HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE 'COUNTY FILE # 4221438 OR BOOK 3902 PAGE 2663, Recorded 08'/18/20116 09:49 :50 AM STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY,THAT THIS,IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF1 THE ORIG NAL Ar7lxRfrogpaac-g 3D: jii SMITH, K Deputy Clo 2016 , fCNMIT_NfIMI3f R. AUG 18 C Dat®:._..,v _.. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMF.NT 21te undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in rtc cordance with Chaptef 713, I.7orida tiatute s We following infutmation is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1.DESCRIVITON OF PROPERTY(Legal drycription and street address)TAR FOLIO NU?vt'.W[i:..4511.507 17D350�3 SUBDIVISIONHOa71°i1t BLOC[C`�-_ ___TRA(T i3OT�_RLI)G UNIT-- : liolfday Out at St l.rrele BIR A LOT 33 and EgtW Pro4bb Irdmirt In Colman Bumab(OR 796-7980,i967,lm�w 1m;=2-756) 2.GENERAL DFSCRUMON OFI IPROVEMENT:Tear Off Shingle Root and Install 30 year web teehtral shingks 3.OWNER DWORfMTATiON: a Name Sbaa attd fvnitrta 16jifto�deh _ b.Atidrrss 10725 S Ocemr Dr tltdt 33 Jenen beach,FL 3!957 c.imierest in property Oehler d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(f other than owner).- 4. wner)4.CONTRACT'OR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBEIL•,Ron i,attafl`N-2S a Coaist Ctuteepts) 3458 SW Pluto ST Port Saint Lucie,Fl.349W 772 77T-0730 5.SURETY'S NAME.ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER; - 7-Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(I)(a)7..Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER......__--_ &In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of tfie Licnor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(I)(b),Florida Slatutcs: NAME,ADDRTESS AND PHONE NUMBEIL•_-- --- i —...- - - -..........._-- - 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) .20-_-_• WARN RVGX"MNMIA�L�AY�NTS MADS S fX-1 OWNER AFTER THE t7iPB2A',ION OF THE NOTICE OF COIYIlY1H7yCIINFNC yPjaPAYING ONKE R) IL PAYM@JlS UNDER CHAVUR 713 PART 1 SECrK?N 719 13 FI�ORID(�SFATIITES IANO CAN RES fI,�L�' II+t Ol1R PAYING'TWI�E FQ}:t�1QR YMEN SS 79 YOUR PROgg Tr._A NQTICE_QF C MWjt!E FMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON WE0L_P SMM'BF_DR FIRST'Rd3PFJCP[ON IF YOU Wl'ENLr'IU OBT �t PtW tarmac rnNciR.T Wfl'Ft YOUR El m'•R-08iU9l.TTSJ8d 7f.$ti�l>: COMMS i�(:IlYGW2KS2liRFd:52gRAYStYL!01N0)2PaOFCObA,A -WEMEIYI'. Signature of Owneror Print Natrsu aid Prdvide STgeatows Titlef0[Frce Darter's AuMorbrd OMeff/Diteetar•IParinw/Maxiager i State of Florida Countyof.sr . .►C' / '11te foregoing �i�naUument was acknowledged before me this J 716—day of-,bAk�t--• --------- ,2U_, o-_-.., $)'.s.71Gam[ t�CfltJtC�f as. 0 Wri 2 (Name orperson) (Type of authoriry...e.g.Owner,nfficrr,trustee,attorney in fact) For rEVL_< >Vl t�14TH U� _ y (Name of party on behalf of whom instmmeattwas executer!) Personally ownL or produced the following type of ID.--- DRFA iKC01tIlOL2T /f137 (Printed Public 1 ty(r' y ) (SignamrcofNowy lic) lfltlltMMf thele;penalties of perjury,I declare that 1 have read the foregoing and that die facts in it are we to the best of my knowledge and belief(scution 92.525,Florida Statutes). Signator e(s)of Owners)or Otatrer(a)'Authorizer!OfGmr/Uinctor/Parinerll4fuw►ger wbn sipneld above: Rw.pyt1V/a[r11Ra,.,der) ; i J