HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurveys Plot Plans 51te Plan for: LOT 17 Edward C. * Cheryl L. Mlklosh n"5o `� BLOCK 25 MNDo a sT { (OCCUPIED) $'li I mt ar sAr sw s/e'i.P. :¢ nip olerLit 4'0 7 u Y �, aasti;,alsTOY STREET ADDRESS ,r ^4s cwt D.IrN EAST . 5214 SILVER OAK DRIVE X n.s sa LOT 18 a LEGAL. DESCRIPTION 8m a w 7&21, Tem 167.70' _„ ai 1, Being all of Lots 18-20, Block 25, according to 0 +0 pa yD 40 n.oa R. — — — °ia the plot of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT FIVE, as E �"M ONE recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 53 of the Public yew >r W0°Dw,x SI Records of St. Lucie County, Fiorido. SET I/E"MC STORY ". :.. .. .. :.., MYr ..---_..---- . - & Ie.x'IIaWYE $w - o_ LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS A aX >ry1 '� cONa OENOW3 CONCRETE P9. DENOTE,PIAT BOOM —_ emir �, LOT ( 4 (PP.}C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CON1RO1.POSIT coonfin'G"ICM"moms 9001( T I (C) DENOTES CN.QIlADENOTES PLAT TM FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS M k C CENOIES MON BOD k CAP DEMOTIES PROPERTY LINE PC. 010110TES V ( I O ��Y)y DIDAM MEAASM DATA COR. DEMO=PCOR ER 1 TaB DDEMOTESEMOTES UK OI PON OaG DENOTES PONT OF UENOtES POINT Or COIIMENCFYFYT LP. Doan 91011 Pre DENOTES I.R. OEYO7m Mpi ROD -J END. DENOTES FOUNDUC06 U.E.. OWIEK TPOIN DEMM OF INTERSECTION ASDIM Le DENOTES EICERIWA BUSINESS AMES P S OENDTE3 PROFE59aiAl 1X03 sIMYEYOR DENOTES OYflM1lEAO Ui1I111E5 ._.......–_. ® DENOTES WATER METER 'DEMOTESOt EIEVA11ON(TYPICAL) Z I m M� �bM1k i0•O0' .LOT 20 GENERAL NOTES d, x� � 1. The bearings shown hereon ore referenced to the centerline of Silver Oak Drive having .n• ow STORY z a bearing of NORTH, according to the plat of INDIAN RIVER ESTATES UNIT FIVE as 1 METAL MUDS recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 53, Public records, St Lucie County, Florida. 40 2. All above ground fixed improvements, it any, have been located and shown hereon. 4a. tra `O .a 3. Underground utilities and utility services have not been located on this survey. _ P. FW a{ I.P. EAST FMD-3/4- a a. NO aYT'x 300.00' WYK a+eK 4. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone "AH", according to the Flood Insurance Rote Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO281 G , effective date Nov. 4, 1992. The exact designation can only be determined by on elevation certificate. LOT 2 5. Reproductions of this mop are not valid without the signature and original raised seal Fm GOD MNL (VACANT) of a Florida Licensed Surveyor & Mapper. /oMND 6. Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights-of-woy. easements of record, ownership, abandonment's deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. l T 7. The last date of field work was Setpember 20, 2005. 8. Additions or deletions to survey mops or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 9. Elevations shown hereon are in feet and ore based on NGVD 1929 datum. Site Platt For: LD05-421.DWG CT- CONSULTING ENGINEERS DotB: 9/23/05 & Edward C. * Cheryl L. FB 0562/14-15 t ND,,SU H 25th�, L Charles Amold Date Signed Mlklo5h 05-421/001 FORT PM) 04-3&RAIWA 3asBz CERTIFIED TO: Professional Surveyor &Mapper Scaie: 1"=40' G.- M.420 Edward C. & Cheryl L. Miklosh Florida Certificate No. 4971 Fort Pierce, Florida Drawn by. WBD