HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Elgrida.Building Code Online Page 1 of'S
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f;�P�i}N "' zu� BGiS Home, ,, Log In: �..lJser Regl'stratfon Hot Top(cs Subm(t Surcharges :Stats&,Facts Pub1(caElons F,BC Staff BCI,S Site;Map `L
��.I Product Approval
Profen ► na1 ` USER: Public User
M Prod'uct:.Aooroval'Menu >.Product,.or"Aool(catlon<`Searcfi >*A'obl(c ddhI(st>App'licatldi Ootall
FL.#' FL1�5187=R1,
Application Type: Revision
:Cod' Version` 614
Application Status Approved
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dx Archived, i(.
Product Man'U b Wter Plastpro I`nc /Nanya'Plastics Corp:.
Address/Phone/Emaii 5200 W CENTURY BLVD,
(440) 959=9773. Ext 16'
;/authorized=Signature; Uivian Wright
rlckw@rwpldgconsulta'nts com'
Technical Representative Scott Johnson
Address%Phone/Email 5200 W Century Blvd.
Los`.Angel:.b CA 90045
lttp//wwwfloridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl'aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsdcHd6eP.8CY%2li1?teAHYXnBxUYriB"gVirl pBse'... 7113!201:6,
Florida Building Code aOhline: Page 2 of 5'
{440) 969 9773`; Ext 18
Quality Assurance.Representative Ron 0 Connell
Address/Phone/Em�aii 62QC1 W Century Bind,
���. Los;Angeles, CA 96
r �
{44,0) 969 9773: Ext :16°
Y r Category EkteribrDoors
r 'Subcategory Swinging, Exterior'Door Assemblies
�73; .
CorYiptiance: Method Evaluations Report from, Florida Registered Architect:or,a L
Florida Pr."ofessional Enginee"r
X. i `:Evaluation ReportHardcopy Receiec!'
Florida' Engineer or Architect Name"who developed Lyndon F: Schrrtidt; P:E..
' {, the Evaluation Report
Florida,License 'PE434,05
.Quality Assurance,Entity" National Accreditation and Management Institute
Quality Assu;ranee Contract Expi,ratlorl Dc 12%31/2018
sa � r 1/alid6ced By: Ryan J King, P...E.
p ; { �; Validation,Checklist-.Hardcopy Received
Certificate of'Independence EL-151.87 .R1 C4L CEFtTIFICi4TE of INDEPENDENCE:pd:f
fQ Referenced°':Standard and`Year hof S,tandard;):. Standard Year
ASTM E1$85 2002
x ASTM E1996: 2002
ASTM �E330 2'00.2
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Flor da.Buildm&Code Offline Page::3 of'S
Equ(yalence of Product Standards
` Certlfjed B
�n Sections;from the Code
Pr o-'.dUct Ap0rovai Method MethodI DOOtton D
� t s
Date"S'ubmitted 04/28/2015
Date Ualidafed 04/29/2015;
Date Pending FBC Approval 05/07/2015:
Date AppebVdd 06%23/2"0:15
iria�, f Pr..oducts a '
."FL # =Model r<Nurnber ar Name Des�cH tion
15187 1 a_ Smooth%Wood Grain%1Nhite HVood
Grain Rustc,Malo a '' Serres I[$v�in pOutswn ,�X F�:Confiaur tion'
e Door
F�berg / 9_ - Y 9/ 9; G 9
i I n _ .
lass Door
Limps of Use Inon Instructions
ApprovedforuseAn HVHZ No FL15'187 R1 II Inst 15187 1.pdf
g � Approved.for use:outside:HVHZ; Yes Verified By-, Lyndon Fr Schmidt, P EY434:o:9.'.
impact Resistant Yes Created.by Independent Third.Panty,'; Yes
Design Pressure N/A Evatuatron Reports
� fi OtiherSee INST 67A,f6r pesig;n Pressure Ratings;, a,ny FL15"187 R1 AE Eva! i5187..,bdf
a additional use linfttati""ons �nstaltatlon.ii sit cti6 arid; Crea ed b" Inde endent Third' Party: Yes
t � k z r y' R
,}, k ;prodbct particular's
Smeoth/1lUood Grafin%1Nhite Wood 6 8, Impact Opaque Fiberglass Single Door w�tl
�" 3 i ., .. ..
� Grain/Rustic/Mah`agnySeries; Sidelites Inswing/0utswIng { X o,r.XQ, OXO
;F��erglass,Door -Configuration)
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Florida Building-Code Online; Page.4 lof'S
Instaitati`on Instlructions
' 4 Approved::for'use m`HVHZ No". FL15187 R°1 IS Inst 15-1,87.2.0d
Ap.prpvgd;tor use outside HVHZp Yes Verifled By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P E: 43409
A Impact Resistant• Yes Created by Independent Third Party; Yes
besiign Pressure. N/A" Eva'mation` Reports.
T # Other: See INST 15187 2 f6r Design Pressure=( stings, an.y 5L15187' Al AE -Fuel 15187;2 pdf
additional use limitations, installation instructions'and; Created py Independent Third.Party: Yes
:c Smooth/Wood Grain/White'Wood: 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Fiberglass Double Door with
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Grain/Rustic/Mahogany S,eri:es Sideiites - Inswing/Qutswing (XX, OkXO - Cong.
Liffi is of Use InstWhAlon Instructwns
Approved'16r. use in HVHZ No FL15187 R1 II Fnst 15187 3:pdf
��•. '" A roved.`for,use outside HVHZ 'Yes Ver-ified B L radon F Schmidt, P . 434,Q9
" . Pp ; _ y Y.,
W Impact Resistant Yes Ci,eate"d by In-ependi§nt T.hi'td Pa'rtji: Yes
Design Pressure N/A Evaluation Reports
Other• See INST 15,1873 for Design Pressure Ratings; any F18 Ri AE ?Eval fk0A pdf
additional use Limitations, Installation instructions and;: Creaked `by Independent Third Party: Yes
product particulars. _
`sv f �
y 1,
Contact Us;:,.2601 Blaif`Stone Road;:Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824
The'state:of Flofida-ls:an.AA/EEd employer:'CopvrWhU.bd0 ,4W-`Staterof-Florlda.:: Privacv;Statement Accessibility.Statement• .:Refund?
Under.Ftilorida aw;email addresses;are public records: If you;-do n i;;,ant�'our a mall address released in res onsd to-'a'pubiic-records request;
'A„ v electronic mail to his.enti ..Instead: contact.;the;office"b., hone or,b traditional mail:;If o--have an`- uestions lease contact 850.487 1395':
Section,455;,275(1');„Florid,a Statutes,:effective;Octobe.r 1,72012,licensees licensed gnder;chapter455,-F.S must,provide the Department°with an e
` `I” they:have one:The ema is°provided may-'be-:used for official communication with the licensee',:However email addresses are:publie•record:;Ifyou:c
supply a;personal addr"ess,please pfovide,the'Depaftment with,.an email address-which can be made aVajldble;to the public.`'To determine'if you ate:.
c # Chapter 455 F S,,please click here`":
Product Approval Accepts
hftp:%/www,floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_.app_dtl:aspx?.paratn=wGEVXQwtDgsidcHd6ieP8CY%2bPteAHYX.n BxUYnBgVirlpBse... 7/13/2016