilton F1 PE 3286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
FI l6g46 Rfi AF f9Pf 111211-ApIf
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (92" to 16'0" wide)
WINDCODE® W5 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
RIAVp Rfi H 101922-P-Rav 14 If
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
�1694fi RE AF rApc 111211-APif
reated by Independent Third Party: No
Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.)
Double -Car (9'2' to 167- wide) WINDCODE® WS Garage
Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Liles
Installation Instructions
FL16546 R6 H 104791 Rwd4.otlf
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
FI 16546 R6 AF C9PF 111211-A,df
Created by Independent Third P.4 No
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2' to 16'2 -wide)
WINDCODE49 W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact -
Resonant Utes
Installation Instructions
Mlfi546 RG H 10471n -A -Rave 4f
Ventietl By: Scott Hamilton FL Bfi
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
FL 16546 Rfi At CRPC 111211 -A
Created by Independent Third Party: No
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Florida Building Code Online
16546.5 05 W6-16 PAN -2F153: 73, 1500,
75, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 48, 55,
4R5T, 6RST, 4RSF, 6R9F, LOSS,
Limits of Use
Approved for use In HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-42 PSF
Other: The standard glazing available for this product
meets the wind load requirements of [M1e budding code but
DOES NOT meet the Impart resistant requirement for
windborne debris regions.
16546.6 106 W6-16 PAN-2Fi56: 76, 2RSr
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +36 PSF/42 PSF
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V aft): 120 MPH. Solid doors (no
standard glazing) are impact -resistant (large missile
16546.7 102 W6-16 PAN -2F156: 76, 2RSr
.imits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-42 PSF
Other: The standard glazing available for this product
reefs the wind load requirements of the building code but
)DES NOT meet the Impact resistant requirement for
16546.8108 WS -16 PANSP-2F153/6: 73SP,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-37 PSF
Other: Said doors (no glazing) or doors with optional
Impact -resistant glazing are Impact -resistant (large missile
16546.9 09 WS -16 PANSP-2F153/6: 73SP,
Page 3 of 6
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double Car (9.2 -to 16'2" wide)
WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
FL16546 R6 11 104710-1-Rev03 odf
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent TM1lrtl Party: No
Evaluation Reports
Fl lfiS4(� Rfi AF rRPf IIIII l -A tlf
Creafi by Intlepentlent ThlM Par : No
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2' to 162' wide)
WINOCODE® W6 Gamge Door
Installation Instructions
Gi fi Rfi 11 1m7m-A-Rnv i/9tlf
er led By: ScottHamilton Fl. E 3286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'2' wide)
WINDCOOEdp W6 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
FL16546 R6 11 104210-B-Rev03
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 9142fil
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
FL16546 R6 AE CBPC 131211-A can
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (92" to 16'0' wide)
WINDCODE® WS Garage Door
Installation Instructions
F1.15546 R6 It 104818-A-Rev01-55, nrtl ntlf
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 6 28
Created by Independent TM1lm Party: No
Evaluation Reports
F1 Ifi54fi RE AF roof. 131111-Aptlf
Created by Independent TM1lrtl Party: No
Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide)
WINDCODE® WS Garage Door
Limits of Use
Installation Instructions
Approved for use In HVHZ: No
FL16546 R6 11 ID4618-B-RevOl-snned odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Impact Resistant: No
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-37 PSF
Evaluation Reports
Other: The standard glazing available for this product
FL 36546 R6 AE CBPC 131211-A odf
meets the wind load requirements of the building code but
Created by Independent Third Party: No
DOES NOT meet the Impact resistant requirement for
windborne tlebris regions.
10 W6-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050,
Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.;
2051, 2053, 4050, 4051, 4053, 62,
Interior skin 29 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide)
64, 65, 62G, 62L3, 64G, SDP36,
WINDCODE6 W6 Garage Door
SFL B, SRP38, 134, 135, 136,
6130, 6131, 6133
Limits of Use
Instalfation Instructions
Approved for use to HVHZ: Yes
FL16546 R611 ]04814-A-Rev00.0f
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Verified By: Swtt Hamlllon R PE 63286
Impact Resistant: Yes
Created by Independent Third Parry: No
Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-44 PSF
Evaluation Reports
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_u1n: 170 MPH. Solid doors (no FI 1554 RR AF fapf 1111 -A of
glazing) are Impact -resistant (loge missile Impact). Creaked by Independent Third Party: No
16546 11 11 W6-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050, I Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.;
2051, 2053, 4050, 4051, 4053, 62, Interior skin 29 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide)
64, 65, 62G, 62LG, 64G, SDP38, WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door
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Florida Building Code Online
ISFUS, SRP38, 134, 135, 136,
6130, 6131, 6133
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-44 PSF
Other: The standard glazing available for this product
meets the wind load requirements of the building code but
DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for
windborne debris regions
16546.12 12 W6-09 DSIU-IF471: GD25U,
AR2LU, ED2SU, ED2LU, 9202,
HDPC20, 7202, 8202, MFC68U,
9205, HDPR20, 7205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors (no
glazing) or doors with optional impact -resistant glazing are
Impact -resistant (large missile Impact).
16546.13 13 W6-09 DSIU-11`471: GD2SU,
AR2LU, E02SU, ED21LU, 9202,
HDPC20, 7202, 8202, 1
9205, HDPR20, 7205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF
Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load
requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the
impact resistant requirement for wmdborne debris regions.
16546.14 14 W6-16 DSIU-IF471: GD25U,
AR2LU, ED2SU, ED2LU, 9202,
HDPC20, 7202, 8202, MFC68U,
9205, HDPR20, 7205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_uIU: 170 MPH. Solid doors (no
glazing) or room with optional Impart -resistant glai are
Impact -resistant (large missile Impact).
16546.15 l5 W6-16 DSIU-IF471: GD25U,
ARKU, ED2SU, ED2LU, 9202,
HDPC20, 7202, 8202, MFC68U,
9205, HDPR20, 7205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF
Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load
requirements of the budding code but DO NOT meet the
Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions.
16 W6-18 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP,
AR2lP, ED25P, ED2IP, 4302,
HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR,
6205, Si MFR68
use in HVHZ: Yes
Page 4 of 6
Installation Instructions
FL16546 un IT 104814-P-Rnvn but
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL 63286
Created by Independent Third PartyNo
Evaluation Reports
FL16546 R6 AE CBPC 131211-A not
Created by Independent Third Party' No
Double -skin Insulated Intellicore (exterior sen 27 ga. min.;
Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide)
WINDCODEdt W6 Garage Door with Opbonal Impact-
Reslstant Lltes
Installation Instructions
1`116546 BE It 104432-A-Rev0 he
VenBed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 69286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
Fl16940,6 AF C8 (: '4121 o-Pppnl
Create by Indepan enl Third Reilly: No
Double -skin Insulated Intellicore (exterior skin 27 ga. min.;
Interior skin 27 ga, min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide)
WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
py1_6546 R6 II 104432-B-Rev0�0df
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
FI16546 R6 AF CRPC 141719-R/rtlf
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Double -skin Insulated Intellicore (exterior skin 27 ga. min.;
Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car g2' to 16'2' wide)
WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
FL16546 R6 It 10482n A-RevO�/pdf
VenBed By: Scott Hamilton FL pE 69286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
Created! by Independent Third Party: No
Double -skin Insulated Intellicore (exterior skin 27 ga. min.;
interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car {9'2' to 16'2' wide)
WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
FI 16546 R6 11 104820-8-Rev03p If
VenBed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
FL16546 R6 AE CBPC 1412198 our
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. ming
Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (16'4' to 18'2' wide)
WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact-
FL16546 BE 11 1040.10-A-Rrv04-vinnad odf
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Florida Building Code Online
Approved for use outside Hall Yes Vented By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Impact ResistanF Yes Cleated by Independent Third Party: No
Design Pressure: +3B PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 128 MPH. Solid doom (no FI lasso Re AF FRq'' 141JJ19-e of
glazing)or doors with optional Impact-In
If are Created by lndependen[Thfrtl Party: No
impact -resistant (large missile Impact).
Page 5 of 6
W6-18 DSIE-11421: GD2SP,
Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 22 ga, min.;
Interior skin 22 go min.) Double -Car (16'4" m el
AR21-P, ED25P, ED21_P, 4302,
WINOCODEO W6 Garage Door
HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR,
6205, ST68, MFR68
Limits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16546 R6111R4RI0-R-Rrvild,nned ndf
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party. No
Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports
Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16546 R6 AE CBPC 141219-8 odf
requirements of the buildng code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No
Impact resistant requirement for w ishorne debris regions.
16546.18 IS VI DSIU-11`421: GD25U, Double -skin Insulated Intellicore (exterior skin 22 ga. min.;
GR251J, GD2LU, GR2LU, AR2SU, Interior skin 22 ga. min.) Doublel (16'4'to 18'2" wide)
AR2LU, ED2SU, ED2LU, 9202, WINDCODEG, W6 Garage Door with Optional Initial
HDPC20, 2202, 8202, MFC68U, Resistant Utes
9205, HDPR20, 2205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 120 MPH. Solid doors (no
glazing) or doors with optional Impact -resistant glazing are
impact -resistant (large missile impact).
16546.19 19 sell DSIU-1 F421: GD25U,
AR21_10, ED2SU, EDl 9202,
HOPC20, 2202, 8202, MFC68U,
9205, HOPR20, 2205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: No
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: +38 Pl 42 PSF
Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load
requirements of the building Code but DO NOT meet the
Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions.
16546.20 20 WS -09 DSIU-IF421: GD2S%
AR2LU, ED25U, ED21-Il, 9202,
HDPC20, 2202, 8202, MFC68U,
9205, HDPR20, 2205, 8205,
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: Yes
Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF
Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_olt): 120 MPH. Solid doors (no
glazing) or doom with optional Impact -resistant glazing are
Impactresistant(large missile Impact).
Go to Page O 40
Installation Instructions
Fpl lfi�fi Rfi 11 1n4A2t-G-Rav
Vented By: Scott Independent
rd 3286
Created by Intlepentlen[ Third Pally: No
Evaluation Reports ee++����
Cres ed byCrea ed by l�ndependen Their Pa : No
Double -skin Insulated Intelllcore (exterior skin 22 ga. min.;
Interior skin 22 ga. min.) Double -Car III to 18'2' wide)
WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door
Installation Instructions
1116546 R6 11 104R21-R-Rev03.pdf
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent Third Party. No
Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third PartyNo
Double -skin Insulated Intelllcore (extedor skin D ga. min.;
Interior skin 22 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide)
WINDCODE® AS Geroge Door with Optional Impact -
Resistant them
FL16546 R6R6 1135 -Ra f
Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286
Created by Independent Third Party: No
Evaluation Reports
r� by'IndepenGent Th rty: No
iblik: FyE
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http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnF... 6/21/2016