HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval i i ECEIV.`D � q JUL 18 2016 iO�II� MIAMI-DADE COUNTY 1rB1A�tl" pgi� ,la®u!1dI�E FILE �� PRODUCT CONTROL.SECTION ,gmNINI'lifi 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEP A41;ZTMEPIT Ol REGzULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 18OAP.D AND COUA:E,,!4.W111[NISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 N(TTIC7:74: OF ACCEPTANCE OA www.miamidacle.gov/economv GA.114 1 c; <iinpu, Drivc palr.gki ppa any. NJ 11 7054 SCOPE' ThisNOik is bein€;iss;:.ed under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The docarnenta::ion submittl,-d has been re iewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used)in Miarni D.3de C:ount.y and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). i This'.NOA shall :-.ot be. valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Secyon (In lvliarr: Davie County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have: this p:rodum: ._)r:material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the ccepted manner,, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revo'c,, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoi{e this accepta.ncc, if it is detemdned by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or mat(!tial fails to meet 11Ae requirementq of the applicable building code. Thisiproduct is approve -d as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code incli:'rrling the High c-locity Hurricanc Zone of the Florida Building Code. DE iCRIJRTION. GAI:T Timberline I IDO,Timberline Natural Shadow®,and Timberline American Harvest® skli ngles LA: ]ELPNG: Each unit shall bear a r ermanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city, state and following statcir3ent: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this Pa 0A shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in th;applicable building code negati ely affecting the performance of this product. TEI MINS ATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the matetials,use,anct'or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for s les, advertish-ig or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. AW/l EWISEMENT'. The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration elate mE./be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its!entirety. INSI"ECTION: A copy of this entire OA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall.The available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NUA revises NOA -13-0419.04 a d consists of pages 1 through 6. The !ubmitted documm-tation was reviewed by Juan E. Collao,R.A. I �1�QIm®IliNOA No.: 14-1022.20 W41•r�E COUNT'r lm i �II� h Expiration Date:02/21/17 CM 7 Approval Date:02/05/15 Page 1 of 6 I Ro :I)FI'_°11(,'_ff ASS►EIllallLlt'APPROAL cati.J,!M•.: :hoofing Asphalt Sh ngles Mat( rials; Laminate Deck,. ►!:: 'Wood Sr-[IPE Thisi►>ppr«vcs G.I►F T'lmberline HD Timberline Natural Shadow®,and 'Timberline American Harvest' SlhIr ;les,as mane i acai red by GAF as iescribed in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance. IPIMIND1i (""rDErCRUPTION 1Ppodifrt imensions 'Test Product Description SpecificationsGAI'`'I"rimli)-erline 1II)�' 1 '/4"x 39'/8" TAS 110 Fiberglass reinforced heavy weight asphalt Mantkliwtnrrrig roof shingle,with a laminate profile Locca r ons ll'1,21)3, 1•,15), 6,7 GA.111r11mll erline t dvhwal 1 '/4"x 39 3/8" TAS 110 Fiberglass reinforced heavy weight asphalt Shad IOwe roof shingle,with a laminate profile Man j`ixctur.:ng Locations i"•1:1,2,3, 1,S, 6,7 fGJU'I'11'imberline.American I '/4"x39'/8' TAS 110 Fiberglass reinforced heavy weight asphalt lH[aryr':';t® roof shingle,with a laminate profile Man;Aa_zcturng Locoii ons 49 5, i NL l�,-UF.kC'TU1R I N,C3 LOCATION 1. Tari-q-,-a,FL 2. Michigin City,Rl 3. 13alti nic}re,I,I D 4. Ivlye::rstown, I A. 5. I'snnis. X 6. Tusc,z.lcosa, r kl. 7. �-.Dallai , TX f I 4111LUPOKAVE➢ Ill�i81i11�®➢1 SII NOA No.: 14-1022.20 couir►rr � Expiration Date:02/21/17 D➢i I11f�8�i ��l➢ry Approval Date:02/05/15 Page 2 of 6 i IEw ENC:IT Suii,:a,ff TIED T:.st�At,;Jbency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Undej^;vrite r :Labor 3.tor,-.s,Inc. ASTM D3462 I ICA48924 10/24/11 Unde>I�Nrite ca:Labor 3tor•i-,s,Inc ASTM D3462 l OCA21994 04/22/11 Undeu�airit(:rs:Labor).torii.-s,Inc ASTM D3462 IOCA28717 07/26/11 Unde�{;vrit(ns:Laboritaries,Inc. ASTM D3462 05CA47541 11/10/06 Unde ;writers'Laboritori,,as,Inc. ASTM D3462 06CA31580 11/30/06 PRI i sphalI Teclui logits,Inc. ASTM D3462 GAF-101-02-02 11/02/05 Under^;irrite:rs:Labor .tori-,s, Inc. ASTM D3462 06NK05159 08/09/06 PRI Asphalt Tecluiologi(;s,I:nc. ASTM D3462 GAF-098-02-02 11/08/05 Underj';vrite:rs:Labor3.tories,Inc. ASTM D3462 02NK41809 08/11/02 Unde.>j`xrite:rs'Labor stories,Inc. ASTM D3462 03NK26444 10/17/03 -enV.!r Por:kp;�lied Lng veering ASTM D3462 257989 05/13/97 Under;;rrite:rs:Labort.tari�-,s, Inc. TAS 107 OINK45803 04/13/94 -Unde`';writers:Labo r ttot:�s, Inc. TAS 107 06NK05159 08/09/06 Unde ;vrite:r:;:Labo r t.tor r,.-s,Inc. TAS 107 04NK04273 02/20/04 Under ;vritl;r:3:Laboritari,,-s, Inc. TAS 107 05CA42840 11/11/05 Unde;vritl;:rs:Labo, tari,-,s, Inc. TAS 107 02NK41811 11/11/02 Under;vrite:r;;:Labor�tar<<�s,I:nc. TAS 107 03CA35209 10/17/03 Unde;;rrite:r;;:Labort.tor�s,Inc. TAS 107 04CA13850 08/30/04 Centr-:r for;I,ppliecl 3n1;veering TAS 100 257989 04/01/97 PRI Aslphal I Technc-logic;s,Inc. TAS 100 GAF-044-02-01 01/13/04 PRI Asphalt Technc-logics, Inc. TAS 100 GAF-098-02-01 11/08/05 :PRI A„;phalt Technc,l.ol;ies, Inc. TAS 100 GAF-101-02-01 11/09/05 :PRI E ;phalt Techtudogies,Inc. TAS 100 GAF-116-02-02 03/23/06 :PRI A_�;phalt Techtu logies, Inc. TAS-100 ELK-083-02-01 10/16/02 ELK-084-02-01 10/15/02 ELK-085-02-01 10/14/02 ELK-086-02-01 10/24/02 ELK-087-02-01 10/21/02 ELK-088-02-01 10/16/02 ELK-107-02-01 10/09/03 ELK-108-02-01 10/09/03 ELK-109-02-01 10/09/03 IL.m':•rA'll'l1ONS ll, Fire c:lassilica.tion is not part f this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fir„ rating;; of i:,.is product. Sha.11 not h;installed on roof n iean heights in excess of 33 ft. All. produ;: s listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code an,a.Rule til IG20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. I C111 NOA No.: 14-1022.20 10141.110J.,E COUDI r'Y����'i8ili"�����C� Expiration Date:02/21/17 7 Approval Date:02/05/15 Page 3 of 6 i i INSTALLATION I Shingles sr!all be installed in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 115. 1 Flashing s[,,gall be in accordance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 115 The manu.f.3cturer shall provide.clearly written application instructions. d1i Exposure snd course layout shall be in compliance with Detail'A',attached. 5Nailing shE..11 be in compliance with Detail W,attached. LABELING Shin les ma 11 bcEx the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city and state of mani factoring fac i iity, and following tatement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product GontroI Seal as shown below. MIAM@•DADE COUNTY Buns Dn i:I PERWIT REQUIREMENTS ].r Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: ]l.l. This Notice of Acceptai ice. 11.1: Any other documents i equired by the Building Official or the applicable code in order to properly evaIuate the installation of this system. 11�9UM � NOA No.: 14-1022.20 C UA141-DADS COUb'ry Expiration Date:02/21/17 [pilD�GlmF�lQ p. Approval Date:02/05/15 Page 4 of 6 DETAIL A COURSE LAYOUT DECK FULL 5th 17" OFF 4th I 11" OFF 3rd 6" OFF 2nd FULL 1st i ®]� NOA No.: 14-1022.20 MMMI-MDE COUh�I rr I) Expiration Date:02/21/17 � �® m 11 Approval Date:02/05/15 Page 5 of 6 DETAIL B OVERA LL DIMENSIONS AND NAILING PATTERN 39-3/311 (IM) �mrf•, 14-1/2"-17-1/2" 14-1/2"-17-1/2" (368-445 m) (368-445mm) 3-1/2"-9-1/Z' 6-1/2"-9-1/2" ail guide line (165-241—) (165-241—) 5-314"-6-1/4" -41- 0— (146mm-159mm) from bottom of shingle elf seal adhesive on back 1::NHANCE® NAILING PATTERN - six nails per shingle* required by some Ica il codes and required for enhanced wind coverage on certain products. See limited warranty for details. -fho:3e shingles MUST be nailed a nominal 6" (152mm)from bottom of of dingle, above the cut outs, as shown. Nails must not be exposed. ND OF THIS ACCEPTANCE I i SUR NOA No.: 14-1022.20 r aOYJIMAIDe coum-r r Expiration Date:02/21/17 Approval Date:02/05/15 Page 6 of 6