HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement R E C E I V E D AUG 16 2016 JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE# 4220616 0811 6/201 6 11:54:13 AM OR BOOK�nCE RECORDING:1$10.of 2777-2777 Doc Type:NC Plea hb. Tax Folio Pb. `7�� S 7 0/- 0 6o o- StateofFlorida County of St.Lude The uidersgied herebygives notice that inpiD erne it vu ll be r ade to certain real property,and in a000rdanoe with Chapter 713,Ronda Statutes, thefcilcWrg infonratien is prc i ded inthis Notiaeof ComTercmmM Legal Desoipdan of Properly and street address if available): CQt- 1 Cd Z� eAC i, - if O.� e 1316 �' ��.0�3 ! COQ 1d �1��'�..� Genaal de aiptioi of irrp am i E3 : Il e M oy2. -a- re-P jA t-e I �o X I &4 r/Acr,C Caine-h to on or Lessee 1.ifolrratian if the Lessee mntracbed for the irrp�oueilent: Nacre A Q'C:( Address - a J 4 A-T-f n A D 7', F4- P a e cc-e /—L 3 V9"/9 Imerest in property. Narre and address of fee si rrple tit]eholder(if different from OAner listed above): Contractor's Name: Dg 11-A 5 AA Contractor Address: ,r.Y r'5 C.9 c t Su,'f e -3 Phone Number: Surety(if applicable,a copy of the payment band is attadied):Arnxxit of bond:$ Narre and address: Phase nurber Lerxler Name: Phone Nu rber Lender's address: Pftwm Wtlin the Stake of Florida designated by0►nrr upas vuhom notices or other doa.rrents m3V be served as prodded by Section 7134X1)(a)7.,RcricbStatutes: Narne: Phone Number: Acrress: I n additionto himself or herself,Omer designates of to receive a ccpV of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 7]3.13(1)(b),RoridaStatutes. Phase rxxTber of person or entity designated by owner - - ration date of notice of oormpnoerrt'rdt: the - Edi ( e>4ciration date rrsy riot be before 6orr�letion of ooristruLtian andfinal-payrrEnt to the-- omtractor,but vul I be 1 yearfromthe date of recording uiless a ci fexent date is specified) \AARNNGT0OuV\1E :ANY PAWEMS 1\118,M BYTHE CW%ERAFfERTFE DSI RATICN OFTFE NOTICE OF ARE GONSI CERED I NPROPER PAYNE]VTS UNDER G4WTER 713,PART I,SECrICN 713.13,.RJrRI D4STATUrES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYI NG1WCE FOR INPROJENENi'STOYOl.JRPROPERTY.ANC)nCEOF NjS7BEFEOODAI\DPCSTiDONTi-EJMSRE -MERRST IMPEGTIC)nl I FYOU I NTF1W TOOF3TAI N R NANO W4 03N91LT VUTH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATrCH\EY BEFORE OJNNENO NG V,.CRK OR RE03MNGYOL.R NOTICE 07 . Llnderpenaltyofperjury,Ideclare t IhaveneadthefcregpirgnoticeofeaYrrrncerrerrtandthatthefacsstatedthereinaretnuetothebestoF and b ieF. nature of Owner or Lessee-,or Owner's or Lessee's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager �Gl�jJr Q A (Signatory's Title/Office) Theforegpirginstnxn2ntwesado-owiecgedbefore rnethis l dayef US , � By 1�,4� ;(;� �S�A e l as Se l Own C for S-e-1-f l own -r r Narre of Person t Type of authority(eg&Hoer,trustee) Party cn behalf of Wmrn instnxrent vias executed THLYPUrRACYWILSON Personally lvlodui prod-icedldertifidatim (Signature ofNotary Public- TATE OF LI pA (Print Type,or Stammr pGorissi Type of Idertification produced Expi�S 9n/2019