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Zoning Compliance/Use Permit
i I OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: PERMIT#: IIl`l J� v OM() Cost: $55.00 ,I PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Mr ` ` . BUILDING&CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION 1 COUNTY 2300 Virginia AvenueF LORI i R.Pierce,FL 34982-5652 772-462-1553 Fax 772-462-1578 APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT BUSINESS NAME: MUJ �C-�-I Co NAME OF EVENT: 1Z— LOCATION AND ADDRESS OF TEMPORY USE EVENT: 3900 SaieF kl,60- oiklA, FU4 — / jgM ,, F�- 34-R� 6 PROPERTY TAX IDENTIFICATION#: �d�d ' /0, 7 9f Q. ©0 DESCRIPTION OF TEMPORARY USE: //DATES OF THE EVENT: I416--s b r APPLICANT'S NAME: :f4at::;= 1 I APPLICANT'S STREET ADDRESS: 3o2(�U SGLCZ� L.Lxc,ice, �U G CITY: Pcr3 R� STATE: ZIP CODE: WILL THE EVENT HAVE A TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE:YES 4 NO i WILL THE EVENT HAVE A TENT(s):YES_P!�—NO (up to 900 squa Ir et exempt from fire permit) WILL THE HAVE BANNERS/PENNANTS/FLAGS?YE /NO Only I per 300 linear,feet;32 sq ft max size) I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS CORRECT AND�AGREE T CONFORM TO ST.LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,SECTION 8.02.02J. l 6-4 P APPLICANT'S NAMEr� SIGNATURE OF PLICANT STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF aluu,,pp ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 2(h DAY OF DAY J 2010 , By t,4 WHO IS PERS NALLY KNOWN TO ME_, OR WdO HAS PRODUCED r AS IDENTIFICATION. i " ch SIGNA OF NOTARY TYPE O PRINT NAME OF NOTARY' TITLE: NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION NUMBER:, fl SLCPDS 10/19/015 MoW Welch c�rwr Pu WA y $ /y� b , M bn 8#W X3 A2020 CaKriftim N0.FF 976231 ,i PERMISSION FROM OWNER OF PROPERTY DATE: [ T AS OWNER OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY,I AUTHORIZE 4 &4L,- TO 4L,-TO HOLD A TEMPORARY USE EVENT. PROPERTY TAX IDENTIFICATION#: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3;, x:) Sctru,,,- OWNER INFORMATION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ti T13 , uu 41 PROPERTY OWNER'S ADDRESS: oZCSC� d,=r,•� ,x I,,% '! CITY: '- 4 pg nr„Q- C- STATE. �--'i ZIP CODE: PRINT OWNER'S NAME SIGNATUOF OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF_a Uu— ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS 1251N DAY DAY OF BY WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME OR WHO HAS PRODUCED 'ROA f� , oris �l Q. �� AS IDENTIFICATION. 7 AD(Dan 11 ;�,' SI"GT OF NOTARY TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF NOTARY TITLE: NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION NUMBER: � r seat �I a Fbicla , My CMV*dM&00O26I2020 CMW*ft Na FF 976231 SLUDS 10/19/1015 f 'i 3 I I I I I Special vehicle and boat sales events on sites not approved for the permanent-display vehicle and boat sales may be approved by the Planning&Development Services Director for'special public events if the following standards&requirements are met: 1. Said events shall be conducted on property having,a CG, IL or IH zoning designation, or on property approved by the Public Works Director for special public events,such as the fairgrounds site; 2. Said events shall be conducted on property having existing, permanent, and permitted driveways and access points. No new driveways(road cuts)are permitted in conjunction with sales events; 3. The event shall have duration of four(4)or fewer consecutive days and shall be conducted by one(1)or more dealers having a valid St. Lucie County occupational license; 4. Said events shall be conducted on property having adequate area for vehicle display,1 employee and customer parking. Vehicle display areas may be unpaved, However all employee and customer'parking areas must be paved. Vehicles offered for sale must be displayed only in areas identified as display areas on the scaled drawing submitted as part of the temporary use permit application. Employee and customer parking must be provided at a rate of one(1)space per one thousand(1,000)square feet of vehicle display area; 5. Said events may be conducted on-sites approved for other uses (such as banks, shopping'centers) provided that the following conditions are met: j A. No parking spaces designated as being required on the approved site plan for the host site may be used as display area or customer/employee parking for the special vehicle sales event;unless'the following criteria are satisfied: 1. The applicant for the Temporary Use Permit provides a written,certified statement from the owner or agent for the host site/use that sufficient square footage of approved floor area is unoccupied to provide parking or display area for the specialvehicle sales event;or 2. The applicant for the Temporary Use Permit provides a written,certified statement from the owner or agent for the host site/use stating that the host use will be closed for the entire duration of the special vehicle sales event,including vehicle display times. However;where host uses such as banks, participate in the sales event that activity will not constitute operation by the host use, provided that the host use is not open to the general public for business unrelated to the special sales event. 6. No extension of a temporary use permit for special vehicle sales events may be granted. 7. All signs to be used in conjunction with the event must conform to the requirements of Section 9.01.02(c) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code.A sign permit(s), if required, must be obtained prior to issuance of any temporary use permit for a sales event. I .I 8.. Sanitary facilities shall be provided in accordance with applicable environmental health regulations. Prior to issuance of any temporary use permit for a sales event, the applicant must obtain written approval !'from the St. Lucie County Public Health Unit for all proposed sanitary facilities. 1, 9. Prior to the issuance of any temporary use permit for a sales event, the applicant must obtain written approval from the Public Works Director for use of any temporary facilities(such as a tent). Use of any facilities required to be inspected by St. Lucie County or the St. Lucie County Fire Department shall be inspected by theY:'appropriate department prior to operation of the facility. 10. Concessions may only be permitted as an accessory use to the sales event. If.I oncessions are proposed, the applicant for the sales event must obtain written approval from the St. Lucie County Public Health Unit for the proposed concession facilities,prior to the issuance of any temporary use permit for the sales event 11. Special Vehicle Sales Event applications must meet all submittal requireriment for a temporary use permit application. In addition,special vehicle sales event applications must include the ifollowmg: (a) A scaled drawing showing: 1. The dimensions of the property parcel upon which the event is to be held; 2. The dimensions of the sales event area; 3. Location and dimension of all display areas,parking areas,and driving aisles to be utilized; 4. All adjacent roadways and driveways of the property parcel site; 5. All signs to be used in conjunction with the sales event and the size and type of sign(s) used; I I 6. Existing zoning of the subject property and applicable setbacks. (b) Information identifying: 1. Beginning and ending dates of the event; 2. Hours of operation of the event; 3. Approximate number of vehicles displayed at any one time on the event sited; 4. Any temporary facilities,including sanitary;display(such as tents),and concessions; S. How parking and traffic flow will be properly directed onto and within the event site; 6. If existing parking spaces of a permanent use(such as shopping plaiol)are to be utilized by patrons and employees of the sales event, calculations shal!1 be submitted demonstrating that the sales event will not utilize any 'parking spaces necessary,in accordance with the parking standards specified in this Code,to service the existing uses.;, i ,I it DBPR ABT-6029—Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Application for Extension or Amended Sketch of Licensed Premises STATE OF FLORIDA ! DB,PR Form DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ABT-6029 Revised 02/2013 If you have any questions or need assistance in completing this application, please contact the Division of and required fee(s) to your local district office. This application may be'submitted by mail, through appointment, or it can'be dropped off. A District Office Address and Contact Information Sheet can be found on AB&T's web site at the link provided below: http://www.mvfloridalicense.com/dbpr/abt/district offices/licensin4.html t... .4. <. ... . .SET[Ot 'l kCHEC TISACTI RE( UESFED„ Transaction Type: ® Temporary Extension ❑ Amended Sketch ❑ Permanent Extension �LIGENSE 1NFORIUTATION Licensee(as listed on alcoholic beverage license) ISLAMORADA BREWING COMPANY LLC Business Name (D/B/A) ISLAMORADA BREWING COMPANY LLC Location Address (Street) 3200 ST LUCIE BLVD City County State Zip Code FORT PIERCE ST LUCIE F-L 134946 Alcoholic Beverage License Number Series Type/Class 6603179 1 2COP �'j Business Telephone Number Email Address (Optional) ext. SRUBERT@RUBERTLAW.COM FOR TEMPORARY EXTENSIONS ONLY. '. Date(s)of Extension: 8/19/16 Ii I� ABT District Office Received/Date Stamp 1 PI ,II Auth.61A-5.0017 1 ;,I - - - ATO RBE CO PLETED BY THE Z(�iNG AUTHORITY GOVERNING YOURBUBIhIES LO�frATfON y �x sy ups S "'QkI,.�� .���xa ��' f,a--c c+7 7?>4•M'�'.��..�'�`' c�Z£f r s'Yi �", � � ': - � s& � q ThRs secfcon_onla ties to a.„ermanent or tem,ora F �extens�on of,licertsed ,demises ,,,,, Location Street Address 3200 ST LUCIE BLVD City County Zip Code FORT PIERCE ST LUCIE FL 34946 Are there outside areas which are contiguous to the premises which 'are to be;part of the premises sought to be licensed?" „® Yes ❑ No ❑ The PERMANENT extension of the licensed premises as shown'in the sketch complies with zoning requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages pursuant to this application. ® The TEMPORARY.extension of the licensed premises as shown;in the sketch complies with zoning requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages pursuant to this application. ,I a Signed: Zaz Title: " ;I Date: b� 6 This approval is valid uMH z � � r � �Vs s SECTItIN 4 HEALTH u N ; k����X����TO�BE COMPLE,TEI��$YfTTHEDMSION OF MOTELS AND RESTAURANTS c � �� ,;��,,��,�_,�y�;sOR,DEP,aRTMENT OFAGRI�U,L.T,URES&C�3NSUMERSERI/{CES The above establishment complies with the requirements of the Florida Sanitary Code. Signed Date! a Title Agency i This approval is valid until I 1 Auth.61A-5.0017 2 0' Business Name(D/B/A) ISLAMORADA BREWING COMPANY LLC 1, the undersigned individually, or if a registered legal entity for-itself, its officers and directors, hereby swear or affirm that I am duly authorized to make the above and foregoing application and, as such, I hereby swear or affirm that the attached sketch is a true and correct representation of the extended licensed premises and M—S.41-0 n1ase ef business Fnav be inseected and seaFGhed A I ho"rg ar;at 2nv time to. business is being conducted on the premises without a search warrant by officers of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the sheriff, his deputies, and police officers for the purposes of determining compliance with the beverage and cigarette laws." I swear under oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury as provided for in Sections 559.791, 562.45 and 837.08, Florida Statutes that the foregoing information is true and correct." I If applying for a temporary extension, check the box to confirm the,following statement: F1 "I understand that the premises must be restored to its original,form at4he conclusion of the authorized temporary event." STATE OF COUNTY OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT SIGNATURE The foregoing was ( Sworn toand Subscribed OR ( )Acknowledged Before"'me this Day of 20_, By who is personally (print name(s) of person(s) making'stateme'n,t) known to me OR who produced as identification. Commission Expires: Notary Public Auth.61A-5.0017 3 ' I � SLCTIQN 6< bESCRIPT'ION3>F PREMISfE$TOBELf:CENSEd l 77" "" f Business Name(D/B/A) ISLAMORADA BREWING COMPANY LLC 1. Yes ® No ED] Is the proposed premises movable or able to be moved? 2. Yes ❑ No ® Is there any access through the premises;to any area over which you do not have dominion and control? 3. Yes ❑ No ® Are there more than 3 separate rooms or,enclosures with permanent bars or counters? es Ej NO IN ❑ 561.20(2)(b)1, F.S. or❑ 561.20(2)(b)2, F.S. ,J Neatly draw a floor plan of the premises in ink, including sidewalks and other outside areasiwhich'are contiguous to the premises,walls,doors,counters, sales areas,storage areas, restrooms, bar locations and any other specific areas which are part of the premises sought to be licensed. A multi-story building where the entire building is to be licensed must show the details of each floor. i i `i I 'j i { �i ' I r 'I • ;i i 'i I � i `i Auth.61A-5.0017 4 3200 St Lucie Blvd-Google Maps /�,} 8/5/16,'2:17 PM LA GoogleMap 3200 St Lucie Blvd i T t>. it Google kaki': x¢ f K I Imagery©2016 DigitalGlobe,U.S.Geological Survey,Map data 02016 Google 100 ft � .� . -: "i sir _ l https://www.google.com/maps/place/3200+St+Lucie+Blvd,+Fort+Pierc...efl507f45Oec3:Ox9c54374a346ea8f7!8m2i6d27.4843199!4d=80.3572155 Page 1 of 2 I ,I difcak , � 4 8T REGISTERED Date Work Performed g •'"`'•„ APPLICATION issuEo BY t� CONCERN NO. GLEN RAVEN TECHNICAL FABRICS + � 1631 NQfi H T PARK AVENUE •yn■a:. f RIEt1►� GLEN RAVEN NC 27217—, 1100 F-12114 5l w7:j I GY .336-227-6211 This is:to certify.that the materials described on the reverse side"hereof have been flame- - ietardanf treated`f or are inherently nonflaniable). ' FOR TR VANTAGE;LLC AT 2937 WEST 25th STREET CITY CLEVELANDSTATE OHIO. 144113 m Certification is hereby made thot, (Check"a" or"b") "} m �a}, The articles described at the ,bottom of this Certificate have been treated with a` flame- l. " retardant cheml a icapproved csrtd registered by the State Fire Marshal and;#hatthe application s of said chemtcat':was done'm conformance w fih the.law of the State i f California and the s Rules and Regulations of_the State Flre Marshai. ;+ Name:of.chemicoI used Chem. Reg..No. Method of:application s, , (b) The ddidles described at it a bottom;hereof are made from.a flame-resistant fabric or material ` Fire Marshal fol such use: . registered and approved.by fibs State 1 Trade name�of flame-resistant fabric or material used�IGTCiF�1lTENTTCIP �eg,.No. 1 t!2114 Tie flc,lne Retardant Process UsedL NOT Be Removed :By Washing. (will or will not) GLEN RAVEN. l'Es HNIC L FAIL. By HAROLD W.1 HILL. JR. ENERAL .MANAC-, ' Noare`'Of Production Superiistendenf Title ma Mans M. '411A A l�his tobe o true copyof the ariglnat"CETIFICATE 4F FLAME RES4STANCE"issu@d to us,p" which hcs 6e@r,filed with the Colifornid Stot@ fire . tits"at'. Tttt VANTAGE, !kC By f . Erol/lot# Quantity 100. 000 f vn OSE BIG TOP 61C,11WHITE . OPAQUE 300 Cener order Description. S Tntage, LLC Invoice#46734 Product Code 9600 A-1 TENTS & STRUCTURES t -234 WEST 24TH ST H I'ALEAH FL 33010 i i