HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 2/312016 Florida Building Code online /+, �(�^(^J4� o�^�t BCIS Home Log In User Registration € Ho[Topics Submit Surcharge ; Stats&Facts Publications '� FBC Staff, BCIS Site Map €- Links i«,Search Fort t ) Busines ,� = Professi al 1 ° Product Approval USER:Public User Regulation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL242-R19 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status proved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer PGT Industries Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nprth Venice, FL 34275 (941) 486-0100 Ext 22318 druark@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature Jens Rosowski jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative Jens Rosowski Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 21140 jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Horizontal Slider Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency ' Miami-Dade BCCO-CER Validated By Miami-Dade BCCO-VAL Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 10/05/2015 Date Validated 10/16/2015 haps://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquUsDrhuM3DGCgL7x9PPaiMMXNBeyOaM%3d 1/4 2/3/2016 Florida Building Code Online Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 10/20/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 242.1 HR- 210(Non-Impact) Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R19 C CAC 15-0609.05.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 04/05/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R19 II 15-0609.05.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,.size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.2 HR- 510(Impact) WinGuard Vinyl Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R19 C CAC 15-0612.14.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 02/17/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R19 II 15-0612.14.odf Acceptance (NOA)for product performance information,. Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.3 HR-610(Non-Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R19 C CAC 15-0519.10.3df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 07/27/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R19 II 15-0519.10.odf Acceptance (NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details,and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.4 HR- 710(Impact) WinGuard Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R19 C CAC 15-0519.09.0f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/21/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R19 II 15-0519.09.pdf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details, and anchor type,size, and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: Information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.5 HR-810(Large Missile Impact) Multi-Story Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R19 C CAC 14-0320.04 LM.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 11/01/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R19 II 14-0320.04 LM.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details,and anchor type,size,and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 242.6 HR- 810(Small Missile Impact) Multi-Story Aluminum Horizontal Roller Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL242 R19 C CAC 15-0609.04 SM2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 11/01/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Miami-Dade County Notice of FL242 R19 II 15-0609.04 SM2.odf Acceptance(NOA)for product performance information, Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER anchorage details,and anchor type,size,and spacing Created by Independent Third Party: information. Evaluation Reports https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app d0.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquUsDrhuM3DGCgL7x9PPaiM9f3XNBeyOaM%3d 2J4 s MMIAQp1DE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY wra, PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 GE W4CCEPTANC UA mvw.miamldade.gov/economy 5 (IM e SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below, The Miami—Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami—Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami--Dade County)reserve the right to-have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHD may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance,if it is determined by Miami—Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code. including the High Yglocijy T-Turriegne 7one.- DESCRIPTION: Series"HR-510 Vinyl" White PVC Horizontal Rolling Window—L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 5191-2, titled"Vinyl Horiz.Roller Window, Impact-resistant", sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 08/12/09,with revision C dated 05/29/15,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami—Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, mode/series, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Conhol Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA.. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded--by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOAH 11-1114.06 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. ' The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez,P.E. NOA No.15-0612.14 alral�lr rani:couNTY Expiration Date: February 17,2021 = Y7101 Approval Date: July 30 2015 l Page 1 PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED. ,A. DRAWINGS: 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections: (Submitted under NOA.No. 09-0901:07) 2. Drawing No. 5191-2,,titled"Vinyl Horiz. Roller Window,;Impact-resistant', sheets 1 through 10 of 10, dated 08/1.2 /09, with revision: C dated 05/29/15, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. B.: TESTS .1. Test reports�on: 1)Air infiltration"Test,per.FBC,TAS 202.-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,,Loading per.FBC, TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS`202-94. 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 :5) Cyclic.Wind Pressure Loading per FB.C;.TAS.203-94 G)Forced Entry Test-per'1~BC 2411,.3:2.1,and"TA 9 202-9: along with marked-up drawings and:installation diagram =of a series. HR-510 vinyl horizontal sliding window (OX), prepared by Fenestration Testing..Laboratory, Inc., Test.Report No. FTL-5916,,dated 06/18/09,.signed and sealed.by Julio E. Gonzalez, P.E. (Submitted under NOA No, 49 .0901.07) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Arrichor verification.calculations and structural analysis,complying with FBC-5th Edition(2014), dated 0.6/05/1.5,prepared`by manufacturer; signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. 2., Glazing complies with A$TKE1300-04 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Miami-Dade Department,of.Regulatory and.Economic Resources XR). I C' 'O� • Manuel Pe 'P.E. Product:Cou#rol, za finer NOA No.15= 612.14 Expiration Date: Febrdaiy 17,2021. Approval Date:.;.July 302015 E-1 PGT Industries Ine. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBARTTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS: 1., Notice of Acceptance No..14-.09:16.11 issued to KurarayAmerica,Inc,for their "SentryGlas® (Clear and White)Glass Iuterlayers"dated 06/25115, expiring on 07/04/18. I Notice of Acceptance No. 12-1017:02 issued to Quanex Building Products,Inc„for their"White Rigid PVC.Exterior Extrusions for Windows and Doors"dated 02/07/13, expiring on 12/26/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter..of conformance,complying withFBC-5,k Edition(2014);dated June 5;'2Q1.5,:issued by manufacturer;signed.and sealed by Anthony.LynnMiller,RE. .2. Statement.letter of no financial interest, dated June'51, 2015, issued by manufacturer; szgned and sealed by.Anthoiiy.Lyrin Miller;,P.E. G. OTHERS Notice of Acceptance No. 11-1114.0.6,issued.to PGT Industries-for their Series. "HR=510"`White PVC Horizontal Roller Window L.M.I."approved:on 02/09/12:and expiring on 02/17/16. Mimi Pe ,P.E. Product`Control iner NOA No. 15-0612.14_ ExpirationDate: February 17,2021 Approval Dater July 30:20tS ,: IMPACT-RESISTANT HORIZONTAL ROLLER �26l8 .... P. 4"O.C.MAX.TYR 21/4 MAX' Design Pressure Ratlng ImpacLRatlng TYP: Small Missile+80 BOX FRAME AND INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWS • l-70 PSP Large and nm� MissileImpact a. m� 011"OPI +0 1-70 PSP Large Missile lmpad Only - ivmai",�m.mwa�ce ein"wr elm+wl GENERAL NOTES: 1.GLAZING OPTIONS; A:7/8".IG -5/16"H!H-SG+7/16"-AIR+1181A CAP B.7/8"IG 5/18"H/H SG+7116"- AIR+1/8"T CAP r? s z,p NOA DRAWING TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.CONFIGURATIONS:XO AND OXO0 w SHEET I • GENERALNOTES ...•1 3.DESIGN.PRESSURES:+60/-70 PSF(ALL GLASS TYPES LISTED) z / / u. ELEVATIONS,...... 1 A NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED"ON TESTED:PRE$SURE !� LL �. GLAZING DETAILS......... 2-3 AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. �j y ,n. SECTIONS,I.F.FRAME ...., .........4 B.POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON WATERTEST " Q rp: SECTIONS BOX FRAME 5 PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES'ASTM E 1300.. rri `a ' ' ur'i PARTS;LIST......... 6 EXTRUSIONS:... ............ ,. 7 4.SHUTTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED'.FOR INSTALLATION OF UNITS ANCHORAGE SPACING,BOX,FRAME-.8: 30'ABOVE GRADE IN THE HVHZ,.THE EXTERIOR CAP'OF ANCHORAGE:DETAILS,BOX FRAME .9 INSULATED GLASS.UNITS MUST BE TEMPERED: Q X O ANCHORAGE'DETAILS,,I.F.FRAME'....:..10 6' ANCHORAGE:ANCHOR SHALL B.E:A$,LISTED AND:SPACED AS o SHOWN ON.DETAILS,ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO SUBSTRATE ' SHALL BEtBEYOND WALL DRESSING OR$TUCCOrTHE,33 7f3'/o 32 3/4 VENT DLO WIDTH 32,9/1.6 FIXED DLO.WIDT11 INTEGRAL,FJN. STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEENUSED IN THE DESIGN OF THIS, , PRODUCT:MATERIALS,INCLUDING BUT '73".MAX, NOT TO STEEL MAX.SIZE=73"X'62" SCREWS,:THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR 76114"FRAME OP.: MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTSOFTHE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE.APPROVED ANCHORS:1,3/16"ELCOULTRACON)' 2.#16 STEEL'SCREW.(G5)AND 3.(.120)X I-1/2"ROOFING,NAIL FOR Q 73"MAX' FIN. 32 9l16 FIXED DLO WIDTH 373/4:VENT DLO WIDTH - 6.REFERENCES:TEST REPORTS FTL-5916.ELCO TEXTRON NOA ANSI/AF&PA;NDS,FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION;.ADM ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL;GUANEX BUILDING PRODUCTS(WHITE RIGID PVC.EXTERI.OR EXTRUSIONS'FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS) 7:THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED&TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING THE HIGH'VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ), C7 n / O Y: uj 8,SHIM EACH ANCHOR LOCATION WHERE THE PRODUCT IS NOT =' +: © PRODUCT REVISED FLUSH TO THE SUBSTRATE,USING SHIMS CAPABLE OF �: p Buildi gCodwtW)hO Fltn1�7 p W EuildingOodo 13.D(AtZ.44- TRANSFERRING APPLIED LOADS: L. X a. Acceptance N0 pp�ooff Z LL E irntian Dnte 9.ADHESIVE SEALANT SHALL BE USED BETWEEN SUBSTRATE` AND FLANGE.ORFIN. Ily OVERALL:SEALING/FLASHINGSTRATE Y' .� N miMti gdoProddciColl FOR WATER RESISTANCEOF INSTALLATION SHALL,BE , DONE BY OTHERS.. 10.MATERIALS USED FOR ANCHOR EVALUATIONS•WERE SOUTHERN PINE'(G:0.55),CONCRETE(MIN.3.5 KSI)AND X O CONCRETE,MASONRY UNITS.COMPLYING WITH ASTM C-90„ 4YNN !y/ 61[2"MAX. o (( ' 6114" e ���. "MAX.0.0. �-- BOX FRAMEz. © SEE SHEET 8FOR. ' MAX.SIZE=73' 62' 'zk p1u`?47p5 p ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS 6112"Maz. � - "SG"=SENTRYGLAS BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC: / 3 .:9 rtenuar are: RpR+reec Of, SC 05/29/15 C EDIT NOTES FOR FBC 20141REVISE MAX HEIGHT ELEVATIONS&ANCHORA BY are,c� 1070TECHNOLOGY.DRNEOU-T 10/ 7/11 B FBC 2010 CODE CHANGE N VENICE FL 34276 ,a:. Vin l Horiz.Roller Window,Im act-resistantJ.R. 01/?8✓10 A Added.DP/Im act box frame chan ed itfe'above nbte P O BOX 1528qg�,;_ � way. NOKOMIS,FL34274 . er ' eak n.L�/rliJ�itlllF't3,�.E. oa"�yAa J.R. 08/12108 FL COA A29296 HP510 NTS` '1 d '10 5191 Z C P.E,i!59705 OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 5118"LAMI.GLASS NOMINAL 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 7116"AIRSPACE .090"SENTRYGLAS®BY 118"ANNEALED OR KURARAY AMERICA.INC. TEMPERED GLASS 118"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 112"NOM. 29 GLASS 81TE 32' O '39 3.7 28 29' EXTERIOR 35 \1\ O PRODUCTRisVISED nt complyingvlth tho piorldu OuildingCodc 2 AccaplwiCe No 1I OPTIONAL LxpiralionDato FLANGE By Miami do Pmduet'. 1111'1!!• 7/8" LAMI I.G. GLAZING DETAIL ��.�`�`�y LYNN WITH 5/16" LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP ` No.58705 { SCS. 05/29/15 'C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET GLAZING'DETAILS-BOX OR FLANGE FRAME ' '`' FCORIU� 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE10/17/11 Q NO CHMGE THS 1 R. 01/18/10a Can ass m1 ake upEdrawln rare. N P o lagx 1629 75Wh l Hor/z:Roller Window;Impact-resistant %Sw1l;lIAI� ftnB. Dene DOW NOKOMIS.FL 34274 ® °�' qHa. 19i° A.LYNN MINER,p.E. J.R. 08!12/09 FL'COA#29206 NRS10 7:.� 2 - 10 5191-2 C REX 60705 718"OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 5116"LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 1/8"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 7/16"AIRSPACE .090.°SENTRYGLA?BY 118"ANNEALED OR KURARAY AMERICA,:INC. TEMPERED GLASS —1/8"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS 1/2 NOM. 29.. v GLASS BITE 32 $9.. 37 2$ 29 EXTERIOR 35 PRODUCTREWS131) as complying with tiro Ftodds Building Code AccepLuicoNa15-0612.)4-- OPTIONAL GxpimUon Aa{e�,�: FLANGE By N1t, ti Ade 0 j 7/8" LAMI I.G. GLAZING DETAILLYNN !, WITH 5/16°LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP ;c • No.56705 t RVIMRy.' Dr4P: RwYMb SC 05128/15 G NO CHANG.-THtS SHEET 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE G7LI ING a TJ41La'—INTEGRAL.FIN FRAME J.. , 10/17/11 8 NO CHANGETHIS SHEET N.vENiCE,:FL34z75 Too " Win l Norix. Roller Window, !m act-resistant J.R. 01118110 A' Changed glass make up,drm In dile. P.o:a9X 152s ` ItLEf�1PE. NOKOMIS,FL34274 �'? erre ary"'a . J.'R. 0811210.9 FL COA#20298 HR510 1:'1 3 ^� 1Q 5191-2- ('. P.E.#51111 19. . 18. . 13 SEE NOTE 1 1 SENOTE 4 DETAIL D SEE NOTE 1 14 1.5 `16 � .. HEAD SECTION 0 0 SEE NOTE 3 d 0 29: 29 rr EXTERIOR SEE NOTE 2 4 5 29 . 21 22: DETAIL A DETAIL B DETAIL C LEFT JAMB SECTION MEETING RAIL SECTION RIGHT JAMB SECTION EXTERIOR NOTES: 1.#6 x 1/2 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4112" FROM EACH END AND AT 16"O.C. 2.#Sk 3/8 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4'112" FROM EACH END AND AT 18"O.C. 1 3.#6 x 112.F.L SMS,;LOCATED AT 4112" SEE'NOTE 21 FROM EACH END. 4.CAM LOCKS: 29 22 (2)AT 7"EACH END FRODUCP REVISED I a 0111plying with tho Floddo 6.WEEPHOLES ARE 1"X 3116".SEE Nuilding Codo _.._.. HOT ileceptunccT�o I •OWt2.�4. SHEET 1 FOR'LOCATIONS. WELD Expiraiiart.T)att 21 By 1 SEE'NOTE 5 Mi i .ado product' 10 DETAIL E u 16:b SILL SECTION v\`��OS1Y LYNN aq�lf•`�r HOT WELD CORNER ASSEMBLY Ptd �10ENS�c ..F� (INTEGRAL FIN) 1 No.50705 mWe: Dow fWAOM ��.. 7'2.. :_u SO 05/29/15 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET CROSS'SECT70NS'-INTEGRAL FIN T r&or.. gr,wgw -o"m: Mwiar• 4070TECHNOLOGY DRNE. J.J. 10/17/11 B NO CHANGE THIS:SHEET N.VENICE.FL 34275 �` ��j s1 J R:0/18/10 A No changes this sheet. P.O.BOX 1529 Vln PHOf)Z, Roller Window, Impact-resistant ftft BSISteAf � rrrS/ONAl 0*b Wd W.- NOKOMIS,FL342T4 ® 14.L1iNN MILL1t3f�,P.E. J.R. 08112/09 FLCOA429296 HR610 1:2 4 a 10 519.1-2 C P.E.456705 13. 18 ;2 SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 4 DETAIL D SEE NOTE 1 14 15 16 �-- 'HEAD SECTION 2 Z . SEE'NOTE 3. (� EXTERIOR o , o 29 29 - 11 EXTERIOR SEENOTE 2 4 5 29 221 2. DETAIL A DETAIL B DETAIL C LEFT JAMB SECTION MEETING RAIL SECTION RIGHT JAMB SECTION EXTERIOR NOTES: 1,116 x'-112 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4112" FROM EACH END AND AT 16"O.C. 2.#6 x.318 FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4:112" FROM EACH END AND AT 16"O.C. 3.#6x 112.'FL SMS,LOCATED AT 4112" SEE NOTE 3—, 21 FROM EACH END. 29' 22 4.CAM LOCKS: (2)AT 7"EACH END HOT RODUCT REVISEDas complying with tha Florida. WELD Building Codo 6.WEEPHOLES'ARE 1"X 3116".SEE ,Acceplaucallo 15'01Z:t4 SHEET 1 FOR LOCATIONS. 2 "" """"'" la frail npota.lmum�Q2I 41114 Mo product SEE NOTE-5 10. DETAIL E SILL SECTION ,a�''N� LYNN ti?0 HOT WELD CORNER ASSEMBLY, (BOX FRAME) 2. _ N0.5.8705 _ RMWpm:.. RMtlai►. Gtio'htlan - - .... �t 1 SC 05/29/45 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET Ani TATE OF CROSS SECTIONS-90X FRAME Rwkka. 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE' J.J. 10/17/11 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL s427g Rmww mak: R.YkbM Vinyl Horiz.Roller Window,Impact-resistant '%;S�UNAL E��` J.R. "01/18/10 A No changes this sheet. P.O.eox 1529 �,, �,,� R, R,. caw pr, NOKOMIS,FL 34274 ® A.L4IJNtlAILL1 kt�.E. J.R. 08/'12/09 FL OA 429296 HR510 1':!1 5 d 10 6191-2 C P.E.458705' ® ITEM DWG NO. PART# DESCRIPTION 1 5166 65166 FRUCHEAD•SILL ANDJAMBS(FINONLY) 2 518.9 65189 FRAMEHEAD,BLL AND JAMBS(BOX ONLY) 21 4 5102 65102 FD(ED M MM RAL 13 5 5123 65123 FIXED MEET NG RAL--ALUMINUM RE!NF. B 76XIFPAW 8 x 1-FH TECH(CAM LOCK,-KEEPER) 6 78X312PPABX SCR:8X3lir PPTYPEAB FIXED MR) 9 71669SP 330026 ALUM SCREW SUPPORT PLATES 10 5136 65138 ROLLERTRACK 1112 71038W INSTALLATION HOLE PLUGS(BOX'ONLY.)1 6138 65138 AND LIFT 18 34' 13 6105 65105 SASH INIERLOCKRAIL 4 6 14 6114 65114 INTERLOCK PAL-ALUMINUM RBNF. 1: 15 76208SLAW CAMSWETPLOCI(S pI' 16 76133SLKW CAMSWEEPLOCK KEEPER 21 11, 17 1844 61644W WSTP..187,x:270 FN SEAL ' 18 .5137' 65137 SASH SIDE RAL 19 5114 65114 SIDE RAL-ALl1ANNl1 I RSNF. 20 1644 81644W WSTP;.187 x.270 FIN SEAL , 21' 5106 65108 SASH TBP&BOTTOM RAL �{ 22 6114 65114 TOP&BOTTOM RAIL-ALLUNUM RBNF: 24 �+ 23 1644 81844W W8TP..187x•.270FIN SFAL 24 225-1: 42112HD ROLLER HOUSING r 25 7BRWHL2 BRASS WHEELS 25 126 .7612FW 6 x 112 FH PHIL#217r SAYS `27 7638FW 7x.3/8 FHPHL#2PfSOS 28A 68VWGK716 7116'SUPER-SPACER 26B OSWGK38 318•SUPER-SPACER 4:. '29A 5112 65112 GLAZING BEAD.1-LITE .32A 718'LAM I.O.GLASS 118'TEMPERED (NOT OUTBOARD-AIRSPACE IWANNEALED-.080 USED) PVB INTERLAYER-1/8 ANNEALED(5/18'LAN 328 718'LAM I.G.GLASS:118'ANNEAL® (NOT OUTBOARD-:AIRSPACE-1./8'.ANNEALED-.090. USED) PKB INTERLAYER-1/8'ANNEALED(6/16'-LAM P.RODUCMEVISED arconjPlYlnewithtlro f7odd& 34.. SCREEN RCildina Cudo � t co rtq' 8.'Or 121.�I 35 VVEFPCOVERS- Ex {Tal nl)ule 37 SERNG BLOCK 39 SLICONE DOW 1189 BY ,aa �ti.•uni' ,ade Produet C..ural 10': NOTE: ALL EXTRUDED ANYL,MANUFACTUREID BY QUAND(BU.ILDING PRODUCTS,INC. N6.. 705 _ Q �u- M&EXPLQDED VIEW 7,; S .S/ZB/JG C NO'CHANOE THIS SHEET 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE - .7 IARtO+� Q." 10/17/17 B NO CHANGETHIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL'34276 ® V��HO!k.-Roller Window !m act.I@$!S�$r1t ' ,�LYN It�IIL1ER J.R. 01/18/10 A Removed'374 lass and beading from 80M. e.o.eoxls2o 1" q�8j; pow„. pip; "- NOKOMIS,FL 34274 E" J.R. 08/f2/09' FL con 02MHowNTS 6 d 10 5191=2 C p.E a 68705 REMOVEABLE NAIL FIN' -1.8351.020 REMOVE- 1.•835 ABLE 1.647 FLANGE 1.250 .083 —�- +--.060 .080 1.440 :065 .174 .065—► 4.000 L O a 1.410 FIXEDMEETING RAIL FIXED MEETING RAIL REINFORCEMENT DWG#5102 DWG#5123 SASH INTERLOCK RAIL .060 O RIGID PVC O At 6005--T6 DWG#5105 �.Qn ,:D13 RIGID PVC •-- ---1.647 ,080 3.250 �+- l.F.FRAME I 1 DWG,#511.6 .67 Q 080 RIGID PVC 1:16Q :065 .065 4.022 r 060 SASH INTERLOCK RAIL REINFORCEMENT SASH SIDE RAIL SASH TOP/BOTTOM RAIL 2.375 DWG#5914 DWG#65.137DWG#65106 PRODUCr.1EVISED- 1.4 19 22 18; 21 avcamplyingwnhihalaadaa. A16063-T6 RIGID PVC RIGID PVC Building Cuda AccepiMccNo 1�-6(617.;1Q. • Bx iralton Dalc ,060 1.305 By Miami.adePrg&cdj* titr .080' 803 :210 860 3.250 :035 •-� —:065: ���` ah1Y...... �1���ij/i BOX FRAME ,,`P'�, oceros� O. DWG x#5189 I.G. BEAD. ROLLER TRACK/ANTI LIFT RIGID PVC 9 D.WG#5112 DWG#51.38 " ' No.5070.5' DUAL PVC O RIGID PVC o _ SC 05/29/15 C NO CHANGE THlSSHEET EXTRUSION CROSS'SECT/ONS23115 , •.rE or > w tO70TECHNOLOGY DRIVE . CURIDA•'• N J.J. 10/17/11 8 NO CHANGE MIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL34275 rr.: Vin 1 Horiz.Roller Window, Impact-resistant '�.,`s/ONA1.e\� J.R. 01/18/10 A Added wall 11icknesstoall oxtruslonsremoved beading foi3/4'glass. P.O..BOx1620 ® e„, anoe at..toni, n� g7(�IVNIM�LL��i�PX. NOKOMIS,FL 34214 J.R. 08/!2119 FLCOAN29298 HR610 1!1 7 a 10 5191-2 C P.E.p58705 HEAD,'SI'LL AND JAMB ANCHOR QUA.NTITIES.FOR DESIGN PRESSURES OF+6.01-70 PSF OR LESS: ANCHORAGE NOTES FOR BOX FRAME: WIW 'HEIGHT. 01. ANCHOR TYPES: 1,-3116".ULTRACQNS BY ELCO(FOR.MASONRY SUBSTRATES): 24 30 36 42 j 48 54 60 62 MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE OF 1". 2-#10 SM SCREWS,GRADES(FOR METAL AND WOODSUBSTRATES) WINDOW ANCHOR MINIMUMEDGEDISTANCE OF 3!B WIDTH(in LOCATION #OF ANCHORS R,EQUIRE0(TYPE 1 OR 2) 2:ANCHOR-LOCATIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWIING DIMENSIONS: Head and Sill 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6:6"MAX.FROM ALL;C.O.RNERS •24 JAMBS-10.3125" O.C. Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5' S HEADISJLL.-15^MAX.MAX.! C. Head and Sill 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,INSTALL PER THE ADJACENT TABLE ANCHOR: 36 _ NOUAN TITIES USING'THE DIMENSIONAL CRITERIA OF Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4,ANCHORAGE SHOWN FOR BOX:FRAME WITH:OR WITHOUT Head and Sill 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 OPTIONAL.FLANGE. 42 - 5:FOR INTEGRAL;NAIL.FINfRAME ANCHORAGE,SEE'SHEET I&•10: Jamb. 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 48 Head and Sill 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Jamb 2' 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 54 Head and SiSill: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' Jamb 2 3. 3 3 4 4 5 5 Head.and Sill 51 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 Head and.Sill 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 66 Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 IYROWcTREWSM w ZortipJping%pith tho Flotldn. 4. Head and Sill 5 5 5 5 b 5 6 6 m,iAc? IMMo ,. �, „ ) pttuICeueNo, - � 72 l xpimtiun Data. Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5' 5 ny. Miami adaf'roduaCCunW Head and Sill 5 5 5 - 5. 5 5 6 6 73 Jamb 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 No.58705 f F_ ��: a�: Rte: � �� SC 06/29/16 C CHANGE'MAX HEIGHT IN ANCHOR TABLE ANCHOR CHARTS n ' CEO. .JJ fO/17/1I B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET 107N.VENiCELFL34OGY 26'VE ® v Hont'RRoll@ Windotw,lm actresistant; 11 J.R. 01/!8/10 A Added eddlUonaf anchorinPormalion. P.O.SO 1529 a."ne7 w vaso , peb, NOKOMIS,FL54274 -5101-2 1,Nf{MI1 E• J R. 08H?109 FL COA N282ati HR NTS 8 a 70 5181 r2 Q P. 56705 w o 910 SCREW,SEE #10 SCREW,SEE 1 3/8"MIN, wSHEET 8 FOR SPACING 1@"MIN.EDGE 1,K'MAX.SHIM—►I z SHEET 8 FOR SPACING 1 3/8"MIN. ( m In REMOVEABLE 114Pj 1 r M FLANGE AX Mpx SHIM SHIM �� #10 SCREW;.SEE � 1 318"MIN, NOTE:INSTALLATION SHEET 8 FOR'SREMOVEABLEPACING TO THE SUBSTRATE FLANGE — OF 1x OR 2x WOOD BUCKS TO BE REMOVEABLE FLANGE rF-1/2"MIN.EDGE ENGINEERED BY JAMB W/BOX FRAME HEAD W/BOX FRAME SILL W/BOX FRAME OTHERS THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD 1 318"MIN.EMBED 3.5 KSI MIN.CONCRETE EDGE DIST. APPROVED MASONRY OR 1.5 KSI MIN.CMU. ANCHOR,SEE SHEET 8 114"MAX.SHIM--►I I-- ' a °' "-' l' FOR SPACING e' Y :':•i:.' ''r,: 13/8"MIN,EMBED • EDGE DISTANCE •�•.. .. MAX. `•a a REMOVEABLE 1/4" SHIM O. FLANGE MAX.J. —� SHIM r d:: APPROVED MASONRY - ' n' ANCHOR,SEE SHEET 8 REMOVEABLE -� FOR SPACING FLANGE :r� L:• f':v•. 1-3l6"EMBED REMOVEABLE FLANGE 3;5 KSI MIN.CONCRETE APPROVED MASONRY �' - v`� f•a OR 1,5 KSI MIN.CMU ANCHOR,SEE SHEETS 3.5 KSI MIN.CONC"RETE FOR SPACING OR 1.5 KSI MIN.CMU EDGE DIST: JAMB W/BOX FRAME HEAD W/BOX FRAME SILL W/BOX FRAME asto!npi,i EwsFo as cptnplpingwllh lhv Fltxlda i3uilding Coda THROUGH FRAME INTO CONCRETE ROUGH FRAME INTO CONCRETE, TH OU GH FRAME INTO CONCRETE Acccptance.No - 12.124 lx BUCK OPTIONAL 1x BUCK OPTIONAL 1x BUCK OPTIONAL lix mionDate NOT aY Miami 1 ude E rnducI Cantt . 1. FOR CONCRETE APPL OUNTY,USE ONLY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APPROVED 3/161 ULTRACON,EMB,EDED 13/9" MIN„ DISTANCE,FROM.ANCHOR TO CONCRETE EDGE IS 1 MINIMUM. 2.FOR WOOD APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI•DADE COUNTY,USE#10 STEEL SCREW,EMBEDED 1318'MIN t1 S PAGE I AS Ix ARE BUCKS WHOSE 3 WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS ON CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLYTO SOLID CONCR T, TOTAL E:WOOD BUCKS DEP.ICTE AS 2x A E1 1/2HTHICK OR GREATER.INSTALLATION TO THE SUBSTRATEICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1 1/2".Ix WOOD BUCKS ARE IO WOODONAL IF NIT �`cENs BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED.BY OTHERS ORAS APPROVED BY-AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 4. FOR ATTACHMENT TO.ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063-T5 AND A MINIMUM OF 1/9'THICK,THE ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER No.58705 �r SHALL BE OF A SIZE TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS FOR 2x WOOD BUCKS.THE ANCHORSHALL BEA#10 SHEET METAL SCR EW.WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM.IF THESE CRITERIA ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVEDESIGN PRESSURES AND`ANCHORAGE SPACING FOR ULTRACONS MAY BE USED. 10 ROWBY oetK reww, SC 05129115 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET INSTALLATION DETAILS-BOX/FLANGE FRAME ;;�c, Dmmv, faMkwu 1070TECHNOLOGY•DR_ 7. n7r. ��,St9 ........... J.J. 10117111 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34275 // 1c) /aL a� Vinyl Horiz. Roller Window, Impact-resistant ''�„r J.R. 01118110 A No changes this sheet. P.O.Box 1529 NOKOMIS,FL 34274 ® �"� aur: �t A'w°M' x.r. A.LYNN MILLER P.E 0— u D8/1�9 �• FL COd, 29202 HR510 'I:Z 9 "� 1� 5191-2 �`+ REA 68705 1/2"MIN.EDGE 1/4"MAX.SHIM---1J__ (.120") -1 F+- (.120")DIA.x 1 I ROOFING.NAIL, 1.430"MIN EMBED -"— ©® SEE SHEET 1 112"MIN.EDGE FOR SPACING. o � w m - a Z REMOVEABLE- 1.557 FLANGE n MAX.17 NOTE:INSTALLATION `t �I I SHIM TO THE SUBSTRATE LTJ OF'1 x OR 2x WOOD BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY (.120")DIA.x 1 1/2"ROOFING NAIL, OTHERS REMOVEABLE FLANGE ©® SEE;SHEET 1 FOR SPACING JAMB W/NAIL FIN HEAD W/NAIL FIN THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING a 1/4" MAX. SHIM REMOVEABLE FLANGE (.120")DIA.x 1 1/2"NAIL,-� �- ©® SEE SHEET 1 FOR SPACING 1/2"MIN.EDGE 1.430"MIN EMBED SILL W/NAIL FIN Pl10DUCTRsVISED ns complying with/ho Florida THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING Building Code Acceptance No 5- 14— Ltc Ifa110n.Dffid NOTES:® Miami adePmdndControl 1: FOR INTEGRAL FIN APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE (.120")DIA.x 1 1/2" ROOFING NAIL. 2. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS.ON THIS PAGE AS 1x ARE BUCKS WHOSE TOTAL THICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1 1/2". 1x WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED.AS 2x ARE 1 1/2"THICK OR t I I I I GREATER. INSTALLATION TO THE SUBSTRATE OF WOOD.BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS OR AS APPROVED BY AUTHORITY HAVING \��ONS LYNN JURISDICTION. 3.,FOR ATTACHMENT TO ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BE A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063-T5 AND A MINIMUM OF 1/8"THICK.THE �CFNSC `•�F� ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER SHALL BE OF A SIZE TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN -!• No.58:!05 THESE DETAILS FOR 2x WOOD BUCKS. THE ANCHOR SHALL BEA#10 SHEET METAL SCREW WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM. _ ' IF THESE CRITERIA ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVE DESIGN PRESSURES AND ANCHORAGE SPACING FOR ULTRACONS MAY BE USED. = c = xl' ` 3 SdBy. 15 W� gcnvskr gMeM!: GTA F O C 05/29/15 C CHANGED ANCHOR TO.120 ROOFING NAIL INSTALLATION DETAILS-INT.FIN FRAME 04W geykrr; 1070 TECHNOLOGYDRNE _ _ _ �i'�S •• �� J... '10/17/11 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N VENICE FL 34275 T "` q s, anrs qm,�r Vinyl HGr1Z Roller Window, Int aCt feSiSfanf �77� f I t t J.R. 01/18/10 A Corrected nail length to 2-1/2",added dfa.In decimal P.O.BOX 1529 ® sow , a,,,,,,u qrr 1 Or. DPW' NOKOMIS.FL 34274 A.LYNN Id5B 5 P.E. D J.R. X12/08 a.da ow FL COA 829290 HR6t0 1:2 10 d 10 5191-2 C P.E.N 58705