HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL (2)Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 5 Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AN51/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 14 Fpbda DepmInkrK. d ens xoroo Spm I est, Rnarahon Hot Toots I stoxt sorNxrye I sun Sam I wbixot— I rSc sun SCIS Sao MIP. Live , see,oh Business�, TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 Proaoot Approval TAS 203 Professibhal VSE R.n Ho Vsw Regulation P�st A00,01al Menu> PWUR of ArIlHoirg, Soto IA,W-t-umI Application ottan FL N FL16102-RB Application Type Revision Code Vemlon 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Clopsy BuOding Products Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason, OR 45040 (513) 220-6062 mwesterfield@dopay.mm Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamllton@clopay.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative AddresWPhone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectorial Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Rondo Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer W Evaluation Report- Fanlike, Received Flonda Engineer or Architect Name who developed Scott Hamilton the Evaluation Report Florida license PE -63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. - ETE/Warnock Hersey Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2028 Validated By Gary Pfuehler 2 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL1610I R9 COI Certification of Independence of Validation En[ty- G,,ry pleehler ndf FL161 2 R8 COT Statementn Independence ofEvelbabonEatily- SlcttHc,,,,Itan 120424.cdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AN51/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 http://www.floridahuilding.org/pr/pr_app_Atl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXhl09... 1/20/2016 Florida Building Code Online Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option O Date Submitted 08/31/2015 Date Validated 08/31/2015 Date Pending Fee Approval 09/07/2015 Data Approved 10/16/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page O 42 Page 2 of 5 0 0 Page2/300 http://www.floridahuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGE V XQwtDgvyf4ngAXh 109... 1/20/2016 FL# Model, Number or Name Description 16107.21 21 WB -16 DSIE-11`471: GD25P, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; GR25P, GD2LP, GR2lP, AR25P, Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (9'2' to 16'2' wide) Afta P, ED2SP, ED2LP, 4302, WINDCODE(D W8 Garage Door with Opidonal Impact- HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205, SPES, MFR68 Limits of Use installation instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R811 304786-Rev04-smed.od Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ulu: 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16107 RR AE CBPC 130214-A,Pdf doors with optional Impact -resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile Impact). 16107.22 22 W6-09 DSIE-1F171: 4400, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; 4401, 4301, 4300, 4301, 4310, Interior skin 22 ga, min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide) HDC, HDGL, HDGF, 66, 66G, 67, �6200,6201,6203 WINDCODES W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact - 67G, 68, SP200, SF200, SE200, Resistant Utes Limits o/ Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R811 I01526-A-Rev19-sianed.ntlf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Vedfed By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ulD: 170 MPH. Sold doors Or FL16107 RB AE CBPC 130214-Andf doors with optional Impact -resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile Impact). 16107.23 23 W6-09 DSIE-1F171: 4400, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; 4401, 4300, 4301, 4310, HOG, Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide) HDGL, HDGF, 66, BIG, 67, 67G, WINDCODER W6 Garage Door 68, SP200, SF200, SE200, 6200, 6201, 6203 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No EL151n7 R8 II 101526-B Rev19-siunetl otlf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent ThlM Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 RS AE CBPC 130214-A ndf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.24 24 W6-09 PAN -21`353: 04A, 94, 73, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) 75, 1500, 190, 4RST, 4RSF, 41`, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- 6RST, 6HSF, 48, 42, 55, 48B, 425, Resistant Dies 555, GOSS, GD5SV, GR5S, GRSSV, AR5S, AR5Sv, EOSS, EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 RB 11 101348-A-Rev17-sinned odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or EL16107 RB AE CBPC 130214-A cdf tloors with optional Impact -resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile impact). http://www.floridahuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGE V XQwtDgvyf4ngAXh 109... 1/20/2016 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 5 16107.25 25 W6-09 PAN -2F353: 84A, 94, 73, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) 75, 1500, 190, 4RSr, 4RSF, 4F, WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door 6RST, 6RSF, 48, 42, 55, 48B, 428, 55S, GOSS, GD5SV, GR55, GR5SV, AR55, AR55V, EDSS, EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107 R6 II 101348-6-Rev17-s nnetl odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reporter Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 R8 AE CBPC 130214-6odf requirements of the building castle but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.26 26 W6-09 PAN -2F356: 76, 76% Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Single -Gr (up to 911" wide) j 2RST WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R8 II 101346-A-Rev17-sonedudf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_u1n: 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16107 RB AE CBPC 130214-A odf doom with optional impact -resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile Impact). 16107.27 27 W6-09 PAN -21`156: 76, 76V, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide) 2RST WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL16107 RB II 101348-8-Rev17-sionetl iid Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Variied By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 RS AE CBPC 130214 -Ani f requlrements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.28 28 W6-09 DSIE-IA171: 2050, Double -skin Insulated EPS(extenor skin 27 ga. min.; interior 2051, 2053, 4050, 4051, 4053, 62, skin 29 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE& 64, 65, 62G, 62LG, 64G, SDP38, WG Garage Door SF B, SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130, 6131, 6133 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 RB II 104614-A-Rev00-5nned odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors are FL16107 RB AE CBPC 130423-A.Ddf Impact -resistant (large missile Impact). Created! by Independent Third Party: No 16107.29 29 W6-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050, Double -skin Insulated EPS(eMerior skin 27 ga. ming Interior 2051, 2053, 4050, 4051, 4053, 62, skin 29 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) W INDCODEd4 64, 65, 62G, 62LG, 64G, SDP38, W6 Garage Door SHOO, SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130, 6131, 6133 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: NO FI 1610) RB II 104814-9-Rev00-sia redmif Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Venfied By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL36107 IS AE CBPC 130423-A.odf requirements of Ne building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.30 30 W6-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; GR25P, GD2LP, GR2LP, AR25P, Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide) AR20, ED2SP, ED2LP, 4302, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205, SFR68, MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R8 It 103954-A-Rev05-sgnetludf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact ResistanH Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16107 R8 AE CBPC 130423-A odf doom with optional impact -resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile Impact). 16107.31 31 W6-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, GR25P, GD2LP, GR21P, AR2SP, http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?pu m=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXh109... 1/20/2016 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 5 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?pa==wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXh 109... 1/20/2016 AR21-P, ED2SP, E02LP, 4302, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 22 ga. min.; HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, POOR, interior skin 27 ga, min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0' wide) 6205, SFR68, MFR68 WINDCOOE® W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL16107 RB 11103954-B-Rev05-smmMJ.Md Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton 11 PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 RS AE CBPC 1301 requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windbome debris regions. 16107.32 32 W6-09 PAN -2F443: G4S, GS4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) Sogle- GD4S, GR4S, G45V, G54V, GDGSV, Car (up M 9T' wide) WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door with GR45V, E4S, ED4S, E4SV, ED4SV, Optlonal Impact -Resistant Lite. 554, AR45, S54V, AR45V Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 RB II 103488-A-ReYaLain e0.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant Ye. Created by Independent ThlM Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 120 MPH. Sold doom or FLIE107 R8 AE CBPC 130423-A.Ddf doors with optional impact -resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile impact). 16107.33 33 W6-09 PAN -21`443: G4S, GS4, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; GD45, GR4S, G4SV, GS,IV, GD4SV, interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Gr (up to 9'0' wide) GR45V, E4S, ED45, E45V, ED4SV, WINDCODEct W6 Garage Door SS4, AR45, SSAW, AR4SV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL 16107 RR 11103488-8-Rev07-,mm,d.M1 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 R8 AE CBPC 130423-A otlf requirements of Ne building mtle but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.34 34 W6-09 PAN -21`446: G,IL, GL4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) Single- GD41L, GR4L, G4LV, GL4V, GD4LV, Car (up to 9'0- wide) WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door with GR4LV, E4L, ED4L, E4LV, ED4LV, Optional ImCact-Resetant Lites SL4, AR4L, SL4V, AR4LV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 RB II 103488-A-Re07-amnetlodf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16107 RB AE CBPC- 130423-A odf doom with optional Impact -resistant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large ml69lle Impact). 16107.35 35 W6-09 PAN -2F446: G4L, GL4, Gallery/ArtIRry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) Single- GD4L, GR4L, G4LV, GL4V, GD4LV, Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door GR4LV, E4L, ED4L, E4LV, ED4LV, SL4, AR4L, SL4V, AR4LV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107 RS 11 103488-B-Rev07-sioned.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Pa": No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet he wind load FL16107 RB AE CBPC 130423-A-0df requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No Impact resistant requirement for windbom , debris regions. 16107.36 36 W6-16 PAN -2F443: GD45, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) GR4S, ED4S, AR45 Double -Car (92- to 162' wide) WINDCODEG, W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Utes Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 8811104790-A-Revo5-sp,:,Lm1 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ultb 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16107 RS AE CBPC 130423-A odf doors with optional impact -resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant (large missile impact). 16107.37 37 W6-16 PAN -2F443: GD45, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) GR4S, ED45, Ax Double -Car (9'2"to 16'2"wide) WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?pa==wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXh 109... 1/20/2016 Florida Building Code Online Page 5 of 5 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107 RS I ID4290-B-Rea05-s cccdydf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 RS AE CBPC 130423-A udf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No impact resistant requirement for wintlbome debris regions. 16107.38 38 W6-16 PAN -2F446: GD4L, Gallery/Ardstry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) GR4L, ED4L, AR4L Double -Car (9'2" to 16'V wide) WINDCOOE W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant toes Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R811104790-A-Rey05-simetlml Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Parry: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Said doors or FLI6107 RB AS CBPC 130423-A odf doors with optional impect-redstant glazing are Impact- Created by Independent Thlyd Parry: No resistant (large missile impact). 16107.39 39 W6-16 PAN -2F446: GD4L, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) GR4L, ED4L, AR4L Double -Car (9'2" to 16'2' wide) WINDCODE(D W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107 RS II 104790-B-RPv05-ohned.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent T61M Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL16107 R8 AE CBPC 130423-A.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party: No Impact resistant requirement for wintlbome debris regions. 16107.40 40 W8-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga, min.; GR25P, GD2LP, GR2LP, AR25P, Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'O" wide) AR21P, ED2SP, ED21P, 4302, WINDCODE® W8 Garage Door with Control Impact- HDGC, 6202, MFC68, 4305, HDGR, Resistant Utes 6205, SFR68, MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; Yes FL16107 RS 11 104119-Re44-sinned odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_u1n: 170 MPH. Solid doors or FL16107 R8 AE CBPC 130423-A.odf doors with optional impact -resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Parry: No resistant (large missile impact). Go to Page O® 0 Page 2/ 3 d m 0 fPp1a[tUs :: rpOidech nemrc sVxc1dyVdzeft32329 mane ssoae7;ers iMstab Mrwnea isxn NJtEOemolWe.. rnrvim .. ::Mrer emnt..Rr Pori APPI-1 AMestu w®0® credits(I�FE http://www. floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?pa==wGEV XQwtDgvyf4ngAXh 109... 1/20/2016 TABLE 16013.1 WIND SPEED CONVERSION6"l r - r 100 110 120 130 140 150160 170 180 190 200 Vu 78 85 93 101 108 116 121 132 139 147 1 155 F.SL Imike hear=()Mud. b.a V ur=n terp dmi ie per®ard. e. VW=va®vel deei�wintl.e.d epp0ceb1em5vModr aPaifiedin H2ap8wsINmOgb5ofSa6ov ]609.1.1. e. V,v=vl8rouedenigv wind .peed. detumined from Hgmu 1609A, 1609B, m 16090. TABLE 1509.7(1) NOMINAL (ASO) GARAGE DOOR AND ROLLING DOOR WIND LOADS FOR A BUILDING WITH A MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATED IN EXPOSURE B (PSF)'•0.&4e ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED (V,d DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1609.3 (MPH - 3 SECOND GUM wIYU1 HM91d (a) IWMFH 110MPH 120 MPH ISOMPH 160MPH 1S)MPH IWMPH Ira MPH 130MPH 19OMPH 20014141IS) 0oo4"WO-10tleg. 8 8 9.7-9.8 103-11.9 125-342 1 14A-164 1 17.1-193 1 194-221 1 223-213 1 25.1-225 28.2-31.9 31A-355 34.8-194 10 10 8A-94 ,02 -IIA 12.1-13.6 14.2-16.0 1 163-18.5 189-213 213-U2 1 U3 -W3 W3-304 30.4 -MA 33.7-372 14 14 8.0-8.9 9.7-10.8 113-128 133-15.0 15.]-1]A 1B.0-20.0 103-222 19.1 -237 25.9-28.8 28.9-32.1 320-35.6 floM Angle >10031paa3 ' 9 7 9.6-10.9 IIA -129 13.7-1S3 16.1-132 183-519 213 -XI U.3 -W3 .6-312 S&S -3,16 30.2-384 3B2-43.0 16 7 92-10.3 10.9-122 13.1-144 155-17.2 17.7-19.7 20.4-127 13-26.0 1 26A -29A 293-316 317-365 36.6-404 79WH &5MPH 93NIPH 101MPH IOBMPH 1 116NPH 1 IUMRi 1 132" 139WH 1471,iPH IMMPH Pw SL 1 foot=309.8 vat, l 1. Fm eBadve...•aw wivtl pada hernem d,.aol 2. Table vMud .hall be djuetedtwhelght eede2p0 3. Plva evd mivoe siva rtBVUY PmMuru actingbw, d. Ncgetive prcuu seuome doahes2fruofwldt 5. Tabk vdvea im:lvd. ills Q61oed reducuw h.w, p&f=47.&SN&. TABLE 1808.7(2) ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR BUILDING HEIGHT AND EXPOSURE, (X) MEANSOOFHEIGHT(kep B EXPOSURE D 15 LOD - 121 1.47 20 1.00 129 -:55 25 1.00 135 f 1.61 30 LOD 1.40 '166 35 .1.05 1.45 .' 1.70 40 1.09 1.49 '- 51.76 45 1.12 1.53. 1.78 50 1.16 1.56 1.81 55 1.19 159 1.84 60 I -M 1 1.62 1.87 awl. e. daI ad euodaud with the lowereffative &lea iem1o7&W.16093(2) 'aq.L-io 8612.4.1 Garage door labeling. Garage doors &bag be labeled with a permeaem label provided by the garage door manufactmcr. The label shall identify the garage door manufacturer, the garage door model/series number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, the installation instruction, drawmg reference number, the Florida Product Approval or Miami -Dade Product Approve] number if applicable, and the applicable last standards. The required garage door components for an approved garage door assembly may be indicated using a checklist form on the label. If a checklist former is used on the label, the door installer or the garage door manufacturer shag mark We selected components on the checklist that are required to assemble an approved garage door system The installation instructions shall be provided and available on thejob am. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE -BUILDING, SU1 EDNION (2014) 4 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 24 GA 25 GA 25 GA CLOPAY 84A, 94 73, 75 76 IDEAL 4RST, 4FW 6RST 2RST HOLMES 48, 48B 42, 421} -- SHORT PANEL LONG PANEL - MODEL 4F IS FLUSH DOOR HEIGHT # OF I# OF IU- BARS 18 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EMB13SS DOORS MODELS 25 GA 25 GA CLDPAY GD5S, GR5S _ 'GALLERY' H❑LMES AR5S -- 'ARTISTRY' IDEAL EDSS -- 'CARREAGE HOUSE' SIH❑RT PANEL P LONG PANEL OPTIONAL GLAZING MAY BE STANDARD OR IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING. SEE SECTION B—B ON SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS. MAX. STANDARD SIZE IS 19-1/2"06". IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING IS 21-5/8"x14-1/8". MAX DLO SIZE IS 18— 1 /2"x1 1 ", THIS DOOR MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN LOADS FOR THE ULTIMATE WIND SPEEDS LISTED BELOW ACCORDING TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE OR THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (BASED ON ASCE7-10) FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) ENCLOSED r BUILDING. 2) DWR HAS 2' OF WIDTH IN BUILDING'S END ZONE 3) � ANY .ROOF SLOPE, AND 4) TESTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/DASMA 148_ SITE-SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS BY A QUALIFIED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY DIFFER. ULT11AT (MPH) E WINDI 155 160 170 1180 ]95 SPEED EXPOSURE CATEGORY E, C, D B, C, D FB, C D, C B MEAN ROOF HEECHT 2U' I '5' 1 15' 30' DESIGN ENGINEER: SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. FLORIDA LICENSE No. 6 SHEET REVISIONS 1 OF 4 REV. NO. ZONE: I DATE: I ECM NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION 17 — 2/11/13 1 — SH REVISED FOR NEW LOADS. SHORT PANEL/FLUSH MODELS: (1) INTERMEDIATE STILE BETWEEN EACH EMBOSS [(3) STILES PER SECTION AT 9'0" WIDE]. EACH INTERM_ STILE ATTACHED WITH TOG—L—LOC (TOP & BOTTOM) AND URETHANE ADHESIVE (ALONG CENTER). LONG PANEL MODELS: (3) TOTAL STILES PER SECTION. (1) STANDARD INTERMEDIATE STILE BETWEEN EACH EMBOSS. EACH STANDARD INTERM. STILE ATTACHED WITH TOG—L—LOC (TOP & BOTTOM) AND URETHANE ADHESIVE (ALONG CENTER). EXTRA INTERM. STILES (1) PER LONG PANEL PER SECTION, FIELD—INSTALLED WITH (4) #8 SMS (PER STILE). I No A MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE SECTILINS LONG PANEL: PAN -2F156 UP TO 7'0' 4 6 USA pay 8585 Duke Boulevard �.�® Mason. No 51 -770 800 Tel. No. 513-770-48U0 7'3' TO 8'9' 5 8 • 9'0' TO 10'6' 6 9 .004 = ±.005 .0000 = t.041 I 10'9' TO 12'3' 7 11 12'6' T 14'0' 8 12 14'3• TO 15'9` 9 14 WA ft .96 16'0" 10 15 MAX SECTION HEIGHT; 21' 18 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EMB13SS DOORS MODELS 25 GA 25 GA CLDPAY GD5S, GR5S _ 'GALLERY' H❑LMES AR5S -- 'ARTISTRY' IDEAL EDSS -- 'CARREAGE HOUSE' SIH❑RT PANEL P LONG PANEL OPTIONAL GLAZING MAY BE STANDARD OR IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING. SEE SECTION B—B ON SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS. MAX. STANDARD SIZE IS 19-1/2"06". IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING IS 21-5/8"x14-1/8". MAX DLO SIZE IS 18— 1 /2"x1 1 ", THIS DOOR MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN LOADS FOR THE ULTIMATE WIND SPEEDS LISTED BELOW ACCORDING TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE OR THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (BASED ON ASCE7-10) FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) ENCLOSED r BUILDING. 2) DWR HAS 2' OF WIDTH IN BUILDING'S END ZONE 3) � ANY .ROOF SLOPE, AND 4) TESTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/DASMA 148_ SITE-SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS BY A QUALIFIED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY DIFFER. ULT11AT (MPH) E WINDI 155 160 170 1180 ]95 SPEED EXPOSURE CATEGORY E, C, D B, C, D FB, C D, C B MEAN ROOF HEECHT 2U' I '5' 1 15' 30' DESIGN ENGINEER: SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. FLORIDA LICENSE No. 6 SHEET REVISIONS 1 OF 4 REV. NO. ZONE: I DATE: I ECM NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION 17 — 2/11/13 1 — SH REVISED FOR NEW LOADS. SHORT PANEL/FLUSH MODELS: (1) INTERMEDIATE STILE BETWEEN EACH EMBOSS [(3) STILES PER SECTION AT 9'0" WIDE]. EACH INTERM_ STILE ATTACHED WITH TOG—L—LOC (TOP & BOTTOM) AND URETHANE ADHESIVE (ALONG CENTER). LONG PANEL MODELS: (3) TOTAL STILES PER SECTION. (1) STANDARD INTERMEDIATE STILE BETWEEN EACH EMBOSS. EACH STANDARD INTERM. STILE ATTACHED WITH TOG—L—LOC (TOP & BOTTOM) AND URETHANE ADHESIVE (ALONG CENTER). EXTRA INTERM. STILES (1) PER LONG PANEL PER SECTION, FIELD—INSTALLED WITH (4) #8 SMS (PER STILE). I No A INSIDE ELEVATION 'CLASSIC' SHIRT RAISED—PANEL SHOWN, LONG 'CLASSIC` AND SHORT 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' ARE ALSO APPROVED - #14x5/8" SHEET Ir METAL SCREWS 01/4"x3/4" SELF 00 TAPPING SCREWS O 4 14 GA. END HINGES 18 'GA. INTERMEDIATE HINGE VIEW "B" VIEW "C" END STILES ATTACHED TO DOOR SKIN WITH PATENTED TOG—L—LOC SYSTEM (TOP, BOTTOM, 8c CENTER). SEE END HINGE / VIEW B. SEE INTERMED. HINGE VIEW C. \—TWO POINT LOCKING INTO TRACK SNAP LATCH ENGAGES ONTO VERTICAL TRACK. ONE SNAP LATCH ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR. OUTSIDE 4 END KEYED STILE. HANDLE. SLIDE BOLT LOCK ENC ENGAGES INTO STILE. 'VERTICAL TRACK. ONE LOCK ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR. INSIDE SLIDE BOLT LOCK OPTION. OUTSIDE HANDLE, END STILE. CIC BAR GAGES IN ACK ON _ CH SIDE OF DOOR- ` INSIDE HANDLE OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK WITH OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK WITH SNAP LATCH LOCK OPTION. LOCK BAR LOCKING. MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE ■ �I LONG PANEL: PAN -2F156 "ter ■ PART NO.: N/A Unless Slated Otherwise T( LERANC Es are USA pay 8585 Duke Boulevard �.�® Mason. No 51 -770 800 Tel. No. 513-770-48U0 4IINTILDAD RATING y� • O = :1:.031 946ng Produols Componq Fox Nn_ 5113-770-4853 • DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RIP STEEL PAN SC +38/-44 PSF _00 = ±.015 .004 = ±.005 .0000 = t.041 I DRAWN BY: MW DATE: 3/15/95 SCALE: NTS DWG. Degrees = t 1/2° CHECKED BY: -- DATE: -- SHEET 1 OF 4- SIZE L) I ��mi� Unless Staled Otherwise DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DWG. NO--- 101.348 - A/B 'VER: IBC WA ft .96 1!i tea# ���r■ s OPTIONAL OUTSIDE LOCK i OPTIONAL VENT DOOR INSIDE ELEVATION 'CLASSIC' SHIRT RAISED—PANEL SHOWN, LONG 'CLASSIC` AND SHORT 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' ARE ALSO APPROVED - #14x5/8" SHEET Ir METAL SCREWS 01/4"x3/4" SELF 00 TAPPING SCREWS O 4 14 GA. END HINGES 18 'GA. INTERMEDIATE HINGE VIEW "B" VIEW "C" END STILES ATTACHED TO DOOR SKIN WITH PATENTED TOG—L—LOC SYSTEM (TOP, BOTTOM, 8c CENTER). SEE END HINGE / VIEW B. SEE INTERMED. HINGE VIEW C. \—TWO POINT LOCKING INTO TRACK SNAP LATCH ENGAGES ONTO VERTICAL TRACK. ONE SNAP LATCH ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR. OUTSIDE 4 END KEYED STILE. HANDLE. SLIDE BOLT LOCK ENC ENGAGES INTO STILE. 'VERTICAL TRACK. ONE LOCK ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR. INSIDE SLIDE BOLT LOCK OPTION. OUTSIDE HANDLE, END STILE. CIC BAR GAGES IN ACK ON _ CH SIDE OF DOOR- ` INSIDE HANDLE OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK WITH OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK WITH SNAP LATCH LOCK OPTION. LOCK BAR LOCKING. I An, MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE SHORT PANEL: PAL! -2F153 LONG PANEL: PAN -2F156 DESIGN LOADS: F38.0 P_S.F. & —44.0 P_S.F. GEST LOADS: +57.0 P.S.F. & —66.0 P.S.F. PART NO.: N/A Unless Slated Otherwise T( LERANC Es are USA pay 8585 Duke Boulevard �.�® Mason. No 51 -770 800 Tel. No. 513-770-48U0 4IINTILDAD RATING y� O = :1:.031 946ng Produols Componq Fox Nn_ 5113-770-4853 DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RIP STEEL PAN SC +38/-44 PSF _00 = ±.015 .004 = ±.005 .0000 = t.041 I DRAWN BY: MW DATE: 3/15/95 SCALE: NTS DWG. Degrees = t 1/2° CHECKED BY: -- DATE: -- SHEET 1 OF 4- SIZE L) Unless Staled Otherwise DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DWG. NO--- 101.348 - A/B 'VER: IBC I An, 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 24 GA 25 GA 25 GA CLOPAY 84A, 94 73, 75 76 IDEAL 4RST, 417w 6RST 2RST HOLMES 48, 48B 42, 42B -- SHORT PANEL LONG PANEL x — MODEL 4F" IS FLUSH .E.N441 No 63 O • STR E F' 1r: xfl ty�• DESIGN ENGINEER: SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL. EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 25 15A 25 GA CLOPAY Gii75S GR5S -- 'GALLERY' HOLMES ARES -- 'ARTISTRY' IDEAL EDSS —_ 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' SHORT PANEL I LONG PANEL SHEET= i REVISIONS OF 4 REV- NO. ZONE: GATE: ECN NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION 17 — — — — I SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET ONE - IMPACT—RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION - SOLID DOORS (NO GLAZING) OR DOORS WITH OPTIONAL IMPACT—RESISTANT GLAZING ARE IMPACT—RESISTANT. OPTIONAL INJECTION—MOLDED POLYCARBONATE FRONT FRAME AND GLAZING IS GE LEXAN SLX2432T, AN APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC/FBC 2606 AND AN APPROVED Cl PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDC 2612. THE ENTIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SECTION MEETS THE WIND LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND IS LARGE— AND SMALL—MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANT. SECTION B -B IMPACT -RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION DETAIL '0' OPTIONAL OECORATfVE 2125 MULTIPURPOSE HIGH B014D TAPE SNAP -IN INSERT_ (BETWEEN FRAME AND FACADE). DECORATIVE FRONT FACADE. �Q.I68J STRUCTURAL SILICONE SEALANT (BETWEEN STEEL SKIN AND FRAME). STANDARD ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION: OPTIONAL DSB OR 1/8" ACYRLIC LITES AVAILABLE. OPTIONAL ACRYLIC GLAZING IS PLASKOLITE OPTIX OR LUCITE CP APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBC/FBC 2506. THE ENTIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SECTION MEETS THE WIND LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CGDE OR INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BUT DOES NO MEET THE IMPACT RESISTANT REQUIREMENT FOR WINDBORNE DEBRIS REGIONS (REF. CHAPTER 16 F@C/IBC). SECTION B -B (NON -IMPACT 'RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION) MOLDED WSIDE LITE RETAINER. I FRONT FRAME WITH U -V_ COATING ON OUTSIDE SURFACE. DOTE THAT FRONT FRAME IS NARROWER THAN IMPACT—RESISTANT FRAME. GLAZING j8x3,/4" PAN HEAD SCREW (10 SCREWS PER LITE) - FBI r-. IMPACT RESISTANT -j MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE ONE-PIECE INJECTION DESIGN LOADS: +38.0 TEST LOADS: +57.0 P.S.F. P4]LYSTYRENE RETAINER FASTENED TO FRAME WITH LONG PANEL: RAN -2F156 FART SIO.: N/A Unless Stated Otherwise TOLERANCES ore MOLDED GE LEXAN (10) 18 x 3/4" PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREWS. WINDLOAD RATING .Cl = ±.031 n� SLX2432T FRONT DESCRIPTION. CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAIN SC +38/-44 PSF .00 = ±.015 0000 = t.o01 FRAME & GLAZING. MATE: 3/15,/95 Dy,I�; SCALE: NTS�4SIZE IMPACT -RESTS -ANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS D RAWI ISI G 10 1 348-A STANDARD ASSEMBLY DETAILS DRAWING 101348-B F L �`�-'J LS - Lam' A P LTJ I D U T L.r'SS P I NOL'1 A L I M 0 tJ 0 MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE SHORT PANEL: PAN -2F153 DESIGN LOADS: +38.0 TEST LOADS: +57.0 P.S.F. P.S.F. & —44.0 P.S.F. & —66.0 P.S-F. LONG PANEL: RAN -2F156 FART SIO.: N/A Unless Stated Otherwise TOLERANCES ore � � �� � � 8585 Duke 6oulevord Masan, €9H -770 USA Tel. n. *I 450[I-4840 8M WINDLOAD RATING .Cl = ±.031 Building Praduc,s Corpc• y Fax No. 513-774-4&53 DESCRIPTION. CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAIN SC +38/-44 PSF .00 = ±.015 0000 = t.o01 DRAWN BY: MW MATE: 3/15,/95 Dy,I�; SCALE: NTS�4SIZE CHECKED BY: -- DATE.: -- SHEET 2 OF 13 Degrees = t 1/2' Unless Stated otherwise DIMERSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DWG. NO-: 101348 — A/B VER: IBC F L �`�-'J LS - Lam' A P LTJ I D U T L.r'SS P I NOL'1 A L I M 0 tJ 0 0 UA 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 24 GA 25 GA 25 GA CLOPAY 84A, 94 73, 75 76 IDEAL IRST. 4Fx 6RST 2RST HOLMES 48, 48B 42, 42B -- SHDRT PANEL LONG PANEL x MODEL 4F IS FLUSH 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 25 GA 25 GA CL❑PAY 'GALLERYGDSS. GR5S -- H❑LMES AR5S -- 'ARTISTRY' IDEAL ED5S -- CARRIAGE HOUSE' SHORT PANEL I LONG PANEL VERTICAL JAMB ATTACHMENT (WOOD FRAME BUILDINGS : 3/8"x3" LAG SCREWS ON 24" CENTERS. 1-1/8" O.D. WASHER REQUIRED. LAG SCREWS MAY BE COUNTERSUNK (BUT NOT REQUIRED) TO PROVIDE A FLUSH MOUNTING SURFACE. HORIZONTAL JAMBS DO NOT TRANSFER LOAD. VERTICAL JAMB ATTACHMENT (C-90 BLOCK OR 2.000 PSI MIN, CONCRETE COLUMN): 3/8"x3" SLEEVE ANCHOR BOLTS ON 22" CENTERS (2,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE). WASHERS INCLUDED WJTH SLEEVE ANCHORS. OR 1/4"x3" TAPCON SCREWS ON 19" CENTERS (2,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE) OR 10" CENTERS (C-90 BLOCK). I" O,D. WASHERS REQUIRED WITH TAPCONS. ANCHORS MAY BE COUNTERSUNK (BUT NOT REQUIRED) TO PROVIDE A FLUSH MOUNTING SURFACE. HORIZONTAL JAMBS DO NOT TRANSFER LOAD. OTHER JAMB CONFIGURATIONS: REFER TO DASMA TDS-161. A LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY ALSO BE EMPLOYED TO APPROVE ALTERNATE FASTENERS AND/OR JAMB CONFIGURATIONS. PREPARATION OF JAMBS BY OTHERS NOTE: THE DESIGN OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT BUILDING CODES FOR THE LOADS LISTED ON THIS DRAWING. DESIGN ENGINEER: SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. I SHEET: 3 OF 4 I REV_ PIO_ ZONE: DATE 17 " - I - REVISIONS ECN NO. APPVD; I DESCRIPTION - I SEE REviSION HISTORY 014 SHEET ONE. 25 GA. MIN. G-40 GALV, STEEL SKIN WITH A BAKED -ON PRIMER AND A BAKED -ON POLYESTER TOP COAT APPLIED TO BOTH SIDES OF STEEL SKIN. 3" TALL U -LIAR K 20 GA. GALV. STEEL MIN_ YEILD STRENGTH: 50 KSI Ij 1-7/8- T -7/8°'T GA. GALV. STEEL TOP LLER BRACKET. EACH 4CKET ATTACHED W/"(4) lx5/S" SHEET METAL REWS. LAP JOINTS. 14 GA. GALV. STEEL END HINGE FASTENED TO END STILES W/(4) EACH #14x5//8" SHEET METAL SCREWS & (4) 1/4" SELF TAPPING SCREWS. 3" TALL x 20 GA. GALV_ STEEL U -BARS IN A 2-1-2-1 PATTERN (I.E. TWO U -BARS ON BOTTOM SECTION, ONE U -BAR ON NEXT SECTION, ETC.). EACH U -BAR ATTACHED WITH (2) 11/4"x3/4" SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER STILE LOCATION, 5 GA_ GALV. STEEL BOTTOM BRACKET_ -TACHED WITH (2) #14x5/8" SHEET METAL SCREWS �JMINI IM EXTRUSION & VINYL WEATHERSTRIP. SECTION A—A (SIDE VIEW) I c 2 9 MANUFACTURING PRODUCT C❑1)I SHORT PANEL- PAN -2F153 LONG PANEL: PAN -2F156 :DESIGN LOADS: +38.0 P.S.F. & -44.0 P.S.F. PART NO.: N/A TEST LOADS: +57.0 P.S.F. & -68.0 P.S.F. Unless Staled Otherwise8585 Duke Boulevord VINDLDAD RATING TOLERANCES are ' 1110R3Fuson, Tel. Na. 51 51 453-)7070 --480US0 8 .0 = t _331 Bui4dng Products Company Fax rho- 513-770-4853 .00 = ±.015 DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAN SC +38/-44 PSF .000 = ±.0-05 .1000 = ±.001 DRAWN BY: 611W DATE: 3/15/95 SCALE: INTS DWG. Degrees = ± 1/2' CHECKED BY: -- DATE; -- SHEET 3 OF 4 SIZE Unless Stated Otherwise DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. DWG- NO.: 101348 — A/B VER: IBC 3 FL -1 Fra � 0[DUCT P" L 1� 0 I c 2 9 0 4 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 24 GIA 25 GA 25 GA CLOPAY 84A, 94 73, 75 76 IDEAL 4RST, 417* SRST 2RST HOLMES 48, 48B 42,. 42B -- SHORT PANEL LONGI PANEL x - MODEL 4F IS FLUSH 2" TRACK CONFJGURATION. NOTE: TRACK CONFIGURATION ABOVE THE DOOR OPENING DOES NOT AFFECT THE WIND LOAD RATING OF THIS DOOR. 3" TRACK IS ALSO AVAILABLE. t No 6 r ` z3 Ar - ST E tD F ✓0 ON A DESIGN ENGINEER: SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. 11 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS MODELS 25 GA P5 GA CLOPAY GD5S, GR53 -- 'GALLERY' HOLMES ARSB -- 'ARTISTRY' IDEAL EDSS -- `CARRIAGE HOUSE' SHORT PANEL I LONG PANEL DOOR COUNTERBALANCE SYSTEM 13 GA GALV. STEEL FLAG BRACKET ATTACHED TO JAMB WITH (3) 5/'16" X 1-5/8- LAG SCREWS AND TO TRACK WITH (2) 1/4" RIVETS. AS ROD: SPACING NTE 30" O -C - 62"t4" 2" GALV, STEEL TRACK. TRACK THICKNESS 13.081-. 3b"t2" TYP. 2-1/2" X 12 GA GALV'. STEEL TRACK BRACKETS, ATTACHED TO JAMB WITH (1) 5/16- X 1-5/8'" LAG SCREW PER TRACK BRACKET. 10" 3 SHEET: REVISIONS 4 OF 4 REV- NO.1 ZONE: DATE: I ECN NO,IAPPVD:l DESCRIPTION 17 1 - I - I - I - I SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET ONE. JAMB CONFIGURATION!. HORIZONTAL TRACK SUPPORT BY DOOR INSTALLER (TO SUIT) - 2x6 SYR WOOD JAMB. SEEOPTIONAL STOP MOULDING BY INSTALLER (TO SUIT). "JAMB PREPARATION NOTE". /MY51-I/til 16 GA GALV. STEEL END STILE. 2-1/2" X 12 GA GALV- STEEL ? TRACK BRACKETS FASTENED TO P WOOD JAMBS WITH 5/6" K 1-5/8- 7/16" I.D. ROUND 18 GA. GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE LAG SCREWS. � PUSH NUT FASTENED TO INTER. STILES W/(4) EACH FASTENER. #14x5/8" SHEET METAL SCREWS, 14 GA. GALV- STEEL ROLLER HINGES FASTENED TO ENO STILES W/(4) EACH 114x5/8" SHEET METAL SCREWS AND (2) 1/4" SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER END HINGE. 2" GALV. STEEL TRACK FASTENED TO 12 GA GALV STEEL TRACK BRACKETS WITH EITHER �(2) 1/4" DIA- RIVETS OR 2" DIA. 7-1/2- LONG STEM. 19 BALL STEEL ROLLER WITH STEEL OR NYLON TIRE. (1) 1/4" K 5/8" BOLT &c NUT PER TRACK BRACKET SECTION C -C PREPARATION OF JAMBS BY OTHERS. LHR BRACKET (2-1/2" x 5-3/4" x 12GA) ATTACHED WITH (2) 1/4" x 3/4" SELF TAPPING SCREWS - DOUBLE TRACK LOW HEADROOM OPTION DOUBLE HORIZONTAL TRACK. L� HDA CDD��l�D 11 0 MANUFACTURING PRODUCT CODE SHORT PANEL: PAN -211`153 LANG PANEL: PAN -2F156 DESIGN LOADS: +38-0 P-S.F. & -44.0 P.S.F. TEST LOADS: +57.0 P.S.F. & -56.0 P.S.F. PART NO,: N/A Unless Stated Otheiw:se TOLERANCES are 8585 Duke Boulevard CI lIP41Y Tel. N, {1H -770 LISA Tel. IAD. 5134-SUSA 'WINIDLOAD RATING .0 = ±-031 Builds¢ FYokcts Ccu omy Fax ND. 513-776-4853 DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAN SC +38/-44 PSF .070 = ±.015 .000 = ±.005 .01006 = ±.001 DRAWN BY: MW DATE. 3/15/95 SCALE: NTS DIWG, CHECKED BY: -- OATE: -- SHEET 4 OF 4 SIZE Degrees = -- 1/2' Unless Staled Olnerwise 01ME66II}1tS ARE IN INCHES. IDWIS. NO.: 101.348 - A/B VER: IBC L� HDA CDD��l�D 11 0