HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) •'i. LL I COUNTY 'GfDBT-;ION ` RECEP-7D JUN 2 i 201,6 VIEI;'ED FOR CO 'CE iEtL KD BY MIAMI-DADE ERKlT P'i'ON'J0IM42II-DADECOUNTY 3PECTION WML BE Nt:1 t)EPRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SIV 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADIIIINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315=2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.mianiidade.gov/economy CGI Windows&Doors 10100 NW 251s Street Miami,FL 33172 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AM. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reseive the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity.Hufficane Zone. DESCRIPTIS ON c mI+`netlihdoav-� APPROVAL DOCUMENT:Drawing No.W01-83,titled"Series-238 Designer Fixed Window",sheets 1 through 8 of 8,dated 12/27/01,with revision E dated 08/13114,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami—Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall.'be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal ofNOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided.to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA#13-0606.07 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-I and E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez,P.E. • r-ti r} NOA No.14-0903.07 MIAMbDADE COUNTY s, Expiration Date: October 20,2018 Approval Date: December 24,2014 Page 1 CGI Windows&Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. 2. Drawing No.W01-83,titled"Series-238 Designer Fixed Window",sheets 1 through 8 of 8, dated 12/27/01, with revision E dated 08113/14, prepared. by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 4)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1,and TAS 202-94 5) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 6)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram,of aluminum fixed windows, prepared by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. HTL-0080-0105-08, dated 01/08/08,signed and sealed by Vinu J.Abraham,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 09-0303.01) 2. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum fixed window,prepared by Hurricane Test Laboratory,Inc.,Test Reports No. HTL-0080-0303-96 and HTL-0080-0502-97, dated 03/05/96, 05/01/97 and 05/02/97, all signed and sealed by Timothy S. Marshall,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No 96-0603.07) 3. Test reports on: 1)Large Missile Impact Test per SFBC,PA 201 94, 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of aluminum casement, project---out and fixed windows,prepared by American Test Lab of South Florida,Inc., Test Report No. ATLSF=1209.01 94, dated 12/09/94 to 12/14/94, signed and sealed by Gerard B, Sullivan,P.E. (Submitted cooler NOA No. 96-0603.07) Manu rez,P.E. Product Cont xambicf NOA No.A-0903.67 Expiration Date: October 20,2018 Approval Date: December 24,2014 E-1 CGI Windows&Doors NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED B. TESTS (CONTIlfum) 4. Test reports on: 1)Large Missile Impact Test,per SFBC,PA 202-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading,per SFBC,PA 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum project—out window,prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc.Report No. FTL-1018, dated 09/26/94,signed and sealed by Yamil Kurd,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 96-0603.07) B. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis, complying with FBC-5"' Edition (2014),dated 07/16/14,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami—Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0423.17 issued to Eastman Chemical Company(MA) for their"Saflex Clear and Color GIass Interlayers"dated 0619/14,expiring on 05/21/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance, complying with FBC-!P Edition (2014), and of no financial interest, dated August 6, 2014, issued by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. 2. Laboratory compliance letters for Test Report No. HTL-0080-0105-08, issued by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., dated 01/08/08, signed and sealed by Vinu J. Abraham,P.E. (Subntitterd under NOA No. 09-0303.01) 3. Laboratory compliance letters for Test Reports No.'s HTL-0080-0303-96 and HTL- 0080-0502-97, issued by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., dated 03/05/96, 05/01/97 and 05/02/97, all signed and seated by Timothy S.Marshall,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 96-0603.07) 4. Laboratory compliance letters for Test Report No. ATLSF-1209.01-94, issued by American Test Lab of South Florida, Inc., dated 12/09/94 to 12/14/94, signed and sealed by Gerard B. Sullivan,P.E. (Srrbtnitted under NOA No. 96-0603.07) G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 13-0606.07, issued to CGI Windows & Doors for their "Series-238 Designer" Al uninurn Fixed Window — L.M.I.", approved on 08/15/13 and expiring on 10/20/18. a*el crez,P.E. Product Cvntr Examiner NOA o.14-0903.07 Expiration Date: October 20,2018 Approval Date: December 24,2014 E-2 GENERAL WINDOW SECTIONS 'YANDOI'1 VOOTH Igj Y�7� �tl 1 I VENT VAOTH Wl'/-2• o ( ID1IN -6 v SURACE APPLIED 6'AWFALSE MUNRNS 7 EOPTIONAL S RIl3'G SSS0 aps A 0 O1AT 1ACH IND 8' AND O.C.TYP. O — — o a4 I ii Opp .N O S 4 6 iI ,� 0 II w o 6 G -G-----1-- 0 W 6 n ] 11 It QW 6ii B J 6 i'H n i j� a W ii E 0 o_ II I ___-- ----- TYPES --- °-__--�-- FOR GLASS Tx REFER TO SHEETS 3, 4&5. — o q ] LT I7'MAIf. N o I I 7 M _ D.L.DPG o.L.ovc. TYPICAL ELEVATION Z z LL 1 VENT HEIGHT �r VEM HEIGHT t• 3 O z_z' 1nNUOW HEIGHT YANDOW HEIGHT 3 EXTERIOR o � FOR MULLION/MULTIPLE UNITS, REFER TO 8 n SEPARATE CGI MULUON N.O.A. O THESE WNOOlYS ARE RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT. m 3 g 3 SHUTTERS ARE NOT REGUIREO. 9 NOTES: - INSTRUCTIONS: THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE USE CHARTS AS FOLLOWS. REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY -- HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ). STEP 1 DETERMINE DESIGN MD LOAD REQUIREMENT BASED WDOD DUCKS BY OTHERS,MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO TRANSFER ON VAND VELOCITY,BIOG HEIGHT,VANO ZONE LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE G9'.)AW—110 USING APPUCABLE ASCE 7 STANDARD. U CN0. PRODUCI'ItBVISF.O IC„ ANCHORS SHALL BE AS USTED,SPACED PS SHOWN ON DETAILS.ANCHORS Iu r X5 2 mamnPlyingldlhllw FbrldA I STEP 2 SEE CITY O ON SHEETS]THRU 5 FOR ON A LOAD EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERW.SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. DA ,yy lluilding Code CAPACITY OF DE4RED GLASS 51].E BASED ON APPLICABLE ActtP�ett kol G .�i'T a y SAND DUPADON. ANCHORING OR LOADING AAL. ONS NOT SHOWN IN THESE DETARS ARE Cv�pimlion fhb,vy �(� 8 ' NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. STEP 3 USING DESIGN ON SHEET 7 THANSELECTD ANCHOR OPTION IN S UESIGN PAYING MORE THAN DESIGN LOAD SPECIFIED A LOAD DURATION INCREASE IS USED IN DESIGN OF ANCHORS INTO WOOD ONLY. Mioini Dude Ptoducl ConDol drOwing 0. IN STEP t ABovE. A 66 2014 W01-83 COMATERIALSINTO INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEELEMETAL SCREWS,THAT STEP 4 THE L AWESTPPLY vTWE TIRE RESULTING FROM STEPS 4 AND] CAME IMO TS Of T E FLORIDADLG.CODE MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE SHALL APPLY TO ENTIRE SYSTEM. REQUIREMENTS Of THE iRiDA f1lDC.CODE. sheet T of 6 WELDED CORNERS MR PARI/ QUANTITY DESCRIPTION MATERIALLAMP./BUPPAI¢R/RP11AR1t5 2.095 � h 1 CGI-]BB 4 FRAD.E 606]-IB WDALFX OR EQUIV. 2 W-]87 4 VENI 606]-26 01DALEX OR EQUIV. .655 3 L CGI-]B710 4 VENT(WSEtL GAA 6065--16 WDALEX OR EOUM. Z ] CGI- 4 GLAZIIIC BEAD 6065-15 MAL&OR EOUW. ® ��I 4 - AS RE00. OWING READ SCREWS 0 6'FROM VIM k 20'O.G.AUX - 012 X 5/8'BMS I.s10 U2I3F a CLIG Co15P0UNo SRICONE GE-1000(NON-RIPACT) L 1.625 f5 O 0 tmi 5A - - GUZNC Cole o SILICONE GE-1200(WPACI) 6 - 4 1/2'X A90'61NGLE FACED GU2WG TAPE FOAM 7 0200 X190 AS REDO. VENT YIFAIHEASIRIPPINC - SCIILEGEL D-CON I 0:0 8 - 0.S REOD. VENT SLRms 0 17'O.C.ITP. - /10 X 1'6S 5lA6 �1 796 ? 9 - 2/OORNER FiWAE AND VDR ASSEAMY SCREWS - AIO X 1-I/4'S5 SW pW 10 - 2/UTE SETTING BLOCK WOM OURDUEIER 8035 SHORE 0. FRAME C)K>f4 �6N —2215- -.160 215 .160 .HI MITERED COPED 9V CORNERS ONLY r 3 1-100el2 C VENT CORNER o `\� 8 "` o `\\j 3 •1uD .els 3 \. \. O ALL FRAME AND VENT CORNERS TO BE s^ J50 Z SEALED WM GE SILPRUF OR EOUN. I I _i I 1.625--I W WELDED CORNERS f/1 WWOOW WIDTH WINDOW l'6D1H t'ANDOW WROTH -YIWOOW 1Y107H I 2S 0 o O PARTIAL CIRCLE TUMBSTONE ARCH TOP SQUARE OR RECTANGLE VENT pry .t W 77L//C111 2.215— ' =no 160 w yI r1-i ..\.. Z n o3n,'" 1.500 Z;i N .875 W 3 0 L o w .750 U T-1-1"— o 1YW005V WIDTH WWOOY!WIDTH WINDOW WRD1H WINDOW YfNTH taus OCTAGON tiEKBQDN TRAPEZOID PENTAGON VENT QNSUL GLASS) q t€�R MITERED COPED eV CORNERS ONLY \ 750 C L\ 3Nu FRAME CORNER a w 3 .750 m 2 8 2 i WINDOW LENGTH � YANDOYI PADTH SWNDOW LENGTH ?_� 1 ELLIPSE FULL CIRCLE H F CIRCL GLAZING STOP = O d I I 1 o Cn9r:JAYAD AINM yROOULT RIiVISED G I L----- —7 MI. PlyinGPits IM FlmtdO � FlA PE ]0. ! 592 OI1iIdinO Codc W I cAN. Thpi.i 39]B mNo f�• WRNDDw WYDTn d r PiNmRu.. BY 4 o VERIFY LOAD CAPACITY OF WINDOW BY INSCRIBING SHAPE OF WINDOW WITHIN [AUD 2017 m 1 UAdo Pmdal CO-1fdr g no. A RECTANGULAR OR SQUARE SHAPE AND USING THOSE DIMENSIONS TO CONSULT L JW01-83 CHARTS ON SHEETS 3,4 41 5 FOR GLASS AND SHEET 7 FOR ANCHORS AS ON SAMPLE ABOVE. sheet pof PERFORMANCE VALUES OF IMPACT RESISTANT IIINDOITS PERFORMANCE VALUES OF IMPACT RESISTANT ttIND0W3 PERFORMANCE VALUES OF IMPACT RESISTANT WINDOWS t' NO-ERS RED, NO S1MiERS REQUIRED 'NO SHORERS REQUIRED REFER TO SHEETS 6 AND 7 FOR INSTALLATION OELOl6 REE[R TO SHEETS 6 AND 7 MR INSTALLATION OEIARS DETER TO BNEGS B M'0 7 FOR 915fALLUION OETARS i WINDOW DINS. CLASS'TYPE'2'1 CLASS TYPE'0' WINDOIf DUES. CLASS TYPE'2' 1 GLASS TYPE•0' WINDOW DIMS. CLASS TYPE'2' I CLABS TYPE'9' 3 WIDTH NEEaR EXT.(+) IM.(-)E%T.(+)I 1M.(-) WIT HEIGM W.(+)I IM.(-)JEXT.(+)I 1M.(-) MGM mw EJR.(+) IM.(-)LXT.(+) IM.(-) Z 24" 110.0 180.0 110.0 180.0 2t' 975 975 110.0 120.0 19-1/8' 110.0 210.0 110.0 210.0 G @ry 30' 110.0 1{1.0 110.0 144.0 30' _ 57.2 67.2 90.0 90.0 26-1/2' _ 110.0 160.2 110.0 166.2 Fj'a 36' 110.0 120.0 110.0 120.0 36' 79 SOA 50__8 90.0 90.0 37. 26 110.0 166.2 110.0 166.2 g c 0 42' 36' 110.0 120.0- 110.0 120.0 42' 46.1 46.1 86.1 86.1 53-1/8" 110.0 1200 110.0 120.0 48' MIA 101.4 110.0 120.0 24' IO34 10.10 110.0 120.0 19-1/8' 110.0 200.6 110-0 200.6 4'(((yyu LL (Y O 51' 81.8 BIA 110.0 120-0 30' 64' 630 63.0 904 90.0 26-1/2" 38-3 8' IIOA 162.0 IIOD IffJA 60' 74.7 74.7 110.0 114J 36' 472 472 SOO 90.0 37' / 110.0 116.8 II0.0 116-0 (�� H9 24' I10.0 16G4 "DO 168.0 24' 87S 873 110-0 120-0 SJ-1/e' 01.9 819 110-0 1126 Q (4 30" 110.0_ 1425 110.0 144.0 30' 96" 56.3 562 30.0 90.0 19-1/8' 110.0 165.7 110.0 165.7 Q 0.ap 36' 110.0 120.0 110.0 120.0 36' 41.6 11.6 30.0 90.0 26-I/Y 110.0 125.2 110.0 11]2 0 t� 42' 42' 102.8 102.9 102.9 1029 24' 108' 69.6 69.6 90.0 90.0 J7' S0-5/fl' 92.1 92.1 110.0 116.8 a 15 41 48' 85.0 65.0 1029 1029 30' 53.5 5].5 90.0 80.0 53-1/8" 68.8 66.G 85-3 BSJ 6L Z 54' 75.1 75.1 1023 102.9 24' 120" 58.8 SSA 90.0 90.0 19-1/6' 110.0 177.5 110.0 1775 Z 60" 66.1 66.4 90.0 9010 28-I/Y 98.1*455AE 98.1 110.0 120.024' f10.0 153.1 1140 160.0 37' 066.8110.0120.053-1/8' 56. 812 81236' IOIA 101.4 1100 120.0 19-7/8" 20.D 1100 120.0 0 1 26-1/2' 74-1/4" 85.2 110-0 I20A92' 48' 8510 Bio 1029 107.9 348' 25.5 75S 90.0 90.0 J7' 9010 90.0 pp 'o 54' 68.4 68.1 90.0 90.0 60' 62.8 83.6 90.0 90.0 24" 110.0 U14X 1140 1542 1/8'TNN.CLASS 3/16'ANN,GLOW 0 1'E-- 30' 99.4 99.4 1104 12MO 090'Intorloysr 090'Interlayer Z (71 36' 84.8 84A 110.0 120.0 SofW Gear And Color Class Soflex Gmr And Cobr Gass Y2 42' S1' ]5.1 75.1 102-0 1029 By'Eeslman Ch..I.I Co.' By'E.sI-Cher J-1 Ea.' 48' 69.4 Ga.6 90.0 90.0 S�( 1/8'ANN.GLASS 3/16'ANN.CLASS fJ n w Be 65A 65A 80.0 80.0 . g I GE-1200 I I I GE-1200 Z_2,1 LL 60' 59.0 39.0 80.0 Sao " SILICONE I I SIUMNE 24' 110.0 119.4 110-0 120.0 'I I JO" 87.8 8710 110.0 120.0 I 1 I U g ,Fri 36' 74.7 -74.7 110.0 114.3 42' 66.4 66.4 90M 90.0 48" 62.6 63.6 90.0 90.0 10 AT 1/4 POINTS ON IDES 70 AT 1/4 POINTS ON LWES WIDER THAN 36' VADER THAN 36' 5/' io. 5910 80.0 80.0 G�4W 24' 110.0 1125 110-0 120.a 5/18" NOMINAL 7/10" NOMINAL 821 821 110.0 1200 YPE GLASS T '2' GLASS TYPE'S' 6= 30' �6 r se 66' 66.8 66.6 90.0 9010 42' 50.1 58.1 90.0 SOO VIOW.YADTN 48' 56.1 56.1 90.0 90.0 24' 10.9.4 105.4 110.0 120-0 30' 7410 74.0 110-0 120.0 1'ANDOW LENGTH �.II 36' 7Y 59.2 59.2 9010 42' 51.2 51.2 00.0 48' 4910 4910 83.9 B1.9 p -u-� ER9r IW O AH1u0 PROOIICTRKVLSED � r COL e1 nrfyi^9�riol.].FANWR N 3 EV.PE 170592 Uoilain6 Coat - 3 eAN.363e Aeccplmla:i.a-4• L O a 1201L. A, ireli�l Umes�.%y!8 0 VARTH AND LENGTH HORIZONTALLY A CAN BE ORIENTED P v YERWGLLY OR NORf20MALLY AS SHOYM. NOTE: M (T7adcvrodnN COnDai drOri ng o. GLASS CAPACITIES ON THIS SHEET ARE �1�6 ,p)4 L; __ BASED ON ASTM E1300-09 (3 SEC. GUSTS) W01-83 sheet Sof B . .�. . . . . . ��: Nk8�8: xm . . . okR. . .. 5 nsD�� r: � • 11 • ����q�+�ry44� bb�bbo 010o�obbb I. b�b Pmm b b b bbb Pbbbv� 0 � 0 0 0 o y o a.`= lips =_= mgoa9NPml y blm PI' m V W m�$� .: . . . . . =qN ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .: o $ o b$ o bIP b bbb P'a b bow b m P b b b PSN P u bbb b P o b Im b o o N 55 6$Y1.1 1� =y _ a S d g d U° y o bbb b b b b b b bbo o b o b m o b b b b o u•G b b b o b Q P R. y I b ��29R In 2b b b b b o o o o b b b b P o o�o im ob b b o o o P o b b o o J �Ic p bbbbbbb' b o b�b V o b b b GL osYYY/// mem b bvm blo ON•' �Az � 's A[A�'c�� F� o b bib bIb bib b b b b b oo bi b ob b ob �N �$ odg`8oao oho e�o � h m W.WIDTH b b .1b o V m 4� •�mo D � WINDO,�_ W LFN� C A II.'�II 1/2• N.T(P. *GLASS.s \': s $ z>A Wa0uN Ste" :3, E ,E, smmm 3 � a . c � e5 b•e Pbbbl.bbb�b bbb Pb b b ;oN9C +` S bbbbLggwL'b=Pog=�$�bo nn,- revisions: esen .DnSERIES-238 DESIGNER FIXED WINDOW .A4FAR000 CORPORATIONn0 O e ENGINEERS 3• RODMCTDEVELOPMS & DOORS ]2355.W.4A.0 06.1608 -11EV. .W. 25THSTREET MVIMI.FLORIDA33174 —C iMS SHEET�'o Ql.D1.1D Inv.P.BCP muwv+s MIAMI, FL.33172 TEL(3051 zsasaoo F 130S)a626978 U ^�� E 0xlxts —D m xo+a rec TEL(305)SB3-8590 FAX.(305)583-6592 COMP-ANL\WD1 PERFORMANCE VALUES PERFORMANCE VALUES PERFORMANCE VALUES PERFORMANCE VALUES }j OP INSTALLATION ANCHORS OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS 1O REEER TO SHEET 6 EOR ou= R6 TO SHEET a EOR DE7ARS REFFA TO SNEET 6 FOR RE REFER TO SHEET 6 MR DETALSlYD1t Y�VADTH �� 1 IWDOR DING. W(4) rtMI, D1116. EM(+) I1N008 OHm BC1DOfl OMB. W.(+) r .. I m,3 -I POM W.(-) 1YIOTH IITICMT INT.(-) 10DIR Ra- IM.(-) ll R HEIGHT W.W.(.) � YAN001Y LENGTH � 24' 210.0 24' 210.6 24' 210.D 24" 2104 30" 210. _ JO' 210.0 30• 2104 30' 180.8 J6' 210.0 J6' 21MO 38' 185.2 36" 155,6 42" 2160 4T' 2074 4Y 168.1 42' UK, 137.9 54' //�%• 0 CI t] 48' 48' T00-0 48 t56.3 210.0 ' 44' 125.0 2104 sf' 19].5 54' 146.1 54' 115$ 60' 190.5 60' 161.6 60' 142 ®U9 69' 107.]]2' 05. M Q• 3G' in. 63, 148.1 63• 141.1 63' 104.6 MOTH AND LENGTH DIMENSIONS CAN BE ORIENTED M 66' 2083 68' S4 170.9 66' 139.9 24• 21aO VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLY AS SHOWN ABOVE ®o Q Q 69' 1901 69• 158.] 9* 138.1 3O' 1825 A 7 m ]2' 185.2 ]2' 148.1 72' 138.9 36' 1565 1 75' 175A 75' 138.9 75• 1262 42• 12W 138.5 ]/4"DlA.ULTRACON BY'ELCO'(N-177 KSI,Fy-155 KSI) Q y p 78" 16x7 7e' 110.7 78• 119.0 48' 1250 INTO 20Y WOOD BUCKS OR WOOD STRUCTURES d u p��S 0' eM IIHA et' 14a1 et" _ 1STa s4' 114.7 1-1/2"MIN.PENETRATION INTO WOOD 8w:7E 8{' 181.8 84' 140.4 d4' 125.0 24" 2104 87• T73A 87' u3' 87' 1128 3r feis THRU 1BY BUCKS INTO CONC.OR MASONRY 90' 166.7 so' 127. eo' fill 36' 132' 1575 1-1/4"MIN.EMBED INTO CONC.OR MASONRY 3 21o4 24• 2104 24' 210.0 42' la9.D DIRECTLY INTO CONC,OR MASONRY ]p' 2100 210.0 30 teas 48" 125.0 1-1/4"MIN.EMBED INTO CONC.OR MASONRY ro ]6' 21o. 36' 1905 36' 166.7 24' 2D4S w N H 42 210. 42' 175,8 42' _ 150.4 30' 144• I67.a X14 SMS OR SELF GRILLING SCREWS (GRADE 2 ORS) x � :: 2104 48• tsa7 48' 13es Jfi' 142.9 INTO METAL STRUCTURES Uw Sa' EWA 54" 161.6 s4• 130.7 42" us.e OSTEEL: 12 GA MIN.(Fy=36 KSI MIN.) w 0 P 80' 175,8 60' 160.0 fi0' _ 1254 48• I12S y1 w' 1633 63' 145.5 s3' 1220 zq' z0a3 ALUMINUM: 1/8"THK.PAIN.(6063-T5 MIN.) z i 60• 78• - (STEEL IN CONTAOT WITH ALUMINUM TO BE PLATED OR PAINTED) BB' 4�• 1905 fib' 160.0 66" 121.2 _ 3p' 166' _170.2 I 69' 178.6 69' 15111 09' 1194 a6' 1405_ 112 SMS OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS (OWE 2 ORS) 0� 72" 1661 72' 1425 7z• 119.0 42' 12]4 INTO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED MULLIONS(MIN.THK.= 1/8") i'v Z z 4 7s 158.7 7s• 1333 7s' ties N 78' 150.4 78' I25A 76' 118.3 (NO SHIM SPACE) W pa 61' 1714 81' 141.2 8" 1163 TYPICAL EDGE DISTANCE n' -�. e4' 1633 e4' 133.3 a4' 1183 PERFORMANCe VALUES INTO CONCRETE AND MASONRY=2-1/2•MIN. N U s 87' ts5.e 87' 1263 87" U5.4 OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS INTO WOOD STRUCTURE= 1"MIN. 90' 149.1 90' 126.0 24• 210.0 REEER TO 6MEET 6 EOR OEMLS INTO METAL STRUCTURE=3/4"MIN. 24' 210.0 24' 210.0 30• 208.7 REGION DINS. EXf(+) 30' 21.4 30' _ 21- 36' lat. wOTX HEwM wL(-) WOOD AT HEAD,SILL OR JAMBS SO=0.55 MIN. 36' 2104 39' 2083 42' 1fi3J 19_1/6' 2104 CONCRETE AT HEAD,SILL OR JAMBS f'.-3000 PSI MW. 4Y _2104 1' 150,8 48' 15o.0 26-1/2' 2104 C-90 HOLLOW/FILLED BLOCK AT JAMBS Ym-2000 PSI MIN. y 6' <8' 210.0 Q' 178.6 54' 84' 140.4 37' T8' 210.0 - b 54' 200.0 54' 170.9 fi0' 1133 53-1/e' 210.0 - 5 U 3 co' 166.7 60' 160.0 03' 130.6 19-1/e' 2104 0 Fi 63' 98• 1518 o3' 145.1 66" 1283 26-1/2' JB-3/8' 210.0 z 66' 178.8 60• _ 165.3 69' 1269 _ 37• 2IOA _ 69" 160.7 69• 151.5 72' 125.0 Sl-I/e' 210.0 c N 8 n^ 72' 1503 72' 139.9 )5' 1214 18-1/e' 210.0 75' 147.1 75• 1295 78' 1183 26-1/2' 210.0 - 50-5/e' 78' 1385 ]8' 121.2 BI' 122.6 ]]' 210.0 et" 1529 el' 136.4_ O 24' 2104 5a-I/e• 2045 e{' 150.0 _ 6P 1283 3p' -- 177.8 -I/8' 210. _ 87' 1429 87' 121.2 36' 153.8 26-1/2' 210.0 E.O.JA CNILP3DUD PRODUCT RGVISFD lv 90" ]84 90" 114.8 42' 137.1 Jl' 63" 179.0 FU PE/70592 mml'734n2-lrilh lh<170fida 48' 96• 1250 51-I/8" 146.8 CAN.3538 D0i1din8Lbde 6 - IA 19-1/8' w 210.0 1 Dam / �i!J o 8 n 60' 109N.1 26-1/2• 74-1/4' 2104 ✓�nr'`/cL, �(�� " 63" I. 37' 1745 DYdm1 ��4O 66' 103.9 53-I/a• 14z.t 42D14 m7R�niC ade Prodn<1NnuR1! drolvi0g 69' 101.8 ✓ W01-83 7z• 160.0 .hS6170f 8 b� u a NuuNGtiwo SIN =Cm$ o P m m 1 P2'aa �:au.:� bim�Nw�; E�IsC: 3;.N%mter memvvi,$m�'i :s.�g"I'g'z < �,a 2=6 v P i b u v 4 4 i�i�r Fn Ci'e' 5 to L b�i m L L o b L tin A L L U m b u m n L H 4 w A o uQ l 1 nw . . . . . .®fig S SIL,}N ii{maHia �m � _ mi_ ��im mw N� >niaw w _uW ta�2N�C i,a'G �"� N'.F.b4s & �wLiu_mei>eNma,a�iva�m �ui�eUa',SN�a� CC's 9o8 r� 4 _4 �J mvNm�� Ng r-i0i b .. n :.. o m a a N e a N a u �Y S= $ 8 o N b m 8 o N y -a S^ a w c maaag9 l P "l gvnC C C�� "iV o o`er. n ijq,MM y c SHIMS F" n �_.<_ SUMS 4 ;5Xc Of -EM mor +i) f OS"�Lj 5p .fl^p p +'MN a SHIMS Pyr N YI+ m s n 77 ?I ^uI i2-aT-oi revisions: SERIES-238 DESIGNER FIXED WINDOW A9.-FAROOQ CORPORATION n D o e e n Ian ENGINEERS PRODGCTOEVELOrMENr O .� CGI WINDOWS & DOORS 5236 sw.R7 AVE W ,a 9 os.:a.ae KW 9JGKPUDGI 10100 N.W. 25TH STREET mlAmbFLORIDAss2.�a er.ai:r,++fm c iizaii 9tv. MIAMI, FL. 33172 *EL Lsas)araesa° 9Ax.t3a`'>aez a9TE 00 0 9Tal.rs ws awixe nus sxE[i Oi W cnw DY C OO.taN upMifa Ya xou fse TEL(305)593«8590 FAX.(305)593-8392 COMP-AHL\WOi-83C6]