Minutes of Meeting
April 28, 2016
Conveneds 3 32 p.m. Adjourneds 4:18 P.M.
Commissioner Mowery called the meeting to order at 3:32 P.M. in Conference Room # 3, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken.
Members Presents
Members Excuseds
Others Presents
Commissioner Tod Mowery, BOCC
Chief Judge Elizabeth Metzger, 19th Circuit
Diamond Litty, Public Defender
Bruce Colton, State Attorney
Judge Philip J. Vacucci,19th Circuit
Garry Wilson for Ken Mascara, Sheriff of SLC
Major Pat Tighe, SLSO
Janet Collins, Bail Association
John Romano, New Horizons
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program
John Thompson, Florida Department of Corrections
Allison Duffy, SLC Drug Lab
Luis Diaz, SLC Pretrial Program
Broderick Underwood, SLC
George Landry, BOCC
Beth Ryder, BOCC
William Lawhorn, SLSO
Toby Long, SLSO
Mike Davis, DOC
Susie Caron, BOCC
Katie Alonzo, PD Office
MeryLee Castellanos, Court Admin.
Angel Hernandez, Salvation Army
Maria Hernandez, Salvation Army
Clyde Preston, Salvation Army
Public Safety Coordinating Council
April 28, 2016
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The minutes from January 28, 2016 were unanimously approved.
UPDATE by SLC Sherriff's Off lce- Major Tighe on behalf of Sheriff Mascara
Major Tighe reported the population to be 1241 with the average being 1250 a day.
UPDATE by Criminal Justice Coordinator- Marb Godurins
Mr. Godwin went over the Monthly Population Report. He also provided handouts on recent
legislation that passed. He noted that HB 439 relating to mental health services approved a
position for a Mental Health Court Program Director or Coordinator, but was not funded. It will
be a priority to get the position funded in the next legislative session. Major Tighe mention SB
12 providing mental health funding, but was uncertain if it was for that position. Nicole Fogarty
is the County's Legislative Affairs Manager and can answer any questions relating to the Bills.
The Pretrial and Drug Screening Lab are doing well. Mark introduced Clyde Preston from the
Salvation Army who will give a brief presentation on providing a homeless shelter as a possible
jail diversion program. Mike Davis was also introduced, Mr. Davis will take over John Thompson's
position for the DOC as Circuit Director. John Thompson is now the Assistant Regional Director.
Mark brought up a concern from a taxpayer who was invited to the meeting today, but is not
present. The concern was regarding highly violent cases and perusing cash bonds only. Mark
spoke with a judge about the concern. The judge advised that Case Law prevents them from
setting specific cash bond verse surety bond, and it is up to the individual how they want to post
JUDICIAL UPDATE by Chief Judge Metageri
The Chief judge thanked Mark Godwin for all the supporting information regarding the Pretrial
Program. A circuit wide Judges meeting was held where she was able to provide the necessary
information about the program. It was informative for the judges who don't usually cover First
Appearance to know that Pretrial is available. She reported that many judges were very
complimentary of the Pretrial Program and it was well received. Chief Judge Metzger also
introduced, Meryl-ee Castellanos, Chief Deputy Trial Court Administrator who has great
experience in Court Administration and joined the circuit in March of this year.
Public Safety Coordinating Council
April as,1of6
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NEW BUSINESS- Presentation by Clyde Preston, Salvation Army: Jail Diversion
Shelter for the Homeless
Mr. Preston handed out material outlining the program and community collaboration model.
If approved, the shelter would be in Fort Pierce where there is a great need for it. Members
suggested Mr. Preston set up meeting with the different agencies around the table for further
collaboration and direction.
Comments —None
Commissioner Mowery adjourned the meeting at 4:18 p.m.
Submitted by,
Carlene Busse