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Certificate of Product Ratings
AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7491963 Date:7/7/2016
Product:Split System:AirZoolod Condensing Unit,Coil with Blower
Outdoor Unit Model Number:RA1424AJI
Indoor Unit fltifdodel Number:RHIPPA1'fSTAN
Trade/Brand name:RHEEM;RUUD
Region:Southei"t and North(AL,AR,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,KY,LA�MD,MS,NC,OK,SC,TN,TY.,VA
Region Note:Cental air condition:®aa manufactured prior to January 1,2015,are eligible to be
installed in all regions until June 30,2016. Beginning July 1,2016,central air conditioners
can only be Installed in region(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement.
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IEER Rating(Cooling):
Ratings k9owed by an aatedsk(q Irdlceta a voluntary rotate of previously pub WW data,unless occanpenled with a WAS,which Indkatea an involurltay rerate.
AHRI docs not endorse the product(s)paced on this Conificato and melees no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and amumas no respom1bitify for,
The produc*)gated on this CelUficete.AHRI expr=iy dWalms all Usbl ft for damages of;py Ignd aHaing out of the use or performance of the proeuct(s),or the
Unauthorized alteration of date Ihted on this f:ertificata Cartined rAfmgt aro valid only for modals and configurations listed In the
directory atwWmaflridireofory.org.
TERMS AND CffMtllt'ro;yg
This Ibrtiflrate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shell only be used for Individual,personal olid
confidential reterance purposm The contents of this 1%rtlUcato may hot,111 whole or In part,be reproduced:copied;dlreernIrld;
ei terad Into a computer databeae;or aftrwas utilized.In any form or manner or by oily rneens,excW for ft uWa Individual
pa utail and confidential reference. AI14COROD1W0G.HFAINa,
The(MermeIIeh for the model eked lin 10 certificate can be vehfiad at www.shrldlrectery ore,dick on Taft CaWficate"link we make life hemi°
and enter tate ANRI Cotoad Reference Number and the date on which the certificate wee lensed,
which is listed above,and the COMICate No,which Is listed at bottpm right q ••a;:}:t'r.::i+:..;::;s' +
g, g, g r` 1 Ti ICATE'NO.: .
131.12378 2739
®201r4 Mr-Conditioning,Heating,and ReFTI oration Institute
17/2d Wei Tb:T T 9TOZ L 't nt Z0b9PVRZLL: 'ON Xtid sac)AuaS SNQ: WONA