HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF FLORIDA Sr COUNTY FILE # 4221758 OR BOOK 3903 PAGE 791 , Rec0pW0X03<SF/ft1[1§V jH'8jA?: TRUE AND CORR CT COPY c ORIGINAL . ..��.PH E. S ��CLER � faU� 1 �p e6 By.. ILO Deput efl�,_ r� --- Date: - DKIME OF MACMENC'Em T The undersigned hereby given aot'm that impmvtment vni1 be MW*10 ctxtaltt nal properly.and is accgrdance with Chaplet 713, Florida statutes rho following information is provided in theNotipc of fit. 1.DESCRMON OF PROPERTY(LCV des *lar and Mxedaddm)TAX FOLIO MJMSERt�_IS::`25::D r�—�7•,0 SUBDIV=Cn()NG�A,MjQl` etk49k MCK_ _TltAtr'L LOT=_. BLDG EJNrP Z.GENERALDTsSCRiMON OgI>4 ROVEMPNP t 3.0WNERWWRHA'IION: a.Name G h.Mailing Address B C.interest in grope* d.Warne end address of fee dropktitieholder(Wober&m owner) 4.CQNTRAC!OR'S NAME.ADDR$SS PH NRNUNJgER: � d mo S.SMTY'S ADDRES4AND,PROP& ANDIiONDAMOIIN .- b.LENDER'S NAM%ADDRESS AND PHONENU?4DjI2: 7_Persons wihbin the State of Florida designated by Owner upost whom mtices or other dmamentsmay be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Stat=m NAME,AQAR£SS AND M0NE NUM aL• rf' 8.In addition to himself nr bersei�OtvnPr dasignemes thefoIIowiagtaiexivaatppy,of�Liaws's Notico aspeovidcd ire 5a:crioe 713.13(1)(b),Florida Starnes: /v NANE,ADDPJW AND FHONSNUMBER 4 9.Expiration date of notice of earam mtment(the aspiration date h I yrarfrom the date of mconling unless a differs at date is ^— specified)--- .2D 3���rA OR'Nr.R• 7ilY PA7t1NfhtT^C IUARR BY II�lEA'�lElt t��'(tl$•h"�CPti4'A-noN OP'iJ,4A[t7fICE O�_1u1tt�lCteA.a,.rr ARfi CON�ERE!]1MPR0 F3t� PA7�tE'N�S Lttimilt C�L��7l�Ya]AT�FSiIi�2321�.1�1:T a��A S�•A77 r��CaN R cr�T INYdUItPAM7Z =MSIMPROVE,IWMMYom PRO=TY AM=QE MVVZBE W==ANn MM Mi THE 1bH=mm 7ZfiP�. ,iNSP8C1TfYN IF YOU WrF]rh M OBTAPT ENA7= Qati r MM V0118 LE—NDER-OR ANA•rPOOM RMRACOMMENCiN(iWORK(hR11E Y-RnmvougtlWM12��1rr Signature of Owner or Print Name of Owner or Otvrrees Autheriud Ofricer Owner`s Authorized 0111cedDirectorlPa rberlManager and provide S1gnatory'9 Tidel093ce Stare of Florida County of The fro�re0inlg�instrnm was acknowledged before me this 7= day of 2D ub�l aid i .as (Printc&mme Pf P pn sllpaMs ove) (type of au hordy...e g.Owner,officer,truster,auomey in fact) Par ! (Nam ofpattyonba3h o omins==twasa pamawKWM " WAYHI< LARSEN MY COMMISSION A FF984873 •9a.rrt�• Una 05,2020 (himdWbuso ot4ryPub&a) (5 of otatyPub 3s8-0t63 Fw,idallou sarvw.Wm t• Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the ftWing and that the facts in it are hue to the bust of my kauwtedsc and Wief(section 92.525.Florida Statutes). Slgoatattth(s)of 0watr(s)or Owntr(sp Aatherized Ol6ariDirre ttdor//PartnerlMahisgar who sigtaed above: BY* ayl �1.11L��ls�ft tu,ttwersamt�o. (Sl ) t(Printed Natae)