HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters 08/08/2016 11:18 FAX Del Air Z0004/0005 (US)-831"2665 eaiuDEL**AIR , M,v �MA" .r 24Hours-7Days.aWeek ¢ 3i ii;M State CertCACQ3Z448 WWW.DELAIR.COM MENEM Sales Agreement Aaron McDonald Phone Date Sold Joe Tocci,Jr:" 4910 Paleo Pines Cir; 407-279-2525 Email 321-228-0079 Fort Pierce FL 34951 ItocciQdelair.com. TRANE XL18 HP SYSTEM WITH VAR.SPD.HYPtRION A/H 4 TON 1.7.0 XL factory equipment warranty:.10 years parts,12 years compressor 2 years on labor. For the sum set forth vire agree to install and service the following Del-Air comfort system as.per the specifications outlined including the equipment and materials.listed on proposal.Materials not listed are not included. Total including Permit $ $,491 Terms.and.Conditions TWF Speciai.Rate of 0°!o APR with 36 equal.month1y"paymer4,.4091, Homeowners are responsible to stay home for one(1)full day for the Building Department Inspection. Def-Air gives no guarantee for any existing conditions such as,but not limited to,pre-existing Electrical,Ductwork,Mechanical Equipment& House Structure WM ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW(SECTIONS 7'13.001—713.37,FLORIDA STATUTES),THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR'PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND ARE NOT PAID W FULL.HAVE.-THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR"PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR'A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILSTO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS,SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS,"OR ANTERIAL SUPPLIERS,THE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT,EVEN IF YOU ALREADY PAID YOUR.CONTRACTOR IN-FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR,YOUR.CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY:-THIS*MEANS-IF A.-LIEN.IS FILED;YOUR-PROPERTY-COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY F{}R.LABOR,MATERIALS,OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR-CONTRACTOR OR A:SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOURSELF,YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT'IS MADE,YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE:OF.LIEN FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS PROVIDED TO YOU A"NOTICE TO OWNER! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW IS.COMPLEX,AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. Add Additional Notes Here.. X DG'p-!� Signature $/4!2016 I have the authority to order the work outlined above. Aaron McDonald r In the event payment is not made promptly in accordance with 8!412016 agreed terms,it shall be seller's option to charge a service Joe TOCCi;Jr. charge not exceeding two(2)percent per month.The first service charge.will be due.16 days frorn"the date of the billing of our amount due on the job. In the event of collection by an It is understood that the Utle of all-products and equipment covered by attomey,.all attorney fees,court-costs,and other legal fees shah the contract remains solely in the seller until the entire purchase price be bome by the buyer;in the event of non-payment,purchaser has been paid in full and the mannerof installation an/or attachment to agrees to allow seller on premises to remove equipment any equipment and/or any portion of the building structure in which the installed. This sales agreement.shall.be binding upon"the heirs: installation is made shall not in any manner jeopardize the seller's title. successors and/or assigns of the.party hereto. Proposal is no longer valid after, 9%3/20716 eagez OT