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F1'onda Btulduig<Code Onlris: https:llfloridabtsililingor�prlpr app_dtl,asp�.? , GEVX- 'i 19?cXv D JUL i Rd,' ili i3lEirWTsti q!e =Lns{n` ,useraevtstraVon :Hct7oOm :5tnasirc te. .Stats&Fads .:autiScafwns 1 .EaCstah: aCssRaMaa t tailcs :Shard; j BUsines [� �`��# �Product ApprpV81 ,,rofe si Ul; USER:PuptccUser [ k1ll!lRll�l"�14i9Atlf,R� Product.liaasaa�rin ?'F„ vlittliSaQh?AatraC%=t �'t+laal6onouta FL FLi50127R2 A00.0tlon Type'. tevision Code:Version';_ a44 Appiicatian Status Approved: 6 *Approved by i)Bf?R Approvals bi,,b6pRshali be reviewed an&rab6e'd by the Ff3tr andior#he;Co imission it necessary.._ corrmsnts;: Archived � i Product Manufacturer C H I tJverhead Qoors AddressjPhone/Small. 1485 Sunrise Drive Arthur,°Id b19i1; ' (217)5�i3 2135 Ext 4273: .jcampbelt�chiohdcom n AuthoCized Signature: 71m Campbell icarni 16iohdicom" Technical.Representative Address/Phone/Emall Quatlty:Assurance Representative =' AddressjPhoOelg all y Category, Exterior Doors. Subcaiecforyl Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies. F Com0ance'Nlethod .Evaluation Rost Prom a.Florida°Registeced Architect'dr'a Llcensed Florida Ptdfess{onal.Engl'neet' 1. Evaluation koport-Hardcopy Received } Florida"Engineer or Architect Name who;developed ]ahn.E.Scates, the Evaivafila»:Rep(rt Flo,04.Ocense:, `pE S17;37 Quality;Assurartce Entlty- AnchtteetUral Testing,i0c: Quality:Assurance Cont[ad_Expiratjon'.Date 12/31J20]8 vaildated sy< Gordon,Tttomas C< Vaiidatlon°CheckUst-Hardcopy=ReceWed Certificate oflnCependence ��.�i)�����9�w��rt�f�n. �e��y Pelf. Referericecl'Starldard%and Year jOf!Stancierd) is ASTM.E1886 2005 ASTRAI1 6 2009 AS7M;15330 2002 DASMA 10& 2602 DAShMA 108' 2005 DA$14A 115: 2005 3 l oft 6/9/20.t'6 9:45.AM F Florida Bwldu> :Ccfde:,Onticie: '-h*S:iffiondabu ld n&org( /, r appjtl.aspx?pa a n!wGEVXQiwtDq . appiicabons .Large MisOe-Impact,(9 pound missile)and FL1S012 lt2 AE Evai Reot s pdf I; cycling tests conducted in accordance^with ANSiJDASh/A # FI 25x1 122�_AE FZ41-16.01515spclf 11511.ASTM E1896 and ASTM E1996.5tatic:tests'conducted, Created by Indeper)dent`Chird.party:Yes- : in'accordance with AST.M:E330 and:ANS1IDASMP M.; ' The :, FBC Sections 1603 and 1715:See drawing FZ4i»16-05515 for�pressures�22.2(I?sf}I 24.7(ps�at�}vidths u`,,to 16-D4" y 15812:18 rg, 224fl,2243,2250,2251, 08 Ud"wide;through:i 6' 10 w!,de by 20'high steel 4240,;4241,4250,425x,524fl,. sectlonat or with:or without polystyrene insu#ation. s i 5241,;5250,15251 I.li2ii of lice *Insthllattoar Instructions, Approved for uee,in WVWZ'No FL15012 R2 Ix'Jamb Attach Drawings s pdf AApro-44d Imr Use,outside:HVWZ'les F1 5012 2•iI Supp€ menta€ InslS urt€ons Pan•-sj d Iripact wR2sisi�nt.rNo. Ve"r€f#ed'By :7ohsi E.Scates'.P.E.FL�51737' Rs sign.Il+ressure•NjR created bysindependent Third Party:No: 4 cher Se%ttonai doors proulied for w€ndload eppl€cst#oris. lEvaitiatioot;9spccaCs": { Tested in accordance with ASTM E330 and ANSI ASMA FC1 012 508,whlclr;are accepted test rretnods per 5th edition F,.#,:1 i 2 P2 AE FZ516 tJ13155..pdf {2414)Fiorlda guild ng Code Section 1715.See;,draw,ng. Created by.independentThlyd Party:Yes FZ5-16w01315'for pressures and Widths 152 4(psf�1,4.3(pso at Q8-0D"through +23 7(psfi)1-2fi.3{psf)at 16'-;1tJ" 15(3x2:19 rh;22R0,2243 2250::2251, i,2%.()0,!'w#de itbugh;24'-00":wide by:20'h€gh-steel 4240,.4241,4250,4251 5240,, sectional dogs vtith or without-polystyrene`lnsulation. si (5241;,5250,5251 # links of ilea Installation Instructions ? appYoved.for case in fiYWt.No ._ ice#156 2 R2 � mb Attach i3iaw�na5 S ppF � i .Approi►ed foY use outside111iWZ.`fes' 1.; 9 ,Z 92--U_S+ipp11 i ll €)Sa) na>r Jcrns Fan s.ptif impact Resistantt.No Verified BY:John Ei Scates;.P.E;FL-51137 D e'sign Pressure ;pjlA Created bylndepepdent Third,p@rfy'r Nd` Other:Sectional doors'prov dee for windioed applications Evalubtion Reports Tested in:accordance sv€th.ASTM E33t7 and AN511DASNIA. 12 R2_A15 ji v # 108;.which are accepted test methods per 5th edition FL1503.2 R AE F2S� S_Qf 315spc : g (20;14)F#ostda'Sti#lding'rode Section,171:5.See drawing Created bylndependertt;Thlyd Party:Yes j FZS=16 013x5,for:;pressures'and Y.+idths � x40 x(psf)1.44 7(psf),at 12 00"through #13 4(Asf}1..14 9(pst�:at 24 00 1 1541x2 20. rhI;.2240,.2241 2250,.;2251. tJp to-16 00"wide by 20 high steel,sectona}ddor wlth.or.: 4240,4241,4250,.4251.1 5140, without polystyrene€nsulation. � •5241,.5250,5251 e«. Lunits of Use Installation Instruc4ions Approved far use In WVHZ5 No FL1 1312 R2 )I iamb Attach t rawings swpdf. Approved: or use ouUide NVHZ.Yes FL150.t2 ft -U Su€aP�.gmer�tal�In!&gqt n�n_s pdf. o Ystlpact r2essist nt:Yea Verified ay:John E.States P:E.,FL 51737 Design Pressure:+30.,&/-34.i crapt`ed by Independent Thlyd.P3rfy.Na Other:Sectional doors provided for`poten6a9."code-plus" >Valual3on Reports. applications:Large Missile Impact(9;pound missile)and Ft15t112 R2 AE Eval.Re S-Ar cyciing.tes conducted in accordance with ANsilDA5P9A i F#2 07 2 R2 AE FZ -16-0151Ss.odf, 115,ASTM E1886 and'ASTM E1996.Static tests:conducted: Created':by Independent:Thlyd.Warty:Yes lti accordarice'wKh ASTM E330:and-ANsvmsI#14 im.. 'These ar`e accepted to t,methods per 5th edition:(2014) �gC,Sectlons'iS09 and 1715.See draw€ng'FZ61-16-01515; for pressures 3fl.6(psf)/34 l 0s0 at.wldihs u0�to'16'_-00" Pagel!2 G'�0-0.tilS9•::1.44{�S Q.{ffiji�.tsriro}�.�;Ta ��E�-P.k:3.23$2 Phage:-854487=18�d 'Eta State of Florida is an AA[EBD ert)pWYer,.:c'ht L7Dt cr:ta ..,. . : ,�t1L�QiStLt: 6rmessa,piv.�t��esre � �t@3CS'ff£61 U"r Fbrkta k1W:,enla�addr es arc pub rewrds:k You d8 not'want your a.mau addre, rebased it4 t Pause tn:a Pubfc-f9cords re4uest do rntt mix#electraNC riraNWthSegtP#y instead,cdi�{acttfiebtt&ebxPhanearbYiri3tl2ianatnti3a:tfyauhsve'anYauesFkxrs iasecor�taa65GciaTx395girrsuanttocaorw !S55.Z75(1) Fbtida Statutes-effectiva October 1,2012,•frensaes#1ter�sed uriderChapte�455.F s mist prpv�ie the peparon�rit wCh an et[iaa address:N'ihey have otiaThersakprovedsnaybeusedforofrcaftommuncatkini,ithtfie'ECensea:t swevererrianacCressesaiePcn+ccrii ffyaittfs`nutwthfo'suPaN.a peistinal address,;pbpse"provide,tbet�peititient wRfi an emaSt wbil+ess wfiltfi;can be made ava1abie W the pu#a�.To deterni Ifyau ane a#kensee uraier'tttapfe?' .455 F.$:,PbasB click her . ProductAA�provalAbwPs : 6.'of 7 6/9/2Q t6 9-145 AM. 4. 3 1 �., ... --- 1G U":.(see notes for other=i idths) -........ --. 4D' /CPphonat.Sian<la dLiies 3H auermedi tte iIs AASB see wznd<}ut o tits 2 hzn j I 1th ). g� 1c, 1(4 .TeFnparer3Cllahs IIa" i'Blpcatbotmte i)' op;tixture 1 ? 7/S6"Insulated Glass. ., a 5' pared insulate lass :., $, 7!J Tam � d�3 . NN%Ml bracket d4Yli8lit opening'3 3 Z-! I ackdtty and hinge; 'S 4 8'SotoB 9 5 4 - 9'dl Colo . `botfoiit fixtitxe .,,:. — ... 3A f 2A 1.2'6 to 14 sgttt,attachmen. :slrai. 1G',O'to 1T 6 !Q 1St 3 7}i sdo¢r It s tceti 4galuataci lwoopord-ec with•A S 1 tt1 ,33O O2 and APTSiIOA$A9A 108-02 acid WS. -5, . Supporting stttttxural Clements to,tic;d¢s9gtted.hyrad iaterpd,psafessianal;engF}teer for speGi iM wuid lriadss �T.9Yo19'_3 t1 21 ]0 Tf.doar is ti t eIec`cally*ratad>4 lock must be mstallcd. ..Mmdinuiti'ddorheighC 2Y-O" Mitxuttitrtrectionheigltc Zl" 19-G .92,'-0 12 IZ 23;. 71 Ikr ASt2i 7-10 pasign'Pressures(PP)typically meet or meed the zeguimmunts.for the•follawin Kniu!'ap ads; Txack;brxket annttes st ozvn'are Foruse wkh 9a . Phase afcgasuie"B"iytnd spexdi ate forT fYigh cloys an 3Q tall_buildtttgs gwo 2 ar bmer soadwni ptar,janiha What usin soder wood species Re sptuce-pine-17r(8FF7 sire 2 Width Des' Pressure 127(S ad Windows:. Center Stites T the qumlity of hark taackets speciC m the chaff A OQ' :13.d -0 9 f 122- m YES 9. 2T t V 115.9( (.;17.7(` : 133` ,h YE9 9;".. r pins zhreu'Ftack#F:irkxts perdtdu.; 21'-0p" 17.5` /,:'19:4 140{ h yES 9 Stspplenzen Grist;r Fi6Fr eot wn dex¢ib, 2046:. 18.3 24:4' 143,(mph) YES 9': fardcors+upfi2O D-high Tlteseatetequtrerl;in «O 00" I9.3.(" '7'•21`4: 146 'h ..YES: 9, adclititrctodFisitrawing'forinstatluuan.Altimys ' !9 U5 20 3 !:-22,6 t. 15D#m YTS' 9- use supplemental tnstnFctionsln udditiao to ibis AgitiE.Scatcs P:E, MOM;:21.3 23.8(of) 154 h YES 9' iliac lztgi#unngdodriFtst Wld 3121 Fa*te:Ikzae: 458 h -YES 9 eatrollton Fexus 75t1t17 (� ���f1} �1Rts 18 OD :238 =265 I62:di h YES 7oUUc+ oC7�C7 - i7 yES - ? �loddaP.13-4,1.Si* OMG92015 S T 00" 26 7( /-29.7 177:(tn YES 7 bSaitels 1p 22at;22SO 2251;4240,42a1 1b OO".3QS: =335 181,. . h YDS 7 42A 4251:,5240,5241,5250 5251; SS 00" 1.( /-35:7 187,m' YES• 7 1 147-OO" 34 4 -38,3 t ` 193 rti MI , ." _ S aO l tpsfj/ as?;(ps f)at 12 o throug3i F �1 S I G L. a 13 00". 37,q' 1-a1:2 199: ) YES 5' 134(pst�( I�t9fF?f1at24'O0" I2 OO",.'aO1 =4a 7 207 Fir YFS S Centcr'atria gFrattcilys mmtrngiit gx sacnonafess[ana12 iginecrs se*l provided oiily foryerlfieatitin:af wins£tvad canstructton dt 1au1slege 1.�cif�2 4 , H.txhawzi7gr 1:16-IfkO7� P, _ I 9 3 _ 2 _ n Strut(if applicable),not shown for clarity. `I)etalls on some vxews;mayhaveboen ornilted for clarify: (059)galdanized steel-top f fixture Each fixture attached r The vertical wood'Jamb fasteners may:be countersunk to pmvldc a hat,mountritg surface.. A vwith four 1i4"x 319".screws: Sec jamb attactvndntdetails for more:infotmatldtt about artaching yunbs to structure; {,fl86)galvanized steel. D ., j. hag bracket fhnmed to c s a c J 51,16^ 1 s!8"wa«id la r 2' c 7/16"(nomtrial)stop tnvldmg tv be se c tired with o 1a'nb gusfi itut; minimum$d�nail or 2-1/2 long screw an 5",�pacwg: g I � Stvp rnolding;not myuir' when char is mvtc'thun i".wider:than opening. screws. 1T n niiinirtaL(:0185)galvariized stEet;miamura. j�1 »......., .I • ! �, � _ ,1=1ag bricketattached to horizontal track; , X f-" aWith 6;o;]!4 l09)galvantz+xl,steel top - track bolts:and riots: ftxlure Each fixture attaclied, / / T waft two 1/4 x 3J9','sotEws. / f C 1 039)center°stile Flag brace}etanached tb:: ', C (• 0485(mii} emcal irackwlth'two 1/4 v 'nut galyaniiedsteel;ttack x 518'Uack bolts and trots.; end'stile rbiiIi Intermediate Hinge', Crttivo 1!4 x 1 T732 nvc ts,; q. ,galvanized stEet fastened (058..)°galvatnzed:steel, (;.102)galvantzed steel track six 119 x 3/4 sctetivs Four l/,4 x 3l9 screw bracket fastened to wood ja O 0, tq secnan with $ s, ,with onE 5/16 x 1 518"wocxl Y. Q t lag screw per bracket, o f)ptional lobe head tonin top bracket [ ' Yash that r 2'3J9"2" 2,14" L'aclt txacl.bracket attached with 4"=(max"for,10)thick), orie l''/4",x 5/8".tack bolt.•tndnut B B Or.two 114"x.11J32";gvets norm 2''(mtn) - ��v-.-�-=3:112"(nun;)stern 10:(ming ball roller with nylon or.steel tread. _push but � � John Iw Scares Y E. j 3121 E`atrgateDrtpe Carrollton Cexas?SbQ7 Florida P.E.4 51 1237 o pc.o LD. l!2' M tits (10Z): alvantzedsteei; OSI 5Dksi alvantzeds#eel� L bottom,bracket:Finch °` Cid o42Q35 € ; l 3 suvT;att�ched with twa I! x /�'.` Models,2?40 2241 2250 2251 4240 42411 bracket attach6d.wiih f`ovu per s hinge plate, 50,5251 t$d 1 9'x 3J9'.'satEws: (lO9)=galvatuzed steel boticin screws, ule'or 4250 4251 AO 5241 52 A f 1p brncket Each brackEt attached; 40. (s�/ 44 7(ps7 at 1';W,through PbW nut with£our red E[4' X* screws:, 13 4,(P$t)J 14 9{pet]&J4 Alumutum extrusion4ptlonal tow head,rootn;liUtotn bracket �1-L� �'NJ IJ 11.Lf W.:". C.II3I•,Drawmg.'FZ5 16 OI315 weatherstrip essiog nal;Enineersyseal,prgvtded,vu)yfcitver(6 iionnfwini3luadconstucuonddk�itls' pa$ tot _2 4. 3 Anchor TCW TspcmaTdpron[.DT4r SirstpswtSaengTr ... - Peac,-y -moi _ IIW Rorntet)Redhead Tapomt,l/3 diamefu,tytumwri33 [arsg dih'wWird iiodf.m ANSI 1118.W-I ypeB; y�h� 1Ttlr Rtmt;etJBedhetdlN�ro lAommaTapcCn,318 diuntocc nnnimum4-lung ai[h+vnefiattateddfgmisto ANSI_Bt8321typi;6;; - ✓ ��.tiL.. �: 9!mpwtlilla'fTNii'1/$dmmatttlalltinlLLm�lta]gRlttl WdalaittidtO�lfCrafxtO ANSlB19,72.1 typaTi, ir',.. : SlmfsoaWalgo-4n.9J8'dtametet minimnm4 Imtg'wixhwaslurlta£cbn€cears toAN91 BI8221 type$ 8, :: � ,_ When apo' Dact Ift8 ,�mtisovadrywallorotLrsaonsauctnmlwallCn�'etlnasaselerli�afsxrtvsioinaremimm:cncmbotmentm{Nttd I�kc �•, 7'histintinpphes to woodspecxs widispectEcgmvity grcaterttmn or�egwlto 0.42itzTod'Ngssixe phie firt,SPFl and satalwaia litx.(SP�. See clivi[oimtaamtm«ssttedltmtns tWa9Lri dioaelets in ebail axnhasud on iuc ofSpiuu Pinc Fa'A shn'mII bo 105+sasill&vlxa SoGtt6nPmnsm .' i 8" SeetJnxt t'urtmnantnn a3gedntaxexqu6p1:Looectaaclorto be,gmat ltmnihs mwunum edgc.distasx up.YramtiG Boatvod t1en 16, hsfiomtlxtk ;, 1 -I__. T. pASTENERSPAONG tltldtos) �. 's 7500'p5i aDns-ts;Hnad CMU ff W7a Cdh ' swans r/a:Dt70R Wi6TH teet:and it 65)at.a given DESIGN PRESSURE{PSP r� t� It 4".3 " 14 A Y7 st 24- 29 f I 44 sf 7 91 67 f 4 t ' 24 24 .24 24-.,U. 740=•22 4 IB'A 35 1Y•13'-3 114 9'-1Y 810 7'-11 7-0- 6'7 6'=0 "5'-6 5-0 d-7 A 3 3'-SY a/a nJa 1 , 2a 22 2$, 24 '74 24':-24'3 20'-0X17'-0 SA-1 12-1 10`•7 9'$ '8^6 7-8 1 740:. 8'A S'-10 S'A', N-11 44 41�2 plo,'nJa 24 20" iF 2i"24 16=...20.6 21'3:1a'-6 35-5 g 7 11'-7: 111 3 9'3:' a•5' 719.= r-o .6'4 510 5'4 411""4'fi 4-3,:3'-11 .-. / 7A. `S":24 '16; 79'd0 29'=9..2D'-2 Y6:• :W-55 U7': YS-2-.1D'-1. 0'2�..."- `7'4 S•11 :6'3 .SCIO 5'-4 4=YY �S:-7� 4'=4 - ✓' ,�_. y, Ii= :17,: 24':�2TSi:.,2i, 18;::w3Y"-9'36'-T X32`-3 19'd..aS9':SO 13<18 12':8 11:-Y. 36'1 73.:.`8'-0 -:7'.9 Y-O. 6'.S_571:4.3 5.1 -4.1 7 24 18!' "24.38 -24 Y8%rW-4 28:-2.Z44 20-0 Y'Y'-1 35.;0' 73'-4.Y-2410'-10 W-B 9 0'18..9` 7 7, 8':11 6-k S':Rl 5.8. 5:-1 44 w 24 1Y:;.IB '16- 36'.3 20'= 25.3.21-2-7Y'--1 1S'- 1411..22'-3 11'-6 107 .9'_7_,6'-9., SLO -r--4 =a-0 46':3. .5:10 S•:5 �:.7lighacundior inun8idal - - .. - 'leatitahgh asdoetcpeamg;. ,. '' 32: �Y3;. 740 i _i6.. 36 .8 ti h.`a 32'-3 ZT-5',22'-1011917 :1T-1. 35'-3'.'13'-9'12'-9:i12'-S 10'-4"8'S 8'-9 7'-31 73 `6=9 .'6"+4 '5'.10 ... .. 21'':33. '2A..'15 . 16 8 ,Wo'33110;79^0 ZW-o:'20'•0 18'-0. 16'40 740'=4: IT-1.;12'-.0 1 IV-":9'-11 W-1. SL4 71-S :T.+i• 6'•Yl: ;612 `... ��ta leevcol s bets 19- ..12-.: 2d`';Y4_797 7-a-,''n a.`.nJa`3Y-4-26'.1;22-5 29`-7. 17'-5.;25-8 14'-3 1'3'-0 iY 30`10:-9 §'-11 51 9'4. :7'=8 T-2:. -._- __ .... theble. ...dine fb>te, .. i 16- �10.: 24.. 12, .16. ,8 :�vjl s a 98'-0'.30'-0 75`•8 2r-6121r.0-.29'-0.'104.15'-0 IT-7 112'-6' 113 '10-5: WI' 8.10 S`a` T'-8. . 16 '`YO;_ 2a_ 11 8 9 s a n n a D1'-'1-272 23:9 21•-2 14=0. 1,7.9 15'-]0 14.4 si3,_2 1Z'_i 11.0 XV-1 �9':0 8'aJ` e'-2: ' 140 9'. 2II. 10I'..,8 .9' n/a 35,=9:?t'Y-E Z6'Y073- 0-5 19-6 1Y3016'2 14';9 13'-7 2x3 it-S•20=7 9'-10.:9'-2 ' •.,e.' '12.1 .7_._. 20': .9- 8, a. o -n 0_ n- a v/* 30L :2TS 24'4 25-5. 28.7 30-8 3T-0 35LSW..4 13'-2 12'4 lY''4 30'-7 11 7- _201 0:: 8 8. -n/e n/a. n/a It a n a 81'-10 28'3' 25'-6'. X13'•2':.21L3 '29'd:-1T-7 18 Z. .9 13'-7 1217 1Y-8.10 Yl '2x6 cttuaantgodeb>.v"tief:. ._ _... 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SPF SP 14 1 sf 2OW 24psf 18 f f 36psf 4apsf 44 sfi 49 f 53psf Samf 63psf 69psf 75w,B1psF 67psf 93psfi _ .yau 6a�arlaaati 7A..24 W 28-0 a4 1,2014 27-2:85'-0,13'-4 12-0 1W-11 10-0 9 1 8.3. 7 7 6'12 6 S s 22 5'6 51-2 22 2A'n/a' 3X-4 27'-6 22' 19 817 2 25'-3 13 9 i2`ai ii'5;10ti8, 9tv 8 8 7'+31 7'4 6 9 6-3 S'-11' 20 24,nJa 3$-0 28'1 2A'1 an 7.18-0 16=0 14S i3 122 fJ`.10 1 9'>11 9 x 8'A 8 7'-1 6:7 6;2 15 ;24 nJa 36'S 32'-0:iS 1 22-1, 14'-1 12'-1 Al 8.10-8 9=1n'a'-11 7 7 1, 6'8 tM i 18 23 nJa »/a 32'2 26 9 2Y-1 20-0 17-1 16'0.2+1-7 13.4 Sa 1 11'-0 10=2 4'3 a'-6 7 ll VA 6'-1A 16:, 21 nJa. nja 35:5 29 6 25':3:22-1 1!'.8 171,-S W-1 141-9 13.4 12-2 12'x' a-8 8'-1: 7 q ilk-l' 25'�9i:x2-7 20'40 IS'-0 15'5'15'-0 13'7 12'x5 11 5 lo'-S 9'% :8'11 ie 7=9 ` n 20 nJa nja' nJa a".25':6;t3'.-3 8 20 18 c7 IVAC S'6 I 14'-0 1Z.-9 1T=9 %q'-p 9=11 18.n/a n/a' nJa 34-5 29`6 25'-9 2x'- Zo'-7 !W-9,17'-2 15*-1. 14'-2 IV-I, 11'1 11'-0 16-213, 8'-20 >f A 13. 16 n/a nJa' nja nja 31'A-Z7 9 24'8 22-2 2n 2;18`4'16.9 iiM 1A 1 la 1, i1-1 20' 16'.nJa FiA,Isla :nja 33'.2 x9'-0 25'-1 x3'•3 2f=1 i9'-4 17'-S:iG'-ll 14' 13 9 Ia`4:11 S 10'8. IW-O . 12 1S' Oa nJa' Isla ;nja. Isla lY 1 26'9 24 123 1 ao'-0 iS i 15 7 iS 3 13 1 f2 i 22 ii o 10 a 1 11 14,;n1a nja nJa eja Isla 3Y i 29+a 26'3 23 1 21=1..19' 16 5 15 a 14 0 32 2a:1 u 3 lo. 14 nJa »/a Isla n1a, nJa: 33 z 20*6 2b 6 is-1 2a'-1 20 n 18'-3 261 SS 414'2 23 1 it',Z 11'fi o 10: Ya. nJa n/a nja nja pja nja 32'-1 x8'• 26'-3 24'-1 71'-9 19'=1 1a',4:16-9:Lei Tr lA'313'3: 12'-5 -Ftx>bua*cmr a;raLwat . - kstcas tigli as dawop:ti�liig.. 9 12' nJa »/e 'Va' n/a. rile, Isla nJa- 33'-0: a'25'-2 nja aJe a/a n/a iVa '32--1 29.-2'xs'-9,243 a2=1 X0'-8 18'1 17'=1 is'1 i4Y 3 23 J ~`: 'A be evenly a}v ud M x j -• . :-. ,xaors 8: 11, nJa nJa Isla• nja: nJa nJa nJa .n/a 30'-8 28'-2,W-623'-3 21-5 19 7 18'-D 16'8 IS'-6 iA'6 ice _ 8` 10 n/i a/a nJa. n/a h1a 'AM n1a n/a 31*40 30'-1.273 2A=1 7,x- ZU 1 193'17 i iV-7.15'-6. ! 7' 10 nja nja nja »ja nja: nJa nJa' aJe nJa 3111 28A 25'-7 Z3 7 21'6 29'-1 18 A 17-1' 16'6 7 : 9 nJa Isis ala:;'Isla nA, i+Ja aJa Isla nJa: nJa 31.2 28 5 2G•a 23'1 xi'-0i 30'4 lay>a irk y:azar,to iar rumixr< 6' ?8 o/a ajfa nJa.: ala: nja: nIa Isla ala aJe Isle nIa 3Yo296 26'-1 24'9 22- Zl'-4 20',0 ptsybamo�etumedae� re.� A- "6 nja;-ala. nja:;Isla :.tiJe ,nja Isle ,riJa_n/a. nja nja .nja .n/e, nJa 33'0 30-7,28'.6 26'-8tanaaa .taaoaeapovua SPF' SP' iA 17 ZnRsf MApsf fi-32 f: &psi 40pst 44pif 480 fj5SPsfj'63PSf69p 75psf•Bipcf S7µsf 93ps1` Om!mw mms smf ce DDt3R 1�liD�li feetand:inche9�`ata' fVen DESIGN PRESSURE IPSFII `��t�1116911J/j�s ,-pint y��rtosanytao marea,m. 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