HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4193637 OR BOOK 3872 PAGE 800, Recorded 05/25/2016 at 12:12 PM RECEI'.'-D JUN ? 4. 216 AFM TO: i. rexs;4ar tvt/+rtlert: ;. tiOTTCE OF COMMENCEMEM1"T r The undersimwd hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real propertyan . d is accordance with Cbap=713, f Florida statutes the following information is provided in rile?Qotice of t encetrretu. ! :.DESCRLPTIOrN OF PROPERTY(U.-gal desertion and strew address)TAX FOLIO NUMNX SUBDIVISION LOCK '1CT_�.oT_�BLDG_, i3Nff� 2.G]Ell r.D>�rioly of D4PY0 'T: n o lti) Q 14c a 3.OWMRINF0�R�b/IATION: r a Name a.✓ dY e b..4ddtess '!'7/0j OJ.. C 0-664L. t e.interest inpevpetty d.!Marne and address of fec simple titleholder(if other than.o%%7=j � 4.COIr MACClTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PEK)N�E r1)M_ ER:t Cj f _/� If 16PS6S 10Io� 'Cerr^eteg tVoj' h t't�'��Ptf .�/•'�--• 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS','%V PRONE-,MWER A-&BOI�D AMOUN-r: 6.I.ENDER'S'&iLME,ADDRESS AIND PHONZE NU.NWER: F 7.Persons within the Starz of Florida designated by Owner upon whom nodcas or other docurnzuts may be seer ed as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7_Florida Statutes: N&ME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUNWER: 8.k addition to hittaelf or herself,Owner designates the fdlowing to receive a copy of the Litaor's Nodce as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b).Florida Statutes: NAME.ADDRESS AI'M PHONE hU-I EWAL 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is i year from the date of recoding Mess a d ifferear date is t specified) ,20_ E. WA UMm-TOOW VER-ANY PAYMIi M MADE BY Tt:M OWNr•7t AI'rl3t TM EMM RATON OF-THE OF OpWrw(F,HI�tp�T v ARE COt3SIDF.RFJI Ii1rPROP1it PAYMF Try Ln.1DQt CrravrG�713 P Cg'r't SECAMN 713 131 FLORIDA iht RESi31.T T' IN IM71t PAMIG TW M FOR 1MPR0v-Q4E7-sM TO YOUR FROPEM.A!j9MM OF CQMNIF- A+�MUSE IM R*r RIXQ,hD t ON TW JOB VM 13-MM 3M EM zWMMGft IF= ND TO 08TAW SNA 7 WrM YOUR AOR OR ol[ P±-5 PrintName and Provide Sigeatnry's Td WofiSoe =.. Ot+ s /t1�er State of Florida Countyt,f M I .�ct e� 1�c The foregoing ftwrtmw acknowiedgod before me this Qday or tN of person) \ / (Type of awhority...e g.Owver.officer,trustm attomey in fact) For1 � / (Name of parry on behalf of whom insttmneot was executed) Personally Known `�or producd the folfowmg tppe of ID: s i " "• LISA JONES IS �� S ger,, :c. ; Notary Public-State of Florida (J�wl ; •: :• My Comm.Expires Aug 31.2016 (, (Primed n'arneof'Votar t Public) (Signature omotaty cj %±, µ?••' Commission fl EE 1.96882 I . , Bonded Thtos;ft National Notary Assn. t' L%xW penalties of perjury.I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the farts in it r belief(section 92.525.Fkxida Statutes). I. t' s) s)'Aatborixed wbe dyed above: STATE OF FLORIDA E By $T I IIrIr rggyropl THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. �451� KH .S o� ��:: By: �.E3 'ir * { as f v .'F ry. rn �Date: