HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationDate: Perrinit Murn-ber. Z99L.Ifild"j"Ung Planning and Development Set -vices Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fnft Plerce FL 341982 Phone- (7721 4.62—S3F-sx: (772)462-157'a Cornmerd PER -,I 1. A14PPUCA.TiONJ FDR: To SeleaLl-from dFopboX1, dick a rroiji) euthe ^fid of I ine F-ROPOSEC ffV1PR0VE(',A1E-NT LOCI IC -3,N: Address: 1'51,1 41�,AIR, 61W6- Legai -O'escrilation: Fk/ff -4x� jyf &56gvC zdz- 3 proper ol, —1 'a Si Lt. Pian Narne: t K project Man: setbiacks Fro nt Back: =WAFAWs-910 Right Side: LERt Side: Lot No-_ Block NO. D �f H-1 i L%C? D E S C R, i p T C) 0F W ORK K 5 & Fvt OK Tow 9e,4n 7, 14/ A�OIACF `7 "- *407e- STRUCTION CO MCI hd 0 n a I WON', !CO 3 e Lpervi 6 rinned under tn is Perm it - dr. -ted" a It ghat app v: S-Zajce.A// E! M a Company: IV, HVAC 11 G_3 Ta n ElGas Piping Shu-r,ters IiAlindoiivs/Doors ly L-1 Electric Pius-11bing 0 SPE 1nkl--rs LJ Goner-ator Roof ri Total Sc -7. R. of Coi-is-crucdc n: Sq- Rc. off First. Floor: State or County Jjcense:A c2tfj Cost 04COnst 231 Septic Building Height: -its: is O"i"IMEP �Sq7-FE: CO z Gi SSS: 3( 6UO 1114H R City: ZlpOade: 1095V Fax Phone No. kq� by -a2qtq S-Zajce.A// E! M a Company: Address: j cib!: Zip Code: Phone No. Le Fax: /Z� `>`4vlail: EE P i 5, giro ria 7.__e HuWaF an nsap—nge f'F E-rvla-il. &Affr L) liew5pelw State or County Jjcense:A c2tfj Ve VM�, C?*-' Cwiszrattm.,-? as 525CM or more. a RECORDED Notice � is requiree. '4_� ii�-F� ;1JSQ u�1�sv ! iii qj i 1� 4r i�`'11 L v'L. M,ot Mane e: rY h1i! �.� t Gam Zip: Pholle: State: \lot A; iplicable N ae: Addrass 0itt�: 71 p; Ph one: _ RhOr Marne. Address: City: 7[p: Phone: Marne: Address: city: Zip: Phone: I cei-tif�r that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. Not Applicable State: Not Applicable St. Lucie Counter makes no representation that is granting a permit v ill authorize the permit holder to build the subjects"Lructure inlhich is in cont lict vrith any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and Covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consultvt+ith your; -Forte 0iitners: association and revievi your deed for any restrictions'which may apply. In consideration of ilie granting of this requested permit, i do hereby agree that i ,viii, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved pians, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The follolving building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, f erces, vt-3115, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use L r la c# Gy T ."D tzar i i � Wm o pt a f s �-_ s' Y -nal? result 2n !Foa , 3ai� Eat bL.tli1Ce iQa tt.. __�t, _ ula a :€ i E�"sdG aC� :cG'ziiC'�_ Cdr _,.es�Gs. �s7w�'c lCil ?r oVeiiieni5 v i/oE(I ro eri�i. lltltice of Cornirierlcernent imust be recorded and posted on the jobsite lbiiore't:hefirst inspecdon. 14! you !n'i:nrynd!tto obtain financing, consult vvith lender or an'dL oi"rley befove cot�rriencin,g iod k il recol dlna vourAlcJce cr Cominencerne-in .,. / ♦ _ .__.� Signature of CP,vner/ Signature Sifitieisr F!01Ri1': /f//�///y) SS. `j*, it E 10 F F.. 0' N'2; 1:"k The forgoing Instr uni 'ituras acicnoiiuriedger efore isle ti715 tdall _fc[ (Mame of person UM Idging , —" (Signature of N1otar 1 IPublic-State of Florida I Personally Known 'k 01; Produced identification Type o: IdentiiEcatioin Produced Commission No. Revised 07115W20-14' T hefar Ding instrum st mas acknovLriedged before me this 9 day or 40_ . 70 by G Lt r,L / �'Ize'f (i\1ante of person ad edging ) (Signature or Notary Public- Sime oa Florida } Personally Known � � OR Produced identification TypeofIden`ii cath nrla,rs�ri__ CDCNspon#FF 908943 Commission mo. Expires August 12, 2019 8a d.d NU IMF Fair, IAw+� X5.7319 :! CHRIS WOOt18ER1�1( COMMISSion # 6Q43 Expires August 12, 2018 I c'11Eyn1� FRO t 1 IL1Vtls [ oLrEl �3lSCtR ?INS ��EGE3A ION £F", i l~�Rt 1 _E iLfANGP£tVE COUNT t_r REEVIE=}�V RatIE!Af REVIEW REVIEW REViOif� REEMEA1 DA P>_ETE GOP, I Its MALS