HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 1/25/2016 Florida Building Code Online 10111 q, Florida SCIS Home Log In I User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications F13C Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search Bus�nteS Profe si alProduct Approval USER:Public User Regulation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>ApplIcatlon Detall * � FL# FL239-R22 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer PGT Industries Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive North Venice, FL 34275 (941) 486-0100 Ext 22318 druark@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature Jens Rosowski jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative ]ens Rosowski Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 21140 jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Miami-Dade BCCO- CER Validated By Miami-Dade BCCO-VAL Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 09/14/2015 Date Validated 09/18/2015 https:/A ww.floridabuilding.orgfpr/pr app dfl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquS1BuBCAEmBE70C3[VX3PG4GLkskJxsts%3d 1/3 1/25/2016 Florida Building Code Online Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 09/18/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 239.1 SH-200(Non-Impact) Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL239 R22 C CAC 15-0528.22.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 09/01/2016 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL239 R22 II 15-0528.22.odf (NOA)for product performance Information, anchorage Verified By: Miaml-Dade BCCO-CER details, and anchor type, size, and spacing Information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 239.2 SH- 500(Large Missile Impact) WinGuard Vinyl Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL239 R22 C CAC 15-0612.12b.odf de HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact=R..Iistant:Yes 01/08/2019 esire: /A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL239 R22 II 15-0612.12b.odf (NOA)for product performance information, anchorage Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER details, and anchor type,size, and spacing Information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 239.3 SH - 600(Non-Impact) Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL239 R22 C CAC 15-0519.07.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistatit:No 01/26/2021 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL239 R22 II 15-0519.07.odf (NOA)for product performance information, anchorage Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER details, and anchor type,size, and spacing Information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 239.4 SH -700(Large Missile Impact) Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL239 R22 C CAC 15-0519.08.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 03/26/2021 Design Pressure, N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL239 R22 II 15-0519.08.odf (NOA)for product performance information, anchorage Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 239.5 SH-800(Large Missile Impact) Multi-Story Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL239 R22 C CAC 15-0609.02 LM.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 05/03/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL239 R22 II 15-0609.02 LM.odf (NOA)for product performance information, anchorage Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 239.6 SH-800(Small Missile Impact) Multi-Story Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL239 R22 C CAC 15-0609.03 SM.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 05/03/2017 Design Pressure:N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance FL239 R22 II 15-0609.03 SM.Ddf (NOA)for product performance information, anchorage Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-CER details, and anchor type, size, and spacing information. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports hftps://www.floridabuilding.orgtpr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquSlBuBCAEmBE70C3[VX3PG4GLkskJxsEs%3d 213 i MM®RADE MIAMI-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 N CEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.eov/economy PGT Industries,Inc. 1070 Technology Drive North Venice,FL 34275 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami—Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the tight to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance,if it is determined by Miami—Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building DESCRIPTION: Series"SH-500 Vinyl"White PVC Single Hung Window—L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 5191-1, titled "Vinyl Single Hung Window, Large Missile Impact", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 08/07/08, with revision D dated 06/01/15, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami— MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOAH 13-1009.05 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Manuel Perez,P.E: NOA No. 15-0612.12 MIAMI-DAD'COUNTY Expiration Date: January 08,2019 13 plrj Approval Date: Judy 23 2015 i� ` Page 1 PGT Industries.Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sections. (Submitted under NOA No. 08-0820.14) 2. Drawing No. 5191-1; titled "Vinyl Single Hung Window, Large Missile Impact", sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 08/07/08,with revision D dated 06/01/15,prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC,TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 4).Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of a series SH-500 vinyl single hung tilt window, prepared by Fenestration. Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-5710, dated 08/13/08,signed and sealed by Carlos S.Rionda,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 08-0820.14) 2. Test reports on: 1)Air Infiltration Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 2)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC,TAS 202-94 3)Water Resistance Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 4)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 5)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6)Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an outswing French door, prepared by Architectural Testing, Inc., Test Report No. ATI-84576.01-401-47, dated 10/31/08, signed and sealed by Joseph A. Reed,P.E. (Submitted under NOA No. 08-0820.14-For Reference only) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis,complying with FBC-5'h Edition(2014),dated 06/05/15,prepared by manufacturer,signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-04 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER). Manu Per ,P.C. Product Contr 1 C miner NOA No. 5-0612.12 Expiration Date: January 08,2019 Approval Date: July 232015 . C-1 - i PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0916.10 issued to Kuraray America,Inc.for their "Kuraray Butacite®PVB Glass Interlayer"dated 04/25/15,expiring on 12/11/16.- 2. 2/11/16.2. Notice of Acceptance No. 12-1017.02 issued to Quanex Building Products,Inc.,for their"White Rigid PVC Exterior Extrusions for Windows and Doors"dated 02/07/13, expiring on 12/26/16. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance,complying with FBC-5th Edition(2014),dated June 1,2015,issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated June 1, 2015, issued by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P.E. G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 13-1009.05,issued to PGT Industries for their Series "SH-500 Vinyl"White PVC Single Hung Window-L.M.I."approved on 11/14/13 and expiring on 01/08/19. 'r,ag:3?4��- Manuel Perez, . Product Control Exa i r NOA No.15-0612.12 Expiration Date: January 08,2019 Approval Date: July 23 2015 E-2 GENERAL NOTES:LARGE MISSILE IMPACT SINGLE HUNG BOX FRAME AND INTEGRAL FIN WINDOWS NOA DRAWING TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET GENERAL NOTES....................................1 1.GLAZING OPTIONS: A.3/4"LAMI I.G.GLASS COMPRISED OF(1)LITE OF 1/8"TEMPERED OR ANNEALED%ASS. AIRSPACE AND 5/18"LAMINATED GLASS WHICH IS COMPRISED ELEVATIONS............................................2 OF(2)LITES OF 1/8'ANNEALED GLASS WITH AN.090 INTERLAYER OF BUTACITE TPVS BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. GLAZING DETAILS...................................3 B.7/6"LAMI I.G.GLASS COMPRISED OF(1)LITE OF 1/8"TEMPE R ANNEALED GL SS, AIRSPACE AND 5/16"LAMINATED GLASS WHICH IS COMPRISED GLAZING DETAILS...................................4 OF(2)LITES OF 1/8'ANNEALED GLASS WITH AN.09 RLAYER 0 ACITE WPVB BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. SECTIONS,I.F.FRAME............................5 SECTIONS,BOX FRAME.........................6 PARTSLIST..............................................7 Z. G:URATIONS:Ill AND PROVIEWEXTRUSIONS............................................8 ANCHORAGE SPACING.BOX FRAME ( ANCHORAGE DETAILS,BOX FRAME....10 SURES:+60/-70 PSF ALL GLASS TYPES LISTED ABOVE)D RE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. ANCHORAGE DETAILS,I.F.FRAME.......11 B.POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON WATER TEST PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM E 1300. C.IF A TEMPERED CAP IS USED MAX.DP IS-50/+50 PSF. 4.ANCHORAGE:THE 331/3%STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT. MATERIALS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STEEL SCREWS,THAT COME INTO CONTACT WITH OTHER DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,CURRENT EDITION. SEE SHEETS 9 THROUGH 11 FOR ANCHORAGE DETAILS. 6.SHUTTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED.FOR INSTALLATION OF UNITS ABOVE 30 FEET FROM GRADE IN THE HVHZ THE EXTERIOR CAP OF INSULATED GLASS UNITS MUST BE TEMPERED. 6.REFERENCES:TEST REPORTS FTL-5710. ANSI/AFBPA NDS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION ADM ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL QUANEX BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC.(WHITE RIGID PVC EXTERIOR EXTRUSIONS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS) 7.THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED&TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ). PRODUCI•REVISED as complying with tho Florida BuiId,lg Code '_p,",,No fmti0 Dnlc lq• M1Yn..I ` Product Co rd• tllllllll �,04N MQ/ ic 2: 5 140.5I le st870 le Luz Fr. D.W R.H SC 0emfll6 D REVISED NOTE BLOCK GENERAL NOTES '�PO�, •.,FLORP Fav o0r Rn/eMc 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE D.G. 17!18.4)8 a NOCHANGETHISSHEET N.VENICE,FL 34275 ir4 ` R ,,„ Vinyl Single Hun Window,Large Missile Impact '' ;S�Of��o � JJ 7(607/11 C 2010FBCUPDATE P.O.SQX 1520 a.a.ti.>r m,.e a. — RK A.LYNN&LgR,P.E. N.VENICE,FL 34274 V40bly Better SH500 NT$ 1 a 5191-1 D FL P.E.#5B705 D.G. 8/07178 e.m� Fi G 62 118*MAX 55 318*FRAME O.D. 48"FIXED WIDTH DLO 52118"MAX. 48"FIXED WIDTH DLO SEE SHEET 9 5- 4 I/e'O.C. 8. FOR ANCHORAGE— a" MAX.— MAX REQUIREMENTS MAX. TYP. Mo.TYR KIM AX. 33 3/4" FIXED FIXED HEIGHT DLO HEIGHT DLO 75, If M 75' MAX. lo- IF I w 0 111 78 1W 3: tu';j MAX. I FRAME Lu Z11 O.D. w 0: 33 ' 333 4' SASH SASH SH HEIGHT DLO PRODUCT REVISED w complyft Nvilb tho Flayida Build'higcod, Accpt�N. t� 6.4 . . . . . . . . . . . t. 2 't, "J '�t'o'D�jq MAX, DLO 21/4' fly. 45 314"SASH WIDTH DLO MAX. pft'euct BOX FRAME INTEGRAL FIN TYP. MAX,SIZE=52A25"X 7511 MAX.SIZE=62.126"X 76" Lym N NOTE: % 1.FOR BOX FRAME SECTIONS SEE SHEET 6 AND ANCHORAGE INFORMATION SEE SHEETS 9 AND 10. No.68705 2.FOR INTEGRAL FIN FRAME SECTIONS SEE SHEET 5 AND ANCHORAGE INFORMATION SEE SHEET11. TFYS SHEET Tr 15,,"g, NO • ST TEO 0 070 TECH ELEVATIONS—8-1 ADDED 10-MAX DIMENSION TOBOKPIUMEELEVATION C' ,ij--Ram P.O.BOX 1529 Vinyl Single Hung WrIdow,Lam iss e m i r—c I ivo cHmsE mis SHEET HE- Pum— re t0Z 11 t �ay-1� NNENICt.FI.34274 Vis Better — A.iANIMILLEA"P.E. D-G. OM27108 EL COA 929M SH500 7-1 FL KEA 58705 3/4'OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 3/4'OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 5/18"LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 5/18"LAM[GLASS NOMINAL 118"ANNEALED 1/8"ANNEALED GLASS GLASS AIRSPACE .090"BUTACITE® AIRSPACE .090"BUTACITE® PVB INTERLAYER PVB INTERLAYER 1/8'TEMPERED OR BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. 1/8"TEMPERED OR BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. ANNEALED GLASS ANNEALED GLASS 1/8" AN118"ANNEALED GLASS GLASS 35 OR 36 35 OR 36 1/2"NOM 1/2"NOM 39 GLASS BITE 3g GLASS BITE 41 41 OUTSIDE OUTSIDE O O PRODUCT'R6VISHD _ m eomplyhlg wish lite Floridt Building Cad,/ -O I�•t Ac,ep1,11t,No B pimli,"Date ' 19 4 3 By OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Mion1'Dade Fmduel FLANGE FLANGE 1un11 3/4"LAMI I.G. GLAZING DETAIL 3/4"LAMI I.G.GLAZING DETAIL ONV 1-YNN A/le'�i,�� WITH 5/16"LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP WITH 5/16"LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP •�Fp BOX OR INTEGRAL FIN FRAME BOX OR INTEGRAL FIN FRAME = ` N0.58705 (BOX FRAME SHOWN) (INTEGRAL FIN FRAME SHOWN) rt"war ,x> x.,ina. ow"te"s %�O f. E D : ([/' SC OW01/15 D NO CHANGES Mf5 SHEET ' '�; •'• F( pMetrm 1010TECBNOLOGYDRNE GLAZING DETAILS ��-,.•olt1UP,• D.O. 12/1&W B NO CHANGE THIS SHEETR"Br N.VENICE,FL 34275 1°" �S �r ,,a 1.� �— Vin Single Hun Window,Large Missile Im act '�A, NAL 11 JJ 10.Ny/11 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET P.O.BOX 1520 ay". ar..e aMa+a n." A.64 NI'll[NILL7=R,P.E. �, oau.a ove" N.VEMCE,FL 34274 Vtribly Better SH500 FUU 3 d 11 5191-1 D FL P:E.#58705 D.G. 0$!07/08 EL CQ&ff22mL— 7/8"OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 7/8'OVERALL GLASS NOMINAL 5_/16"LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 5/16"LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 118"ANNEALED 118"ANNEALED GLASS GLASS AIRSPACE .090'BUTACITE® AIRSPACE .090"BUTACITE® PVB INTERLAYER PVBINTERLAYER 1/8•TEMPERED OR BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. 118"TEMPERED OR BY KURARAY AMERICA,INC. ANNEALED GLASS ANNEALED GLASS 1!8"ANNEALED 118"ANNEALED GLASS GLASS 31 OR 32 31 OR 32 112"NOM - 1/2"NOM 3g GLASS BITE 39 GLASS BITE 40 u 40 OUTSIDE OUTSIDE O U O PRODUCT REVISED u complying with an FIMUS Building Code 15 0612.12 Acccplmae N0 .Ex Imtfo Dj Ct 3 OPTIONAL 4 OPTIONAL miiemt odet trd FLANGE FLANGE 7/8"LAMI I.G.GLAZING DETAIL 7/8"LAMI I.G.GLAZING DETAIL LYNN y�''•,, WITH 5/16"LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP WITH 5/16" LAMI GLASS AND 1/8"CAP ° <<F BOX OR INTEGRAL FIN FRAME BOX OR INTEGRAL FIN FRAME �r No.5137 (BOX FRAME SHOWN) (INTEGRAL FIN FRAME SHOWN) a — 1, �� SC 0&01/15 D NOCHANGESTHIS SHEET GLAZING DETAILS O�•' fi TeOa 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRNE _ (�•'•.,(ORIO•,•'•Gi D.G. 12/1&05 8 NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34276 "" �� .. Vln 1 Sln le Hun Window,Large Missile Impact 'S/ONA1 I 10M71H C NO CHANGE THIS SHEEP P.O.BOX 1528 N.VENICE,FL 34274 1/tslb! Better a.+,.mdrt evr• ""°"' A. 'VNN MIIJLIf�i,P.E.' D.O. OW7108 aan F 7 sHSoo NTS 4 d 11 5191-1 D FL P.E.#58705 MAX.DAYLIGHT OPENING SASH 1 OPTIONAL 11 31 32 12 FLANGE 1 35 36 1 0 0 0 40 41 3. 50 40 41 M OPTIONAL DAYLIGHT 31 FLANGE OPENING OUTSIDE 40 41 FI ED 32 1.948 TMP AX.DAYLIGHT OPENING FIXED 35 MAX.WINDOW WIDTH 36 HORIZONTAL SECTION 0 (INTEGRAL FIN) M 5 9 WINDOW 0 40 41 HEIGHT 6 11 L 1 DAYLIGHT OPENING S SH PRODUCT REVISED ns complying with tho Floeido 13 u�Ruing caee l$-b612 40 41 Acceptance No HOT Ex(ration Dole 19 WELD 6y 11 Mitmll cede Product 3 fault;; \��•ON(LYNN 41, �r HOT WELD CORNER ASSEMBLY VERTICAL SECTION Na.5o7os (INTEGRAL FIN) (INTEGRAL FIN) 3 l`' x.naer a,a A..ya�r u.nla x - �•:�ETA 'L SC 08/01116 D ND CHANGES THIS SHEET SECTIONS,INTEGRAL FIN FRAME ':'�`�.•'•.FGORIO ?;.•'`G�;� rt1M,.as 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE D.G 121144)8 B NO CHANGE TMSSHEET N.VENICE,FL34275 �- '�`' ��S IGC ` .. Vinyl Single Hun Window,Large Missile Impact�oy '�,,;IONAI.II���` JJ 1"7111 c NO CHANGE THIS SHEET P.O.B9%1529 e, ,�.,,t 1 n.eax, x.r A.LYNM�uIIL�ER,P.E. ow N.VENICE,FL 34274 Visibly Betfer D.G. 0807/08 SH50o NTS 5 d 11 5181-1 D FL P.E.#58705 MAX.DAYLIGHT OPENING SASH 2 OPTIONAL 11 31 32 12 FLANGE 2 35 36 2 0 p 40 41 3. 50 40 41 M OPTIONAL DAYLIGHT 31 OUTSIDEFLANGE OPENING 40 41 FI ED 32 TMP DAYLIGHT OPENING FIXED 35 MAX.WINDOW WIDTH 36 HORIZONTAL SECTION o (BOX FRAME) MAX. 5 9 WINDOW 0 HEI HT 6 11 40 41 DAYLIGHT OPENING S SH 2 PRODUCT REVISED ww plyingwithlhoFlmtda Funding Code 4 HOT 40 41 13 An—Pion'NC15- �Yol2.M 19 WELD °y 11 Minmi adc Product trd 11111!11 - p LYNN ............ HOT WELD CORNER ASSEMBLY VERTICAL SECTION _ �. (BOX FRAME) (BOX FRAME) 4 _ No.50705-,q '7171 :�� 1 :Iu t7.nae1: ati 5M•Wit o.uryu.e - Q\; ST TE so 0"1115 D NO CHANGES THIS SHEET SECTIONS,BOX FRAME 0 OLO �cS`•F(CRID?.•C\C`�; A�Aibr• 107TECHNGY DRNE i D.Q. 1211&W a NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL34775 7� sf�lN -RWRBY. ow P.o.aqx 1528 Im Vln I Sin le Hun Window,La a Missile Impact ,,\ .D 1&Dn1t C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET s...oae e� — tea++ a. A.LYNNFhIII .P.E. ft A. 0> - N.VENICE,FL 34174 VaibfyBetur SH500 Half 6 d 11 5191-1 1) FLP.E1158705 D.G. ON71M ITEM I DWG N0.I PART# DESCRIPTION ITEM DWG N0.I PART# DESCRIPTION 803 .215 1 9521 65163 NNTEGRAL FIN FRAME HEAD 8 JAMS 7B"LAM I.G.GLASS 1/8"TEMPERED OLITBOARD- 2 9871 69871 BOX FRAME HEAD&JAMS 31 AIRSPACE-1I8"AFDIFALED•.DW'EUrACr=PJB 3 9520 85184 INTEGRALFlNFRAMESLL INTERLAYER-118"ANIFALED 5116"LAM) 4 9870 69870 130xFRAMESLL 71WLAM LG.GLASS:11U'ANNEALE)OUTBOARD- -� 32 AIR�SPACE-116"ANIFALED-.090"BUTACTTBI9PVB .035-1 ITEM 40, 5 7940 85102 FDCED MEETIN3 RAIL INTERLAYER-VB"ANNEALED 6116'LAM) 6 7125.1 65109 MEETING RAILREINFOFRCBdBJT 33 I.G. BEAD 7 7942 65109 SASH STOP _ MATL:White Ridged PVC 8 8873 85117 BALANCE COVERS 34 9 7092 65105 SASH INTERLOCK by Quanex Building Products,Inc. 10 61644W WSTP.,.187 X 270 FINSEAL 314"LAM LG.GIASS:IA3"D—DW B OUTBOARD• DWG NO.6492 11 7092.1 65114 SASH RENFORCBAENT WTERL35 YER-1 rANNE LED(5/G'LAM7TB®PVB 12 7093 65106 SASHSIDERAL 4-'-LAYER•UASS:11ALED(5N8"LAtu9J ,272 3/4'LAM I.G.GLASS:1I8"AN4FALEDOUTBOARD- 13 7745 65113 SASHLETRAL 36 AERSPACE-IWANNEALED-Off BUrACNE®P/B 14 1669 71669SP MR SUPPORT PLATE IMERLAYER-118"AMFALED 5I1GLAM) 15 158110 71694 TLTBALANCESHOES 37 ITEM 41, 16 1686 7FFHPSSFF RVOT BARS 38 17 76208SLAW CAMSVt�LOCK 39 SL�WW1199 SDL BEAD 18 76133SLKW CAM SWEPLOCK KEaER 40 6492 65112 GLAZING BEAD 19 79803VW VvFEP HOLECOVER 41 1 8183 1 65148 SCLGLAZINGSFJLD MAT'L:White Ridged PVC 20 7675RHTL RHTLTLATCH by Quanex BuildingNO. Products,Inc. DWG NO.8483 21 7675LM LHTLTWT-CH 22 71669SP ALUM SCREWSUPPORT P ATE 23 71038W INSTALL HOLE PLUG NOTE: ALL EXTRUDED VINYL MANUFACTURED 24 71684K SETT6JG BLOCK BY OUANEX BUILDING PRODUCTS,INC. 25 71684AK SETTING BLOCK-SELFADHESNE 26 76XIFPTVVX 6X1-FHTECH(410SSPANTED) 27 7612FMM 6 X V2-FH(410 SS PAINTED) 28 76X2TPA410X 8X2"THVINYLSCREWSS 29 78Xl14FPAS41QX#8X1114' 301 8X1 FPAX 1#8 X 1- .440 41 1.235 �.870-1 93nzMM T PRODUCTREVISED as camplyins with Iha Fladda ti .050 .5 8 Building Code 1.135 .065 1. 47 AcccptonccNo 1 'O 1 1. 18 Bx im110 Date )9= 065 08 By OB Mlfuni a Pr uet trol 0 11� ITEM 11, SASH REINFORCEMENT ITEM 5, MAT'L:Alum.(6063-T6) ITEM 6, ITEM 9, DWG NO.7092.1 `�.``�ap1V LYNN AI FIXED MEETING RAIL FIXED MTG. RAIL REINF. SASH INTERLOCK MAT'L:White Ridged PVC MAIL:Alum.(6063-T6) MATL:White Ridged PVC = No.56705 `. by Quanex Building Products,Inc. DWG NO.7126.1 by Quanex Building Products,Inc. _ 'I" DWG NO.7940 DWG NO.7092 �', -1 l'f IS ; Rn dW.. ow: xn+re= a...v+•+r - ()'•., T Tt OF W` SC 08471/15 D NO CHANGES THIS SHEET PARTS LIST AND EXTRUSIONS ' '^,t� FLOR,oP.••`�'�� 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRNE nr i�lS� '••.....•• 1C��`� D.G 1�8Rt6 n B ADDED DIMENSIONS TOALUM.EXTRUSIONS N.VENICE,FL34Z75 PG_ vinyl Single Hun Window,Large Missile lm act '��;S�OIVAL o,e BM,Ga JJ 10/07/11 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET P.O.BOX1529 may, g,,,e n.."w m. A.&NNIMILL P.E. D.G _: w« N.FL COO,RM' Virlbly Better SH500 NTS 7 d 11 5181-1 D FL P.E.#58705 D.G. 08/07A)B OPTIONAL 3.256- FLANGE 3.260 —3.250 .040 _llQ 2. 84 2.184 ULZI .040 —660 2.(00 �.040 Ell FE I r] -DF-U j L '060J .060 ITEM 2, ITEM 3 , F , INTEGRAL FIN SILL BOX FRAME HEAD/JAMB ITEM 4, MAT'L:While Ridged PVC MAT'L:White Ridged PVC OPTIONAL by Quanex Building Products,Inc. FLANGE FRAME SILL OPTIONAL by Quanex Building Products,Inc. FLANGE DING NO.9285 DWG NO.9288 MAT'L:White Ridged PVC by Quanex Building Products,Inc. U DING NO.9286 OPTIONAL FLANGE —3.25 —1.647-1 1. 47 M J25 PRODUCT REVISED —warAyiDG with the FWds L3 .065 I Duildi"Code 40 AccepimeN-.1.5-06112.1 3"a L irefloil Date ITEM 12, ITEM 13, EIT_ . ,06D MibLml adaProMduct SASH SIDE RAIL SASH LIFT RAIL Conitd MAT'L:White Ridged PVC MAIL:White Ridged PVC by Quanex Building Products,Inc. by Quanex Building Products,Inc. DING NO.7093 DWG NO.7745 YN ee ITEM 1, INTEGRAL FIN HEAD/JAMB Z: 4� No.68705 MAT'L:White Ridged PVC by Quanex Building Products,Inc. - DING N0.928 7 -L—L-= Par ":T!� :fjj:� .71 .: IVO CHMGES THIS SHEET� 7TA 1 11:77J so P..dBr 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE EXTRUSIONS DA 1-21 No CHANGE Tm SWEET N.VENCE,FL342 R.wey- — Vinyl q,�Ie Hung Window,Large Missile 6MRa NO CHMGE THIS SHEET P.O.RQx 1529 'cf 'I, N.VENICE,FL 34274 'itNN MILIA9.P.E. r vilibly perf� A.L SH5w Half 1 8 11 1"51.91.1 I'D FL RES 68705 D.G. 'EMI 7c El COA929208 I ANCHOR QUANTITIES TABLE 1 WINDOW WIDTH ANCHORAGE NOTES FOR BOX FRAME: View i.ANCHOR TYPES: 1-#10 SCREWS 2.3/16"ULTRACONS Fxed Sesh 1/1 16 20 24 28 32 6 40 44 48 521/8 (CONCRETE OR GROUT-FILLED CMU) 2.ANCHOR LOCATIONS ARE BASED ON THE 36 24 FOLLOWING DIMENSIONS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 HEAD- 6"MAX.FROM TOP CORNERS W 25 45 30 JAMBS-9"MAX.FROM TOP CORNERS* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ('NOT TO EXCEDE 114 OF TOTAL WINDOW HEIGHT) 6"MAX.FROM BOTTOM CORNERS N 30 54 36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 —I—F2— 1 2 4"MIN.BELOW MTG.RAIL SILL-ANCHORS NOT REQUIRED OD 35 621/2 42 1 2 1 2 1 2. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 # 3.INSTALL PER THE ADJACENT TABLE ANCHOR W QUANTITIES USING THE DIMENSIONAL CRITERIA OF 40 48 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 —2-F3— 2 3 NOTE 2. H 45 54 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 OPTIONAL RA FLANGGE E FOR BOX FRAME WITH OR WITHOUT E 1 50 60 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 5.FOR INTEG t FIN FRAME ANC GE,SEE SHEET 11. G 55 66 -2-F3- 1/1 WINDOW H 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 52118" T 60 72 I I 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 - - H 621/2 75 3 3 3 131 3 131 313 13 T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 Example:52.125 x 75 For 1/1 Windows 75" 3 F Anchors required in the head Anchors required below the VTR — — — — Anchors required above the MTR Example:52.125 x 62.500 For View Windows VIEW WINDOW PRODUCr REVISED 52 116" m complying wilh 1ho FloridR Milding Code IS-012012.12Acceptance No 3 Head" 3 I I I Lx hallon Date 4 By Sash' M5m1 adeeroduct0onlrot Fused" .6H FIXED NOTE FOR V IEW WINDOWS USEVIEW FIKED WINDOW HEIGHT FOR ANCHOR QUANTITY IN HEAD AND 621/2" ABOVETHEVTR,AND USETHEVIEWSASH WINDOWHEIGHT FORANCHORQUANTITY BELOWTHEMTR `� ON{ LYNNglvee � 'C� •'• CF MAXMW HEIGHT FOR VIEW WINDOW IS 621/2" - 4H SASH itr No.58705 _ NOTE:FOR VIEW WINDOW THE LARGEST CAN NOT EXCEED THE TESTED SIZE. Q RMt�: O"IC R�N,ba• D�bb" Sc 06N1/16 .D ADDEDGROU7-FILLED CMU ANCHORAGE SPACING �'vT PLORIDa,.'' 1070 TECHNOLOGY ORIVE C` D.G. 1?HB47B B ADDED AND MODIFIED VIEW WINDOW EXAMPLES N.VENICE,FL 34275 1°` ��S� •'•' �` RnIW,s Vinyl Single Hun Window,Large Missile lm act �,`S/ONA� 11 1007111 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET P.O.Box 1520 s",r u�ae ea,� e�.e a.ruxa �; —W. — aro: N.VENICE,FL 34274 V.1bly Better A.L1L P.E.ILL R,P.E. D.G. 08107/08 o SHLl10 NTS 9 a 11 5191-1 D FL P.E.#56705 �10 MIN.EDGE #10 SCREW 1/4"MAX.SHIM 13/8"MIN.EMBEDMENT 1 31B'MI .EMBEDMENT 0 2x WOOD BUCK (SEE NOTE 3) 112"MIN.EDGE OPTIONAL FLANGE 114" MAX. , SHIM O410 SCREW 2x WOOD BUCK (SEENOTE3). OPTIONAL FLANGE JAMB W/BOX FRAME HEAD W/BOX FRAME THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD THROUGH FRAME INTO 2x WOOD 1x WOOD BUCK EDGE DIST. (SEE NOTE 3 ® 1-3/8'MIN.EMBEDMENT "18'MIN.EMBEDMENT 2.9 HSI MIN.CONCRETE OR 1.5 KSI MIN.GROUT- ' 1/4"MAX.SHIM FILLED CMU EDGEDIST. OPTIONAL "I IL_jcmL_j JIM FLANGE SEE NOTE#1 FOR EDGE 114 •.•�;� DISTANCEREQUIREMENTS SHIM 0 FOR CONCRETE OR CMU a 3/16'ULTRACON • �: Ix WOOD BUCK SEE NOTE 3) 3/18'ULTRACON ( OPTIONAL FLANG PRODUCT REVISED JAMB W/BOX FRAME HEAD W/BOX FRAMEns complyingwilh.the Florida THROUGH FRAME INTO CONCR T OUGH FRAME INTO CONCRETE Bail Atttplanta Npt-R-14 o Ex•ration Dale Iq 1x BUCK OPTIONAL 1x BUCK OPTIONAL NOTES: mion?adcPr aet 1. FO lCRETE(MIN.2.9 KSI)APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE N ONLY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY APP D 3116"ULTRACON,EMBEDED 1318" MIN., DISTANNCHOR TO CONCRETE EDGE IS 1" M-AND—TO-G T-FILLED CMU IS 2.5' 2. FOR WOOD(G=0.55)APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE#10 STEEL SCREW,EMBEDED 1 318"MIN.. 11111 r I II 3.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS ON THIS PAGE AS 1x ARE BUCKS WHOSE TOTAL THICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1 1/2". 1x WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2x ARE 11/2"THICK OR GREATER. INSTALLATION TO THE SUBSTRATE OF WOOD `;��,`�0�•J�ENSg''�FQ �% BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS OR AS APPROVED BY AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 4. FOR ATTACHMENT TO ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BEA MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063-T5 AND A MINIMUM OF 118"THICK-THE ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER �I: ND 58705 SHALL BE OF A SIZE TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN THESE DETAILS FOR 2x WOOD BUCKS.THE ANCHOR SHALL BE A#10 SHEET METAL SCREW WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM.IF THESE CRITERIA ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVE DESIGN PRESSURES AND ANCHORAGE - (/�;C SPACING FOR ULTRACONS MAY BE USED. - 4. ' I� �� :•4 Rm49y. airs RMtloic ST TEO ?. SC 0&171/15 D INCLUDED MINIMUM SUBSTRATE RECUIREMENTS ANCHORAGE DETAILS-BOX FRAME e pawWc 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRNE �•'�S•'""""••(G\��` D.O. 12/18N8 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34275 p�T Ta` ��, SlONA\- R.,�„, Vin !S!n le Hun Window,La a Missile Im act 1/,, 11�� 11 10107/11 C NO CHANGE THIS SHEET F.O.Box 1520 Blft n e"+� an. u+aarw "•. A.LYNN MILL ER,P.E. a—af. r ol.: N.VENICE.FL 34274 Valbly Better SH50M NT$ 10 -1'1 5191-1 D FL P.E.#58705 D.G. M8107M8 EL C 2x WOOD BUCK (SEE NOTE 2) 1,430"MIN.EMBEDMENT 114"MAX.SHIM-1120'I ® 2x WOOD BUCK . DIA.x 1 1/2'ROOFING NAIL, 5'MAX.FROM (SEE NOTE 2) 1 CORNER&41l8'O.C.. �❑ 1/2 MIN EDGE O 1.430"MIN.EMBED 1/4"MAX. �SHIM OPTIONAL p OPTIONAL' FLANGE FLANGE 114" 1/2"MIN EDGE MAX. .120"DIA.x 1 112'ROOFING NAIL, SHIM 21/4'MAX.FROM ® .120'DIA.x 1 112"ROOFING NAIL, CORNER&4 V8'O.C.. 5'MAX.FROM 2x WOOD BUCK 112"MIN EDGE. CORNER&4118"O.C..® (SEE NOTE 2) OPTIONAL FLANGE 1.430"MIN.EMBEDMENT JAMB W/NAIL FIN HEAD W/NAIL FIN SILL W/NAIL FIN THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING THRU NAIL FIN INTO WOOD FRAMING PRODUCT'REVISED us complying with the Plotlds Building Codo p Acecptm,e Nol ) Z, Px imlion Date ny ® NOTES: Mitoni ode Product can 1. FOR INTEGRAL FIN APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,USE.120"DIA.x 11/2" ROOFING NAIL INTO WOOD(G=0.55) 2. WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED IN THE SECTIONS ON THIS PAGE AS 1x ARE BUCKS WHOSE TOTAL THICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1112". ix WOOD BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL IF UNIT CAN BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY TO SOLID CONCRETE.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2x ARE 1 1/2"THICK OR III 1 I I GREATER. INSTALLATION TO THE SUBSTRATE OF WOOD BUCKS TO BE ENGINEERED BY OTHERS OR AS APPROVED BY AUTHORITY HAVING �0NO ..;NN JURISDICTION. �C�,.'.%rENSE''•.Fp 3. FOR ATTACHMENT TO ALUMINUM:THE MATERIAL SHALL BEA MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 6063-T5 AND A MINIMUM OF 118"THICK.THE Q, ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL MEMBER SHALL BE OF A SIZE TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE WINDOW FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN IN :• r'; No.58%O5 THESE DETAILS FOR 2x WOOD BUCKS. THE ANCHOR SHALL BE A#10 SHEET METAL SCREW WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUMINUM. _ IF THESE CRITERIA ARE MET,THE RESPECTIVE DESIGN PRESSURES AND ANCHORAGE SPACING FOR ULTRACONS MAY BE USED. - F nw,oer. ceu n.,m ow"loa. % 0'.L ST TC 441 SC 08171/15 � D CHANGEDTO.120'X 1-WROOFINGNAIL ANCHORAGE DETAILS-Integral Fin Frame '-.T�••. r_• a..••G�; FMadx 1070 TECHNOLOGY DRNE t pRIV O.O. 1?/18i0 B NO CHANGE THIS SHEET N.VENICE,FL 34275 �- ' R Vinyl Sin Ie Hun Window Large Missile Impact ,,iONA. JJ 10/07HI C NO CHANGE THISSHEET P.O.89X 1529 �� aur: s e oa.`arb a� t� I• ` as N.VENICE,FL 34274 Visibly Better A.LYIPIS MILt870 P.E. D.G. D9V07108 A SH500 NTS 11 a 11 5191-1 D FL P.E.#58705