HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINTILUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4230573 OR BOOK 3913 PAGE 448, Recorded 09%16/2016 12:07:35 PM .I wMFFr_'OADRQC—RMMNTCP- STATEIOF FLORIDA ST. LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT-COPY OF THE ORIGINAL . MITH, CLERK 02016 NOTICE OFC MMENCE Deputy Clerk The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real proff&hand in accordance with Chapter 713, SEP Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. ! ' 1.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER.,2g•22-I;NQj -0021 - aW-1 SUBDIVISION BLOI:I�TRACT LOT-Z�BLDG iUNIT 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: IVB) I OWNER INFORMATION: a.Name Se ri++ LOc k�e b.Address 1103 S. �,�`� c.interest in prop ty d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if other than owner) n 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Lea(( r�yCs Alpo r Agfa !r f9(01^&yjhW n w.t On R-Yk Qa..rcA- `112 - Sra 1- Y 39 3 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other docents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: II NAIVE,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(lxb),Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) 20 WARNjr TO OWNER ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPMRATION IOF 1tIE NOTICE OF C014IIvIENCEMFNT ARIA(,DNSIDERED M- OPER PAYMENTS UNDER CtiAMM 713,PART I SECTION 713.13.FLORIDA STATUTES.AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY,A NOTICE OF COr+IIulF1QCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POS R OR ATtORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. se-0.4I L� 40.of�0,mwr Print Name and Provide Signatory's IldeAntice Owner's Authorized Otileer/Dhvdor/Partner/Manager State of Florida County of 54 "c-.',-- foregoing tforegoing instrument was acknowledged before me this--w day of SQQN. ! ,2Q By TANN'Z( CaNayOrJ as C1wt�i2r '. (Name of person) (Type of anthority...e.g.O"er,officer,trustee,attorney in fact) For (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known_or pioduced the following type of 1D: X �: j CASEY BINKLEY 1Jt rl t`l Qy_� ,r.IMY COMMISSION N FF23633;j EXPIRES Auqust t8,;Q19 (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signah= otary Public) ,.��i snn u:s t l IlandMteu m w. Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief(section 92.525,Florida Statutes). oil Owner(s)or Owner(s)'Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manner who signed above: By: By Rev.J7(RemMN� I, I i I t/'Yxr-aw.f.�.uwsarw„y+�,Cagy:+F,/a.!.ysli•N+aBw,�:m�r7dua�Lti�.erCa�e,iP�¢$i.NliiAA1�laRi�9astws7A1M1 Y61Mie�ladNrSdk4�ea'rtNislwf4.awcw-.�i��a.a4 �aM+':cn3.•K+!`nY?lva.•!�!vt..il�'..��i'�ifiMak.187fWT/$DkwM'l�.�e'� i