HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4215025 OR BOOK 3896 PAGE 72, Recorded 07/29/2016 12 : 08:25 PM RECE1`"-.D "1'-3 01. 2016 AMR RECORDING—RETURN TO' PEnM1T N Uh1DER: NO'rice OF COMMYNCEMENT The undersigned hcrcby gives notice that impravement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Fiarida Statutes,the following information is provided in this Notice orCornmencement. 4504-310-001 8-100-1 1. DESCHIMON OF PROPERTY(Legal descriptim of Ilia property&street addles;Ir available)TAX FOLIO NO.: Legal Description: SUBDIVISION MOCK TIUCT LOT HLDIe UNIT 3711 Mockingbird Hill Ln. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 4 37 41 SLY 101.89 FT OF WLY 426FT )F 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OPIMIFROVEMENT: Replace windows and door OF S 200 FT OF N AT 3.OWNER 1NFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION(FTRE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT.. 380 FT LYG WLY OF Jack Zuver 3711 Mockingbird Hill Ln. Jensen Beach, FL IND RIV DR OF THAT a.Nmneend eddrast: "- PART OF SEC AS b.In:cscsrin irapsny Owner _ _ 3`x'757 e.Ntmeand addreu Dries timpla till tholder(irdlffercnl hnaom Oolined above): _ DESC IN DBK 149 4.A.CONTRAC'rORISNAME! The Home Depot At Home Services PGS 73-75 (OR Contreu0r'eed*eA74 S Military Trail Deerfield Beach.FL.b,phone number.(954) 379 -1500 3541-1694) S.SURETY(Capplirable.a ropy orthe payment bind Ir tnnrhedX 33442 e.Nsmeendeddress• N/A b.Phonenumber. * c.Aeruunl orbond:S - --_. 6.8.LENDER'SNA61E: 1`/A Lender',eddmtt: b Moat comb.: 7. Persons within the State of rlorida designated by 0wrIer upon whom notices or other documents may he served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)17.,Florida Slanites: t.Name end tddrus_,1�/A . b.Phone numbers erdesiamled persons: 8.e.In addilionto himself or herself,Outer dcsil raies N/A of to receive a copy of the LlenDr's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. b.Phone number:orperson or e,tity desianued by Owner. 9.rxpirmicn date of notice of commencement(Ilse e.¢pirstion date will be I year from the date of recording tailless a different date is specificd):_20_ WARND:GTOOWNER•ANY PAYMENTS MADE 13YIHE0."ERAFTERTHFEXPIRATION OFTKENOTICE.QFCOMMENCEMBE ARE CONSiDFREO IMPROPER PAYMENTS UtMFR CHAPTER 711,PART 1.$E-CT(ON 713.13.FLORIDASTATUTES 6NP CAN RESULT IN YQUR PAYING T WICE FOR IMPROygh0NTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMF.NFMENr MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB 517E BEFORE THE FIRST INSPErTION IF YOU iNTir[IDTp0BTOM FINANCING CON5ULT WRIT YOUR LWDER OR R CY BEFORE COMMENCTNO WORKR RECORDTNG YOM NOTICE OF NT. Jack Zuver- Owner (SignAture,of Owner or I.eitsee,or Owner's or Lessee's (Print Name and 1de tg s TilldOfllce) Authorized OffieerJDirector/Partner/MRnnger) si,teof Florida Countyof Saint Lucie TTIe foregoinginstrument was acknowledged before me this 22 day of Jill 2016 by Jack Zuver a5 Owner for Self (naircofperson) (typcofaulhorily,,.,e.g.officer,Hwlec,anorneyinfact) (name orparty on belialfaf whom instrument was executed) Personally Kno%n_or Produced Identifcation Type of Identification Produced PAlld/1NI GOMMI���klll'M oil lj (Slgnu ature of Mary P c) £XPIfiEB FODfu0rY 11r (Print,Type,or Stamp Commissionrd Name of Notary Public) laorl>9e•etlu :fsandM�ov' �.