HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application Jul 25 16 09:36a Honest Air, Inc. 772-232-1118 p.1 F. ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPUCATi ION TO BE;ACCEPTED i Date: "� Ii Permit Mumber•,�®�-��� R _ Building Permit Application Planning and DevelopmentServices Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Irrginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34952 Phone--(772)462--3553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: ai he end of line To Select from dropbox, cock arrow PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION:. Address: l �,i.` 'a '.�.� 6 Legal Description: 12 )'' f "- LM S2' ' VVi Property Tax ID#l:: r ` I Lot No. r' Site Plan flame: G A. Block No. Project Mame: r, Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCR1PT'II0N fl1.W0RK:-. . A CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additionalworktobananormed under this permit=check a appy: ®HVAC 1 YI Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _Shutters Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing E—I Sprinklers Q Generator a Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: S .Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ -7 �' Utilities•12 Sewer 01 Septic Building Height: CxU1lNER/LESSEE: .-: f CONTRACTOR'. Name i CLQ) Name: Address: C l�_• Company: r' i � Cit}: Slate:A5Z Address: '"� �CvJ ?Ip Code: 3 q99v f Fax: City: (;j State: Phone No. '72-L 3-it, Zip Code: Fax: ',! ' 9 E-Mail: Phone No. 9 Fill in fee siimple?"de-Holder on next page 4 iif different E-Mail: g".'&.� il 42) bU15CUTO 'A/61 from-ffie O rrQeer listed above) Skate or County License:—# �;_)0 6% 3 f if value of construction Is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Jul 25 16 09:36a Honest Air, Inc. 772-232-1118 p.2 f -SUPPLEi1 EN I hl -CONS tRUC,ri+3N- ]EM i AXq INFOR.MA l ION: iE ' DESIGIMERJES461WEER. �Not Applicable MCKMAG;a tly®WRA : �Not Applicable , irla ma: Barrie: Address: Address: is ' € City: State: City: State: t Zip: Phone: Zip: phone: 1 I=CE S)AP E TEM MIO DER: Not Applicable 901EVIDlNG CORBPANY: _Not Applicable Mame: Mane: ;address: Address: l City: ON. G q{ Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: i I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. " e� r St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize thepermit holderto build the subject structure q vdhich is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohlbitsuch structure.Please Consult With your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,i do hereby agree that I wlill,.n all respects,perform the world J in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The fallowing building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concun-ancy raview:room additions, s= accessonl structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use z �F F i€ gpTIRM11n110 TO OW-MER:Your~aiirgre co Record a Mcdce 3c-dm nmencernarWt mai!:•asul�in your 1payingUlAce for a' impravernenis to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded anck.posted on the jobsiie } before the firs irsla croon. Is you intend to obtain financing,consult with(ender or an attorney before corn rnencin rkcir recording aur Matice o.Commencement. f 4 ''I Signature of ntraecor Lice rder _I _Signa�ure of Owner/Lessee/ g Lo I ,l � _ l v '.1 L_�f[� S'S-r���bti�i� dlJ.f STi➢���5�1s'--ioGii�l'- ,r } =I r The..f�o�r oing instrument+was clmowledged before me Tire fospng instrument uLtas acknowledged before me this _ _day of ,�L 20 '�by this G_J day of 20 /r by 's {Dame of person actcnowl 'ging i (Name of person acknovAedging) 1 (Signature'' a Notanl Public-Sti a of Florida i (Signature of Notary P biio- ' to of Florida} _._.� I Personally Known OR Produced Identification ' Personally Known 0 roduced Identification Type of Identification Produced I Type of Identificatio" --used In I l } Commission lk `�� (Sea,) 1 Commission Nc. � {Seali I CHRIS WOO%ERRY 3 I; � _ CHRIS WOOOBERRyExprsA ust 12,2019 { Revised Commission#FF9Q8W Expires August 12,2019 !I d 11U rot Fain @pOJB•yT01D �]2 c 3Y P.EVIONS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTL MARGRIMIF {i E COUNITEP. REVIEW REVf-EVV RLVIE1r11 REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Sppj C r"1PL�E �� li`IITiALs