HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions 2016-06-29 13:02 j.a.taylor roofing 772 468 8397 99 P 1/6 OMCE USE ONLY; n DAT>r FILED: U a-f , (� Pl;RMIT# I L Q r©►�I 5. REVISION FEZ; C)O RECEIPT# G` PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULA'T'ION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5653 (772)4621553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE ^� �r^� c-� P 4 1 DRESS: ��oC C. ���QZl/.�. 1 '} LC)Co.(-e-0, 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: Cn r e.�at t tee. • r» 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REGJCERT. ST.LUCIE cqjjNTv CERT.#: '2!)Q 19 BUSINESS NAME; ,QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: 1-e-CC2 STATE: rc L- ZIP: t� PHONE(DAYTIME):-i:2Q.- u Cole 4 QyQ FAX: --L-j- L CcaS- 3� a. OWNEPAUILDER INFORMATION; NAME: ADDRESS; CITY; STATE: ZIP; PHONE: FAX. vm 9 m WIMa S. ARCHITECTIENGINEEIZ INFORMATION; ILL Uv NAME; ADDRESS: CITY: STATE; PHONE(DAYTIME): SLCCC;9123/09 Roviscd 04/262010 1Iv D if E �r JUN ? 20% a PERMITTING S4. Lucie County, FL 2016-06-29 13:03 j.a.taylor roofing 772 ,468 8397 >> P 2/6 Florida Building Code Who Pago 1 of 4 0=Hwe i Loa In user;t691 ration Hot Taples Submit Su"brpa t Smts Po Fats ; Publications Poe staff bC1S site Map Unks Scarth Businesgna,Proessl ouPubllWr°v ' Reaulation —� �d v� r A ACQdU r ar_ er���e�Min,.>h_rpdnct-Applliptlnn Hr.=;-pppu� aLL9at y AppllCatlon Datoll t•: l� �l�V• i (� Application Type Rcvlslcn `� JUN 2 9 2016 Cade Version x014 APPllcation Status ( Approved PERf�11TTil tyC St. Lucie County, FL Comments ArCIIVed Product Manufacturer Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation Address/Phone/Emall 545 South 3rd Street,Suite 200 Louisville,KY 40202 (812)218.7342 dstermer*meta!sales.us,com Authorized Signaturo David Stermer dstermer(�metelsales,u5,com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative REVISION Addross/Phone/Emall Category � ofing y Suhcattgory �Metal Roofing � Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Profes,lonal Englnacr Evaluation Report=Hardcopy Received Florida Englneer or Architect Name who developed the Bala Sockalingam Evaluation RepCCNCEU FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS Florida ucansc PE-62240 nsc Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Ine.ARE/HTHE }RESPP pNSIBIL"OF THE ValidatedVByASsu�nce Contract Expiration Date Yaoser Lavl0,P.E. yk1111(1 cI Ofi OF RWRD v Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL246ac_R7 S�l S,N�,slp�rbte[odeo Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) StandACd ExCOPY e FM 4470 2 TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 _ 19 8 9 UL 1897 0 UL 580 9 UL 580 -0 " Equlvalanco of product Standards Certified By Florida Lien oval E r r t https l/tiaridAbuildinp.orglpr/pr app_ctl.aspx7paromcwGEVX"Dgsw9ZVNfe8A7ocHQhC8itQ00SOPkOYIKIhMSSNJ%2f98dog%3d%.,. September 11,2015 2016-06-29 13:04 j.a.taylor roofing 772 468 8397 >> P 3/6 Fiorlda Building Code Online Page 2 of 4 Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method i Option D Date Submitted 03/31/2015 Date Validated 04/14/2015 Data Pending FBC Approval 04/18/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015 Summary of produce PL 07 Model,Humber or Name —�Description 14645.1 2.5"Corrugated I Min,26 go,21.33"wide coverage through Fastened roof panel over min. 39/32"thick plywood deck. Umlts of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No EL11fii45 R2_ I -vel atlortRepoat 2Q19 J.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Daaign pressure;+N/A/-86.0 !evaluation Reports Other:Uplift load of 82.3 W at fastener spacing of 36"o.c. I E1 4a 525 13 A Eva l ra tonScaartr2= i.ndf and 86.0 psf at fastener spacing of 12"o.c. i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14645.2 5V-Crimp i Min.26 ga.,24 wide through fastened roof panel over min. 19/32"thlck plywood deck with fasteners through panel flat. Elmira of use --_� .�_--^�� InsOclltitlOre instrwctlons.•� — -----•-••- -. Approved for use in HVHZ:No 1111_4S4S2 1 voluaIenR.�ytC2ni n 7 adr Approved for use outslde MVHZ:Yes Verified By:Bala Sockalingam PE 62240 ImpbCt Resistant N/A Croaked by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-149,6 Evaluotlon Reports Other.,Uplift load Of 84,5 psf at fastener spacing of 24"o.c., 171.14645 R7 a IugUonRepprtG2010.7..pdf 131,3 psf at rastanar spacing of 18"o,C.and 149.6 psf at Created by Independent Third Party:Yes fastener spacing of 12"o,C. 14645.3T -Crimp — Min.26a,,24"wide through fastcnc0 roof panel over min. -- _ �- 19/32"Yhi,, plywood deck with fasteners through panel rib. — st • _ Umits of use Installatlort Irssgrr9ctlon$ Approved for use In HVHZt No Fl (4�5 �II Y atlonReoortC201t1 �.rldf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Bala Sotkalingam PE 62240 Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Prosoure:+N/A/-196.75 ev©lunvan Reports Other:Uplift load of 41.6 psf at fastener spacing of 36"ox, F 14645.R7 Ar Eval UatlenReoartC nt4 3xdf 74.8 psf at fastener spacing of.16"O.C.and 196.75 psf at Croated by Independent Third Party:Yes fastener spacing of 8"o.c. 14645.4 5V-Crlmp Min,26 9m,34"wide through fastened roof panel over min. 115/32'thick plywood deck or 7/16"thick 0Se with fasteners _ T through panel rib: r Limlts of use ;natellation Ynstrucdons Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL1464.5�7 II evaivation8euort-2nio 4,11dr Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes verified By:Baia Sockalingam PE 62240 ImpnCt Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yea Design Pressure:+N/A/-172.5 dvaluntion Raport9 Other.Uplift load of 30.0 psf at Fastener spacing of 36"C.C. 17610 LRZ-AC".." E,.yo uabpnRenortC7QIQ 4.ndt and 172,5 psf at fastener spacing of 6"o,c. _—_ + - Created by Independent Third Party:Yes - 14645.5 Aluminum Classic Rip Nom.O.g32"thick,36"wide,aluminum through fastened roof I _ _ 1 panel over min. 15/32• Limits of use - ..._.. .�.. _-.. ---- - - - 'Ins4eblmtlor�8nstructl - ! Approved for use In HVHZ:NoFL14645 Approved for use outelde HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Baia Sacka ga 0 Impact Rvaistant:N/A Created by Independent l I s Design Pressure:+N/A/-120 Evaluation taaper•tj� Others Uplift load of 30 psf at fastener spacing of 36"o.c.and F v 2 120 psf at fastener Spacing of 6"o.c, ! CrC I 7 i 14645.6 T Aluminum Vertical Seam l No ,- I a" I o ` pan v 32 p ,o ck / th Limits of Use Ing rt Approved for use In HVHZ:No Approved for usa outsido HVHZ?Yes Ve Sock m W4 Impact Resistant:N/Ai Cr d I e Ird https://Roddabultding,orglprlpr,_ppp dtl.o8px7paMML'WGEVXQwtDgsw$ZVNfo9A7eCHOh09it 0 5 2( o r 1 0 2016-06-29 13:07 j.a.taylor roofing 772 468 8397 >> P 4/6 EVALUATION REPORT OF METAL SALES MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 126 GA.5V-CRIMP PANEL' FLORIDA BUILDING CODE STH EDI.1'ION (2014) FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL FL 14645.4-R2 ROOFING METAL ROOFING Prepared For: Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation 545 South 3"d Street,Suite 200 Louisville,KY 40202 Telephone: (502)8554300 Fax: (502)955-4290 Prepared By: Bala Sockaling=4 Ph.D.,P.E. Florida Professional Engineer#62240 1216 N Lansing Ave.,Suite C Tulsa,OK'74106 Telephone: (918)492-5992 FAX: (918)493-3568 This report consists of Evaluation Report(3 Pages including cover) Installation Details(1 Page) P•SOCKA4 �. 4 b N 2' w ; a � o Report No. C20104 STATE OF Date:3.27.15 E Bb 5 � ry 2016-06-29 13:08 j.a.taylor roofing 772 468 8397 >> P 5/6 FL 14645.4-R2 02010-4 3,27.15 Page 2 of 3 Manufacturer: Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation Product Name: SV-Crimp Panel Description: 24"wide coverage with(5) 1/2"high ribs Materials: Min. 26 ga., 50 ksi steel, Galvanized coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume coated steel(ASTM A792)or painted steel(ASTM A755), Deck Description: Min. 7/16" thick OSB or min. 15/32" thick plywood at max span of 24" for new and existing.constructions. Designed and installed as per FBC 2014. Deck Attachment: 8d x 2.5" long ring shank nails or 48 x 2" long wood screws @ 6"o.c. (Minimum) in the plywood field and edges Underlayment: Minimum underlayment as per FBC 2014 Section 1507.4.5.1 Slope: 1/2:12 or greater in accordance with FISC 20I4 Section 1507.4.2. Design Uplift Pressure: 30,0 psf @ fastener spacing of 36"o.c. (Factor of Safety m 2) 172.5 psf @ fastener spacing of 6"o.c. Fastener Pattern: Type: #9.16 or#10-14 hex head wood screws with sealed washer. Fastener shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8"and installed as per Metal Sales current installation procedure. At panel ends @ 6"o.c.across panel width At intermediate @ 12"o.c.across panel width Test Standards: Roof assembly tested in accordance with UL580-06 `Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies' & UL1897-04 `Uplift Tests for Roof Covering Systems'. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2014 Section 1507.4 Product Limitations: Design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2014 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaltiatio�l report is not appl' in g �.. Hurricane Zone. Fire classification is not n p a t Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2014 Se io a approved roofing materials directory, or_�aS from an accredited lab t f .o NO 5V-C RI V a J"ftSTENER 4t MEL PAT ,d—SEE OEiAIL 2 ` SEE OE�AIL 1 J ENDS MLY.�i PANEL q ' ; + G �XL ,,�a;td Y / W(31"-u ATTA.:HIE11T: PFESETPBPER 1.S S FREss1,°E r1I��E c�1 T17s s�ET. $ us2 L06MW- SRWK1131 LhCEkT.hxhl SI'Jd! 8E INSTA!M CR is r 2'L�VrtY0 SOZEAS AS PiR ttA'tt A%TLIP..EFiS INSTALL4TICH SPACED 9 6' D.C. LN THE.FIELD ptlirJ R1E5 &A3 EL%:;ES 2K._ 'NOW Rk-TFR/xaST/ A TfRLJSS AT MAX 24' O.C_ TYPICAL PANEL INSTALLATION X--SECTION Co °-16 D tD �a �stR,ts DESIGN UPLIFT PRESSUREco No Y4TH SE!! SFE11IiC,WAS!--EN AT FASTLNER PR SS FE -4i' VAXtwv SPACI�J Of 36'�.C_ SPAO`13 n � SV-C.4tVP VIN 26 G& n 6 1715 s3 Li h +EM NOTES 1.APCKTECTLV.AL ROO PANEL MS BEEN DES; ED W ACCORDANCE WITH THE a a = fLOR O4 BtIII 1r.CLE 0C). a os S 1R+vr7LATkENT OSB?},5.7TsC3c(WV.�{<t 2. Wr,7 METS S-lX'.BE WK 26 GA.(t =0.019-J. EFFECTKS Cv.'EP.313 � A x ErTH OF PAtia = 2f'_ < DETAIL fLYAC00 F5}32'iHtN (Kk.) 3 TN£ ROOF PANELS Stitt 9E P.5TA1lED hFFta S'_ATHIJ^.& STRLTCTCt A5 x 3g SQECFTED Gi TKS DRK9 - O 0 4. REfNIIREO OESIM WIM LOADS SKgL EE CE"TUNIIED FOP, EAf.21 PROJECT. TKG :��,� i9-16 OR ¢1D-i4 NL1 OSSROWS A:?cPANEL EATER ttRY THE DE:Y5Tup ED ht+Et7 . FSt EC D OON VAD S Ca - L 147TH SELF SEJ@W KASHM AT ALE GREATER T!i►7J THE DcN At UPUFT FRES S CEIED 0i HE C9AR'.6Qi iv1 e 5.At1.FASTENS 11357 8E t1+'J�CCP�flIS.�E RTTH THS WW.%f,&THE FLOC a O VAXMV SPr+C'1i.. OF 36'O.C. DJU"+CODE, W A CtFFEFFME OCCURS BETAEEN 71tc W44W .� RMrjREM---4TS lDr THIS DFss1t40€c THE COrjF-TRE CCOE S1=A1L ODWROL_ SV-CRIL1? & REQUIRED FFORrEAC AFPLICATION A2)ARM EaRESPfl"UTYMOF OOT ERS. un 26 GA- C7+ G7 M IR:CERiJtY4EN c— p{C r� O58 7}18"TKC<tU.42010-4 ) O4 �cc�rtx DETAIL 2 PLYRJCD 15/32. 1H.CK(VA-) co i N 16- c> 1 •o " C> rd