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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ReVI8loes acv.rAu n WSCAPiaA ue F Maximum Door Width 16'-7 F NOTE: Track configuration above Top Bracket Strut 8 Strut Attachment the door opening does not affect DETAIL A(sheet 2 0(3) Detail J(sheet 2 of e A the wind load rating of the door. t IS 0 Flag Bracket Detail H(sheet 2 of 3) E E I Door Height 8'.0'Shown 54r,1-3' 70+I-3" Jamb Bracket See chart below,for other t Detail F(sheet 2 of 3) door heights ISQ+1-3" D — — — — — — ltLock -3• q D . Slide Lock Shown Detall G orBottom Becket End Hinge SWt 8 SWl AltatJlment Intenned - Bars Detail J(sheet 2 of 3) i q: STATE OP f Detail C(sheet 2 of 3) Detail B(sheet 2 of 3) Detail E(sheet 2 of 3) Detail D(sheet 20(3) V....I d—Irick.aro,,%v rid v.I... i Al C 101"+/-3' a,omarvacc oP.mw,:.�..muce' ja/� a� C This product has been tested per TAS202-94 for static air pressure. Jamb bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better southern pine jombs. , //�810NA�•�?�`` //llllll\\\ This product has been tested per TAS201/203-94 for large missile impact and cyclic wind pressure. Supporting structural element designs are to be the responsibility of the professional of record for the building or structure for the loads listed on this drawing. Model Number Jamb Digitally signed b�tlohn E.Scates,P.E. Door Total s Totalill oC f Struts Strut Brkts/ NOTICE: Height Sections onflguretbn Side These drawings area supplement Date:2015.02.26/16'02:00-06'00' 6'-0' _PAN 024606 R2460 SERIES- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ to- 0 the_nstalln ot_onslruct_o_ns for PAN C2480 s R24BO SERIES PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES PAN C24108 R2410 SERIES —3--3— —5 o standard door and Only-Covers - - - PAN C24e16R24s1SERIES PAN C2411 a R2471 SERIES PAN C2000 SERIES 6'-0" 4 4 5 those procedures that vary from PAN 02482682482 SERIES PAN 02472 x 82472 SERIES PAN C2400 SERIES 6'-3' 4 4 5 standard door installation. tt these specific procedures are not B Door Width Deb n Pressures End Intermediate Rackets Intermediate Backers Intermediate Baekers Impact 6'-6' 4 4 6 followed, the door may not John E Scates, P.E. B + - s Backers /Hin es Min es /tfin es Reslstant 6'-9• 4 4 SEE 6 perform as designed. _3121 Fairgate Drive _ _ e'a•Ihm aH - • 48.0 -52.0 Double 311 - "-- 311 YES T=0'- 4 46 - - - - - SHEET Carrollton, Texas 75007 e'a•mry11'-0• 48.0 -52.0 Double — 3/1 — YES T-3" 4 430F3 6 Florida P.E. / 51737 o'-0•mrvtl'-tt 48.0 52.0 Double 4/2 — — YES T-6" 4 4 7 Professional Engineer seal provided only for ta-0•wvtaz 48.0 -52.0 Double 512 YES T-6" 5 5 7 IMPACT RESISTANT verification of wind food construction details. tr-0•mo.ss 48.0 -52.0 Double 5/2 YES T-g• 4 4 7 - - 2'o•ft.ti-tt 48.0 -52.0 Double 512 — — YES T-9' 5 5 7 This product has been evaluated for use in 13,-3•muta-r 48.0 -52.0 Double 713 YES 51-0" 4 4 7 FL#17430.8 the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ). c4r mry is.,1 48.0 -52.0 Double 6/3 — — YES 8'1 5 5 7 DESCNII'm 16-0'Oru 16'•7 48.0 -52.0 Double 713 YES AN - 16'2•PAN 20f10 SERIFS WIND LOAD is-0•tnry l6.r 46.0 -52.0 Double 713 — — YES Maximum section height is 2a in. SECTIONAL DOOR A A Maximum door height is 16 ft. f 1'4 UESIGN PRESSURE*4x.01d2APSF This product is available in narrower sizes with the some PSF and constructed as shown. Doors taller than 8'-0"will be provided with commercial DNI 1104-w:.—u.-ro•tmna aR[Eic t tlP 7 IIEv, This product is designed and sold by PSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the full angle track having brackets and jamb mounting 324 ry:,� DAUDRI4 2110113 DRAW111114 MVS PSF required for any given site. spaced at 12 inches. ■.a.w•me X47 mer7Aye roto MODEL(S): See Sheet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 REVISIONS tuv.talo m msasvrmE wn END STILES ENO HINGE Mo,f G,mcl by Steel 2j' 14 Go Gallonized Steel TEK SCREW F Manufoclured by Haas Door Co. 1/4'%3/4"Hez Washer Head Sell O O PUSH NUT 7 I6" TER SCREW Drilling(3 per Bottom Bracket&2 See DETAILSfor push 1/4'X 3/4"Hez Washer per Low Headroom Top Bracket) nut placement Head Self Drilling(4 per Hinge) O BOTTOM BRACKET ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE NOTE: This screw,should be @ 13 Go Galvanized Steel 12 Go boated below the prepunched LOW HEADROOM TOP BRACKET hole and go through the hinge, end stile and skin edge. PUSH NUT 7/16" TEN SCREW See DETAIL K for push nut placement 1/4"%3/4"Hez Washer PUSH NUT 7/16" Head Sell Drilling(4 per ° ° See D�PIL K lar push BOTTOM SEAL DETAIL A Bracket) DETAIL B nal placement DETAIL C E E 2j' 3 1/2'z 5"E STRUT INTERMEDIATE STILE 16 Go 70 KSI Minimum 16 Ga Wlvanlzl0 Steel Calv.nlzed Steel SLIDE LOCK(One On Each Manufoclured by Haas Door Co. JAMB BRACKET Side of The Door)8" 12 Ga Golvonized Steel LOCK BMS(see DETAIL J) INTERMEDIATE HINGE ,Or —� SUDE LOCK or LOCK BARS 18 or 14C'.Galvanized Steel I/I1�'I��.' 3' BOLT&NUT Engages into the vertical L.�� 1/4-20 X 5/8'Carriage track door on each side of the TEK SCREW r Bolt& 1/4-20 Hex 1/4'X 3/4'Hez Washer Head TEN SCREW Washer Nut(1 per Jamb TEK SCREW D Self Drilling(4 per Hinge) I/4"%3/4"Hez Washer Bracket) 1/4'X 3/4'Hex wosher p Head Self Drilling(2 per Head Self Grilling(4 par DETAIL D DETAIL E End&Intermedi.ta Stiles) DETAIL F DETAIL G slide Lack) CDo 000 o FLAG BRACKET OUTSIDE 00 HMOLE OO BOLT O 5/16"X 1 5/e"Lag Bolt C �7'Mi..J (4 per Flag Bracket) ````1111111 uylll' DETAIL K ROLLERspite-. SC LOCK BMS Engage BOLT&NUT ` • �'` gN+®,�� E0 the vertical There should be o space of 2"Diameter Nominal Ten 1/4-20 x 5/8'Track Boll 111.4 on each side 1/4"between the roller hub Ball Nylon w/Hartlenetl & 1/4-20 Hez Washer Nut • NO.517.7 ••1 � al the door and the.uloid°edge al the Shon.or Ten Ball Steel - - -- -- -- - ---- -- _ ___ mllec�olCel_whi.ILis_sel_bY (2 for Horizontal&2 for w/H.rdened_Stlafl. 'lh a__ �L=_ _ — -vertical-Track __ _ DETAILJ the push nut. Minimum Workable-Shaft w _ ) - _ Length Shown. i'0 •�ATT:� Allem.ta Lock Configuration �0••, �.��l B- Jamb Lood 'Jamb Load-_+/-390 lbs//t-loll _ DETAIL H *02/;9/0N', ,�N B M,n. Min. 2 1/4'z 2 3/4'E STRUT of 1 al 1' 10 Go 70 KSI Minimum _:�K Golvonized Steel Jahn lt Scat`s, P.E. IMPACT RESISTANT 3121 Fairgote Drive 23" � Carrollton, Texas 75007 4 I— Florida P.E. # 51737 vERncAL TRACH � 2�" NOTE: Details on Some Views FL#17430.8 Professional Engineer seal provided only for w00D JAMB verification of wind load construction details. 2"Nominal 13 Go Golvonized Steel omitted for clarity. BOLT&WASHER Tho vertical wood jamb fasteners DESCRIPTION: ma be counter sunk to rovide a TER SCREW Double end Stiles Olid end 16'2'PAN 2aDe SERif51VIND LOAD 5/i6'% 1 5/e'Lag Bolt&2'0.0.x 7/16' Y P I.D.Flat Washer flat mounting surlaco. S.0 jamb 1/4"X 3/4"Hex Washer hardware may be required L SECTIONAL DOOR A NOTE: Jamb bracket must be tlirect contact attachment details on sheet 3 for Head Self Drilling(I per / I E DESIGN PRESSURE+s.Nd2A PSF A attaching jambs to the structure. On Wider Or heavier doors. with ens 2x6(No dryw.n allowed). DETAIL J End&Intermediate stiles) BRAW110RDa wt.msafwu+.zeuma SKEET'2OF3RFV. SECTION B-B ,m,R�, DATEUM 2110113 mM1ERer. MVS mc"Idneemfi" MODEL(SII Sec S]feet 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 aeelslgaa uv.:men La4ceen4 nn FASTENER TO CONTINUE PAST HEADER F F o 2 X 6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN PINE JAMBS. SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. But FastenerT i1iPtl" MEot ge on cep m�cmw,rer All—bloa Strudure YPe EmEa4mem oblance 9paUne sparing lean Min.2000 PSI Tapcon 1/4'w/ 1.75 2.50 5.00 15 508 Concrete 1'OD washer E OPENING Min.oncrrete PSI i"OD lv she/ 1.75 2.50 5.00 16 538 E HEIGHT 318'Lag w/ o Southern Pine 1 1/8'OD washor 1.50 1.50 1.50 19 620 MAXIMUM ON 13 Leg w/ CENTER SPACING Sprues Pino FU t 1/8'OD washer 1.50 1.50 1.50 14 482 FIRST FASTENER 4'to 1 D" ABOVE THE FLOOR NOTE:2X6 mounted to the wall must be Southern Pine Grade 2 or better. DI OPENING D WIDTH —2 THICK MW. MODEL NUMBERS 24 GA MIN.WERIOR ODS OR CS MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE G. STEEL SKIN WITH 1340 MIN. GALVANIZED,BAKED-ON POLYESTER PAN 02000 SERIES PAINT TOP COAT. ,`,IIIIIIIII� MIN.YIELD: 31 KSI PAN C2400 SERIES PAN C24 0&R2410 SERIES \���` N, a 8aqjFep/4� PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES ,�' i OPTIONAL 27 GA MIN.STEEL BACKING PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES _+ '• No.51737 __- _ ----- ---- _ — - —WITII-GW-MIN.GALVANIZED—BAKED-ON _ _ _ _ _ POLYESTER PANT TOP COAT. - PAN02471`&R2471-SERIES— (NON-STRUCTURAL) �' STATEOF PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES ► TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINT. PAN C2480&R2480 SERIES .��s 6LOR1Q*"O `� B B _ PAN C2481&R2481 SERIES V1;j%0NAL PAN 02482&R2482 SERIES John E Scotes, P.E. C: 1: 1:00 IMPACT RESISTANT 3121 Foirgate Drive Carrollton, Texas 75007 OPTIONAL POLYSTYRENE INSULATION Florida P.E. # 51737 - RIGID/FLEXELE PVC BOTTOM SEAL. FL#17430.8 Professional Engineer seal provided only for verification of wind load construction details. DESCRIPTR)R: _ t6'2"PAN Zsge SERI GS WINDLOAD SECTIONAL A 45ECDONS 65ECTK1N3 6SECTIONS ]SECTIONUESION PNkSSUNBS p 8 e SURE DOOR+dBA�•72A I'SF ON A•A A SECTIi STRUT CONFIGURATION DA►11010No:wwmoaw.a..w•esmrrI a111:3OF3 1 REV. n,= DAUDM 2/len! mawlYr MVS ®r�.wrt�nIIf/ MDDEL(SI: Sec Shoot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i i lit Ronda�partment� Bcis Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts Publications I FEC Staff BCIS Site Map I Links Searchy Businesa P"ofessi 'I product Approval USER:Public User Regulation Product ADDroyal Menu>Product or ADDIICatlOn Search>Application List>Application Detail • FL# FL17430-R2 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved I� Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Haas Door Company i Address/Phone/Email 320 Sycamore St. Wauseon,OH 43567 (419)337-9900 Ext 243 mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Authorized Signature Mark Schweitzer mschweitzer@haasdoor.com r Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies' Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer t, Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the John E.Scates Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Kurt Dietrich PE Validation Checklist Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17430 R2 COI Cert of Ind Scates 2015 s.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code I I� it Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 06/26/2015 Date Validated 06/27/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 07/05/2015 Date Approved 08/18/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 17430.1 01.HT 600,700,2000&800 HT Series sect:ional sandwich type garage door 97" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R2111 WL-0600-0110-08-65-65HVHZ-RevB s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+65/-65 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R21 AE EvalReotHVHZ r2 sxdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.2 02.HT 600,700,2000&800 HT Series sectional sandwich type garage door 16'2" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R21:11 WL-0600-0194-08-48-52HVHZ-RevB s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+48.0/-52.0 Evaluation Reports Other; FL17430 1121'AE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.3 03.HT 600,700,2000&800 HT Series sectional sandwich type garage door 18'2"11 Limits of Use ` Installation:Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R21'II WL-0600-0218-08-45-50HVHZ-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+45.0/-50.0 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R21'AE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.4 04. HT 5000 Series HT Series sectional Aluminum sandwich type garage door 9'2" wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R21 II WL-50b0-0110-08-65-74HVHZ-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by IndependentThird Party:Yes Design Pressure:+65.0/-73.5 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R2I'AE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.5 05.HT 5000 Series HT Series sectional Aluminum sandwich type garage door 16'2" wide Limits of Use Installation I Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R2 II WL-5000-0194-08-48-52HVHZ-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+48.0/-52.0 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R2,AE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.ndf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.6 06.HT 5000 Series HT Series sectional Aluminum sandwich type garage door 18'2" wide I Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R2'11 WL-5000-0218-08-45-SOHVHZ-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:!John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+45.0/-50.0 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R2,AE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.7 07. PAN C2000,C2400,C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 9'2"wide R2410,C2460,R2460,C2461, R2461,C2471,R2471,C2472, R2472,C2480,R2480,C2481, R2481,C2482,R2482 Limits of Use Installation,instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R2 II WL-2000-0110-08-65-74HVHZ-RevA s.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+65.0/-73.5 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R2 IAE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.8 08.PAN C2000,C2400,C2410, PAN Series sectional pan�type garage door 167"wide R2410,C2460,R2460,C2461, R2461,C2471,R2471,C2472, R2472,C2480,R2480,C2481, R2481,C2482,R2482 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes 1117430 R2 III WL-2000-0194-08-48-52HVHZ-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E Scates 51737 Impact Resistant-Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+48.0/-52.0 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R2 IAE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17430.9 09.PAN C2000,C2400,C2410, PAN Series sectional pan,type garage door 18'2"wide R2410,C2460,R2460,C2461, R2461,C2471,R2471,C2472, R2472,C2480,R2480,C2481, R2481,C2482,R2482 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL17430 R2 III WL-2000-0218-08-45-50HVHZ-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+45.0/-50.0 Evaluation Reports Other: FL17430 R2 IAE EvalReotHVHZ r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Back Next Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 i' The State of Florida is an AAJEEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement 11 Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your a-mall address released In response,to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emaiis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ®© tel M sccuritvm r rn lcs i i, i I I I' i i