HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4199795 OR BOOK 3879 PAGE 1235, Recorded 06/13/2016 at 01:48 PM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1.DESCRIP'T'ION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER:24214094MOS"OW4 SUBDIVISION�'"`BLOCK5 TRACT LOT7 BLDG VMT 2404 BLOSSOM CT Fort Pierce,FL 34982 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT:Re-Mof 3.OWNER INFORMATION: a.Nam David Fredy b.Addrcss2404 BLOSSOM CTFOrt Pierce,FL 34982 e.1Bow in Vopoetyotaater d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if other than owntt) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Lamy Neese,LLC 2801 Sunrise Bivd.,Fort Pierce,FL 34982 772-361-6580 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be saved as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8.In addition to himself or berself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor s Notice n provided in Section 713.13(1 Xb),Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a difkrent date is specified) _20-. WARNING TO OWNER•ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPFRA77ON OF TgE NUIXB OF CpApffMZWENT ARE CONSIDERED IMMOPER PAYMENTS UNDER CNAFM 718 PART]SEcnON 713.13-FLORIDA STATUTES.AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE POR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE OF COMMENCF.MFNT HtZj R§=W)AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIIW INSPECTION IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINAN=0=1111.1 WATT YOUR A7TORhWPWQ_RE COMMENCING WORK 01k RECORDING YOUR/ TI (O S ttlre of ec or Print Name and Provide Signatory's TUIdWee Owner's Authorized Offlcer/Direclor/Partner/Mansger State of FI County of The going in W t was Imowledged before am this(Y , _day of 20�_. By .85 (Name of person) Q (Type of authority...e.g.Owner,officer,trestee,artmrney is faa) For, (Name of party on behalf of whom instrumen executed) Personally Kno �rq uce a II�tyRe_Q * Ndery PON•atria N florids my Cam lisom Od 11,tot a Ctlalaam �i EE 842817 (Printed Name of Not blit) (Sig store of Notary Public Under penalties of perjury,f declare that I have read a foregoing and that the facts in it are true to rite bat of my knowledge and belief(section 92.525,Florida Statutes). re(a or thin )or Owner(s)'Authorized Off oer/Direetor/Partner/Manager who dgnd abava By: By a�.. STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT CO Y OF HE t OR J SEP AITH, — By. spu1Y C rk Date