HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FAR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED —1 Date:_'ZI—re, /V 611- Permit Number: HER"_ ROZ T 111Ar 0-aA13338 Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone.J772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICA T ION,FOR: Electrical PROPOSED-IMPROVEMENT LOCATION.: Address: Legal Description: Property Tax I D#: 3414-501-1701-00019 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace meter center with a combo pack at each address CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION.- Additional work to ee orme under this perms —check a apply: HVAC 0 Gas Tank Gas Piping _,Shutters Q Windows/Doors Electric 11 Plumbing Sprinklers 0 Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: Sq.Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ f OG.O.CSC) UtilitiesSewer 0Septic Building Height: OWNERAESSEL CONTRACTOR: Name Wynne Building Corp. Name: James W Law Address: 8000 S US#1 Suite 402 Company: Law's Electric, Inc. City; fort St.Lucie State: FL Address: 218 Beach Avenue Zip Code: 34952 Fax: City: Port SL Lucie State: FL Phone No. 772-878-5513 Zip Code: 34952 Fax: 772-878.3347 E-Mail: Phone No. 772-971-4512 FBI in fee simple'Title Bolder on next page(if different E-Mail: lowselectridnc@aol_com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: E:R0000122 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 5d -99Z6-659-699 LK£9L9ZLLMVfl e6ti:60 9l 66 Inf SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION) LIEN 1.AW INFORNIAMON: DESiGAiIrRjENGil�lElnR: Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY• Not Applicable Name- Name: Address: Address: cfty: State: C`it y: State: up: Phone: ZIP: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDE11b. �,Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY,,,/Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: chY. city; Phone: : Phone: I cer*that no wasrk wk siamon has+o-aosenm4-.•pri"to the Issuance of a pemdL St:LuaeCoun��jjrtmalsesraorepres onthatisgrart ga,permmirtwIliauthorizethe�erntithioldertobuildthesubjectstructure winch is ir►cor�ft"tct vrrsCh an appTDcab a Zee fl niers Assoae43en rules,6yJavus orae covenants[l�at nra�►restrict os proln�it snc � stxviture.Please consrrltvur�h your Horne tnrssers Association and reviewyaur deed for any restrictionswhrch may apply to consideradaon of-the granting afthis requested perm%I do hereby agreethat 1 will,in all respects,perFarm the work in=Wrdance w►o-the approved plans,the plorjda Bwl cft Codes and St Line county Amendments` Thefollovdng building permit applications are emernptfrorn undergoing a full cononTencV reVmw-room additions, accessorystructvre%swimmingpools,fence%vaaits,saw,smmn rooms and accessory usestv another non-residential use WARNING TO CONS yam fWjure to ReLmrd a Notice of Commencement may resedt in your PaV!ngzWce far improvements to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsrte beforethe first inspection.If you intend-tai obtain-financtng,Consult vAth tender or an atbomey before commence works n or recordiour Nodge of Cort�mence hent LlzowM of Owner/Agesctj Lessee of eontractorrucense holder STATE OF FI.OTMA STATE OF FI OPJDA SAINT LUCIE• CDUNTT OF SAINT LUCIE COUNTY OF The ing instxu stru uk knwtdgd bore me, ackr! ogad before me armbyeg � o ` =w thz .-day Of 't, ES W LAW ,JAMES W LAW (Alaane of person acknowledging) (t~tarna of person astmowledging}' (5- IVoYari►Publio-State of Aarada$ iatu Notary Ferlbi'rc-State of Florida} . 4R Produced Dr?en acation Personally Known I/ OR Produced Ddentifiration Personally Known Type of ldentr1cadap Produced Type of tdawfiicadon produced _ tSTAOF LAW FE 846900 TARP PUl lm Comrnudon Icto_ -EE 845906 y PUBLDC commission No. — ATE OF FLONDA FLORIDA �#EF846906 - 1 EXpiraS 1LF128J24'l6 Revised 07/1512014 RE11IeLIVS FRONT Z(lMNG SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION - SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW ©A'CE COMPLETE I?JMALS g•d -99ZL-L99-L99 Ltr££8L9ZLLMV1 e6b:60 9L LL Inr